Server :: Relational Interface/wrapper Around SQL Database?

May 19, 2011

I'm not a database guru, so be patient with me: Is there some kind of "wrapper" software you can put around an SQL database (MySQL perhaps) that allows you to internally configure database rules on a higher level than the database itself can actually implement? (E.g., "rows in table A can be deleted, but only if there are no related rows in table B and only if column x for the row in table A is in state y.")The idea would be to keep from having to trust this kind of logic to the client programs, while also avoiding the need to write a full fledged server daemon just for your application. The clients submit their SQL insert requests to the wrapper daemon, and the daemon passes them on to the database if they pass a rules table defined for that particular database.

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Ubuntu :: Graphical Relational Database ?

Apr 20, 2011

I'm looking for a simple to use relational database with a graphical front-end. What are the options on Ubuntu?

For those that know Filemaker, I'm looking for something like that and I'd like not to have to build one in Qt.

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Fedora :: Relational Database With A Graphical Front-end ?

Apr 20, 2011

I'm looking for a simple to use relational database with a graphical front-end. What are the options on Fedora?

For those that know Filemaker, I'm looking for something like that and I'd llike not to have to build one in Qt.

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Software :: Relational Database - Creating Workout Generator?

Dec 11, 2010

I have never worked with databases before, and would like to create one to be a "workout generator." i.e. have a name of workout, list of equipment, list of exercises, and instructions. Then be able to search by any of the above parameters (for example dumbells and pullups) to get a list of options. I assume a relational database is my best option, but my brief looks at SQL etc they seem quite complicated. A GUI frontend and good documentation are highly desired. GTK is also preferred.

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Ubuntu :: Database W/ Web Interface

Oct 18, 2010

I currently have a database that I would like to be able to update using a web interface and then display on the website. I would like users to be able to update the database by entering one record at a time with around 10 fields of information (drop down menus and text boxes). I am unfortunately using MS SQL for my DB as of right now.

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Ubuntu Security :: Tcp Wrapper On A Dekstop - No Server Situation?

Mar 30, 2011

I did a NMAP on a 10.4 desktop system. Found tcp wrapper on my system with an open port. Again I do not run a server. etc/host-deny and etc/host-allow contain no active elements. I know tcp wrapper as a great tool to secure a server. Closing the port with ufw gives no result, tcp wrapper still show up.

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Software :: Possible To Do Public And Private Ftp Server In One Host Without Using Tcp Wrapper?

May 13, 2011

I want to know that it is possible to do public and private ftp server in one host without using tcp wrapper.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Writing Init Script For Wrapper - Start As Root Run By User

Nov 27, 2009

I have installed the Apache Directory Server (ApacheDS) Now I need a iniscript that startining the App as Root, so that it can use the Port 389. After them a unprivileged User (apachds) should run the Service. The same solution I am searching for Glassfish. What can I use for them? RHEL and compatibles doesn't have a start-stop-daemon like Debian.

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Server :: Database Stopped Showing Up - Files Still There - Restore The Database From The Files?

Jul 8, 2011

I recently moved into a new place and when I hooked up my webserver, I wasn't able to bring up my page, even from localhost. With some digging, it seems that I can't access the database that housed my posts (wordpress installation). I looked for the datadir in MySQL and that directory shows the wordpress directory that should be holding the database and all the files are still there. 1) why the database no longer shows up 2) how to restore the database from the files?

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General :: Single Disk Space Quota Across Home Directories And Relational Databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL)?

Jun 10, 2011

Relational databases usually have their data over in /var/lib/something. Users are in /home (with data in /var/www). How can I apply a single total disk space quota across all of these independent software systems (file systems, RDBMS, etc.)?

P.S. There's a bet going on around me as to just how awesome SU is. Let's see what you've got.

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Server :: MySQL Move Database / Server Doesn't Start

Nov 3, 2010

I'm trying to move a mysql 5.1.50-community InnoDB database from one location to another.When starting the service I get:Starting MySQL.Manager of pid-file quit without updating file [FAILED]I've searched for a way to do this but I can only find people who describe what I've just done.

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Server :: Slow Database Server On Processing / Make It Up?

Apr 15, 2010

I'm having trouble with my database server run with PHP & MYSQL; i just installed this system on a SUSE Linux Enterprise Sever; the Server its self is an HP Proliant ML370G with 4GB RAM
The system was fine for like 3 weeks until recently when it started slowing down. Apparently, eveything is normal when you are accessing the server, for example when you are browsing on the database web interface; but problem is when you start working in the database, when you try submitting into the database, its really slow on processing, i have to first restart the mysql;
Could it be RAM? or the SQL itself?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Put A MySQL Database In A Server's Memory?

