The board is an intel chipset running a 600 mhz sempron. There is no hard drive. There is a 4 gb sd card and 512 mb of ram. I am considering using true crypt to hide the real OS and actual gaming roms. The distro must have touchscreen support. I have a prototype board running a standard Puppy distro but it does not seem robust enough. A single power cut usually corrupts the installation requiring "puppy pfix=fsck" or heavier command to restore it. I can't see an average kiosk attendant managing this with multiple machines. I need a very small compact robust kernel capable of hiding another tiny compact robust kernel that will run the games. They themselves require very little in terms of vid resolution or processing power.
My cousin has a Intel dot station PC, with 128 mb RAM and 4 GB Hdd. He wants to discard it, but I think he can use Linux and make best use of the machine. Am i right ? XP is now running fine on it. But I don't think it can last long. Can someone suggest an excellent Linux distro that can do the internet, open office apps with this capacity. And is SLAX good enough ? I have tried DSL, puppy linux, mepis, lupu, peppermint etc. but NONE of them installed properly.
I have a touchscreen (DELL model)which is working with windows xp (with windows drivers for touchscreen installed). but i want to use mandriva 2008 on the touchscreen, which requires drivers of mandriva 2008 only. I have been trying very hard but in vain.
Usually I prefer to keep my operating system on a small partition (50 gigs or so), with the rest of my system on another partition. Normally, with windows (don't flame me for saying the W word!) a small OS partition makes sense.... this way i can scan for viruses, or defrag quickly-- two non issues with linux openSUSE. (with windows, i never install programs on my C: either; this keeps the OS partition small)One advantage at least on windows, with having a small operating system partition is that it's really easy to backup & restore. If my system gets wiped out, I only lose the OS and if i have to re-install, all my personal files are still there.
Is This Done for Me Already With the Default openSUSE Partition Set-up?I just got a new 1TB Seagate HD, which I'm going to use for development purposes in the openSUSE environment.I'm wondering if I can somehow apply my methodology explained above to openSUSE (or if it even makes sense). Are the default LVM partitions ideal for a clonezilla back-up? (can I just backup my primary partition, on the second partition somewhere in case I really mess up my machine). I've been using openSUSE for just a month now, and I'm really liking it (its my favorite linux OS now).
I have ubuntu installed on my Acer Aspire One 11.6 160GB and I cannot find a decent resolution. If I go to system>preferences>monitor it says "unknown" (that is the system does not recognize the size of the screen)
I had found a post helping to add a screen definition through the terminal but it did not help, I also checked what resolution I should use as standard but still
I've been trying for a while to get an 8GB usb stick configured with a bootable version of openSUSE. Without any real luck. We are running the 64 bit 11.0 on the server and I've tried various versions of the kiwi build process, without much luck. I've tried building against different versions of Suse and both 32 and 64 bit version.
I've tried copying 11.2 to a usb stick - I was able to get that to boot, but it was read only, then when I tried adding an additional partition, it wouldn't work. I've tried installing 11.2 to a USB drive and I then had a problem with GRUB. I've also tried thependrive linux link - that worked (with 11.2) up until I applied the script in the last step. Has anyone successfully done something like this? Which approach did you take? I want to be able to plug the usb stick in to a PC, boot it, and have the desktop automatically login with a couple of applications on the desktop.
I need VLC to start in fullscreen mode (easily done) but not allow the users to open new files or anything. Seeing as this is for a Kiosk I need to lockdown the system behind the application. After the video is done, VLC should simply quit and exit. A user could be able to prematurely kill VLC (Alt+F4) which is also fine. Would I need a script calling VLC to add extra features instead of calling it right from my application?
I am trying to locate a simple image viewer that does the following simple function:
1. Able to open JPEG files (only .jpg images loaded).
2. Open them in full screen mode (launched via terminal command).
3. Able to close once clicked on them in full screen mode (example config file: MOUSE_BTN0 = quit)
I tried a few, I liked the simplicity of Eye of Gnome ( eog ), but the close on a click while in full screen doesn't seem an option? Unless there's a config file hidden somewhere?
I have a few old workstations no longer serving the company. My thought was to use these as internet stations where employees can register their time thru our internal web-based application. I would like to have an environment working like Windows with the SteadyState add-on, access to a limited list of web-sites and no system changes by the user. I have looked at [URL] and [URL] which both meets me criteria when it comes to locking out the user from all system settings, but both seems to be totally open to all web-sites without the possibility for the admin to make a list of allowed sites.
Running it from a bootable CD without using the HD seems like the way to go for a surf-kiosk.
