General :: Where To Open System Command In Centos5.5

Feb 5, 2011

I install Vmware in winxp sp3, then install centos 5.5-i386 release 2 in Vmware. I want to type some command like yum install ..., but where to open system command? I searched the menu applications places system on the top of the desktop, but I am not sure which one is.

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General :: CentOS5.4_x64 - Open Up Ports In Firewall?

Apr 1, 2010

I would like to ask today how to open up specific ports in Linux firewall (iptables). Recently I have changed the SSH port in server from 22 to 30022 by typing


# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config


Port 30022
"/etc/ssh/sshd_config" 111L, 3027C

And then for the iptables configuration file:


# vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables


How to configure the iptables properly so that my Windows PC can access the Linux with port 30022?

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General :: Install CentOs5.5 On A New Dell Without Operating System?

Feb 23, 2011

I will receive a new Dell without any operating systems. I will need to install CentOS-5.5 on this machine. How can install it? What files do I need to download?

My computer will have no OS installed. Which is the easiest way to install, using CentOS-5.5-i386-LiveCD-Release2.iso or CentOS-5.5-i386-bin-DVD.iso? What are the basic procedures?

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General :: Port The Current Fedora4 System To The CentOS5 On A New Harddisk?

Feb 19, 2010

I am trying to port the current Fedora4 system to the CentOS5 on a new harddisk. Actually, the Fedora4 system is constantly being hacked due to my lazy update. So i prefer a fresh install of CentOS5. I am not clear what files need copy and what does not need for ease and for avoiding possible backdoors. Kinda a big problem,

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General :: How To Use Command Prompt To Open Them

Sep 6, 2010

After contracting malware on Vista i decided to switch over to Linux and chose to start of with Ubuntu because of the graphical interface. that being said, you have no doubt inferred that i have no coding experience. basically i was hoping to find some nice tutorials and sites for Ubuntu. Also, i did downloaded the suggested programs and patches but im still experiencing problems with Adobe,flash, and and opening .exe files. for the latter, when i click on .exe files it is equivalent of using explorer on windows so i was wondering how to use the command prompt to open them. supposedly linux is susceptible to malware so if you could please suggest a anti -malware program.

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General :: Open Command With Pipeline?

Apr 9, 2011

What is the effect of pipe symbol in the second statement shown below? How does it differ from first one?

set nt [open "file" "r"]
set nt [open "|file" "r"]

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General :: Use Command To Open First Search Result With Vi?

Nov 10, 2010

Every time I need to find a file and then open it, I have to use :
find ./ -name **.properties. , then copy the result, and then vi "paste the result here" .
If I need to use a mouse, it can be a little trouble. So is there any better way to do this?

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General :: Command Used To Find Out Open Ports?

May 28, 2010

What UNIX command do you use to find out the open ports in a system?

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General :: Gnome-terminal Command To Open Up A New Tab?

Aug 20, 2010

Are there a command to open up a new tab in gnome terminal(Ctrl+T outcome). I need it to use with in bash script.

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General :: Command To Check All Open TCP Connections?

Feb 22, 2010

What is the command to check all open TCP connections?

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General :: How To Setup Yum In Centos5

Feb 3, 2011

how to stup yum in centos5

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General :: Running Open Office From The Command Line?

Apr 7, 2011

Yesterday I installed OpenOffice on my Linux server. But when I go to run it through the command line, it says command cannot be found. I've also tried other things like OOWriter, etc. Has anyone had this problem? Installation process went like below: root@aserver [OOO330_m20_native_packed-1_en-US.9567/RPMS]#

rpm -i *.rpm
package is already installed
package ooobasis3.3-core01-3.3.0-9567.i586 is already installed
package ooobasis3.3-en-US-3.3.0-9567.i586 is already installed
package ooobasis3.3-core02-3.3.0-9567.i586 is already installed


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General :: Command Line To Open A Second Telnet Session ?

Mar 15, 2010

On my ubuntu 9.10 pc i am not running a GUI.

Every thing is run from command line.

How do i start a second telnet session from command line.

Plus can i have 4 telnet session open and move from one to the next and back again.

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General :: Open A Folder In A Window From The Command Line?

Nov 24, 2010

How can I open a folder in a window from the command line. I don't want to list the contents of the folder by the "ls" command, but want to open the folder through the command line, like it opens when we double click on the folder.

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General :: Centos5.4 With Minimal Graphics?

Mar 30, 2010

could some one give hints tips ideas on how can we install centos 128 mb ram machine with minimal GUI, lowest graphics mode. what are main package i do need to remove it.

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General :: Open Source Command Line Subtitle Converter

Mar 9, 2010

Is there any open source, command line, subtitle converter, prefferably for linux?

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General :: Script To Open All Subdirectories Of A Single Directory And Then Run A Command?

Mar 24, 2010

I am trying to write a very simple script that will go to every subdirectory of a single directory and run a command (lets call it make_ndx).I know I can write this the long way with in a text document with something like:

cd /"the directory"/"the 1st subdirectory"
cd ..
cd "the 2nd subdirectory"
cd ..

Alternatively, I also tried: for i in 'find /path/somemorepath -type d -mindepth 1'; do cd $i; make_ndx -f *.gro; done which returns me with the error cd: find: no such file or directory. But if I run the find command by itself to test if I am calling the right directories, it gives me the exactly the output I am looking for. Any ideas? Should I just write the find results to a file and loop through the contents of the file (which seems a little bit like overkill) or am I just making a simple typographical mistake and I am just not seeing it?

