Red Hat / Fedora :: Doesn't Display The Names Of Partitions After Made

Oct 21, 2010

i have made partitions using fdisk , in fedora as / , /boot , /home but when i used fdisk -l it doesn't display the names of partitions , how can i made it work so that it displays

/dev/sda1 /
/dev/sda2 /boot
/dev/sda3 /home

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Display Names Of Files Alone?

Jun 25, 2010

Is there any command apart from ls command in Rhel that could display names of files alone in particular folder ?

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Fedora :: Display All Disks And Partitions Available In A GUI Display

Dec 1, 2010

I have installed Fedora 14 Security Spin, and want to display all disks & partitions available in a GUI display. How can I achieve that?

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Ubuntu :: Mount The Partitions On A Made Image With Dd (/dev/sdb)?

May 15, 2010

my /dev/sdb contains
2 partitions with fat 32
2 partitions with NTFS
1 partition with LINUX ext3
and a swap linux.

I did :

dd if=/dev/sdb of=image_disk_sdb.img

How can I mount those several partitions?

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Ubuntu :: Install Made One Of My Partitions Unusable

Nov 25, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu 9.04 and later it got updated to 10.04 via automatic upgrades.

Previously, I having Windows. My HDD had 3 partitions. I installed Ubuntu in the C drive of Windows partition, left D drive as it was (in NTFS, because it had crucial data), and wanted to extract some part of E to be used as Swap. I marked E to be used as swap, but it took all of the drive as swap space, and later when I corrected it so that it takes only 2 Gigs and went ahead with the install, it made that partition unusable.

Maybe because it doesn't allow more than 4 physical partitions.

I am attaching two screenshots of Disk Utility results and Disk Part too.

Disk Utility Report:

GParted view:

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Debian :: Mount The Partitions On A Made Image With Dd (/dev/sdb)?

May 15, 2010

my /dev/sdb contains 2 partitions with fat 32 2 partitions with NTFS 1 partition with LINUX ext3 and a swap linux. I did :


dd if=/dev/sdb of=image_disk_sdb.img

How can I mount those several partitions

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Fedora :: Screensaver Doesn't Kick In Or Display Doesn't Suspend/sleep?

Jul 25, 2009

Anyone noticing intermittent problems with the screensaver not kicking in or the display not sleeping? This is in gnome under F11.I have the Power Management Preferences set to put the display to sleep after 30 minutes of inactivity and gnome screensaver is configured for 5 minutes idle time.On a regular basis, I'll leave my computer come back anda) the screensaver hasn't kicked inorb) the screensaver kicked in, but the power management features didn't kick in to put the display to sleep.It seems to be an intermittent problem and usually it goes away after I restart X, but then at some point it comes back. In the past, I've gotten in the habit of being logged in for weeks/months at a time but I find that I can't go more than a few hours without logging out and back in or else the screen won't go to sleep.

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Ubuntu Installation :: CD Doesn't Detect Partitions But No Apparent Overlapping Partitions?

Mar 3, 2010

Xubuntu 9.04 installation CD not detecting any of the current partitions. This all started when I reinstalled windows XP a few days ago.After, the computer wouldn't boot into GRUB and would boot directly into windows.Other threads have dealt with a similar issue, that of overlapping partitions causing libparted/parted/gparted to detect the whole drive as unallocated space. The problem in these threads seemed to be a corrupted partition table, in which the partitions overlapped with each other. So of course I checked the output of fdisk -l for overlapping partitions, but I don't see any obvious overlapping partitions. I've noticed that the partition that used to be linux swap isn't showing up in the partition table at all. I might just be missing something simple here and would like another set of eyes to help me figure this one out. Does the problem have anything to do with the partition table being out of order (ie. not in order of what regions they cover on the drive)? From the liveCD I've run


sudo fdisk -lu
sudo sfdisk -d
sudo parted /dev/sda print

and have received the following output:


ubuntu@ubuntu:/mnt$ sudo fdisk -lu
omitting empty partition (5)
Disk /dev/sda: 60.0 GB, 60011642880 bytes


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Dvd Made In Windows Doesn't Rip?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a dvd that was made on windows and acidrip rips about 75% of it then stops.All others that was made on ubuntu ripped but not the one made on the windows pc.Can someone tell me how to rip it or maybe a software better then acidrip.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Don't Want To Display Account Names?

