Server :: Install RHEL On A LDOM?

Mar 8, 2010

I have a Solaris server on which I have created a few LDOMS. On one of the LDOMS I wanted to install RHEL instance. But was not sure if I can install Linux on a Solaris LDOM.

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Server :: Edit The Default RHEL CD To Have It Automatically Install RHEL Based Off Of A Kickstart File

Mar 2, 2011

is possible to edited the default RHEL CD to have it automatically install RHEL based off of a kickstart file that I will store locally on the CD. My plan would be to put a cd in a server and have the OS automatically being installed.

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Server :: Install Kernel-PAE On A RHEL 5 2.6.18-53 Server ?

May 20, 2010

I am trying to look at installing the PAE module on a RHEL 5 2.6.18-53 system and I cannot seem to find that around. I had hoped to find out if installing the CentOS 5 2.6.18-128 or 2.6.18-164 kernel-PAE modules would have a lot of negative consequences? Perhaps one of you could direct me to a download site that would provide kernel-PAE for a 2.6.18-53 build?

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Server :: Configuration Difference Between RHEL 3 To RHEL 5 For Webserver Installations?

Feb 1, 2011

We are planning to migrate our LINUX server from RHEL 3to RHEL 5. What are the configuration difference between RHEL 3 to RHEL 5 for webserver installations?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Install RHEL 5 Server In Laptop?

Mar 4, 2010

I tried installing RHEL5 server edition in my laptop and it couldnt detect the video card and so the installation continued in the blue screen and i didnt get the usual GUI for installation so i discontinued the installation.can anyone help me how to i install this.Pls i am in need of RHEL in my laptop.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Install Realvnc Server On RHEL 4.8?

Aug 30, 2010

I saved on home folder RealVNC server 4.1.3-86 and want to install on Linux.I don't know much about Terminal commands ... Please guide...waiting for your quick response!

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Software :: Install Xen Server On RHEL 5.3 Machine?

Jan 11, 2010

How can I install Xen server on RHEL 5.3 machine?

The server is: AMD 64bit (supports virtualization)

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Install RHEL 4.7 64-bit On Server Having RAID Controller?

May 10, 2009

I want to Install RHEL 4.7 64 bit on one my server (Supermicro Super Server) having RAID controller1. Intel2. AdaptecWe are using Adaptec.We are using RAID 1 with 2x320GB Hard disksPOINT: If we Install RHEL 5.3 it recognize RAID controller and show single Logical volume of 298 GB, Means working fine but when we try to install RHEL 4.7 it shows two hard disks of 298GB and 298GB,meanz its unable to recognize RAID controller.So, the issue is Driver of it, CD which we got from super micro having driver for RHEL 4 to RHEL 4 update 6We are making our DR site and its necessary for us to Install RHEL4.7 to make it identical.I searched a lot and spent more than three days on it continuously, And still unable to find the solution.

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General :: RHEL 5.3 Server - Building Customized Install DVD

Mar 13, 2010

I have 50 identical workstations that are being dropped shipped from the vendor directly to the remote locations. I need to install a identical configuration, including installed packages, scripts and customize configuration onto each of this workstations. I cannot set up a kickstart server to install from remotely because of my organizations security policies. Not to mention that it would be painfully slow. I thought about DD-ing my "Master" build and sending it to the remote sites, but some of the admins are not very Linux savvy. I would really like to build a bootable DVD that would install the cloned Master build from my server to theirs. I was looking for something that would look like Anaconda to the person installing the image. If I could get them through this base install I think it would be easy to document how to change the workstation unique parameters or value. How to accomplished this? BTW, this will be a RHEL 5.3 server install.

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Server :: How To Repair RHEL 5.5 X64 Installation Using DVD Install Media?

Aug 30, 2010

How to initiate a file installation repair of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 x64 from the DVD rom drive? my problem is that i can only do it from single mode login since the run level 5 is always prompting me for login name loop.

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Server :: Re-Install Broken Gnome Desktop On A RHEL Box?

Feb 25, 2010

Morning All, I have a RHEL 4 box with a broken GNOME package. It boots to TWM. I have looked at some of the posts that recommend looking at config files etc. No .xinitrc file found. Cannot "exec gnome-session" , cannot find file. No choice at login screen. Some Gnome files are on the machine. How do download and re-install the entire Gnome-Desktop package?

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Server :: Sunray Install RHEL 5.5 - Wouldn't The Path To The Jre

Dec 21, 2010

trying to install sunray server 5.0 which claims to support RHEL 5.3 or greater, but I can't even manage to get the utinstall to find the jre, which is installed. java -version is fine, which java, is fine. I've tried a zillion paths. Does java perhaps have to be in a specific location? Wouldn't the path to the jre normally be the ~/jre/bin the utinstall looks like: Enter Java v1.6 (or later) location [/usr/java]: No JRE found at /usr/java


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Server :: Major Differences Between Rhel 5.2 And Rhel 5.4?

