Server :: Difference Between Tar And Cp?

Feb 2, 2010

What is diffrent between tar and cp? Which one is faster? Their application purpose etc

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OpenSUSE :: Difference Is Between Msql-server And Mysql-community-server?

Jun 16, 2010

what the difference is between msql-server and mysql-community-server

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General :: Difference Between Ip Based Server And Namebase Server?

Jun 9, 2010

What is difference between Ip based server and Namebase Server in (Linux)?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Difference Between NIS And Redhat Dir Server?

Apr 6, 2009

It seems that NIS/NIS+ and Redhat Dir Server/CentOS Dir Server have similar functions.

What are important differences between them?

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Server :: Difference Between Plesk And Cpanel?

Jul 20, 2010

difference between cpanel and pleak? for which service they are being used?

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Ubuntu :: Module Sg Difference Between Generic And Server 10.04 X64?

May 3, 2010

some weeks ago I've installed ubuntu 10.04 beta desktop, in that version the module sg was present using modprobe (the sg.ko file was not present). I need the sg module because of some scsi driver that require it.
Today I've installed the 10.04 server and modprobe sg returns a not found. I would like to install it or make it visible as in the beta version.

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Server :: Difference Between Initrd And Vmlinuz Images?

Jul 21, 2011

the difference between initrd images and vmlinuz images. I've gone through many documents,but didn't got an exact answer.

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Server :: Difference Between IOWAIT% / IDLE% / LOAD AVG?

Oct 27, 2010

Can anyone explain the difference between IOWAIT%/IDLE%/LOAD AVG? We have a 3 servers (oracle rac) attached to a SAN. When we added another CPU to our 3rd server, the IOWAIT across the oracle rac dropped a lot. We used to get pretty high IOWAIT % before. So I don't really understand how the extra CPU could do this. I thought the IOWAIT % is high because the server is waiting for the SAN, so I thought the SAN was the bottleneck. So I don't really understand the difference between the 3 things (iowait, idle and load avg).

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Server :: Difference Between Ssh_config And Sshd_config File?

Feb 19, 2011

difference between ssh_config and sshd_config file?

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Server :: Difference Between VCS Commands In Solaris10 And Rhel5

Mar 3, 2011

I need to clarify a few things about Veritas Cluster Services Example There is a solaris10, 2node vcs cluster running. There is a Rhel5 2node vcs cluster running. Is ther any difference between VCS commands in solaris10 and rhel5. I heard that VCS commands are same for all the platforms, only configuration files location is differ. Is this correct.

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Server :: Difference Between CGI And SHELL Environment Variable?

Sep 8, 2009

I have a application on linux , I can excute it in command line . but when I invoked it via CGI(perl) , it can not excute successfully , so I suspected that there is something different between SHELL and CGI environment , but I haven't figure out what the difference is .

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Ubuntu :: Difference Between The Server Kernel And The One That Ships With Desktop?

Jan 19, 2010

I installed Ubuntu Server recently and really liked the ability to customized everything that was installed on it. Although I'm a little cautious about installing the server edition on my laptop, is there a Debian based distro that comes as empty as Ubuntu Server? If not, what's the difference between the server kernel and the one that ships with Ubuntu Desktop?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Difference Between - Root_squash, All_squash - No_squash And No_root_squash In NFS Server

Jul 7, 2010

Difference between: root_squash, all_squash, no_squash and no_root_squash in NFS server?

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Server :: Difference Between America/Mexico_City And Mexico/General Timezone Files?

Nov 25, 2010

I have a Centos 5.5 server and I had a problem with its time because it was 1 one hour ahead of my local time. I installed and activated NTP and I created a link for /etc/localtime:


ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Mexico_City /etc/localtime

I reboot the server and waited for 1 hour but the time wasnt correct. The server's BIOS clock has UTC time so I edited /etc/sysconfig/clock file replacing:


UTC=false for

I reboot the server and waited for 1 hour but the time wasnt correct. After breaking my head for about 1 hour, I realized that there is a directory /usr/share/zoneinfo/Mexico and changed my link for /etc/localtime


ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Mexico/General /etc/localtime

And It worked. What is the difference between America/Mexico_City and Mexico/General files in /usr/share/timezones, they should be identical but of course they are not?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Difference Betwen Centos Desktop And Server?

Feb 17, 2009

and what is the diffrent. i now about the server only use command and desktop use both so. am trying to host some sites which one will you recomend.

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Server :: Postfix Logs - Difference Between The Mail.log And Files?

Jul 27, 2010

I have setup a postfix mailserver and it seems to be working ok, we are only using this to relay mail to our forum users. Its not being used to recieve any email only send them out to the internet.

What is the difference between the mail.log and files? Can I turn one or both off? I see alot of messages like...

Just wondering what this string of log entries means? Also I am getting duplicates in the syslog file as well.

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Software :: Does Proxy Server Makes Difference In Working Of "yum"

Mar 9, 2011

I am browsing through proxy server in fedora 14 which is working well, but the problem is "yum" its not working. how its related to proxy server?

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Server :: Configuration Difference Between RHEL 3 To RHEL 5 For Webserver Installations?

Feb 1, 2011

We are planning to migrate our LINUX server from RHEL 3to RHEL 5. What are the configuration difference between RHEL 3 to RHEL 5 for webserver installations?

