Red Hat / Fedora :: How Much Ram Centos5.3 Will Support

Jan 29, 2011

how much ram centos5.3 will support , can centos 5.3 support quadcore processor intel xeon 3ghz,if supported which motherboard is compatible .saas hard drive 1 TB is supported for centos5.3.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Compile A Tar.gz File In Centos5?

Jan 18, 2010

howto compile a tar.gz file in centos5ORhow can i create rpm from tar.gz file

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Installing PyQt4 On CentOS5.5?

Aug 2, 2010

I can insatall PyQt3 just fine, but when I try to run python in my PyQt 4.7 directory I get the error: Failed to determine the layout of your Qt installation. I have installed the latest version of SIP on my machine and I am runnin python 2.7.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Centos5.5 - Can't Su - Incorrect Password?

Oct 6, 2010

I don't know how I've managed to mess this one up, but in the midst of securing my webserver (ie. changing default SSH port, add new user, disable root SSH) I seem to have broken su functionality....somehow.

When I ssh as my user "lockdown" I attempt to "su -" and immediately am prompted with "su: incorrect password"

Code: lockdown[ at ]bag [~]# su
su: incorrect password
lockdown[ at ]bag [~]#

I re-enabled root SSH login (via editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config) and I'm able to SSH as root no problem, however I can't su even from root to another user, getting the same behavior and error message..

Code: root[ at ]bag [~]# su lockdown
su: incorrect password
root[ at ]bag [~]# Here are my permissions for /bin/su ...
Code: root[ at ]bag [/]# ls -l /bin/su
-rwSr-xr-- 1 root wheel 28336 Feb 28 2010 /bin/su* My user "lockdown" is a member of the wheel group, and I haven't edit /etc/pam.d/su or system-auth at all.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Add Windows Xp To Samba Domain (CentOS5.3)?

Sep 6, 2010

I'm stuck with this problem of adding Windows machine to Linux domain. for which samba has been configured as PDC .

operating system : Cent OS 5.3 with updates ., with hostname
Dnsdomainname = com Code: [global]
workgroup = TESTER
netbios name = TESTER
server string = Samba Server Version %v
interfaces = lo, eth0,,
passdb backend = tdbsam

guest ok = Yes now everything work well i.e windows client can access their share. also permissions are set appropriately. Also account for users and particular XP machine are also created.when I try add windows machine to samba domain by changing windows machines domain name to the tester . Windows client gives error of can not connect to domain.If anyone has any idea about this problem of adding windows machines to SAMBA domain pls reply.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Build A Server To Run CentOS5 To Host Domains?

Jul 6, 2010

I'd like to build a server to run CentOS5 to host domains & run Boonex's Dolphin 7. I can't afford the hardware at present, but do have a spare laptop to test with. My two questions:

1) Is is possible to create a build on my laptop, with CentOS, PHP, Dolphin 7, DNS etc, and then create an image to transfer to the future hardware server when constructed? If not, are there alternatives e.g. to copy settings, and then paste then onto the new CentOS install? Anything else I should consider for doing this future move?

2) I presume it's not possible to transfer from 32bit (now) to 64 bit (possibly later) CentOS5?

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General :: How To Setup Yum In Centos5

Feb 3, 2011

how to stup yum in centos5

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Server :: Driver Support - QME2572 - Qlogic - Card Became Support By The Kernel

Jul 10, 2011

I'm trying to find out when QME2572 (Qlogic) card became support by the kernel. We have a RHEL 5.1 system that is moving to new hardware, however the kernel at this release doesn't support the new hardware, due to the Qlogic card change. I tired the Redhat KB and Bugzilla. Is there a Kernel change list etc I can search. Never really played around with the kernel too much so I'm just after some pointers for looking up this information. Offically its not supported until Redhat 5.3, I'm trying trying to research kernel info so I can tell the customer they have to upgrade.

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General :: Ubuntu Can't Support A Higher Resolution That Laptop Can Support?

Apr 14, 2010

I have a HP laptop which can support 1600x900. But after I install ubuntu 9.10 on it, it can only support up to 1280x700. My laptop has a Nvidia graphics card. And i am using GNOME as my desktop environment.

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General :: Centos5.4 With Minimal Graphics?

Mar 30, 2010

could some one give hints tips ideas on how can we install centos 128 mb ram machine with minimal GUI, lowest graphics mode. what are main package i do need to remove it.

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Server :: Update Centos5.5 Kernel From 2.6.18 To 2.6.22

Jan 27, 2011

i have a centos 5.5 server, 300GB sas harddiscs.

but serval days ago, my server always show:

only read file system and top,ps,vi all command is not usefull and show error -input output

i search it on google, and read many pages

i found it has 2 reason most like

1.harddisks broken kennel'bug

i bought a new hardiscs and change it on my server

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Server :: How To Install Red5 On Centos5

Apr 7, 2009

I am a newbie on linux and now I just bought a dedicated server using centos5 and for one of my website, webcam chat. I need to install red5.

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Server :: Setting Up GFS2 On Centos5?

Nov 2, 2010

I am getting frustrated to the fact that I am in charge of developing a Enterprise class solution for my company and I don't find the right answer on the WWW. I have 3 mail servers that I want them to share a Global File System (GFS) that will be mounted via ISCSI on a RAID1+0 SAN Md3000i device. All the documentation that RHEL offers include the setup of DRDB or VLS Clustering.

My intentions are not to setup clustering on these servers, at least for now, however I want them to share access to the same block device, giving enough write/read access throughput . My question is, have you done something like this ? Do you know of any good Tutorial that you tried, and worked for you ?