Sep 22, 2010

How can I turn off the login names on the welcome screen? I don't want to display account names.

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Ubuntu :: While Installing Ubuntu Made Two Partitions And Set Two Load Points But There Is Only One Partition Shown?

Mar 8, 2010

while installing ubuntu i made two partitions and set two load points. //home/but in ubuntu there is only one partition shown(filesystem).. what is going on?

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General :: Display Only Permissions And File Names Using Ls Command?

Oct 18, 2010

and how to list all files in a directory including full path, owner, group and permissions for each file

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Ubuntu :: Gnome-RDP Does Display Group Names In Lucid

May 10, 2010

I recently updated to Ubuntu Lucid Lynx from Karmic (fresh install though). All of the packages I used in Karmic seem to work nicely in Lucid, with one exception gnome-rdp. I'm a sysadmin in several windows environments so as you can imagine I love the session storage and grouping features. Unfortunately gnome-rdp is not displaying the group names. it stores my session and creates the group structure just fine, it just doesn't show me the group names in the app or the right-click menu on the top panel icon. My gut says it has something to do with the new Lucid theme, but I like the new theme. Does anyone know of a config file I can edit, or something I can do to disable theme integration, just for gnome-rdp?

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Programming :: Display IP Address And Host Names In Wireless?

Jul 7, 2010

can any one post the "Java Program to Display IP Address and Host Names in Wireless".

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General :: Comparing Two Files - Display The User Names That Are In The First File And Not The Second

Sep 17, 2009

Im trying to compare two files and I only want to display the user names that are in the first file and not the second.

So I have one file named final.txt (which contains every user name and only the user names in a list no other information)

Then I have another file Over1.txt (which only contains certain users that have different permissions This file is also setup differently with the user name and some information about the user after the user name.

I need a way to compare final.txt to over1.txt so that I will only display the names that are in final.txt but not Over1.txt

Ive tried using diff and comm but just cant seem to get it two work correctly. Im not sure if im missing a option or what.

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Fedora :: Display Rotation Doesn't Work?

Jul 13, 2009

I have fedora 10 and I rotated my display upside down using Display settings (I don't know if it is the same thing as system-config-display, I had an icon called Display settings on my panel). It didn't work, my screen became black and now I can't change it back. Can I somehow change it back using terminal only? There's no rotation set in my xorg.conf file, I tried to set different rotation in xorg.conf, but it had no effect.

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Programming :: Java Program To Display IP Address And Host Names In Wireless?

Feb 25, 2011

"Java Program to Display IP Address and Host Names in Wireless".

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Doesn't Display Correctly Since Installing F10 X86-64

May 1, 2009

I have a laptop that doesn't display correctly since installing F10 x86-64. Instead of using the i810 driver, I see the experimental intel driver. I am running on a Dell D630 laptop with the default intel integrated graphics.

Just to note: Running gnome. I tried KDE and I can actually get this to work and display in 1600x1200. I don't want, "well use kde then" to be the solution. Also, in gnome, if I go to the screen resolution option from the menu, the mirron screens is clicked. Even when I detect monitors and unselect the mirror screens and pick the correct resolution, when I click OK, the screen flickers, and I go back to the same screen with the original default values? Wierd.

I got the bright idea to install system-config-display (something like that), which installed fine. I then changed my default resolution to 800x640 just to try it (really want 1600x1200). Well, I decided to reboot. Not the laptop doesn't start, it stops right after loading anaconda, and just won't go any further.

So two questions:

1. What do I need to change to get the laptop to actually boot?

2. How to get the external monitor to display in 1600x1200.

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Fedora Servers :: Firefox Doesn't Display PHP Error / Fix It?

Jul 29, 2010

When i open the Browser FireFox and enter the URL http://localhost/TemplateSystemCore/bin/index.php no PHP Errors will be displayed. If i do Right Click View Source Code it is total empty.

