Red Hat / Fedora :: Servers That Allow You To Share Directories Between Systems?

Jul 28, 2010

What is the name of two servers that allow you to share directories between systems?

what is NetworkManager? What does it do when you install a new NIC?

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Fedora Servers :: Share Files Between Two 14 Systems - Accessible Via NFS ?

Feb 2, 2011

I'd like to share files between two Fedora 14 systems, but I'm having difficulty with making a share accessible via NFS.

Here's what I've tried so far:

Tried following mount commands:


Unable to find suitable address.

Used both the user and root password with this second mount command.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Share Internet Connection Over Two Systems

Feb 16, 2011

I have two systems in both systems there I installed ubuntu 10.10. I need to know how to share an internet connection over the two systems at a time?

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Fedora :: Share Music Across Partitions / Operating Systems Without Allowing Complete Access?

Aug 9, 2009

I'm dual booting Mac and Fedora 11. My music is on the mac side, and is too large to copy to the Fedora partition. What is the best option for sharing between the two partitions.
I used to copy the itunes folder to public, but that allows anyone access.

What's the best way to do this without allowing complete access?

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Ubuntu :: How To Share Folders Between 2 Systems Over LAN?

Feb 3, 2011

i want take some data (30gb)from my friend system(both we are having ubuntu )we have net facility also,how to share the that data lan by thsi way i can copy to my system,instead of using hard disk

1q:can any one give steps to the same above?(sharing ubuntu to ubuntu)
2q: how to share from windows to ubutnu/vice versa

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Fedora Servers :: Samba Will Not Open Up Sub-Directories?

Nov 7, 2009

I have it set right now to be open so that there's no need to type in username and password information. It works great. I can type \*IP Address* on my WinXP laptop while on the network, and it brings me to the Public folder that I'm trying to share. But, when I click on the folder to open it up, it just sits there and eventually will give a userid/password prompt or will give me an access denied error.

Here is my smb.conf:


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General :: Share Data In Dual Boot Systems?

May 28, 2011

Personnally up until now I've been using either NTFS or a ext3 fs driver from Windows. I wonder if there's a better way. Probably NAS is the best, but not really practical with a laptop.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Share Home Directory And Both Systems Have The Same Login Id

Mar 7, 2010

I got 9.10 on by laptop and xp on other computer. Installed samba server and xp recognized my laptop but not anything I share on ubuntu. am i missing something in samba config file? Im trying to share home directory on ubuntu and both systems have the same login id.

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Fedora Servers :: Setting Directories (But Not Contents) As Read Only In Samba

Apr 8, 2011

So I finally managed to get my Samba file server working () but now I have a question. On the server I have 4 folders, each being used for a certain topic. How would I set the folders as read only but not the contents, so that way remote users can read/write to the folder but can't delete or rename the folder itself? Also, if I restart the Linux box it will cease to show on the Windows Network unless I delete the Samba share and remake.

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Server :: Share Directories With NFS?

Aug 7, 2010

If I share directories with NFS, how do I control the access of the users to the information?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba - Access The Share On 300 Windows Machine - Systems At A Time

Mar 8, 2011

I have ubunto desktop 10.04 LTS I installed samba and able to access the share on windows machines. However i want to access the share on 300 windows machine(for example) systems at a time Is it possible.

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Server :: Samba And SELinux - Share The User Home Directories?

Oct 6, 2010

I'm running a Samba server (3.5.2-60.fc13) on Fedora 13 (64 bit). I want to share the user home directories and want to allow following of symlinks out of the share tree. So in smb.conf I used

unix extensions = no
wide links = yes

For SELinux I did:

setsebool -P samba_enable_home_dirs=1
getsebool -a | grep samba
samba_create_home_dirs --> off
samba_domain_controller --> off


However I can't follow the symlinks when mounting my home directory on a Windows machine, unless I disable SeLinux.

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Fedora Servers :: Can't Mount NFS Share?

Aug 13, 2010

I had everything working okay, but suddenly I couldn't mount an NFS share from one specific machine to another specific machineIn detail, I have a server (machine 'S') with a share '/big' exported. All hosts on the subnet (ie, have rw access . A client machine, 'A', can mount the share S:/big. But client machine 'B' cannot. Not only are they on the same subnet, but this had been working for quite awhile. Also, I have another client 'C' and it can still mount the server's S:/big share.

