Server :: OCR - Optical Character Recognition - Run Automatic On New Files In Folder

Feb 15, 2011

Is it possible to run OCR on new .pdf- and image-files in a spesifc folder on the server? Today the schools in the region was presented a tool that do exactly this, but of course this only runs on windows.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Way To Have Automatic Recognition By Apt?

Aug 31, 2010

I installed Ubuntu on a machine of our laboratory. Since we are at the university connections may pass through a proxy (whose url we ignore). All things concerning system update are nearly unusable. Several posts say to add in apt strings like $ export http_proxy="http:" $ export ftp_proxy="http:" but I don't know the url proxy at all.Firefox is set to "Direct internet connection" and all work well. In Windows all connection properties were set to "automatic" and updates were ok.Is there a way to have an automatic recognition by apt?

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General :: Use The Man / Info / Apropos Pages - Character Instructed The Shell To Interpret A Special Character As An Ordinary Character?

Mar 27, 2010

1.What character instructd the shell to interpret a special character as an ordinary character?

2.What directory contains some of the utilities available on the system in the form of binary files?

3. What command is used to search the location of a utility?

4. What command is used to instruct the editor to write the file and quit the editor?

5. What key quits the more utility and displays the shell prompt?

6. What command starts a child shell as the super user, taking on root's identity and environment?

7. Which wildcard characters can be used for searching all the files in the system that start with "A"?

8. The user name or login name of the super user is????


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Slackware :: No Optical Drive Found - K3b Did Not Find Any Optical Device In Your System

May 22, 2010

I dont know when k3b stopped working but have just gone to burn a disk and when opening it tells me

Quote: No optical drive found. K3b did not find any optical device in your system. Solution: Make sure HAL daemon is running, it is used by K3b for finding devices.

I can boot from cd and can mount cds from within Slackware but for some reason k3b insists that i don't have a drive.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Optical Out From TV Into The SPDIF / Optical In On PC

Jul 5, 2010

I currently have the following:-

Optical Out from my TV into the SPDIF / Optical In on my PC
Optical Out from my PC into my Sony 5.1 Theatre Kit

The audio from the PC comes through ok when listening to music and movies. But unfortunately I can figure out how to enable the audio passthrough from my Tv so that the audio comes out of my theatre kit. In Sound Preferences, the hardware is set to 1 Output / 1 Input [Digital Stereo (IEC95 Output + Digital Stereo (IEC95 Input]. When I click on the audio tab, the Input Volume is at 100% and the Input Level is moving in conjunction with the audio coming from the Tv.

I saw it mentioned in another thread to install Gnome Alsa Mixer which I've done, it seeems to identify the audio chipset as Realtek ALC882, the motherboard is an Abit AB9 Pro. Hopefully I'm missing some config somewhere or there a box I should be ticking but I just can't find it.

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OpenSUSE :: Automatic Folder Creation Upon First Login?

Jan 17, 2010

When I create a new user account and login the first time to Gnome a series of files and directories is created in the user's home directory. Those directories are for example:


How can I control what files and directories are created? I checked /etc/skel but none of those entries where there. In particular, I do not want to have the folders "Bilder", "Documents", "Musik", "Videos", "Vorlagen" and "�ffentlich" being created.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Automatic Folder Copy/tar Under 10.10?

May 26, 2011

First off I'm running a headless Ubuntu server 10.10 box.I have a single folder on a ntfs drive that I wish to copy somewhere else on the same HD. I'd like this to automatically happen about once a week or so. It would be even better if it would tarball the copy also..but this isn't a 100% necessary.

Something like "XFOLDER" would be copied to "/backup/XFOLDER1.tar" then next time "/backup/XFOLDER2.tar" and so on.

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Ubuntu :: Automatic File/Folder Nightly Backup?

Feb 2, 2010

I have been looking around online and I am seeing that there are several solutions for doing a nightly automated backup on Linux. I was wondering what people here actually use for doing such and why they use one particular backup method over another.