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Server :: .php Downloads As Downloadfile.bin On CentOS5

May 17, 2011

Used to work fine, mybb forums and a blog, accidentally chowned everything to wrong account, then back to root, fixed mysql, shell and php and it got back up again yesterday, made a new database and updated some packages using webmin (OpenSSL etc), tried to install virtualmin but qMail blocked it, few hours later out of the blue all our php files download as .bin files, as downloadfile.bin on my android phone but others on our game server reported it downloading too.

We shut off apache for obvious security reasons and are considering to close shop if we cant fix this.

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Red Hat :: Install Media Plugins Like Wmv Mp4 In Centos5.5?

Oct 20, 2010

i'm using centos 5.5. i'm unable to play wmv avi mp4 files.

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CentOS 5 :: Multiple Languages In Centos5.2?

Apr 23, 2009

i am installing centos 5.2,i selected Multiple languages.Now my problem is when i press ctrl+space it is changing language.How to disable this.

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CentOS 5 :: How To Compile Tar.gz File In Centos5

Jan 18, 2010

how to compile a tar.gz file in centos5 OR how can i create rpm from tar.gz file

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CentOS 5 :: Using K3b To Burn Bootable Iso Of Centos5.5?

Jun 17, 2010

Is it a straightforward endeavour to burn a bootable iso of centos5.5 with k3b, or is there some hidden setting to make sure it is bootable?I have looked,and I haven't found anything.

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CentOS 5 :: Utorrent Is Not Working On Centos5.5?

Mar 11, 2011

I have download the utorrent from when I am trying to run I am getting the following messages:

[oracle@harvey-dt utorrent-server-v3_0]$ ./utserver
./utserver: /lib/ no version information available (required by ./utserver)
./utserver: /lib/ no version information available (required by ./utserver)


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General :: Where To Open System Command In Centos5.5

Feb 5, 2011

I install Vmware in winxp sp3, then install centos 5.5-i386 release 2 in Vmware. I want to type some command like yum install ..., but where to open system command? I searched the menu applications places system on the top of the desktop, but I am not sure which one is.

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Installation :: Dual Boot Windows XP And CentOS5

May 12, 2010

I have an existing desktop with Windows XP. I have added another hard drive on which i have installed CentOS5. I have updated grub.conf as follows:

# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE: You have a /boot partition. This means that


I am not sure what to do next. If I remove the new hard drive the machine boots into WindowsXP so the I am not getting to the Windows bootloader from CentOS.

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Networking :: Incomplete Route Table: Centos5.5 / 64 On ESX

Feb 10, 2010

Going haywire on a new Centos 5.4 64bit install on vmware esx 4. I should know, but my mind is obviously fucked up today. I get the "distination unreachable", indicating something ICMP related, checked network setup, all looks like usual. Except my routing table lacks the and def. gw entries, as in this working box example: U 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 lo UG 0 0 0 eth0

FWIW, during install, did the usual basic firewall steps, not'n extra added but SSH. Tried with/without iptables, no change; no wonder given the lacky routing table. Sure, I can add what's missing, but I'd like to know why it's missing; i.e. what I missed on basic setup, as I'm going to repeat this with a nof Centos/RHEL installations (replacing SLES).

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Networking :: Modem Router Configuration In Centos5

Jan 25, 2011

I m using an adsl modem router for connecting into the internet while my operating system is windows 7,but i want to learn open source platforms like UNIX and Linux. so for this reason i install a Linux distro which is centos5. i want to ask how i can configure my modem router with centos. modem router model is Billion BIPAC 5210s.i search internet for its drivers and the only thing which i found modem driver for windows platforms and nothing esle want to know that for installing this modem with my centos i need to download its drivers or not and if the answer is yes or no how comes !

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General :: Can't Login As Root In Gnom Centos5

Apr 22, 2010

i have recently installed gnom desktop on centos5 and i am having issue regarding login as root when i am in vnc session, i can login as root through ssh but in vnc desktop it keep asking me password if i try to access display control or install software options. secondly it is fixed resolution 600*800 and i dont know how to change it , i cant see the display setting with "system-config-display", it keep asking me root password :/ and when i give password it says incorrect

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General :: How To Install Cacti In Centos5.3/RHEL5.3

Mar 4, 2010

I am trying to install CACTI in Centos5.3. Now I am facing two problem. My DAG repository is not working and thats why i am not able to use YUM for CACTI....So i downloaded the cacti-0.8.7e.tar.gz and using this software according to following links


But it is of no use can somebody tell me about a tutorial through which i can install cacti without YUM ..IN addition to this if somebody has any clue of how to activate DAG repository in CENTOS 5.3 then i will be delighted.

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General :: How To Install Kde / Gnome Desktop On Centos5

Jan 26, 2011

i would like to know how to install kde / gnome desktop on centos5 but not use yum,because my yum always fails due proxy problem.

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Server :: Installation Of Apache Tomcat 5.5.27 In CentOS5

Jan 4, 2010

I have installed apache tomcat 5.5.27 in centos5. I edited the server.xml file also. The and commands are working fine. But tomcat is not opening in the browser. Can you suggest me something or tell me the steps involved in installing tomcat. Is admin.tar.gz of apache tomcat required for its working?

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Software :: How To Install VLC Media Player On Centos5

Oct 22, 2010

I am new with centos but I am a lil familiar with linux redhat, today I decided to install vlc media player on centos but I do not know how to do it.

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CentOS 5 Server :: MySql Error In Centos5.2

Mar 16, 2009

When i run the command:

It shows output as:

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Install RT25USB-SRC-V2.0.8.0.tar.gz In CentOs5?

Jun 27, 2009

do not know how to install the driver RT25USB-SRC-V2.0.8.0.tar.gz for my Wireless USB, please someone have a howto, since I used the howto Centos4 in and had problems, did not conclude,

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