General :: Comparing Two Files - Display The User Names That Are In The First File And Not The Second
Sep 17, 2009
Im trying to compare two files and I only want to display the user names that are in the first file and not the second.
So I have one file named final.txt (which contains every user name and only the user names in a list no other information)
Then I have another file Over1.txt (which only contains certain users that have different permissions This file is also setup differently with the user name and some information about the user after the user name.
I need a way to compare final.txt to over1.txt so that I will only display the names that are in final.txt but not Over1.txt
Ive tried using diff and comm but just cant seem to get it two work correctly. Im not sure if im missing a option or what.
I would like to use the command line to compare two directories against each other. I have two folders called music collection that have evolved over the last year on two separate computers. 90% of the two folders are the same, but there are small differences. I would like a solution that will print out all the differences so I can analyze them and choose what I want to do with them, before merging the two folders. for example.I would like some kind of output that shows the differences and where its located.
comparing MusicCollection1 and MusicCollection2 dif1.mp3 located in MC1/folder1 (this one I might want to keep and merge over) dif2.mp3 located in MC2/folder3 (while this one I might realize does not exist in both folders because I deleted it for a reason)
I've looked at sort, uniq, and even tried scripting my own solution, but haven't come up with an elegant solution thus far. Its important that it is recursive because there are about 15 folders in Music collection and more folders under those 15.
I am supposed to take some small files, and print them to a specific printer, such that the small files are concatenated into one file. The file name has to be included in the file that gets printed.
Should I be looking to concatenate the files into one file with the file names included, and then print them?
I am fairly new to Linux and was needing some help on a comparing more than 2 files. I am try to come up with something that would compare at least 10+ different files to a master file and give me an output of what is missing.
Example would be: a.txt, b.txt, c.txt, d.txt compare each of them to the master.txt file, than output the missing text for each file into new file.
I came across comm and diff commands, am I looking in the right place or is there a much easier way of doing this?
Is there a way, besides writing a PERL program, to read each line one by one in file A and tell if this line also exists in file B? Can this be done via a shell script?
1. similar nos in both the file 1 and file 2 > output= File 3; 2. In file 1, but not in file 2 > out put= file 4; 3. In file 2, but not in file 1 > output = file 5;
The command sdiff is giving output with symbols > < | etc, and the such output file is not clear and ready to print. I want to print directly the output files. AND ALSO TELL ME WHERE I HAVE TO WRITE AWK PROGRAMS AND HOW TO RUN IT.
Running SunGard Banner software on RHEL 4.2 x86-32 bit Linux server Oracle Application samba enabled. Users run processes/reports that are logged in a daily log file. In our daily job submission log files the user password shows up as clear text.The password shows up as $PSWD (sample from the logfile):
Picture the following:On computer A, local user John (and John alone) has rwx access to file1.txtComputer B also has a local user account named John. If file1.txt was to be copied from computer A to computer B, would the user account John on computer B be able to access it?I guess this wouldn't work using two windows computers due to the User name / GUID relationship. Maybe linux has something similar?
I'm trying to write a script that takes two arguments, the first argument is a number, and the second argument is a filename. The shell script should indicate if the file's size is BIGGER or SMALLER the number provided. this is what i have sofar, am i on the write track, i'm hoping its just a problem with my if command
if [ $1 -h $2 ] then echo "$1 is bigger than $2" else
has anyone used some software tool for copying a file from one location to another (I mean local files - for example from one folder to another), which prompts if you already have this file, or a similar one...I'm going to use it for my file archive ... mostly for my MP3For example, I might have the folder /home/user/MP3/Heavy Metal/Old/Downloaded/Metallicabut have forgotten that I already have Metallica in this folder and now I want to copy my new music collection to my archive folder which contains for example this folder:MP3/Rock/MetAllicA-Full-DiscographyI need copy files software which will tell me:"You already have folder with similar name to 'MetAllicA-Full-Discography' called 'Metallica', do you want to skip this folder, or copy it to location 'MP3/Heavy Metal/Old/Downloaded/'?"This way I will reduce the file redundancy in my file archive, or at least will keep similar items close to each other ..
I have a bunch of .7z files in a directory, and I need to put each one of them into a separate directory, named after the file (without extention). The command line I use:
I have two text files i want to compare the differances between but i dont wnat all of them, there is only about 30lines of relvent text i want to compare.
I have a considerable number of files in a subdirectory (some fascinating old military clips from - search on Big Picture if interested). Anyhow, I am downloading them using Internet Download Manager running in an XP virtual machine in VMWare on my Ubuntu 10.04 PC (due to the queuing, restart and speed capabilities of IDM). But I digress - the files are being saved on the host (Samba share) without a file extension. So I have a collection of files with names like
The Douglas MacArthur Story THEY WERE THERE (1960)
I wish to add the extension ".mp4" In Windows this is simply done with the command
rename *. *.mp4
This of course does not work in Linux. I have researched the Linux rename command and reviewed a lot of examples. However, I have not found a way to add an extension to a batch of files which are named with no extension to start with. The spaces in the file names also seem to present an issue. At the moment I am renaming them from the Windows VM while they are sitting on the Samba share using the ancient File Manager program from Windows NT which works great on XP. I have experimented with the file rename facility in Gnome Commander however, it does not seem to want to do something so simple.
I am running a bash script and I would like a command that will show me what differs from some files with similar names so I can delete them. Or if you can provide some info on how to complete my script. Here is my code:
#!/bin/bash pwd=SOURCE #Add extension into the name
I've got an interesting challenge for the shell scripting wizards here. I've got a mySQL dump of three files for my amarok database with the intention of copying some files to my media server (cover art) so that I can keep the server the server and not rely on my local machine.
Step 1: Identify any cover art files on my local machine.
I did this with:
Code: mysql -u amarok -p amarok -e "SELECT * FROM images WHERE path like '%.kde%'" > cover_art.txt Output looks like this:
What I have here now is the ENTIRE album list in my collection -- and something to compare the IDs in Step 1 against. I'm going to stop here and will update the thread as I get past this stumbling block. "ID" in cover_art.txt = "image" in albums.txt... straightforward enough, right?
So the question is this: how do I create a simple shell script that will loop through the IDs in cover_art.txt (i.e. characters 0 -> 4 -- it will always be a 4 digit ID) and then search for that ID in the Albums.txt file.
I use the command line frequently to navigate my files so I try not to have spaces in file names. Typically I have used an underscore to connect words but it was recently suggested that I should use a dash. Are there any disadvantages to using an underscore in file names?Should I switch to a dash? My system is running Xubuntu and I almost exclusively use the bash shell.