Server :: Firefox Kiosk Mode - How To Resize
May 15, 2009
I'm trying to run Firefox 3 in a VNC server without a window manager, since I don't want Firefox window chrome. My only problem is that I can't figure out how to resize Firefox. There are parameters to specify width and height, but they don't work (#5104). Please, are there any solutions?
Another question: VNC server seems to run twm, even though it isn't installed. How is that possible?
I'm using Ubuntu Server 9.04.
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Jan 21, 2010
I have a few old workstations no longer serving the company. My thought was to use these as internet stations where employees can register their time thru our internal web-based application. I would like to have an environment working like Windows with the SteadyState add-on, access to a limited list of web-sites and no system changes by the user. I have looked at [URL] and [URL] which both meets me criteria when it comes to locking out the user from all system settings, but both seems to be totally open to all web-sites without the possibility for the admin to make a list of allowed sites.
Running it from a bootable CD without using the HD seems like the way to go for a surf-kiosk.
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Dec 14, 2014
I'm trying to start Chrome in kiosk mode from a systemd service on boot. The 'webserver app' named 'xx' in the samples launches but chromium never comes up.
xx.service :
Code: Select all[Unit]
Description=xx Service
Code: Select allchromium-browser --kiosk http://xx-01.local:8081 &
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Jul 18, 2011
I've written two web pages that show the status of a internal application. The idea was to display both of them, on two different monitors, using only a single PC with two graphic cards. The system will be mounted to a wall and has no keyboard or mouse. That's why I need a script that will automatically launch two instances of firefox (in kiosk mode), each on it's own monitor.Currently the OS installed on the PC is OpenSuse, but I'm free to install a different linux flavor.So, how do I launch firefox on a specific monitor?
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Mar 27, 2015
I just completed a fresh install of the weekly jessie build (downloaded today). All I've done is install updates, add my username to sudoer list, and reboot. When I did, the xfce panel was not there. When I right clicked, Apps, Panel, it opened with an error that I cannot make changes unless I save my session and that it's in kiosk mode. After a logoff or reboot, it's still not there. I saw one thread asked for the output of /.xsession-errors, which I've done, and it doesn't look good... I'm just not sure how to fix:
Code: Select allopenConnection: connect: No such file or directory
cannot connect to brltty at :0
/usr/bin/x-session-manager: X server already running on display :0
xfce4-session-Message: ssh-agent is already running; starting gpg-agent without ssh support
(xfce4-panel:896): xfce4-panel-CRITICAL **: panel-window.c:2698 (panel_window_thaw_autohide): expression 'window->autohide_block > 0' failed.
(process:1035): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed
Like I said I've made no changes other than updates and installing sudo.
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Apr 22, 2011
I am an experienced Ubuntu Linux user, but the fact is that I need some help. I recently set up a "venerable"(Pentium 4, single-core, 2.4 GHz, 32-bit architecture) machine with Ubuntu Linux version 10.04 server-i386. My objective is to set up a "kiosk" directory on it which everyone(including guests) on my SOHO network can read from and write to.
I have designated the directory "kiosk"(no surprise there) and defined it in smb.conf. It is directly under the "home" directory, as path = /home/kiosk and set the file permissions as drwxrwxrwx or, if you prefer, like chmod 777. I have a separate machine, System Librarian running Ubuntu Linux 10.04 Desktop amd64 on the network(via Wi-Fi) and a second separate machine running Windows XP Pro, with SP3, also on the network this time via Fast EtherNet(100 Mbs).
From the Linux machine, I can read a complete file list, but I cannot "open" an RTF or an ODT doc in the kiosk directory. When I try to do so, simply "opens" a blank, untitled document. JPEG and PNG files in the kiosk directory open just fine. I cannot write to the kiosk directory from this machine, either.
From the Windows XP machine, by contrast, I can list files, open RTF and ODT docs(using Microsoft WordPad) and write file to it without any apparent problems. The file format on the server(Iguanodon) is ext4. Obviously, I have made some sort of mistake in setting this share up,
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Jan 11, 2011
Just can't resize xterm or any windows such as firefox. In xterm it seems using the button in the up-right corner could resize the window's width, not height.
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Sep 14, 2009
The system always boot up in Graphic Mode. After installation of Web Server, I want to disable Graphic Mode and change it to boot to Text Mode to save memory. Is there a way to disable graphic mode?
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Nov 30, 2009
I've been trying for a while to get an 8GB usb stick configured with a bootable version of openSUSE. Without any real luck. We are running the 64 bit 11.0 on the server and I've tried various versions of the kiwi build process, without much luck. I've tried building against different versions of Suse and both 32 and 64 bit version.
