Red Hat / Fedora :: Read From Standard Input In 'growisofs' Command?

Jul 12, 2010

I need to create backup of internal drive and write it on DVD. I want to do this in single below: ntfsclone -f --save-image --overwrite - /dev/sda1 | growisofs -Z /dev/sr1=/dev/stdin

in above command, i tried to to create backup of first partition of internal drive and need to write this backup on DVD. But above command has some probolem due to which it could not write backup on DVD....and how to read from standard input in 'growisofs' command?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Input - Output Error With Growisofs

Mar 10, 2010

I use the growisofs command from the terminal to do most of my burning. Mostly because i burn almost the exact same type of file every time so its pretty easy to set up. I've done this dozens of times and never once had a problem before. I loved it because it was so much simpler than doing this in windows where i would need to install a few extra programs and codecs. That was up until today where it started failing every single time i tried to burn something.

For some reason every time i try to burn a disc it gives me this error message:


I'm really at a loss as to why this is happening. Every thread i found that discussed this problem was mostly focused on k3b or brasero and never really answered the question. As far as i know nothing has been updated since the last time i burned a disc a few days ago. Everything is exactly the same as it was when it worked. The only thing i could think of that might have caused this sudden failure is that i flashed the firmware of another cd drive using the same sata port that this drive is currently plugged into, but that was in windows so i dont see how it could have affected this drive.

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General :: Ruby Program Which Use Standard Input?

May 15, 2010

I am using Red Hat Enterprise Version 5. There is a ruby program which use standard input as its input (e.g. the Ruby program process input from standard input). I think standard input should be keyboard, correct?

So, I think other kinds of input (non-standard input) should not work (i.e. the ruby program should not be able to read input from such non-standard input), but actually I have tried using pipe works, I am so confused because I think pipe should be some other kinds of input -- other than standard input, why it could work? i.e. put text "123" in abc.txt with pipe, could achieve the same result as using keyboard as input to type "123" for the ruby program.

cat abc.txt | ~/test/rubysrc/foo.rb

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Terminal - 'unable To Read Input Images'

Apr 28, 2010

1.) Whenever i am starting a new instance of terminal, it is giving messages 'unable to read input images' five times. Actually i had run a shell script that gave this message, but why is it appearing every time, i am opening a new terminal, (that script is already over and it generated the required outputs)? Because of this, when i run 'ls' command, it is showing all the files and directories with the same color, otherwise it used to show them in different colors.

2.) Once my panel had crashed, then i have made a new panel, but after that my instant messenger icon is no more keeps sitting on the system tray as it used to do before, it closes as i close its window otherwise even after closing the window, it used to keep me logged in and the icon use to be there at system tray.

3.) automount for usbdrive not working? Note: all these problems are there only in my own user account. Other user account like root and guest has everything correct.

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Programming :: Timeout For Standard Input Using Tcsetattr Not Working?

Jan 5, 2010

The code is attached..My intention is that getchar which usually blocks,should come out after 5 seconds(VTIME).But this is not happening..can anyone tell me the mistake that I make..?

#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>


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Software :: Cant Convert Audio Files Using Flac With Standard Input?

Jun 28, 2011

I cant convert audio files using flac with standard input. I tried the commands such as:

mpg321 -b 10000 -s -r 44100 -w - file.mp3 | flac - -o file.flac
ogg123 -d wav -f - file.ogg | flac - -o file.flac


All such conversions doesnt produce any *.flac file. It seems flac doesnt accept minus sign for the standard input although flac manual allows to use it.

So my question is how I can use the standard input in order to decode audio data with flac?

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Debian Hardware :: Standard Xserver-xorg-input-synaptics Is Undergoing Some Weird Changes At The Moment?

Apr 22, 2011

Just did an upgrade in Wheezy and found my synaptics touchpad borked. Easy enough fix, though.aptitude install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-devRebooted (probably could have just modprobed) and all is wellSo, I guess the standard xserver-xorg-input-synaptics is undergoing some weird changes at the moment.

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General :: Serial Input Read Into A Character App?

Oct 27, 2009

I have a character app running on a Linux server with a telnet thin client. This app requires 3 input values that I would like to be filled in from a scale indicator that is connected via serial to the PC running this app. I feel like this is doable but not sure how. The app is running in Progress 10.1B. Currently I can see the 3 values coming from the serial port with hyperterminal but I do not want to have to rekey into the app.