What I am looking to do is every night (at say 3am) I want my system to backup my 200gig Documents folder to my external hard drive. Does Ubuntu have a tool built in by default to do this or do I need to add something from the repos/online?

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General :: Compare Files On Ftp-server And In A Folder?

Apr 12, 2010

How to compare files on ftp-server and in a folder in Linux?

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Server :: Remove Selected Files From A Backup Folder

Jan 24, 2010

I have a backup folder which I need to prune and I've been trying to do a find and destroy action on files in this folder which have not been modified for more than 30 days. I figure if no users complain that their files have been missing for more than 30 days, it's safe to delete them from this folder.

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Server :: Cant Edit Files Which Are Created In Samba Shared Folder

Sep 29, 2010

i have created an folder inside my redhat server. and i shared it via samba and mapped that shared folders inside 5 windows machine. now the problem i am facing is, if any one create a file in that mapped drive the other user cant edit that same file. but he can read it. only for files not folders.

i gave full permission to that folders and subfolders and in smb file i gave readable writable browsable permissions. and i disabled se linux and firewall

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can Desktop Home Folder Point To Server Files

May 20, 2010

I was curious if I could have the home folder system from a desktop install point to a set of home folders over on the server? It would streamline my backups and make files a bit more central for accessing

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General :: Concatenate Two Files With A New Line Character Between Them

Sep 1, 2010

I am trying to concatenate two files with a carriage return.

Iam not sure how we can implement this using .sh script.

For ex:

I tried concatenating using:

I got an output like:

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General :: Write A Shell Script Which Can Ready Content Of The Folder And Place Files On Remote FTP Server?

May 9, 2011

I need to write a shell script which can ready content of the folder and place files on remote FTP server. I need to make sure that a file that is already placed on remote FTP server is not attempted second time. The file names will be something like Records-2011-05-09. The files will be generated by MySQL every hour.

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Fedora :: Delete Character MS-DOS Text Files On System?

Aug 17, 2011

We had seen some time ago, various tricks to remove the character MS-DOS text files on Linux. Here is a new trick to do this directly from the vim editor.
to convert a file opened with vim in UNIX format, simply use the following command code...

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General :: List Folder Size And Number Of Files And Folders In Folder?

Nov 23, 2010

In Linux bash shell, for a given directory, how can I list:The create date for that directory The number of files in that directory The number of subdirectories in that directory.

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Ubuntu :: Best And Full Feature Editor - Open All Files In A Folder When Drag And Drop The Folder On It

Jun 21, 2011

when i used windows there was this wonderful editor named was perfect(it still is) some of its best and useful features of it (for me) was:

1-open all files in a folder when drag and drop the folder on it
2-search and replace a statement in all open files
3-have an extended mode which include special characters like

and so on.. i want to know if there is an editor with this feature in ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Copy Files From Original Folder To $user Folder?

Oct 22, 2010

i want make a bash panel and i want he will copy files from orginal folder to $user folder i mean when for explame i type i want install some server he say cp: cannot stat 'root/Desktop/2/files/beckup/sa-mp-steam': No such file or directory.

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General :: Copying All .jpg Or .JPG Files From A Folder And All Its Subfolders To /usr/name/pictures Folder?

Sep 10, 2009

How would i go about copying all .jpg or .JPG files from a folder and all its subfolders to my /usr/name/pictures folder? I'm guessing I'd have to use some sort of .[jJ][pP][gG] to get all the pictures from other examples i've seen, but really not sure how to use that in a recursive cp.

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General :: Copy Files From One Folder To Another Folder Using Shell?