Mar 18, 2010

I'm looking for a way to put a MySQL database in a server's memory. The disks aren't fast enough to keep up with the usage and I don't feel like going for a splitted web&db server yet because of the costs.

Because this involves risks (unless there's a way to read from the memory and write to the memory AND disks?), so I'd prefer that the DB gets copied automatically every hour or so to the local disks.

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General :: Write A Wrapper Script For Iostat?

Dec 8, 2010

I need to write a wrapper script for iostat functionality . in solaris unix i have iostat but in linux i don't have iostat , so I need to write a wrapper script which does all the functionality of iostat . i am entirely new to scripting

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Programming :: C Wrapper For Secure Password Substitution

Feb 3, 2011

I'm working on a program that will allow non-privileged users the ability to substitute passwords that are read in from a 600-root:root file.
A user might call it like this:
/bin/securepasswrapper "/path/to/check_ping -u Admin -p ?webserver1?"

The file (defined now as /tmp/securefile) will be searched for the identifier "webserver1", and it's corresponding password will be returned to securepasswrapper. Now, I know you could just call /bin/echo, and get the output, but that's in scope at this point.
File format of securefile is:
ex: webserver1:asdf123

Once the password is properly substituted in, securepasswrapper should then execute it as the UID/EUID of the calling user (not root)...that part I've not got to yet.
/* program: securepasswrapper
author: R.Briggs + Google
date: 02/02/11
purpose: C wrapper that replaces placeholders in a string with secure passwords retrieved from a file
*/ .....

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General :: Wrapper For Unix Command With Multiple Parameters

Jan 7, 2011

I hope to add a wrapper script for the command with different parameters. For example, for any Unix command or script, like below: -s p1 -o p2 -q p3

Probably we could do as this way
cat wrapper
$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 | tee test.log
(assume it has 0 to 6 parameters)

and use it like
wrapper -s p1 -o p2 -q p3

It is a little ugly to list all fixed parameter as above, do we have better code to handle various parameters?

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Debian Programming :: Packaging Shared Library With Python Wrapper

Apr 12, 2014

I have written a shared library and successfully used debhelper 9 to create a Debian package from source using a Makefile generated by cmake. I then went about writing a python wrapper to that library and wish to package that wrapper in with the library so I can have a single distributable rather than 2 separate ones.

All of my attempts so far have me placing my python source and a file in the same directory as the makefile at the time where I call debuild.

From here I have tried a couple different configurations to my debian/rules file as seen below:

Attempt 1:
# -*- makefile -*-
dh $@ --with-python2 --buildsystem=python_distutils

This try seemed to package up the python stuff nicely but proceeded to ignore my makefile for the shared library and therefore ultimately failed.

Attempt 2:
# -*- makefile -*-
dh $@ --with-python2

This try ran make, but completely ignored the python stuff. From some research I have gathered that the --buildsystem flag tells debuild to ignore any makefiles in the directory, which obviously causes a problem in my case.

Another attempt was to modify the build dependency to first run make and then call the python build process that file looked like this

Attempt 3:
# -*- makefile -*-

dh $@
dh $@ --with-python2 --buildsystem=python_distutils
dh $@ --with-python2 --buildsystem=python_distutils

This appears to somewhat work as both processes do build, but a few of the python files are still not getting installed.

Is this the way I should be going about doing this? I've noticed that most python wrappers tend to package themselves individually and then make that package dependent on the library it is attempting to wrap.

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Ubuntu :: Failed To Execute Child Process Skype-wrapper?

Apr 6, 2011

Just figured this one out and thought I'd post it here in case it helped someone else. Skype just upgraded itself from 2.1 to 2.2. After upgrading it didn't start, and I got the message

"failed to execute child process skype-wrapper" First test out if skype runs from the command line, by running this in a terminal

Code: skype & If it runs, you're good to go: simply right click on the menu, locate your entry for skype and change the command to launch it from skype-wrapper to skype. The reason for this is that in the 2.1 version, skype needed a script called skype-wrapper to set some varibles before start up. Upgrading removes the script, but failed to update the menu entry.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Three Progress Bars At Startup / NDIS Wrapper Install

Jan 7, 2011

I have a couple of questions to ask, first, at F14 startup, it shows three progress bars at the bottom of the screen instead of the default fedora bubble loading indicator. It started after I had installed a driver for my Nvidia GeForce2 Go card. Is there any way I can fix this? and two, can somebody give me specific instructions on how to install ndiswrapper and the driver for my Linksys WPC54g version 1.2.