I've tried copying 11.2 to a usb stick - I was able to get that to boot, but it was read only, then when I tried adding an additional partition, it wouldn't work. I've tried installing 11.2 to a USB drive and I then had a problem with GRUB. I've also tried thependrive linux link - that worked (with 11.2) up until I applied the script in the last step. Has anyone successfully done something like this? Which approach did you take? I want to be able to plug the usb stick in to a PC, boot it, and have the desktop automatically login with a couple of applications on the desktop.
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Jun 20, 2011
I need VLC to start in fullscreen mode (easily done) but not allow the users to open new files or anything. Seeing as this is for a Kiosk I need to lockdown the system behind the application. After the video is done, VLC should simply quit and exit. A user could be able to prematurely kill VLC (Alt+F4) which is also fine. Would I need a script calling VLC to add extra features instead of calling it right from my application?
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May 23, 2010
I am trying to locate a simple image viewer that does the following simple function:
1. Able to open JPEG files (only .jpg images loaded).
2. Open them in full screen mode (launched via terminal command).
3. Able to close once clicked on them in full screen mode (example config file: MOUSE_BTN0 = quit)
I tried a few, I liked the simplicity of Eye of Gnome ( eog ), but the close on a click while in full screen doesn't seem an option? Unless there's a config file hidden somewhere?
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Mar 1, 2010
The board is an intel chipset running a 600 mhz sempron. There is no hard drive. There is a 4 gb sd card and 512 mb of ram. I am considering using true crypt to hide the real OS and actual gaming roms. The distro must have touchscreen support. I have a prototype board running a standard Puppy distro but it does not seem robust enough. A single power cut usually corrupts the installation requiring "puppy pfix=fsck" or heavier command to restore it. I can't see an average kiosk attendant managing this with multiple machines. I need a very small compact robust kernel capable of hiding another tiny compact robust kernel that will run the games. They themselves require very little in terms of vid resolution or processing power.
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Jun 6, 2010
On recomendation from the team installing the DB on our new server, all the partitions etc on our VM were created as LVM's. The setup for this is like this:
Disk 1
-> /boot
-> /swap
-> LVMpartition1
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Feb 7, 2010
My friend and I are helping a local internet cafe transition their public computers (and possibly servers at some point) to run on free software (after many bad virus experiences). Currently, they are using Antamedia Internet Caffe, with the server program running on a POS system that for the time being still needs to run Windows. We played with ZenCafe a little, but ideally we need something that runs in kiosk mode, allowing the user to browse the web, instant message and word process.
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Nov 26, 2009
In Fedora 12 when ever I log into my desktop Firefox and Evolution are in off line mode when I run them.
I do not use NetworkManager and this is turn off (both service and icon) as this machine has mutable nailed up connections. I am guessing this is what it is as I have laptop with F12 on that has NM turned on and I am not seeing this behaviour.
How to change this behaviour? I is a tad annoying F11 didn't do this.
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Jun 29, 2010
Finally solved a problem of wireless not working on my laptop. Now I have a problem where Firefox (3.6.4) starts up in off-line mode on each instance. I have to go to files menu and uncheck the work offline button before trying to go to any site. When I close firefox and later open it again, the work offline button is still checked.
Why is the unchecking of work offline saved between instances? Other settings and preferences are saved correctly. I don't have this problem in openSUSE 11.2 & 11.3 (same version of FF).
Fedora 13
KDE 4.4.4
Firefox 3.6.4
Dell Studio 1745
Intel Mobile Series 4 wireless 5100bg
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Aug 13, 2010
On my friend's fedora 13 install, firefox was working, it seems, until the recent kernel update (kernel is now
After the upgrade, opening firefox would crash the system shortly after starting, so firefox was re-installed (once using rpm, once using yum).
After a re-install of firefox (using yum: firefox version is now 3.6.7) and Until a reboot, the repeated error report went something like this:
After checking to see if the flash plugin was still around and then doing a hard re-boot, however, just opening firefox immediately freezes the system.
Konqueror will run (albeit rather lamely)
In that I don't know the schedule for f13 kernel updates, if indeed the new kernel is causing this problem, does f13 save old kernels? How do I get the older kernel to start (with fc9 the option could be set in grub, or I could startx from a terminal but I have not been keeping up and am not sure how to do this.
I see there are many firefox issues lately...
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Nov 3, 2010
I really need to open Firefox in Safe Mode as I have installed foxyproxy and it's gone wrong! and it won't let firefox open, so i need to open it in safe mode, how would i go about doing that?
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Jul 5, 2011
I have been asked to use space allocated to /dev/sdb2 to grow /dev/sdb1 both filesystems contain data. When I run lvdisplay or vgdisplay I get "no volume groups found". and pvdisplay returns nothing. Do I need to add the fs to a group?
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Sep 29, 2010
I have installed firefox to a user directory (version 3.6.10) /cache/app/firefox.
