Security :: Get The Bonobo-Activation-Server Blues?
Feb 13, 2010
Sorry for not introducing myselfin the proper forum; actually, as I must ask my emergency question now, I'll intriduce my lovable self soon. You see, I have only a few minutes left on this Library Computer, as it took me1/2 an hour to realize that this is the BEST!! site for me. Or so this is my present understanding eh. Ohhh, ok, ok, now you know. I don't know why all the hosers say I'm slow just because I'm a Canadian eh. I mean, I have other reasons too. Anywhere from head traumas, to my High school days when I learnt how to smoke things that we never smoked at the Private Christian School I went to. No NO, I'm 40 now, and even though my Doctor suggested for me to smoke Legalized Marijuana for pain, I told him no way Dr ..., too paronoid! Then the anti went up, so I split and got myself a new Doctor.
PLEASE help me anyone that can! I just spent most of my few minutes trying to introduce my Canadian humor eh. And yes it's true. Humor may not be the original way going back to the early Brits. But we have our reasons. It just looks so much better.
I have Bonobo-activation-Server in my precious, well it was a precious dual system that a complete Newbie like me with the only skills of one with a decade of Windows. Plus remember the Canadian issue eh. I need to somehow dissconnect bonobo from my Ubuntu system. Even using my 8.10 which I now have to use, in my CD DRive, they still are hooked up to me, using my memory, partitions, drives, stealing my root.
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Jun 2, 2010
This is something that should be easy. This is what I want to do:
1. I give an RSS url, a reges, and a download location to a torrent client.
2. The client then automatically refreshes that feed url every X minutes, and once a item shows up in the feed that matches my regex, it downloads it to a folder I specified.
Yet every few months, going back to at least 2007, I attempt to get this working in ubuntu, but I can never do it. Well, it's that time of the year again, I'm trying to get this working, and am having no luck. This is what I've tried so far:
1. Deluged - apprently older versions had a flexget plugin, but the latest version of deluged (the version that comes with lucid) does it completely different. Apparently you have to use this thing called "FlexGet", which is about the polar opposite of easy to use. I can't tell if you're supposed to install a deluged plugin for flexget, or a flexget plugin for deluged. Or no plug in at all. Flexget has a yaml config system which is way more complicated than it needs to be. All I have an RSS url, a regex, and a download location. What else do you want?
I also tried a tutorial on how to do get flexget working with deluged, but it was about 20 steps and it wanted me to do all sorts of crap like adding daemons to /etc/ini.d which is way way way way more involved that I want it to be. An RSS url, a regex and a download location, people.
2. qtorrent - This doesn't work at all. I added the url for my feed but qtorrent doesn't do anything. It just shows nothing. I know my RSS url is correct because wget gets it fine.
3. utorrent under wine - Does not work. I get all sorts of UI errors. It will list the torrents, but all of them 404 when trying to download. I tried grabbing a few of the torrent urls via wget and they all download fine.
4. I also tried out a older version of utorent - Does not work either. When I run the program, it wants to install to program files. I let it install, but when I navigate to my program files folder and run the program the installer runs again Great. Must be a wine problem.
I haven't tried vuze yet, but unless someone can tell me that they have it 100% working, I'm not going to waste any more time with it until the next cycle of me trying to get automatic RSS torrent download working...
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Jan 25, 2011
I'm running ubuntu server 10.10 64 bit.
1. Set quota in /etc/fstab like this:
/dev/sdb1 /var/www reiserfs defaults,usrquota 0 2
2. Checked quotas:
# quotacheck -cavm
quotacheck: Your kernel probably supports journaled quota but you are not using it. Consider switching to journaled quota to avoid running quotacheck after an unclean shutdown.
3. Tried to activate quotas using "quotaon -a" and got a segmentation fault error.
When I change filesystem to ext3 (using mkfs.ext3 and changing /etc/fstab) it works well. So there are 2 problems, quotacheck warning about journaled quota and the segmentation fault error.
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Feb 6, 2010
We are trying to define an appliance based on Suse for an application server and Web server Apache, so we would like to know configuration best practices for network and security, is there any paper/doc about best practices?
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Feb 22, 2010
I'm running KDE, with 11.2 32-Bit. At first, my screen saver worked just fine, coming on after 130 min, being just long enough to watch a movie. Since changing the screen saver, but not the duration before activation my screen saver comes on every 20 min. I have tried changing and saving settings in YaST and going back to the original choice of screensaver, neither of which have worked.
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Dec 7, 2010
I have a question, I have a Windows 7 CD that I had used on a computer, and it is my understanding that you can use RemoveWAT to remove the need for a product activation key, so my question is, will running RemoveWAT on a Windows 7 Boot CD allow me to then install Windows 7 on Ubuntu using virtual box?