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Server :: Error - NFS Share On A Debian Lenny Server With To Network Interface

Mar 16, 2010

I am running a NFS share on a Debian Lenny server with to network interface.

Sometimes when booting the server the following messages i shown in syslog:


If the system is rebooted then NFS is functional again. I would like to know way this happens somtimes so i can repair it, anyone with an idea? Another thing is that i would like to bind the NFS service to a specific interface e.g eth1 is this possible?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Server Hangs Whenever Restart Ethernet Interface?

Sep 6, 2011

I've started facing the weirdest problem. I have to restart the ethernet interface a couple of times a day and everytime i do that the server locks up completely and i have to hard reboot recently shifted to a new server, all new components and new installation, OS version CentOS 5.6

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Server :: Database Can't Use SSL Certificates?

Apr 19, 2011

I've installed PostgreSQL on Arch Linux & also self generated self signed certificates in /etc/ssl/ directory. My PostgreSQL 'data' directory is /var/lib/postgres/data & I've edited my postgresql.conf file to use SSL however I'm having permission / access problems starting my database using SSL. It can't access the certificates and errors out when I try and start the database engine:

LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down
LOG: shutting down
LOG: database system is shut down
FATAL: could not load server certificate file "server.crt": No such file or directory

I don't know what I need to chown or chmod in order to get PostgreSQL to access my self signed certificates.

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Server :: Create New Database From PHP / SQL

Nov 4, 2010

I am now able to create the database using PHP and SQL. But it seems I can only do it as MySQL root user.. $dbuser = 'root'; but is there a way to do that as a regular MySQL user?

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Server :: Sync One Database To Other?

Nov 8, 2010

I have got 2 postgresql databases on separate servers. i want to sync one database to the other. how it can be done ?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Found MARCXML Element Datafield, But The <record> Wrapper Is Missing?

May 9, 2011

I had installed koha 3.0.0 successfully.I am able to import data by using Marc Editor but i am not able to edit the data of ITEMSit shows the following errorThe following fatal error has occurred:found MARCXML element datafield, but the <record> wrapper is missing at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12.3/MARC/File/ line 452ApacheServer version: Apache/2.2.17 (Linux/SUSE) Server built: 2010-10-21 14:13:51.000000000 +0000
Koha3.00.00.107Koha DB3.0000107MySQLmysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.53, for suse-linux-gnu (i686) using readline 6.1OSLinux koha-test #1 SMP PREEMPT 2011-02-21 10:34:10 +0100 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

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General :: Monitor Database IO And Available Database Threads?

Mar 7, 2011

am using zabbix open source solution for systems monitoring. I am facing a problem and discussed it on zabbix forum. my post was as "My zabbix server is behaving abnormally, approximately daily from 9 to 12, the server stop accumulating logs. I observed that the server report is RUNNING but it did not accumulate log values and also the machine have no extra load. Its shown in the graph image attached.t the following reply,"database performance?are you monitoring database IO and available database threads? "So any one have any idea that how can I do this as I am using MySQL as backend database on RHEL 3.

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General :: Importing Database To Server

Apr 19, 2011

I switched from Windows 7 to Linux and when I'm trying to import my database i get error 1044. It used to work when I was using Windows 7. I was able to export the database from my localhost. However, when I try to import it to the other server I get this:#1044 - Access denied for user ' '@'%' to database'.I have been trying for hours to upload my site from the localhost to another server without any luck..I'm using phpmyadmin to import it.

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Server :: Cannot Create Database In PostgreSQL

Dec 26, 2010

i installed Fedora 14 on my machine,then i installed postgresql in it i started it and configured it after seeing link [URL] i am able to do su - postgres but when i am trying to create database in it am getting error,It is asking for password then i am giving my root password

createdb company
createdb: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"

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Server :: Looking For Compatible CGI Database Software

Dec 10, 2010

I have suse linux 10.1 that came with whats looks to be a incomplete sql server. If it works I don't know how to use it because w3schools instruction guide does not work with sql. Anyways I was wondering if there's any database software for linux that could be installed in my webpage directory and used by html files. Or if theres any free cgi database software for linux that i could use with html to create database web pages.

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Server :: Migrate The Database With This Commands?

Feb 15, 2010

I'm migrating a mailserver from an old to a new mailserver. The new mailserver is based on ISPConfig

I would like to migrate what spamassassin learnt in the past from the old mailserver to the new one. Now the question:

- The 2 spamassassin versions are different. Is it a problem?
- Can I just migrate the database with this commands???

sa-learn --backup > sadb.bkp
sa-learn --restore ./sadb.bkp

-how to migrate SpamAssasins Auto White List and all others SpamAssassins databases?

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