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OpenSUSE Install :: What Is Difference Between OpenSUSE Desktop And Server?

Dec 21, 2009

I am new to Linux. I want to set up a home file/media server using Linux and have been investigating the possibility of using OpenSUSE for this task for a couple days now. I posted up some questions over at linux questions, but figured this one would be better suited for the OpenSUSE forum. My question is simple, is there any fundamental difference between OpenSUSE Server, and OpenSUSE desktop?

What I mean is, is there any difference to the basic programming of the operating system. From what I gather, when you install a Linux Distro for a server, it is just a striped down version of the desktop install. It has no GUI, and installs the complete bare minimum of software to get your server up and running. Is this correct? I am asking these questions because, as I said, I am new to Linux. I am not comfortable using command line only, and would very much like to install the desktop version of OpenSUSE, plus Samba, openSSH and Webadmin, then use that configuration for a server. Would setting up OpenSUSE as I stated above be the same as using the server install, just more "bloated?" Or is the server version of OpenSUSE coded differently?For example, comparing Windows Vista to Windows Home Server. Windows Vista isn't practical to use as a home server OS, simply because it was never coded to be one. Where as Home Server comes with software and is setup to be a server.

From what I understand, and I could be wrong, and please correct me if I am. Linux is much different. Any Linux distro can be a server, even the desktop version. You just need to get the proper programs (like Samba, SSH, Webadmin) for the job. The people who use the Server version, simply just want something less bloated then the desktop version, but the desktop version works just as good as a server if you have the proper hardware? I was debating on putting Windows Home server on the machine, but very much want to learn Linux, and figure this is as good of an opportunity as any. It also helps that a desktop install of OpenSUSE takes less resources then Windows Home Server.

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Server :: Difference After Copying Large Directory To A New Directory?

Apr 4, 2010

I m having a RHEL-5 sever.ABC directory size is 57GB after taking backup in the same disk with name ABC.bkp showing 56GB. i used below command to copy/backup. # cp -r ABC ABC.bkp (different sizes after copying)..I checked both the directory sizes by #du -sh <ABC> and du -ks <ABC.bkp>In both GB and KB there is lots of difference (200mb). why this will happen in copying? what is the solution for above question? what is the correct way of copying 1dir to newdir exactly?

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Ubuntu :: Difference Between "(XYZ)buntu" <-> "ubuntu Server - Window Management"?

Oct 29, 2010

If there is a difference between the following installations:

Ubuntu <-> Ubuntu server + gnome
Kubuntu <-> Ubuntu server + KDE

And so on

I don't mean the difference for each and any distri but the difference in general: (XYZ)buntu and ubuntu server + window management.

The reason I'm asking is because I really like Ubuntu and I really like Openbox. But since im running into many troubles using Lubuntu (PLUS theres way too many apps preinstalled for my taste) I'd like to try a Ubuntu server installation + Openbox.

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Fedora :: Difference Between Su - And Su?

Aug 25, 2010

What is the difference between su - and su? Both ask me for password. Bothe report "root" when asked whoami

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General :: Difference Between Df -k And Du -sh?

May 5, 2011

df -k
/dev/sda6 25396228 21249088 2836240 89% /export
21G used[code].....

The 3.4G is correct because we have removed all non essential file but free space reported by df is not consistent with the actual free space that should be there.

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Ubuntu :: Difference Between 64-bit And 32-bit?

Jan 8, 2010

I'm planning to download ubuntu, but I don't know if I should download the 64-bit one or the 32-bit one? My computer can handle 64-bit, has 4 gb, 320 gb harddrive. What;s the difference between 64-bit and 32-bit?

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Ubuntu :: What's The Difference Between L And Ls

Sep 18, 2010

I've typed 'l' instead of 'ls' in the terminal by mistake a couple of times, and it seems to do pretty much - but not exactly - the same as 'ls' ('l' appends *, @ etc at the end of filenames which seem to indicate permissions and/or links).

I can't find any documentation on 'l'. 'l --help' gives exactly the same output as 'ls --help'. 'which l' gives nothing. There are no files in my filesystem called only 'l' either - just a couple of unrelated folders.

So what's the difference between l and ls?

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Ubuntu :: Difference Between Gdm Or Kmd?

Jun 13, 2011

I have two interfaces, Gnome and KDE. So sometimes I am asked to chose between the 2 display manager gdm (Gnome) or kdm (KDE). I've never noticed any difference. When I have problems with one I have problems with the other, and usually they both seem to function equally well. If you have ever been in a situation where one was better than the other could you please tell me about it? My question is related to troubleshooting a dual-monitor setting but this is another thread, here I'm just asking because I wish to learn a bit more about displays in general.

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Ubuntu :: Difference Between Rpm And Deb?

Jul 24, 2011

I know Ubuntu is based on solid foundation of deb. How about rpm?

Currently ubuntu supports installation using deb. Who supports rpm? red hat?

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General :: Difference Between GLX And EGL

Apr 4, 2011

the difference between GLX and EGL?

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Debian :: Difference Between The Dvd And The Cd?

Oct 20, 2010

There is a major size difference between the dvd and the cd and It seems that you can install debian from both so What's the difference ?

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General :: Difference Between C And Gcc

Oct 14, 2010

what is the difference between C and gcc...

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