I am using Netbeans to edit a PHP Project. The Project is located in /home/martin/NetBeansProjects/TemplateSystemCore btw. /home/martin/NetBeansProjects/TemplateSystemCore/bin

The Project is usein a .htaccess file with Rewrite Rules.

I edited the php.ini and set all display errors to On.
I also edided the http.conf and set display errors On. But nothing helped. Have anyone a Idea why my Brwoser isnt printing any PHP Errors? At least a <html> Tag should be on the Source Code. But its also empty.

When i open an Terminal and do this code...

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Fedora :: Display Doesn't Turn Back On After Extended Idle

Apr 16, 2011

I have XFX ATI-HD5670 and use proprietary catalyst 11.2-1 in 64-bit Fedora 14.

I am not sure when this started, or if it ever did work before, but when I started noticing that the screensaver will not turn off the monitor, I set the gnome power manager to make the monitor sleep after an hour.

Now, the display will not turn back on after it has been in sleep mode. I know the system is still running fine as I can ssh from another PC and see that everything seems to be normal, no error message in dmesg, /var/log/Xorg.0.log, etc.

/var/log/Xorg.0.log shows that monitor DPMS is not detected but still enables DPMS:

Is this a problem with catalyst driver? I know it's not the PC or the monitor, because I have a 2nd PC with the same video driver with the same problem, but others without this driver don't (ati open source, nvidia, etc. all work fine.)

I'm wondering if the problem always existed before, but I just didn't notice it because the display sleep mode was never set? If that's the case, my hunch is that it looked like it worked because the monitor was smart enough to turn itself off when the screensaver kicked in and just showed a blank screen, and the video driver was never involved with sleep mode until I set it in gnome power manager, at which point it started showing this problem of not waking up? And because the screensaver was no longer set to blank the screen, but to show some animation, that's why the monitor will never sleep anymore?

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Ubuntu :: Gparted Doesn't Detect Any Of Partitions

Apr 5, 2010

I have a little problem. As soon as I boot my computer, Grub gives me an error 17. It happened after I tried to resize my Windows partition with a program. I have a dual boot between Windows 7 and Ubuntu 9.04.I've tried everything I could find on this forum and on the rest of the internet, but nothing was working. Most of them require a Windows CD (god knows where it is) or reinstalling grub and all that stuff, but it's all not working.I'm currently on a Ubuntu Live CD. Gparted doesn't detect any of my partitions, but just says 232 GB unallocated space. Palimpsest Disk Utility and the Explorer see all my partitions though EXCEPT my Windows 7 partition I tried to resize.

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Debian Installation :: Installer Doesn't Detect XP Partitions ?

Apr 17, 2011

I downloaded this "debian-6.0.1a-amd64-netinst" iso image....But on the partitioning screen, after selecting the manual partitioning, it shows the whole hard disk without detecting the XP partitions.

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Ubuntu Installation :: XP BSOD - Doesn't See The 3 Other Partitions On The Drive

Mar 22, 2010

I've had many installation issues that I won't go into here, and have had to reinstall several times. All I'm trying to do is get an XP installation dual-booting with 9.10.

1. My hard drive partitions are:

120 GB NTFS (with boot flag) for Windows
40GB EXT4 for 9.10 (/)
8GB Swap
The rest (around 220GB) EXT3 for /home

2. I install Windows, and during the windows partitioner it doesn't see the 3 other partitions on the drive, just the NTFS partition, which is odd. I install Windows on that partition, and confirm that I am able to do a cold boot into it.

3. I boot up a 9.10 CD, and all looks as it should. I install Ubuntu in the partitions as outlined above, and it doesn't have any issues.