When I say that 'B' cannot mount S:/big, what really happens is that the mount call just hangs for a long time (10min+). There is nothing in dmesg or /var/log/messages either.I don't think I did anything that would have changed this. The lines in '/etc/exports' are still the same. Machine 'B' has complete net access to 'S' (ping, ssh, etc), and 'B' can even mount samba shares on 'S'. Just not nfs.

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Fedora Servers :: NFS File Disappearing When Share The Nfs

Apr 20, 2009

i've fedora 10 both on my server and on my client, i'm using nfs to share files between this two machines but sometimes on the client, in nautilus some files disappear when i'm in the nfs-shares, and sometimes if i refresh, they appear again and sometimes not

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Fedora Servers :: Samba Public Share ?

Jan 26, 2011

I wan't whatever file/folder that ends up in the public folder to automaticly be open to whosoever access that folder. Right know I have to "chmod -R 777 file/folder.* "

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Fedora Servers :: Samba Share On External USB Drive?

May 29, 2009

I have a server which currently has a samba share for a printer and my home directory. Both have been working fine for a while now. I have a drobo (which is like a little USB RAID machine) connect via USB to the linux box. While trying to share it via samba I get weird messages from my windows machine (see screenshot). I have tried to share multiple folders on this drobo and no luck, all the same result.

I also tried a symbolic link, no good.

Here is a screen shot
Here is my smb.conf file:
path = /home/savona
read only = no


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Fedora Servers :: Failed To Mount Share On Client

Jan 23, 2010

Setting of my NFS as following and I am failed to mount client and get connected the both computer using Fedora 11; server ~(tower) and client (note book)

NFS Server setting ...
root@tomcat shylock_1]# cat /etc/sysconfig/iptables
# Firewall configuration written by system-config-firewall
# Manual customization of this file is not recommended.
*filter .....

Please make note selinux demon has been disabled.

On Client Side:
file : /etc/exports EMPTY
file : /etc/hosts.allow EMPTY
file :/etc/hosts.deny EMPTY
[root@eagle shylock_1]# cat /etc/sysconfig/iptables
# Firewall configuration written by system-config-firewall
# Manual customization of this file is not recommended.
*filter .....

After making several attempt I cannot mount share on client. What I am missing here? OR is there problem with F11 with NFS server? While throwing everything including sink... I ran tcpdump on server while issuing mount command from client; I got following tcp dump.

01:14:57.142977 IP > S 593790635:593790635(0) win 5840 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 38407834 0,nop,wscale 6>
01:14:57.143033 IP > ICMP host unreachable - admin prohibited, length 68
01:15:02.142293 arp who-has tell
01:15:02.142431 arp reply is-at 00:10:a7:04:d0:0d (oui Unknown)

Which reflect that client (computer - eagle) trying to make call on Server - tomcat but failing. We have a router which also server DHCP Server and issue IP but server has static IPs.

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Fedora Servers :: Permissions For Users Within Share On Samba PDC

Sep 3, 2010

How can I set permissions for users within the share?
Example: I have a share called Programming and some user can create folders within it most others can not, can read the documents.
How do I set permissions?

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Fedora Servers :: Connect To Samba Server ( Share ) From Windows Xp?

Mar 31, 2009

if i try to connect to my samba server ( share ) from my windows xp ( or vista, i've tried both ) it says, that the network share cannot be found. i've installed all necessary rpms on my fedora 10, necessary for running a samba server:


[root@********* samba]# rpm -qa |grep samba

after that, i've configured the smb.conf file, as follows:


[root@*********** samba]# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
#======================= Global Settings =====================================
# ----------------------- Netwrok Related Options -------------------------
workgroup = GROUP


there is no iptables definition, or any other firewall installed, neither on the server nor the client. i've read through alot of howtos an manuals, but was not able to find the problem.

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Fedora Servers :: Samba Share When Selinux Is In Permissive Mode?

May 13, 2009

I don't think it has anything to do with the config file. More to do with SElinux. I need to know how to configure SElinux so I can see my samba share when SELinux is on. When I setenforce 0 I can seen all the files and folders set it to setenforce 1 cannot see anything.

Here is the output when I ran [root@fileserver /]# getsebool -a | grep smb
allow_smbd_anon_write --> on
smbd_disable_trans --> on

These two options were off I tried turning them on.

This is another one of the commands I tried running. I did change a few options but I am not sure which I do need to change. I am running a stand alone server so I don't need the DC option.