Mar 4, 2010

i need to copy files from a folder called output files to another folder called running but im not able to do it i always get a stat error

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Find Any SHA1SUM Files To Give Correct Character Sequences

Sep 27, 2009

I have downloaded both versions of Fedora 11 (Gnome and KDE) to iso files on my hard disk - in Windows XP. I then tried the verification procedure advised in [URL]... section 3.1. I have successfully installed and run hashcalc, with the SHA1 option, and got the following results:

- for the Gnome version : 795b52b3c7b16eba6f2cae055ec894d8648d8095
- for the KDE version : 38ef6c97e29803add28d40add05aa025b6f4c92b.

But I can't find any SHA1SUM files to give me the correct character sequences against which to compare the said results.

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General :: Keep Chmod On Folder / Sub-folder And Files?

Nov 3, 2010

I got a folder that I transfer stuff to all the time. the folder is in chmod 775 but when i upload folders and files, they are given chmod 700, but i want it chmod 775 everytime i upload something. so far i have logged in to my linux computer and did a chmod -R 775 to the folder every time i uploaded something to it. is there a function somewhere to make it 775 everytime i upload or can i have something run a script, so i don't have to go in and write it everytime i upload something?

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General :: Log Files - Increases - Get Automatic Email Alert

Mar 10, 2011

Is there any way to find out log files increases we will get automatic email alert. for example if the log file size is 2 MB once the file exceeded 2MB then we will get email alert. is there any script.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Set A Crontab For Automatic Downloading Of Files From Internet By Using Wget

Feb 5, 2010

I am vijaya, glad to meet you all via this forum and my question is I set a crontab for automatic downloading of files from internet by using wget but when I kept it for execution several process are running for the same at the back ground. My concern is to get only one copy, not many copies of the same file and not abled to find out where it's actually downloading.

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Server :: Illegal Character In User Name?

Mar 7, 2010

I have a SUSE mail server where I have user names like john.doe. And so the email address looks like [URL]..Now I move the server to slackware and I cannot create such users, it shows the error (I use adduser command): User 'john.doe' contains illegal characters (period/dot); please choose another What can be the best (simplest) solution to preserve my email addresses as they are. I also would like to preserve the user-names used for email authentication, because there are lot of mail user clients already using those logins. What is the point in that the dot is illegal in user names? I guess that there is a good reason to this but I would like to know what it is.

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General :: Send Automatic Email For Users When Files Added In Ftp Directory?

Oct 23, 2009

if it is possible to send automatic email for users when files added in ftp directory in linux

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General :: Server Character Encoding - Install?

Mar 15, 2010

we have a dedicated linux server for our web hosting services which we purchased a few months ago...however the support is limited and every time we ask for assistance we are told to find the answer ourselves and pay the techies to install our solution! Anyway... we seem to have issues with character encoding on our websites - any text that isn't fully ASCII coded is outputted as funny symbols - for example:


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Server :: Option -m: Invalid Argument Near Character 14

Nov 26, 2010

Option -m: Invalid argument near character 14

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Ubuntu :: Frozen Panel - Messing Around With The Alternate Character Panel App And Made A Custom Character Set

Jun 12, 2011

I was messing around with the alternate character panel app and made a custom character set. I then wanted to put it on a new panel and created a new panel. I moved the character set to that panel, and then started to mess around with the panel settings (auto hide, show hide buttons, and expand, to be specific.) So far so good, until I moved the panel from the right side of the screen to the top. I already had a panel here, and it seemed not to like hiding a panel when there was already one on the top.

When the new panel hid itself, all my panels stopped responding (any clicks on them did nothing) and my processor started going at 100%. I tried a reboot and the only thing that changed is that now I can't even see my panels. I'm guessing I need to change the settings back manually through the prompt, but I don't know how to do that. I am using 10.04 and have not upgraded gnome since upgrading to 10.04.

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Server :: Setup One Folder For All Users And Restrict The FTP Connection To That Folder Only?

May 25, 2011

I've setup a FTP server in OpenSUSE 11.1 with KDE 3.5.x. (Pure-ftpd) But when I connect with an user to the FTP server I can browse to all folders on the OPENSUSE system, how can I setup one folder for all users and restrict the FTP connection to that folder only??

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