4. I can now reboot into Ubuntu without issue. When booting into Windows, I get the startup screen with the blue "progress" ticker, which displays for about 2 seconds, then I get a BSOD. The message refers to making sure the hard drives are "partitioned and terminated correctly" and whatnot. If I didn't know any better (and I obviously don't), I'd accuse Ubuntu of bjorking my clean Windows install.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Desktop Installer Doesn't See All Partitions

May 5, 2010

When trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 desktop from USB pendrive I can't see the sda partitions in the manual partition editor.I have a dual boot PC with Windows XP Pro and Ubuntu 8.10 running (see below for more details). Using the 10.04 Ubuntu desktop edition on a USB stick (pendrivelinux), I can boot without a problem and everything works fine: mount/unmount of all my drives, read data, etc. But I can't install the 10.04!When running the installer, at the point where the partition is selected, I choose "manual" as option. On the next screen I only see the drives/partitions starting from /dev/sdb1... to sde, but NOT /dev/sda. The "Add" button is greyed out, I can only edit the existing partitions. When I edit and press forward I get an error telling me that the SWAP partition is missing. I already HAVE a swap on sda.

I also tried booting Ubuntu 10.04 and then running the installer - no difference. I also remove the plug from one of the drives (sde) - still the installer doesn't show me sda.I would like to install 10.04 without messing up my Windows XP Pro and without messing up my /home partition or any other partitions that are non-Ubuntu stuff.In former years this used to be the easiest part, now it looks like a challenge. Any help is appreciated. System and background info:Hardware: Desktop PC with Intel Core 2, Nvidia graphics card, 5 SATA hard drives hooked to Gigabyte mother board, two network cards (only one in use)Current OSes: Windows XP Pro on sda1, Ubuntu 8.10 on sda and sdb

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Doesn't See All Drives / Partitions?

May 10, 2010

When I tried to install Ubuntu 9.10 or 10.04 (from CD or USB drive), and selected manual partitioning, the installer would not show all my drives.

However, when booting the life CD/USB, gparted or the Disk Utility did recognize all drives and partitions.

It turned out that one of my drives was marked as RAID partition, although I never used RAID!

Here the symptom:

When you run the installer and select "manual partitioning", the resulting list of drives and partitions is incomplete. In my example it was:

- sda1
- sdc1


You may have multiple drives with the RAID metadata on it. In that case you need to repeat the above command for all those drives. Just make sure you don't wipe out your existing RAID, if you have one.

Reboot the system and see if it works.

P.S.: Also check your BIOS settings - do you have drives configured as RAID?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Doesn't Have Any Listed Partitions?

May 22, 2010

I'm trying to install ubuntu 10.04 on an old computer, but the installer doesn't have any listed partitions and I can't go any further. The hard drive I'm trying to install it to was just formated in Windows 7, it's a clean hard drive. Uh, how am I supposed to install it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Install Doesn't See Current Partitions

May 10, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.04 (32bit) alongside Windows Vista currently. I tried to install Ubuntu 11.04 (64bit) from a bootable USB stick and found out that none of the current partitions are visible.

My PC is a Dell Inspiron 1525 with dual core Pentiums. Here are my partitions. I am reporting all this back from my current, stable Ubuntu 10.04 platform:

~$ sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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Fedora :: Delete A Made Duplicate Post?

Oct 27, 2010

I couldn't find my previous posting about udev at booting, so I created a new posting with the same material. Subsequently my earlier post showed up again----or I managed to find it. I can't seem to find any information about how I go about deleting the earlier post. Supposedly we are supposed to be able to notify the managers of abusive posts. I thought I might use that to ask them to delete the earlier post, so I will try that..

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Security :: Fedora System Compromised But No Changes Made?

Jan 25, 2011

The infrastructure of the Fedora Project was compromised over the weekend and an account belonging to a Fedora contributor was taken over by an attacker. However, Fedora officials said they don't believe that the attacker was able to push any changes to the Fedora package system or make any actual changes to the infrastructure.

The attack appears to have targeted one specific user account, which had some high-value privileges. The attacker was able to compromise the account externally, and then had the ability to connect remotely to some Fedora systems. The attacker also changed the account's SSH key, Fedora officials said.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 RC Partitioner Doesn't Show Exisiting Partitions

Oct 6, 2010

I went to install the 10.10 RC yesterday but to my surprise when I got to the partitioning stage it showed up my drive as being blank, with no existing partitions.

Has anybody else had this issue? I'm not sure what to do as I had the same issue on the beta, I just assumed it would be fixed.

I have a 500GB Sata HDD and i'm running an AMD64 processor so the RC was the amd_64 version.

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