I have installed java jre1.6.0_21 to /cache/app/java/jre1.6.0_21
I have symlinked /cache/app/java/jre1.6.0_21/plugin/i386/ns7/ to /cache/app/firefox/plugins/
So, in theory, when I start firefox the plugin should be listed in about:config - wrong. I have lots of other plugins working just fine, but java is not listed anywhere.
I ran strace -F ./firefox >/tmp/output.txt 2>&1 (the -F is necessary as firefox plugins are now loaded in a forked process). Firefox clearly finds my plugin:
It clearly looks like the plugin is being found, opened, and the first 512 bytes read and possibly memory mapped. So why doesn't it appear in the list of plugins?
One clue could be that there's another older plugin lying in the default directories (and I can't change this, I don't have root, hence running firefox in user mode).
Though surely firefox is smart enough to pick the latest one and use that? Is there a way of turning debugging ON during firefox start-up so I can find a debug message that explains why the latest JRE 1.6 plugin is being passed over?
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Jan 6, 2011
An little annoying problem. When i start firefox it starts in fullscreen mode. So the tabs to close, minimise, and the 3'rd to maximise have disappeared. On windows you hit f10 i believe to get these back. How do you do in firefox?
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Jun 5, 2011
As the title says, I have a problem with FireFox for some reason it jumped to full screen,and I can't get out of it.
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Apr 26, 2010
Installed Fedora8 from an old DVD.
Two issues:
1. start Firefox, but it goes into sleep mode. no matter reboot machine, etc.
2. after entered a static IP address in network manager, fedora hanged in boot process, halted in "send email" which is one of many processes at boot up.
Used DHCP, can ping to other PC in LAN, but can't go internet.
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Aug 24, 2009
Googling tells you how to resize RAID partitions but not how to resize the underlying disk partitions. In my particular case, I initially sized a RAID array way too large - and when I added another disk to the array, I decided I was wasting too much space.I shrunk the file system, then "grew" the array (/dev/md2) to the smaller size, and resized the file system again to fit. However the actual disk partitions (/dev/sda2, /dev/sdb2, etc.) are still the original size - they are just mostly unused space.As I understand it, the superblocks are at the end of the partition. I believe this means the end of space used by the array on each device, so that the superblock moved to a lower block number when I shrunk the array. However it also means that I need to get the new physical partition size correct to avoid clobbering the superblock.
Is there an easy way to get any partition editor to shrink the physical partitions to the new array size?If not, is the superblock included in the space allocated to the array so that the next partition can start in the very next block, or is it added after the array so I'd need to allow some space for it?
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Jul 23, 2010
I don't have any connection issues, but Firefox always starts in offline mode. I can uncheck it and everything works fine. If I close and reopen it Firefox switches back to offline mode.
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Nov 30, 2010
I am configuring an internet kiosk on a centos 5.3. For that I need the browser in the full screen mode but here the network manager applet does not pop up the network status as the ethernet cable is plugged in/out. I want that feature in my kiosk. This feature works fine in an ubuntu machine. update me if any particular setting is responsible for this behaviour.
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Feb 17, 2010
I'm sure many of you here have worked with disk quotas and lvm2 and my problem involves both. Basically what I'm wanting to do is have it so whenever a logical volume gets below a certain constraint (10Gb's) ie. it only has that much left - I want to automatically resize it to add 20 GB's. Obviously this can be done rather easily manually, and with a bit of python hacking it can be done programmatically but since this is for production use I was wondering if there was something a bit more fluid. Since this server is I/O intensive ZFS implemented via FUSE is not an option and neither is the still unstable BtrFS.
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Aug 30, 2010
Below is a print out of my partition Table from Fdisk, in Cylinder mode, Sector mode, and then in expert mode?
Why in expert mode does it look like Partitions 2 and 3 share the same sector / hd / Cylinders? Is this OK?
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Oct 27, 2010
I'd like to have Firefox startup automatically in full screen after logging into gui mode.
I figured out log in automatically after searching this forum but cant figure out how to get apps to start up automatically.
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Jun 1, 2010
i just upgraded to ubuntu 10.04 from 9.10, and now i can't view any flash video in fullscreen mode (videos, atdhe, etc.). when i click on fullscreen firefox crashes instantly. everything was working fine in 9.10.
i looked around on the forums; i tried to install the flash-aid extension for firefox. it says that my architecture is 32bit, then reinstalls the flash plugin, but that doesn't help; fullscreen still crashes. i also tried to install the 64bit version from adobe's website, but that doesn't help.
i had a look at the mozilla website [url] i tried to preload the library as suggested there, but that doesn't help. i wanted to try to disable hardware acceleration in the flash player settings, but i can't even change the settings; when i right-click on settings, the adobe small preferences screen appears but i can't click on anything, nothing works.
that's all on ubuntu 10.04 with firefox 3.6.3 and flash player 10,0,45,2. i also installed the newer 10.1 flashplayer plugin from the adobe website, but firefox still crashes.
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