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Programming :: Read Each Line Of A File As Input?

Jun 21, 2011

I'm writing a program which now accepts user input:

echo "Enter a date in the format YYYY MM DD hh mm ss."

read gregyr gregmo gregdy greghr gregmn gregsc This lets the user input a date and time, such as 2011 06 21 15 12 45, and have each number assigned to their corresponding variable. Later in the program, these variables are put into an equation, and then the terminal spits out the answer. Now I have to have the program read all of the lines from a text file, which is in this format, assign the variables.

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Programming :: Read Multiple Input With Bash?

May 7, 2010

As I'm starting to learn bash scripting I'm trying to automatize some tasks I usually perform. I have a notification mail I need to send several times a day. It has this structure:


Dear user,
blah blah blah blah

You need to contact the following people:


To replace "user", I found this:


read -p "Please enter username: " username
echo "Dear $username,"

Which probe to be very useful with other simple notifications like this. But I don't know how to manage the email addresses as they are usually more than one and could vary from 1 to 10. They should appear one above the other. I found this: "Here is a little work around. The only thing the user needs to do is hit enter without anything else on a line and it will close out"


until [[ $word = "" ]];do


I tried to use it and modify for my needs but I failed, I don't realize yet how can I use it. If possible, I would like to use the until loop like the above example just for learning purposes but any other form will be accepted as well.

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General :: Redirecting Command Output To Input Of Another Command?

Jul 2, 2011

I want to run gsettings list-schemas (which return a list of about 100 names separated by spaces)and somehow direct each name one at a time as the input to this command:gsettings list-recursivelyI've tried it with awk, and standard | piping and also as a string variable strvar=$(gsettings list-schemas) and using the $strvar as the input butam missing something in between I'm sure like for - while or proper syntax of awk etc

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Programming :: Direct Standard Output From Find Command?

Mar 26, 2010

I'm trying to pull out sections from a bunch of files. For one file, I use:

sed '/string1/,/string2/ !d' <filename.ext >newfilename.ext
to pull out everything between two strings in the original file and put them in a new file.


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Software :: Read Multiple Lines From User Input In C?

Feb 26, 2010

in c how to read multiple lines from user input

using scanf it is not possible and using gets we can able to read one line at a time
hoe to read multiple lines at a time from user input....

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General :: Read From Input File And Append To Multiple Files?

Nov 22, 2010

I wanted to be as clear as possible. I have to add hundreds of new servers to hundreds of configuration files in Nagios. Here is a sample structure:

servers.txt has:


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Programming :: Write A Program Which Will Read Input From A Text File

Apr 7, 2010

i am trying to write a program which will read input from a text file, check if each line contains any alphabets and then display a message imforming me if there is an alphabet in each line. My text file is formatted in this way...


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Slackware :: Get Standard PS/2 Wheel Mouse Working On The Console Command Line

Aug 13, 2010

I am trying to get my standard PS/2 Wheel mouse working on the Console command line, and seem to be having major problems getting it to work.

For the record, I am NOT talking about X, Xterm's or any Graphical Interface, my mouse wheel works fine in these environments.

I am purely concerned with getting the mouse wheel to work on the Console.

After many hours of reading forum posts about getting the wheel to work on the Console, this is what I have tried to date:

1. I have downloaded and installed every version of gpm I could find in the hope that one would utilise the wheel. (No Success).

2. I compiled and installed the latest version of gpm stable (1.20.6) to see if the wheel would work with it. (No Success).

3. I have tried setting up gpm-1.20.6 as a repeater to X, using every string I could find (msc, ms3, pnp .. etc), as well as every /dev entry in xorg.conf /dev/mouse, /dev/input/mice/, dev/gpmdata/, /dev/psaux ... etc). (No Success).

4. Created directories and configured a gpm.conf to both /etc/ and /etc/conf.d/ in the hope that gpm was looking for them there (read that in one forum or another). (No Success).

5. I then tried to find mouse wheel patches for gpm, and then downloaded the relevant version source gpm.***.tar.gz to go with these patches. Nearly every single one of the patches failed to apply (using patch -p1 >), except for one version I tried that did apply ... but then failed to make (stating that the source had a different signedness or some such thing) ??? (No Success).

6. I looked into IMwheel, but that seemed to be a purely X program that was a lazy way of writing ZAxisMapping in xorg.conf. (No Success).