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Feb 22, 2011
I am using D-Link wireless dongle on my fedora 11 machine.with commands i want to create and activate(up) an ad-hoc network.
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Jun 5, 2011
Does anyone know how to disable the XP activation lock out. desperate need for working system
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Sep 18, 2010
I am new to Linux. I would like to activate my on board laptop camera. I thing I need the driver, but don't know which driver or where to get it. I am running Ubuntu 10.04, on a system 76 laptop.
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Oct 1, 2010
I'm running Ubuntu 10.4 Lucid Lynx and I am setting up gadmin-Proftpd and when I try and activate it. I get the following message and am really unsure where to go from here:
- notice: unable to bind to Unix domain socket at '/var/run/proftpd/test.sock': No such file or directory
- notice: unable to listen to local socket: Operation not permitted
- Fatal: TLSRSACertificateFile: '/etc/gadmin-proftpd/certs/cert.pem' does not exist on line 56 of '/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf'
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Mar 12, 2010
Does anyone know a way to force a driver activation, or driver install from the command line in recovery mode?Even better, is there a way to force a driver installation from the "(initramfs)" prompt?We're having problems installing the drivers for a PNY GeForce FX 5200 256MB 128-bit DDR PCI Video Card. It goes straight to the "(initramfs)" prompt with the new card installed and, without the card installed it won't allow any drivers to be activated via Administration>Hardware drivers.
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Oct 20, 2010
I got the following Error Message when I try to activate ethernet card at et1:
/sbin/adsl-start:line 217: 5839 Terminate
$CONNECT "$@">/dev/null 2>&1.
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Dec 12, 2010
This laptop that I am trying to get Debian 5 working on is occasionally locking up during boot at "Activating Swap..." WTF could cause such a bizarre thing? The swap partition is just empty space. Activating must be nothing more than confirming it exists and mounting it.
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Mar 28, 2010
Running HP DV9000 with Nvidia 8600 card. Just installed Lucid Beta 1. Live CD boots fine. Can't remember, but I believe initial install had login problems. So, I edited xorg.conf to use "nv" driver. Then, login screen worked fine. Activated latest Nvidia driver (v195.36.15) and now login screen is garbled, possibly frozen. I can't CTRL+ALT+F1. No mouse, no keyboard as far as I can tell. Have to hold power button to shutdown
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Jun 12, 2010
after a brand new 10.0.4-installation on my x86, the system proposes me to activate the nvidia-drivers for my gc - trying this, I get the following bug report:SystemError: Failed to lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lockWhat to do now?
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Apr 24, 2011
I have a big issue that i can understand (and i didn't find any answers) When i boot, i only have the fullscreen console (tty1 to tty6), which ask me to login.If a try a gedit it says that there is no display. Startx doesn't work neither.
Before this, i tried to update from 10.04 to 10.10, but I had some issues with the update manager. On looked on google for solutions and I tried a couple of those: I updated my source list with maverick ppa, I removed the nvida driver
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Apr 26, 2011
I installed Linux 6, configured the network during the install with a static IP and when I do an ifconfig command it doesn't show an IP Address. Can't get out to the Internet because I don't think I have an IP/Address. I restarted network, went into preferences-network connections and everything looks fine, ran system-config-network and everything looks fine. When I do an ipup ifcfg-eth0 and get the message "Connection activation failed: Device not managed by NetworkManager". Is there an option I failed to load at install or I need to install now?
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Feb 1, 2010
I have built 11.2 on several laptops and knetwork manager startup for wireless is not consistent. I can't figure it out. Sometimes the options "Create Network Connection" and "enable wireless" are greyed out. Other times they are fine. What is the secret to getting the options to appear in my window tray all the time? I always select knetwork manager as the default when I do a clean build.
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Jan 4, 2010
My Karmic installation has two problems regarding screen saver activation:
1) VLC is set to deactivate the screen saver during playback, but the screen saver activates anyway.
2) Sometimes, when NOT running VLC, the screen saver doesn't activate itself at all. I've set it to 5 minutes, but after 5 minutes of inactivity, nothing happens. This ALWAYS occurs while running a java web applet, and SOMETIMES also occurs when no software is running at all.
I've googled this to death, but can't find any information relevant to this problem.
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Dec 14, 2009
I installed RHEL 5 skipping the activation key during installation step.
How do I enter the activation key after system is installed?
Is entering activation key really essential?
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Nov 30, 2010
i have installed fedora12 in my compaq laptop.i am under proxy..i just gave the local ip address to the laptop..and try to activate the etho device..but ..all the activate,deactivate,delete buttons are grayed out..they are completely looking dead..