[root@fileserver /]# getsebool -a | grep samba
samba_domain_controller --> off
samba_enable_home_dirs --> off
samba_export_all_ro --> on
samba_export_all_rw --> off
samba_share_nfs --> off
use_samba_home_dirs --> on

I can also post a copy of my smb.conf file too.

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Fedora Servers :: F12: NFS Client Crashing On Writes To Remote Share

Feb 20, 2010

I have Fedora installed on a netbook. I customarily mount several NFS shares on this machine, from both a desktop system running F11 and a small server running FreeBSD. On the server side the shares are write-enabled. On the server side the shares are write-enabled. In the past this has worked fine.

However since upgrading to F12, my configuration no longer works as before. Reading from the NFS shares is no problem, but as soon as I try to write to one, either in Nautilus or from any other program, including on the cmd line, all hell breaks lose. Nautilus crashes, and I am unable to remount the shares. Usually rebooting the client is the my only recourse.

There are no clues in dmesg on either the client or the server. In terminal trying to remount a "trashed" share I see this:

$ sudo mount -v venus:/media/disk8 /media./disk8
mount: no type was given - I'll assume nfs because of the colon
mount.nfs: timeout set for Sat Feb 20 17:34:59 2010
mount.nfs: prog 100003, trying vers=3, prot=6


The NFS versions under F11, F12, and FreeBSD are the current ones (all updates applied).

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Fedora Servers :: Stream / Share Music / Files Server?

Jun 8, 2010

First let me preface this with saying that I have been googling, and trolling boards trying to find a solution, tutorials, any thing to help me what I am trying to do, all day (since 8 am, when I started work, till now 3:50 pm) and I have found little to improve my situation.My goal is to setup my desktop (running Fedora core 12) as a server that can be accessed from anywhere. I would like to be able to have streaming music (find a song, or an album, you want to listen to, click and play) from any location, any computer, and I would also like to store files and such that I could also share with whomever I give permission. I have found plenty of tutorials helping with Apache and SSH, so anything along those lines would be nice.

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Fedora Servers :: Access Samba Share By Hostname From Win7

Mar 13, 2011

Running samba-3.5.6-71.fc14.x86_64. Why cant I access samba share by short-hostname from win7. When I ping short-hostname, the answer is the actual ip and

sa pinging short-hostname does work, but accessing it from start-run does not! Accessing by ip or works fine. ssh by short-hostname from win7 works fine too.

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Fedora Servers :: Samba PDC / Wins Proxy To Allow Share Across Networks

Mar 23, 2011

My Fedora router has three nic's, one for the internet, one for lan and one for the wireless network, which uses hostapd. I have set up samba in order to enable windows file sharing from wireless lan to wired lan. Using the samba documentation I have enabled the wins server and wins proxy which should allow met to browse the shares across the networks, which theoretically should do the trick but it doesn't work as expected. I can see the pc's from the other network using windows neighbourhood, but as soon as I access one of them it fails saying that "network path could not be found" or something like this. Tried using windows 7, windows xp and linux for browsing but the result is the same. As firewall I have shorewall and the samba specific ports are enabled for both networks. How to setup samba for inter-network browsing?

I have attached the global config section from smb.conf file:
server string = Samba Server
interfaces = eth1, lo, wlan0
bind interfaces only = Yes
security = SHARE
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
max log size = 50 .....

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Fedora Servers :: Unable To Connect To The Share From Windows Machine

Jun 14, 2011

Trying to setup Samba for the first time and am unable to connect to the share from my Windows machine. It is a very basic setup, just trying to setup a single share to use a backup location for my windows files.

I've done the following:
1. Fresh install if fedora 15
2. installed samba
rpm -qa | grep samba
gives the following:


3. Used samba server configuration to setup the share and create the samba users
4. When I tried to connect from my windows machine I get the error that the server is not accessible, you might not have permission to use this network resource or I get the error "windows cannot access server, check spelling and try again.