So now I am stumped ... Does anyone know if if is possible to get:

a). A Wheel Mouse Patch for a recent version of gpm (1.20.6) that will actually apply, and then make?

b). A prepackaged recent version of gpm-1.20.6.tgz that has been patched to enable the wheel that I can use?

c). Any other information that may enable the mouse wheel to start working on the console.

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Debian Programming :: Check If Files Exists By Read Input From A File

Jul 27, 2013

I need a script that dose the following checks if files exists by read input from a file then compares them to the files listed in the directory if they don’t exists the script would report back which file dose not exists. I also need to format the output so that files are grouped in different groups, group A, B, and C and etc based on file name. I would like the output of that do not exists files to be sorted based on second number in the file name than group according. I understand some of the basics of bash scripting something along of the lines of a loop and if statements might do the trick. Below is what I have so far. I don’t car so much about the script reporting back the file exists I prefer to only know if the file is missing and is less than 3 days old. Problem is if a file dose not exists in the reports file the test compares against the wrong file.

Group A


Group B


Group C


Code] ....

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General :: Recovery Disc States Cannot Read Input/output Error?

Nov 15, 2010

Pavillion laptop crashed and I can not find all of my recovery discs. The computer will not allow me to do an internal recovery so I ordered a recovery download on line and burned to a disc. when I put the disc in the graphics came up and in started in Live-mode but then the error mess came: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ cannot read file data: input/output error. The site said it was an ISO file but then it had a program it had me run to change it and burn the disc.

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Programming :: Bash - Read User Input: URLs Without The Enter Key Stroke?

Sep 23, 2010

Here's a challenge I've been struggling for months with:

I have a bash script that reads URL addresses of our internal server and then executes some test commands on them. Something like this:

read -p "Enter URL: " url
sh execute-what-ever-to $url

After copy-pasting the URL the user taps the enter key and the script proceeds, but here comes the tricky part: I want this to work without the need to press the enter key after copy-pasting the URL.

"read -n" does not work in this case, as the URLs vary greatly in length. However, the URLs always end to the same string. They could be like "http://url1/END", "http://url2/END" and so on. So this ending string "END" could be theoretically used to recognize that the whole URL has been pasted.

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Programming :: Perl About System Command / Fails If The Standard Shell Is Dash And Not Bash?

Jun 30, 2011

I am trying to fix a perl script, and I really suck at perl. But I think this problem will be easy for people who know it.

The problem is, I have an old setup script someone wrote many years ago. It fails if the standard shell is dash and not bash. The only way I've gotten it to work is to point /bin/sh to bash. I looked thru the script and it uses "system" many places, and I think that's the problem.

I searched for it and found this link:url

My plan is to include this function:

sub system_bash {
my @args = ( "bash", "-c", shift );
Then I could simply change all calls to system into system_bash and it should work?

The parameter to the system calls is usually some variable. What if the parameter is a list already? Do I need to test for it somehow, and if it's a list, prepend "bash" and "-c" to the list? How do I do that?

In the script there are lots of places like this:

my $error = system($cmd);
if ($error) {
die/warn "some error message";

Shouldn't there be a return in the system_bash function?

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General :: Write A Shell Script Which Will Read The Directory Path As Input From User?

Nov 28, 2010

I am new to writing shell scripts. So, please bare with me. I am currently trying to write a shell script which will read the directory path as input from user and will traverse the Dir tree to find all available audio and video files. I have tried to write as much as I could but I don't know where I am making mistake as I get some files to be audio file which are actully tar balls. On the second note there are some files which video but script shows them to be audio. And, some video files are completely skipped. I am giving the shell script below so that you can see. I am using two external files as source which I am attaching.


#Let's load the extensions that we want to search for
vdExt=$(cat vdExtList)
adExt=$(cat adExtList)


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Programming :: Create A Simple Program With Will Continually Read Input From The User Until They Enter A Blank Line?

Apr 6, 2011

basically i have to create a simple program with will continually read input from the user until they enter a blank linei know how to read in certain input but not sure how to get it continually in a loop

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General :: Growisofs & Iso File 4gb Boundary?

