Debian :: Difference Between The Dvd And The Cd?

Oct 20, 2010

There is a major size difference between the dvd and the cd and It seems that you can install debian from both so What's the difference ?

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Debian :: Any Difference Between Sid And Aptosid?

Jan 18, 2011

I am interested in this as I am new to Debian and want to make an informed decision. Since installing Debian in virtualbox I have learned quite a bit. I know aptosid is based to debian sid. Is there a difference between the two?

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Debian Configuration :: Difference Between KDE-Standard And KDE-Full?

Feb 11, 2011

What is the difference between KDE-Standard and KDE-Full? Is it just the amount of software that comes with it by default?

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Debian :: Difference Between Regular Lenny And 'update' ISO?

Jun 6, 2010

I was looking through the Debian FTP site, and noticed

and with a modification time only about 24 hours later,

Whats the difference between these two?

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Debian :: Difference Between CD Install Disk And Multi DVDs

Feb 9, 2010

On getting Debian for install, what's the main difference between the CD installation disk and the multi-DVDs?

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General :: Debian - Filesystem - Difference In Calculating Size Using Df & Du?

Jun 30, 2011

When I run df it shows the root device is full.

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 9.9G 9.4G 0 100% /

I looked at the inode usage and there is pretty much space available for root device

Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 640K 103K 538K 16% /

But, when I run the du command, it shows I have used only 2G out of 9.9G.

ip-10-204-70-44:/$ du -xh --max-depth=1
14M ./etc
4.0K ./mnt[code]....

It just driving me crazy and interesting too. This is big problem for us since the root disk / is full and some of the function in our site is failing.

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Debian :: Finding Kernel Headers Files Difference?

Jul 3, 2009

I usually custom compile my kernel and generate the header files with the following command:


fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=generic-ide kenrel_image kernel_headers

However, I noticed that there are some difference in the headers files that get generated with the above command as compared to the header files that are available from Debian repo. For example, the header files for 2.6.24 kernel have files like:


debian:/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-etchnhalf.1-686/arch/x86# ls Kconfig Kconfig.cpu Kconfig.debug kernel Makefile Makefile_32 Makefile_32.cpu Makefile_64 However, if I custom compile the above kernel from Debian sources (2.6.24), the headers files does not have the above files:


debain:/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-generic-ide/arch/x86# ls
boot ia32 Kconfig.cpu kernel lib mach-es7000 mach-visws Makefile mm pci vdso xen
crypto Kconfig Kconfig.debug lguest mach-default mach-generic mach-voyager math-emu oprofile power video

As you can see from above output, files like Makefile_32, Makefile_32.cpu are not present, if I generate kernel headers files using the make-kpkg command as mentioned in the beginning of the post. I happened to notice the above issue, while I was trying to compile a out-of-tree kernel module and the "make" command for those sources (some graphics card drm module) worked with the default header files (linux-headers-2.6.24-etchnhalf.1-686) but did not work with (linux-headers-2.6.24-generic-ide) because it did not find the Makefile_32. Although I was able to fix the problem by copying the Makefile_32 from linux-headers-2.6.24-etchnhalf.1-686 but I would like to know why there is a difference. This is bit of a concern because it unnecessarily breaks the out-of-tree module compilation process because of trivial reasons.

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Debian :: Build Process - Use Sudo For Make Install - Difference?

Dec 26, 2010

What are the differences if I build (./configure, make, make install) an app when log in as root vs a "regular" user other than I have to use sudo for make install? If an app is built from a non-root account, will it be available to every other user on the system?

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Debian Configuration :: 200+ Lines Of Code That Make Miraculous Difference

Nov 16, 2010

A tiny Linux kernel patch that makes the desktop incredibly more responsive: [URL]...

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Debian Configuration :: Difference Between Kernel Snapshot, Mainline, Stable?

Jul 20, 2011

I've never understood the difference between these terms in

- snapshot
- mainline
- stable
- longterm

It's not in Kernel's FAQ and I can't find about it on Google.

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Debian :: Difference Between 'Netinst' & 'Business-card' Besides Size Being Smaller?

Nov 2, 2010

I have been using Debian on and off since Sarge and it's not as long as most people but since I can remember, the installer has always had some issues and I was wondering if you guys who use Debian religiously could answer these questions for me:

1. Difference between "Netinst" & "Business-card" besides the size being smaller? It seems like the Netinst installs two different kernels. One dated kernel to get the system up and running and then it downloads the latest one where I think the 'Business-card' ISO simply downloads the latest kernel and nothing more which seems preferred. Am I wrong?

2. After I install using "Netinst", why when I immediately perform an 'apt-get dist-upgrade' are there multiple packages to upgrade? I thought the whole point was to install fresh updated packages, no?

3. Why has nobody fixed the installer progress bar from hanging on 33%? As far as I have been using / installing Debian, the installer progress bar is always stuck on 33% & it still installs fine but never shows the user it's exact progress. I would think the developers would have resolved this after 4 years by now...

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Debian Hardware :: Connector Difference Between 3.5 And 5.25 Drives On Drive Select Line?