Dec 14, 2010

what are the major differences between rhel 5.2 and rhel 5.4

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Red Hat :: Duplicating A RHEL 5.1 32bit Server On RHEL 5.4 64 Bit

Dec 9, 2009

I have a database server running RHEL 5.1 32 bit that suffered some catastrophic failures about 6 months ago. We were able to patch it back together and keep it running, but now the manufacturing site it supports is going to shut down for two weeks and I would like to replace it permenantly. Does anyone have any guidance for that sort of thing? I'd like to have the new server up and running before hand, basically changing the hostname/ip and restoring the databases only on conversion day. I've done this in the past with HP UX - Red Hat conversions, but this is my first red hat to red hat move. Any advice or shortcuts?I forgot to add the other wrinkle. The new server will be running 64bit linux.

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Software :: Uninstall RHEL 3 And Install RHEL 9 Without Affecting XP?

Jul 13, 2009

I have RHEL 3 and Win XP Installed in my P.C?I want to uninstall RHEL 3 and install RHEL 9 without affecting can i do this and also where can i download free RHEL 9 version or any other latest linux distribution for free?

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Red Hat :: Install Dmidecode And Procinfo In RHEL 4 / RHEL 3?

Feb 6, 2009

I have RHEL 4, RHEL 3, i need install dmidecode RPM packet and procinfo packet... exist this packets for this linux versions?

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Server :: Install Wine On Rhel 5 - Send Wine Installtion Command?

May 21, 2010

i want to install wine on rhel 5.plz send me wine installtion command.

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Server :: Error: Failed To Retrieve Repodata/filelists.xml.gz From Rhel-x86_64-server-5

May 24, 2010

I am getting these error in RHEL 5.3 while i did "yum update".

---> Package libstdc++-devel.i386 0:4.1.2-46.el5_4.2 set to be updated
---> Package libstdc++-devel.x86_64 0:4.1.2-46.el5_4.2 set to be updated
---> Package libstdc++44-devel.i386 0:4.4.0-6.el5 set to be updated


The program package-cleanup is found in the yum-utils package.

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Server :: RHEL 5 Proxy Server - Remove Temp Files And Cache

Oct 9, 2010

RHEL 5 is my proxy server. i want to remove temp files and cache . How do i remove cache and temp files.

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Server :: RHEL 5.1 After Installing Mod_ssl Httpd Server Won't Start / Get It To Work?

Apr 11, 2010

I am trying to do a https access with virtual hosting with apache.

But when I install mod_ssl rpm httpd server does not start again

I am stumped

httpd -t shows syntax is OK

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General :: Cannot Ssh Into RHEL 5.5 Server Unless SSHD Server Debug Is Enabled?

Aug 11, 2010

I cannot ssh into an RHEL 5.5 server ( from another RHEL 5.5 server ( unless server debug is turned on, and even then, I have to wait several minutes before the connection is established. scp to and from the 104 server is also not working.Here is the debug output on the 101 server when server debug is not enabled on the 104 server-:

[applmgr@tclg-clone-01 ~]$ ssh -vvv
OpenSSH_4.3p2, OpenSSL 0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 01 Jul 2008


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Server :: Setting Up Sendmail On A Blank RHEL 5.5 Server Setup

Jun 21, 2010

Having some issues setting up sendmail on a (basically) blank RHEL 5.5 server setup. My ultimate goal is to be able to automagically send logs / errors / notifications to ourselves from the server.

Our basic setup is a Win 2003 domain with exchange running on

I've edited the '/etc/mail/' and added the :


line to it.

Also added the domain ( to the '/etc/mail/local-host-names' files

Also edited and added


When I try and send a mail from root or a test user to one of the domain accounts, it seems to go fine, i.e no errors are reported but it never gets delivered.

From the mail logs:


So it seems to be sent to the queue no problems and when I check the queue :


Total requests: 0

Not nothing ever gets received. Am I missing something? I have read and read and read but dont seem to be getting any furthur.

So in the end this server doesn't need to do anything except be able to send mail from root to an external mail address.

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Server :: Unable To Run Any Command On Server With RHEL 3 ES Due To Relocation Error

Oct 29, 2010

In oreder to run an application software on RHEL 3 ES server, I created a link forcefully using following command from root id:
# cd /lib64/tls/
# ln -sf
before that I copied file from a workstation with OS RHEL 4 WS so that a link can be created.
Now I am unable to run any command except cd & pwd and it gives error messaage as given below:
ls:relocation error:/lib64/tls/ _rtld_global_ro,version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file link time reference.