I'm trying to run Firefox 3 in a VNC server without a window manager, since I don't want Firefox window chrome. My only problem is that I can't figure out how to resize Firefox. There are parameters to specify width and height, but they don't work (#5104). Please, are there any solutions?
Another question: VNC server seems to run twm, even though it isn't installed. How is that possible?
My friend and I are helping a local internet cafe transition their public computers (and possibly servers at some point) to run on free software (after many bad virus experiences). Currently, they are using Antamedia Internet Caffe, with the server program running on a POS system that for the time being still needs to run Windows. We played with ZenCafe a little, but ideally we need something that runs in kiosk mode, allowing the user to browse the web, instant message and word process.
I'm trying to start Chrome in kiosk mode from a systemd service on boot. The 'webserver app' named 'xx' in the samples launches but chromium never comes up.
xx.service :
Code: Select all[Unit] Description=xx Service
I've written two web pages that show the status of a internal application. The idea was to display both of them, on two different monitors, using only a single PC with two graphic cards. The system will be mounted to a wall and has no keyboard or mouse. That's why I need a script that will automatically launch two instances of firefox (in kiosk mode), each on it's own monitor.Currently the OS installed on the PC is OpenSuse, but I'm free to install a different linux flavor.So, how do I launch firefox on a specific monitor?
I just completed a fresh install of the weekly jessie build (downloaded today). All I've done is install updates, add my username to sudoer list, and reboot. When I did, the xfce panel was not there. When I right clicked, Apps, Panel, it opened with an error that I cannot make changes unless I save my session and that it's in kiosk mode. After a logoff or reboot, it's still not there. I saw one thread asked for the output of /.xsession-errors, which I've done, and it doesn't look good... I'm just not sure how to fix:
Code: Select allopenConnection: connect: No such file or directory cannot connect to brltty at :0 /usr/bin/x-session-manager: X server already running on display :0 xfce4-session-Message: ssh-agent is already running; starting gpg-agent without ssh support
I've been trying to get this sorted for days. I'm trying to use this older Toshiba Satellite 1800 as a kind of Internet Radio kiosk. Sound was working in Xubuntu but everything was too slow so I switched to fresh minimal install from the mini cd and used the guide from psychocats to install IceWM. No I have _no_ sound. (It works perfectly off of Knoppix 6.0.1 live cd.)
I have a linux box set up as a multi-purpose server for my home with three Windows client PC's. The linux box is based on a slightly modified Slackware 9.0 distribution using Linux 2.4.20 and an unfortinately old, slow AMD processor with a miserable 512Kb RAM. The linux box serves the CIFS file system to the Windows boxes, runs the SQUID HTTP proxy, the Apache web server, a print server, does masquerading, mail serving and a very effective firewall using iptables.
This system, although slow, has run perfectly for several years.Let me say that again - This system works perfectly.I had decided that now is the time to upgrade the hardware, so I bought a Gigabyte LGA775 motherboard which has two 1Gb network interfaces on it, an ASUS 256Mb PCI-E display card, 2Gb of DDR3 RAM, an Intel Core2-Quad processor and a bunch of 500Gb SATA drives to set up a RAID5 array (but I intend that the system boot off one of several 40Gb PATA drives I have).I set up the processor, motherboard, display card, RAM, a SATA DVD Drive and a 40Gb PATA hard disk in a "breadboard" layout and installed distro 13.1, being careful to set up the static IP for the local network, dhcpcd to get an IP address from the cable modem (my internet connection) and to enable ip_forward in the network configuration.
Then I installed a script invoked by /etc/rc.d/rc.local which installed all the SAME iptables rules as my old Linux box. There was one minor glitch when I had to change 8 occurrences of "-d ! $LOCAL_NET to" "! --destination $LOCAL_NET" but that was no problem. I also set up /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/hosts , the BIND server files etc. etc. exactly as in the old box.
I am able to ping (this is at the heart of Australia's internet hub network - if it's down the whole bloody thing is down) and have the system find the correct IP from the designated nameservers and contact that server with a return trip time of 35ms. I am able to run a telnet session from one of the Windows boxes and edit files on the Linux server. So both network interfaces work and I've got them the right way around.I am able to run FTP on one of the Windows boxes and connect through to, although it seems to hang when I try a DIR (but then so does the old linux system).
Had it working in Ubuntu and now Ive switched to openSUSE and loving it! Much better than Ubuntu. But I cant get the touchscreen working. Please help...Ive tried to get it working but assume I have done nothing please. Im semi-intelligent when it comes to linux but most of my experience has come from Ubuntu.Im kernel 2.6.34-12 and using openSUSE 11.3 (32 bit)
I have an eGalax touchscreen which I installed using the xserver-xorg-input-evtouch package. Now touching the screen makes the mouse pointer move in all sorts of random directions.