May 17, 2010

I am trying to read a 5 1/4 in. floppy disk using an Intel D865 PERL motherboard, at 3 GHz. Bios was set to read this floppy. The system Lenny 2.6.31 i386 can't detect the 5.25 drive. Drive select seems not to be responding on the 5.25 drive. When connecting a 3 1/2 in. drive to the same motherboard connector (after changing the BIOS setting appropriately), r/w is ok under both linux and XP. I have tried three floppy 5.25 drives and different cables. All known to be ok on another box. I have tried XP and another linux, Etch. I have installed the latest available Bios upgrade from Intel. Upgraded from 0061 to 0089 bios versions. Is this a possible connector difference between 3.5 and 5.25 drives on the drive select line? The cable drive end connectors are different between the two drives.

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Debian :: Difference In Operation / Function Between Their Packages And The Packages Download On Website?

Feb 22, 2010

On Debian repo I found virtualbox-ose packages there. What will be the difference in operation/function between their packages and the packages download on website?

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General :: Debian Based - Arch Based - What Is The Practical Difference?

Jun 7, 2010

I notice that on DistroWatch, the descriptions include "debian based", "arch based", etc. For the newbie, is there any practical difference between the different bases, or is it a Coke vs Pepsi type question?

Is a distro based on Debian say, easier for a newbie to learn or work with than say one that is FreeBSD based?

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Debian :: Difference Between Kernel Version And Backport Version

Mar 8, 2011

Sometimes a kernel image seems to have the same version as the backported kernel image, for example:

What are the differences between the two?

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Debian Installation :: CD1 Install Mirrored/non-mirrored Difference

May 4, 2010

I've installed Debian Squeeze twice using CD1. First time with a high-speed internet connection using a mirror, 2nd time without. With a mirror, much more is installed, and clearly a much more complete installation. What packages would I install to make a basic CD install more like a mirrored install? Is there a list on the CD somewhere?

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Debian :: Difference Between Evince And Evince-gtk?

Mar 25, 2011

I have installed some pdf readers on my notebook, and the one I most liked was evince. But there are two available evince packages: evince and evince-gtk. What is the difference between them? Does one of them have advantages as to the other?

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Fedora :: Difference Between Su - And Su?

Aug 25, 2010

What is the difference between su - and su? Both ask me for password. Bothe report "root" when asked whoami

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General :: Difference Between Df -k And Du -sh?

May 5, 2011

df -k
/dev/sda6 25396228 21249088 2836240 89% /export
21G used[code].....

The 3.4G is correct because we have removed all non essential file but free space reported by df is not consistent with the actual free space that should be there.

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Ubuntu :: Difference Between 64-bit And 32-bit?

Jan 8, 2010

I'm planning to download ubuntu, but I don't know if I should download the 64-bit one or the 32-bit one? My computer can handle 64-bit, has 4 gb, 320 gb harddrive. What;s the difference between 64-bit and 32-bit?

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Ubuntu :: What's The Difference Between L And Ls

Sep 18, 2010

I've typed 'l' instead of 'ls' in the terminal by mistake a couple of times, and it seems to do pretty much - but not exactly - the same as 'ls' ('l' appends *, @ etc at the end of filenames which seem to indicate permissions and/or links).

I can't find any documentation on 'l'. 'l --help' gives exactly the same output as 'ls --help'. 'which l' gives nothing. There are no files in my filesystem called only 'l' either - just a couple of unrelated folders.

So what's the difference between l and ls?

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Ubuntu :: Difference Between Gdm Or Kmd?

Jun 13, 2011

I have two interfaces, Gnome and KDE. So sometimes I am asked to chose between the 2 display manager gdm (Gnome) or kdm (KDE). I've never noticed any difference. When I have problems with one I have problems with the other, and usually they both seem to function equally well. If you have ever been in a situation where one was better than the other could you please tell me about it? My question is related to troubleshooting a dual-monitor setting but this is another thread, here I'm just asking because I wish to learn a bit more about displays in general.

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Ubuntu :: Difference Between Rpm And Deb?

Jul 24, 2011

I know Ubuntu is based on solid foundation of deb. How about rpm?

Currently ubuntu supports installation using deb. Who supports rpm? red hat?

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General :: Difference Between GLX And EGL

Apr 4, 2011

the difference between GLX and EGL?

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General :: Difference Between C And Gcc

Oct 14, 2010

what is the difference between C and gcc...

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General :: Difference Between NIS And NIS+?

Feb 17, 2010

Last week in one of the Interview Dump Papers I read about NIS+. Anyone who can quick reference how the setting up NIS is different from NIS+.

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General :: Difference Between GUI And KDE?

Jul 12, 2011

what is the difference between a GUI and KDE..

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General :: Difference Between SSH And SCP?

Aug 4, 2009

I need to know the exact difference between SCP and SSH can somebody explain please as i am confused as both seem to do the same thing if so let me know what the difference is.

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General :: Difference Between Tty And Pts

Mar 16, 2010

What is the difference between /dev/tty and /dev/pts ??
I google a lot but didn't understand......

Thanks in advance

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General :: What Is The Difference Between |less And |more

Jan 29, 2010

What is the difference between |less and |more ?

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