Jun 7, 2010

To backup files residing on my system, I've been using mkisofs to create an empty iso file, and then populating it using growisofs: (in an empty directory)

> mkisofs -graft-points -iso-level 2 -joliet -joliet-long -udf -full-iso9660-filenames -R -o myiso.iso .
> growisofs -M myiso.iso -r -J -use-the-force-luke=4gms <filetoadd>

This was working well for isos to be written to a single-layer DVD, but when I tried to add more data meant to be written to a dual-layer disc, I get this:

":-( next session would cross 4GB boundary, aborting..." I've done some searching and it seems that -use-the-force-luke should have helped, but doesn't. I assume the problems lies with mkisofs in creating an empty iso, but not sure how to get around it. I've only started dabbling with these tools in the past few days. Is it possible to create an empty iso with growisofs, or is there another way of creating an iso file that can contain enough data for a dual-layer disc? I really would like to be able to populate an empty iso as there are scripts involved & the availability of data being backed up might not be available immediately (data being sent for backup from other teams, for example).

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Software :: Using Growisofs To Only Create An Image?

Mar 4, 2010

Can I use 'growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/null' to create only the image to burn a dvd-video dvd from the VIDEO_TS, AUDIO_TS directory tree?

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Ubuntu :: When Try To Burn Recording To DVD / It Fails On Growisofs

Sep 13, 2010

I'm running hauppauge 2250 tuners (2 of them, 4 tuners total).I have the tuners set up and working although when booting up they worked intermitantly until I went through backend setup and restarted the frontend.I solved this by adding a 30 second sleep before backend startup and this seems to have fixed this.I'm still having trouble with burning and ripping dvds.I can play dvds in vlc and mythtv (mythtv since adding the sleep line). but when I try to burn a recording to dvd it fails on growisofs.I get an error 1.I've set the correct region with regionset and I have the dvd codecs.

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General :: How To Make Growisofs Working With Cron

Aug 9, 2010

I make a script to automate burning backup files on dvd. It works fine if I start it from root user, but if I start it. From cronjob do noting. I try on growisofs the option -use-the-force-luke=force but nothing happens. I check the env of cron:

and it seems ok i've got my script in /usr/local/bin and growisofs in /usr/bin

Code of my script below:
for FILE in $(/bin/ls -r $bkup_path$prefix)

dimfile=`/bin/ls -l $FILE | /usr/bin/awk -F " " '{print $5}' `
let "totdimfile += dimfile";
if [ "$totdimfile" -lt "4700000000" ]
NAMEFILE=`/bin/ls -l $FILE | /usr/bin/awk -F " " '{print $8}' `

/usr/bin/growisofs -use-the-force-luke=force -Z /dev/scd0 -R -J $ALLNAMEFILE
/usr/bin/growisofs -M /dev/scd0=/dev/zero
end code of my script

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Software :: Back End Of Growisofs (burning) Using Debian 5.0.4

May 7, 2010

I use growisofs to burn image or data files into DVDs. In its manpage it refered that it's a combined genisoimage frontend/DVD recording program. while in genisoimage's manpage

Note that genisoimage is not designed to communicate with the writer directly. Most writers have proprietary command sets which vary from one manufacturer to another, and you need a specialized tool to actually burn the disc. wodim is one such tool. The latest version of wodim is available from [URL]

So,genisoimage still is a front end program. so when my using growisfo to burn something, which bin was used to actually do the burning job? wodim? I am using debian 5.0.4

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Programming :: Find Command With Standard Error Output And Mail Error File

Nov 11, 2010

We make everyday a DB Mysql backup on Linux redhat Enterprise. We are using a bash shell script (and putting it in the crontab) to execute it automatically everyday. We added a line to this script telling, once the backup has completed, to find old backup files (stored on hard disk after each backup) older than x days to remove them. We use the find command (search for file type) with the mtime option and in combination with rm command. Everything runs ok but we also want to add some new code to the same line: If find command cannot find anything or fails, for example if it cannot delete file or fails, send the error message (standard error output) to an error file (like error000001 and increasing) and mail the errorxxxx file to an email address for example to What would be the code for this issue to add it to our find command in the same bash shell script??

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OpenSUSE :: "some Input Files Cannot Be Read (locked Or Corrupted)"

Jun 5, 2010

just installed Peazip 3.1 from the repositories, and whenever i try to compress any file, i get a "some input files cannot be read (locked or corrupted)"

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Ubuntu :: Input / Output Errors - Halt With "Read Only"

Jun 29, 2011

I can install the system, start setting it up, but eventually the system will halt with "Read only" errors, Input/Output errors on the drive the Distro is installed on and crap out. everything is working fine in Windows 7. It is just linux, seemingly. I've checked the hard-drive, memory, etc. I'm at an utter loss as to what is going on!

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