What I want, of course, is for the mouse pointer to move to the point where I touched the screen. Typically this is called 'calibration'. Maybe there's a program to run or something, but I can't find it. how do I calibrate my touch screen?
I'm running Jaunty 9.04 so there is no 'System -> Administration -> Calibrate Touchscreen' program.
You have probably seen the TV shows and films with the law enforcement agency, or the team at "Leverage" have a large screen with other side screens.
I don't have a holographic display, or even a 60" touchscreen, but I do have a TV, and a couple of computers running 10.10 and 11.04.
What I would like to do, using a mouse instead of a touchscreen, is "push" photos, videos, or dossiers on enemy agents to another screen or phone.
I would imagine it to be something along the lines of hot zones on the desktop, so that if I flick an item to, say, the right of the screen, it will leave my desktop and pop up on the desktop of the (networked, but separate and different) computer to my right, and if I drag / flick an item to the top centre it will Bluetooth it to my phone (which I'll set up to automatically accept any files from "my.desktop.homelan".
I had something a little similar with, I think, Compiz, in that if I flicked an item to the right it would dump it onto virtual desktop 2 (of four horizontal ones).
What search terms would I use in Google or Ubuntu Help to get me started? I can compile, but I'd rather not, as I'm not very good at it, and I can edit .cfg files as long as there are plain English descriptors ("Enable_Feature_Foo=1" "Fave_Place=/home/Me/fave/" etc).
How to get a older crt touchscreen working. I need it to work for a handicapped child. When I check the device it seems slackware detects it as a mac emulation mouse and I installed egalaxy drivers. It seems something is right, when I touch the screen the cursor goes to the right top corner and moves a bit when touching the screen.
Does Fedora supports Touchscreen computers? I am planning buy a new desktop computer and there are several models that come with touchscreen, I don't really care about this feature , I just want to know if Fedora can operates under a touchscreen system. If Fedora doesn't support touchscreen systems, Is there any plan to integrate this option in a near future?
i did some investigation and came accross mouseemu. however it seems like mouseemu is no longer part of the suse repositories. also its just available for ppcis there any way to have a behaviour like ctrl+click + rightclick?
I am trying to get my 3M touchscreen to work in Ubuntu. Presently, I have the usbtouchscreen module loaded -- which results in touches being recognized, but the y-axis is backwards (ie: if I press at the top, it shows up at the bottom). Given that hal is depreciated, the only place I could note for configuration options the xorg.conf.d directory. But, I'm unsure what needs to be added there.
Additionally, I am confused over usbtouchscreen vs evdev vs evtouch -- which is supposed to be used at this point?
since Ubuntu 9.04 I try to get my USB-Touchscreen from Faytch running. With some changes in the of the drivers that can be downloaded from I finally got it running under 9.04. Changes I made were blacklist path and since no xorg.conf exists anymore I started with a 8.04 Live-CD and copied the xorg.conf from there. not nice but worked. Now with 10.04 new drivers are available but (still only for 8.04). Did the same hack with the xorg.conf (blacklist path was already updated). So the driver and touch stuff works even without any driver whenever I hit the touch screen (anywhere / even in the middle) I always get a mouse click in the top left corner. and that keeps on even after installing the driver.
So without driver I get a click in the upper left corner and with driver installed and calibrated I get a click where I have my finger on the screen (that is what I want) AND a click in the upper left corner (THAT IS WHAT I NOT WANT). I think Ubuntu recognizes the touchscreen as a kind of "unspezified" input device and does a click whenever a touch-event occurs. How can I deactivate that behavior without disabling all the USB??
My english is not very good, sorry for that. Well. I have a question: It is can be possible to make a computer without TouchScreen Technology like one that if have it?.
I am a Windows user to, and i been searching and i found it can be possible do that, but this is only on windows with the Wii Remote of Nintendo Wii Console.
My question is part of this, it could be possible do this on Ubuntu like on windows?
I have a Toughbook CF-74 with a "Fujitsu USB Touch Panel" (how lsusb used to enumerate it). It used to work fairly well up until Karmic (couldn't get the calibration perfect around the edges), but it's just not there anymore in 10.04. I can only assume it's a kernel thing, because I tried some test installs of Debian Testing and OpenSUSE 11.3 (both with newer kernels than Lucid) and it's not there either.
I tried to manually load a kernel module for a different Fujitsu touch screen (from an actual Fujitsu laptop), but it didn't seem to detect anything.
There's not a whole lot of info out there about running Linux on a CF-74, so I think I'm in kind of in uncharted territory with some of this stuff.