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Feb 13, 2011
When I select the wifi icon on the panel, it just shows "No network devices available". I know my network can be found when I search with my iPhone, so I know there are networks to connect to. So, I checked the drivers, and it informs me that the B43 and STA drivers are not activated. So thats not a big deal, I guess, but when I use my ethernet cord, my laptop doesn't recognize/acknowledge (I'm not sure what the right term would be)it. I'm fairly sure I can't activate these drivers without an internet connection because when I do try, a message pops up saying "failed to fetch" with some long link.
My only guess is that it could be a hardware problem, but I really have no idea. I guess the ethernet problem is my only real problem. Because after I establish and internet connection the the rest is easy to fix.I'm sure its obvious, but I'll go ahead say that I'm a novice ubuntu user. I've only been working with it for about a week, but I'm learning alot.
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Sep 5, 2010
m using redhat 5.3 i have installed a driver for wifi as per my wireless card... i checkd my kernel version , nd it is as per the requirements... but i hve a file name iwl3945.ucode how to install the driver using this file...?
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May 8, 2011
I'm concerned about security of having a LAMP server on my laptop as having any server makes the system less secure. However, if I were to create a new partition and install a lamp server on that and only use it when offline, would the security of my main partition be affected at all?
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Jul 22, 2011
I've recently been running a game server from my desktop, as well as a web page to accompany it.I use the ports 80/8123(HTTP)/5900(VNC)/50500(GAME)/5839(ADMINISTRATION).What's the best solution to protect my server from security threats? On a side note, I plan on adding a MySQL server later, but I want to keep it local only.
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Aug 14, 2010
I'm new to server admin, so my question is based on what may be a bad assumption. With a server, my assumption is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". In other words, I'm not really interested in upgrading the software to the latest and greatest if I already have stuff working on the server.
However, the one place where I DO want to constantly have upgrades is for security patches. How do I apply security updates to Ubuntu Server... and ONLY security updates?
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Mar 16, 2011
I'm running Fedora 14 and set the screensaver (in System>Preferences on the Gnome GUI) to activate after the computer is idle for 30 minutes. After the screensaver is activated, and a press a key or the mouse, the screen is back to normal -- no problem.After the screensaver has been activated once, however, it comes back on very quickly -- usually in 2 or 3 minutes if the computer is idle. The only way I have found to correct this (and set activation back at 30 minutes again) is to log out and back in again.How can I correct this, and automatically set screensaver activation back at 30 minutes each time the normal screen is reactivated?
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Aug 29, 2009
I followed this how to to make a NFS server: [url]
So it means: exports looks like this:
Here are some quick examples of what you could add to your /etc/exports
For Full Read Write Permissions allowing any computer from through
It means that if sbdy arrives with a linux machine, puts the ethernet cable into the router, then logs as root on his machine, and mount the exports. He can do almost everythg, with permissions chmod'ing ...
Is that LAMP, or i am wrong for nfs kernel servers, the ultimate users/password servers against that to prevent those physical approches /logins?is there good how to ?
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Feb 15, 2011
I want to know how can I test my server security with hping3 tool I want to make a virtual DoS or DDoS or SYNK attack in my LAN to test my server security and ability against these attack .Is hping3 a good solution for this or not if yes how can I do this which option of this can make such these attacks?
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Sep 2, 2010
I have windows vista 32bit oem that originally came with DELL system when I bought new. On the PC, MS$ sticker has the product key for windows vista.When I reformatted the disk and re-install windows vista natively on the machine for which it was licensed, it got automatically activated and passed MS$ genuine check. But I got into problems when using windows vista as guest os from fedora 13 host os using virtualbox on exactly same machine for which vista is licensed for. I go that MS$ : x -days to automatic activation, activate now link. Clicking on activate now it says invalid product key even I entered correct product key as it is on the PC.
I tried to create new windwos vista guest os 2 ways:
1) using existing native installation of windows vista by using vmware converter to create vmware disk image of the running windows vista and shutting down and log back into fedora 13 used this disk image as the storage in virtualbox and create windows vista guest. It starts up ok except for that activation issue.
2) using the windows vista dvd and using that as the source for new windows vista installation in virtualbox. All fine except got that activation issue.After killing my 2 days just for this I dont know whats next. Does that not make sense that I have a license for using windows vista on this specific pc, I am entitled to install it on that same pc as virtual or native or even both ways ?
This link: icture/360 says starting with service pack 1 MS$ now allows virtual installation of windows oem. My native installation was updated to service pack 2 and I also updated the fresh dvd install of windows vista in virtualbox to service pack 1 and then service pack 2 but still no effect in regard to license activation.Did any one solved the problem in some way regarding this issue for windows vista, I would like to know.
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