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General :: Can't Login As Root In Gnom Centos5

Apr 22, 2010

i have recently installed gnom desktop on centos5 and i am having issue regarding login as root when i am in vnc session, i can login as root through ssh but in vnc desktop it keep asking me password if i try to access display control or install software options. secondly it is fixed resolution 600*800 and i dont know how to change it , i cant see the display setting with "system-config-display", it keep asking me root password :/ and when i give password it says incorrect

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General :: How To Install Cacti In Centos5.3/RHEL5.3

Mar 4, 2010

I am trying to install CACTI in Centos5.3. Now I am facing two problem. My DAG repository is not working and thats why i am not able to use YUM for CACTI....So i downloaded the cacti-0.8.7e.tar.gz and using this software according to following links


But it is of no use can somebody tell me about a tutorial through which i can install cacti without YUM ..IN addition to this if somebody has any clue of how to activate DAG repository in CENTOS 5.3 then i will be delighted.

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General :: How To Install Kde / Gnome Desktop On Centos5

Jan 26, 2011

i would like to know how to install kde / gnome desktop on centos5 but not use yum,because my yum always fails due proxy problem.

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Ubuntu :: Create A Command That Will Open Terminal And Keep It Open?

Jul 30, 2010

I have a problem that I can't seem to figure out. I can easily create a .sh file that will execute a command in Terminal, but as soon as it executes the terminal disappears. How do I get it to stay? My idea is to have the keyboard shortcut "ctrl+alt+del" open a .sh file with the contents "ps ax". Then it would be just like having a task manager; the terminal would open with "ps ax" already executed, and all I would have to do is kill the process number.

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General :: Allow Remote Access To MySQL Server On Centos5?

Jan 7, 2009

I have yum installed mysql 5 on Centos5 and I can successfully run queries through shell.However, I want to now allow external access to mysql via some mysql tools (Mysql Administrator/Mysql Query Browser) which is on some windows machines on the same network.Mysql is running on port 3006.When i try connecting through mysql Admin i get the following:Could not connect to the specified instance.MySQL Error Number 2003Can't connect to MySQL server on 'ipaddress' (10065)If you want to check the network connection, please click the Ping button.Googling this I get the impression its something port related, but I have tried what I have found and still no go.When I ping the server I get:

Start Pinging:
Reply from ipaddress: Time=0ms TTL=64
Reply from ipaddress: Time=0ms TTL=64


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General :: Add Countdown Clock To Gnome Desktop Using Centos5 & F14?

Apr 10, 2011

I am going to allow myself a few cheeky ones next weekend. So I though it would be nice to have a clock on my desktop reminding me of how long to go. Is there a countdown clock I can add to my Gnome desktop? I am using Centos5 & F14.

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General :: Can Not Connect Oracle 11gR2/sqlplus In CentOS5.5?

May 30, 2010

tried hard to install oracle-11g-R2 in my CentOS5.5,during the install,I did all my job step by step as this article says: Q1: when I 'su oracle 'sqlplus /nolog',it said:"sqlplus: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory".The article has a ution for this problem:"Solution: Install libaio and libaio-devel packages. If packages already installed and error still occurs try execute "ldconfig" as root."Then i executed "ldconfig" as root ,and run "sqlplus /nolog",it occured another problem:"SP2-0667: Message file sp1<lang>.msbSP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory"

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General :: Gnome Black Screen With X Cursor In CentOS5?

Jul 16, 2010

I have a problem in gnome desktop.i have started getting a black screen with a X cursor in my centos.see the preview:[URL]

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General :: Installing Madwifi On Centos5.5 For AirPlus DWL G510?

Mar 4, 2011

I am trying to install Madwifi 0.9.4 on my Centos5.5 and have absolutely no idea what to do, obviously its nothing like windows which is all I have ever used until just today when I installed Centos (so yes very new newbie). So my question is, how do I install it, what do I do? I have tried looking around on the net but most posts/tutorials assume some knowledge already.

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General :: PDFs Open In GIMP On System?

Jul 30, 2010

I installed evince on my Arch Linux system as a PDF reader, and everything was fine for a while. And then I installed GIMP. Since then, PDF files have been opening in GIMP. I've tried reinstalling evince, I've tried editing ~/.local/share/applications/defaults.list , I've tried editing /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache, but PDF files still open in GIMP by default.

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General :: Error 23 Too Many Open Files In System

Sep 9, 2010

Linux Error: 23: Too many open files in system..OS: CentOS 5.0, Oracle 10g R2..Application: Microsoft VB6, the application is opening many connections e.g. more than 3000 in 3 minutes and suddenly, the oracle instance is disconnecting and getting "too many open files in system" as error in the listenr.log file.

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General :: Clone Or Create Image Of Working Servers Having Centos5.3?

Dec 15, 2010

i have centos 5.3 , i want to clone or create image of my working servers having centos5.3 in another hardisk so that if my server down i can just put this another hardisk which having image or clone of the crash server and my server will up in small amount of time is it possible or not if yes then how

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General :: Open Source Software To Run A 802.1x Authenticator (ie. NAS) Within System?

Aug 10, 2011

I have the following setup code...

I would like to activate 802.1x authentication on the Windows PCs, and have the Linux Box play the role of a 802.1x authenticator (blocking all access to the Internet until the Windows PCs have properly authenticated themselves using the 802.1x protocol, and the Linux Box checks the credentials by interrogating the RADIUS server).

I could theoretically insert a 802.1x-capable switch between the Windows PCs and the Linux Box, but this setup is embedded and the hardware cannot be changed.

Apparently the OpenWRT project solved the problem somehow, so there must be an open-source solution somewhere, but I simply cannot find it. The only links I find are for the Open1X project (, but the Docs link is dead.

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