Before running this command was pointing to file in path /lib64/
I am now unable even to open a new window on the server.Please send me some solution as early as possible because this server is running production data and many users are runnig application on this server.

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Server :: Windows 7 Can't Write To RHEL 3 Server When Files Greater Then 1kb?

Mar 12, 2010

we are running a Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 3 (Taroon Upd 5) Kernel 2.4.21-32.ELsmp since several years. The server hosts an old ERP system who will be replaced at the end of the year.However it is necessary that some collegues are able to write some files to that server regulary. Since we are running Windows 7 on several machines, those users aren't anymore able to write to the samba share. Getting files from the share works fine.

But the problem seems not to be situated at the samba service because also the transfer using SSH (WINSCP) from any Win7 system to the server doesn't work.During testing we recogniced that transfering files smaller then 1kb works fine ... any file greater then 1kb ends up in an connection abort. This works with samba and also using SSH.All the workarounds editing some registry entries in Win7 for improving the interoperability between vista / win7 and samba don't work for us ... and also seem not to be the source of the problem.Is there a general known incompatibility between our RHEL version / kernel and Windows 7 regarding file transfers?

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Server :: Need Info On Ovzkernel-PAE 2.6.18-53 Package For RHEL 5 2.6.18-53 Server

May 24, 2010

I have a RHEL 5 server with 32 bit architechture that is not recognizing more that 4 GB of RAM and I am trying to locate a version of the kernel-PAE package that will work well with the 2.6.18-53 kernel. I found something on Open VZ called ovzkernel-PAE that is built for the 2.6.18-53 kernel [URL]

and wanted to find out if there were any known issues with this release before I attempted to install it. Is anyone aware of any issues with any rpms on or with this particular rpm in general?

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Server :: Use Already Configured RHEL Server To Kick Other Servers

Aug 16, 2011

I have a RedHat box that I have configured, security, audit rules, latest updates, etc. I want to be able to "image" that configuration so I can kick other boxes with that "image", that way no other configuration/updating needs to be done on the newly kicked boxes. What is the best way to accomplish this? To make things more difficult, it would be near to impossible for me to pull any software off the internet for this.

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Red Hat :: VNC With RHEL 5.2 Server

Aug 5, 2009

I have seen and tried a lot of web information about issues with VNC and the RHEL 5.x implementation of VNC.

I can't seem to get the behavior I want. Let me explain.

With SLES 10, I can use YaST and with a few clicks end up with a system that when rebooted, accepts VNC viewer connections to :1 and displays the system login screen.

Here I can log in as root or any user. Once logged in, I can choose to use the command line to restart the system if necessary and eventually, I can reconnect with the vncviewer to the system login screen.

RHEL 5.2 has a "share your desktop" setting in preferences which works fine, but requires that I be logged in locally, which prevents remote restarts. There is also a system services dialog that refuses to start vncserver as a service. There are numerous tutorial in the RH knowledge base and the web that explain how to specifically setup individual displays, :1, :2 for specific users and claim that it can work after boot. I have not been able to get these working, but what I really want is a simpler, single display, :1, that will present the RHEL login screen so I can log in as any user I want. I am the only person accessing these servers and they are behind a firewall using secure protocols when remote.

I think Red Hat did not want to make this too easy as VNC users need to consider the security risks. Is there a way to get the SLES 10 VNC approach to work on RHEL 5?

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Server :: Add New Service On Rhel 5?

Jul 21, 2010

I'm using java socket server program for transaction routing on rhel5. So I make a jar file of server to be run.

Now I need to add my application as a service. I just search in google how to do that, And i found some way and it is bellow,

# chkconfig: 2345 85 15
# description: epic tle
# processname: epictle


I have written simple script (sh) to run jar file and I'm using bellow code for putting it as background

sh /opt/EpicTle/tle/ >/root/.epicline/logs/debug/console.out 2>&1 &

I want to change 'console.out' file per day with date name rather than going with one file

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Server :: Can RHEL Be Installed On NAS/SAN Box

Nov 25, 2010

I have a situation where I want to install various versions of RHEL on removable drive. My first option was a flash drive or an external USB hard disk, but its speed is too slow.Now I have been assigned a task to search for more options about this requirement. If anybody has experience in installing the same, then please share with me.

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Server :: Lpr File Name On RHEL 5?

Dec 23, 2010

When I submit a job via lpr on RHEL 5 using lpr -P MYPRINTER filename and then do a lpstat -t, the actual file name is not listed...just a job identifier e.g MYPRINTER-8 On AIX the lpstat command shows the actual print file name Using -C, -J or -T options in lpr also makes no difference to waht is seen in lpstat

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