Both computers can ping each other. I opened samba ports in the linux firewall and tried to connect again: same error Disabled firewall all together and have the same error. Here is the output from the testparm command


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Fedora Servers :: Cannot Connect Win7 And Mac0S 10.6 Computers To Samba Share

Jan 3, 2010

I just recently constructed a computer to create a nice Fedora Linux server to replace a Mac Mini server that I have been using for a few years. I'm attempting to create a Samba share for my machines, a Windoze 7 machine as well as a couple MacOS 10.6 machines. I've set up Samba, started the service, allowed Samba in the firewall, and used system-config-samba to set up a share with a user. I created a User called "space", and a share /media/peliculas/Movies (a mounted hard drive). When I type in \IP_ADDRESS in the address bar in windows 7, I get the option to log in. I log in correctly and I see two directories "space" and "Movies." Unfortunately when I click on one of them I get the following error message:

Windows cannot access \IP_ADDRESSMovies Check the spelling of the name. Otherwize, there might be a problem with your network. To try and identify and resolve network problems, click Diagnose. I also get something similar when I attempt to connect with my mac machine. Using "Connect to Server" I type in: smb:\IP_ADDRESS, and login, I have the option to mount "Movies" or "space." If I select any of these, I get the following error message: There was an error connecting to the server "IP_ADDRESS." Check the server name or IP addres, and then try again. If you are unable to resolve the problem contact your system administrator.

Also, if I type 'smbclient -U space -L IP_ADDRESS' I can see the "Movies" in the "Sharename." At this point I'm not sure what else to do, and have been trying to figure this out for the last few days (losing sleep due to being baffled). The only thing that I can think of is that I have something wrong with the smb.conf file. Here is what it currently displays:

Global Settings

workgroup = WORKGROUP
server string = Samba Server Version %v
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50


One last thing, when I check the log files, there are error messages that state: smbd/service.c:1009(make_connection_snum) '/home/space' does not exist or permission denied when connecting to [peliculas] Error was Permission denied --Windoze 7 and MacOS 10.6 log files

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Fedora Servers :: Mounting NFS Share On Newly Created Directory Failed

Mar 12, 2010

Running NFS on Fedora 10. Exports fine. I tested it locally. I tested the NFS configuration by trying to access the exported directory from my local machine, before testing it from a remote machine. While logged in as root, I created a new directory "/mnt/nfstest".

Then I mounted the NFS share at the new directory I created:
[root@eric root]# mount -t nfs localhost:/mnt/nfs /mnt/nfstest

When I tried to mount on the remote client:
[root@frank root]# mount -t nfs eric:/mnt/nfs /mnt/nfstest

After a while I got:
# mount eric:/mnt/nfs /mnt/nfstest
mount.nfs: mount system call failed

I tried strace but wasn't sure what I was looking for, but I've attached the results as a .odt file.

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Fedora Servers :: Special Permissions For Running Windows Programs Off A Samba Share?

Feb 24, 2009

I've got my Samba shares up and running. I can stream files from the server, I can create files on the server, and I can copy files from the server.

Running a Windows program (from a Windows box) directly from the Samba server, however, is turning into a nightmare. I'm getting Access is Denied errors from the Windows box, yet I can copy/create/etc from the entire directory with no problems.

Are there any special permissions I need to run EXE files from a Windows box, located on a Samba share? I've already chmod'd everything to 777, and I show full access when ls -Z is used.

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Fedora Servers :: Setup A Samba Network Share With A Directory Server Backend?

Feb 24, 2009

I'm trying to setup a Samba network share with a Fedora Directory Server backend. This will be used primarily for Windows users to authenticate before accessing the share. I am using Fedora Core 10 and have all of the latest updates installed. When I try to connect from a Windows machine, I am prompted for a username and password. I enter the username and password of the account I created in Fedora Directory Server in OU=People. The credentials are rejected. At the same time in the log file I see this:

[2009/02/24 16:50:16, 3] auth/auth_sam.c:check_sam_security(282)
check_sam_security: Couldn't find user 'Administrator' in passdb.
[2009/02/24 16:50:16, 2] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(318)
check_ntlm_password: Authentication for user [Administrator] -> [Administrator] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER

Administrator is the user I created in Fedora Directory Server. If I perform an ldapsearch it will find the user as uid: Administrator so I know it is able to be looked up in FDS. But I'm guessing that's not the problem.


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Ubuntu Servers :: JFS - XFS Processes - None Of File Systems Use XFS Nor JFS

Jun 22, 2011

After an update recently I noticed that my process count jumped up quite a bit. Somehow it doesn't seem related (it was an apt update I believe), but I'll just throw it out there. All of the extra processes seem to be related to XFS and JFS file system kernel processes, but none of my file systems use XFS nor JFS, just EXT3 & EXT4. Is there any safe/easy way to kill off these processes and prevent them from re-spawning? I don't find having irrelevant idle processes to be beneficial nor efficient. It's using Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit. Only active file systems are EXT4 and EXT3.


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