Red Hat / Fedora :: Configure Command On Using Prefix --with-php?

Jul 25, 2010

I'm tryieng to install some software which requares php. I typed: Code: ./configure --with-php=/usr/include/php But in the end of configuration I get this warning: Code: configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-php on Ubuntu systems it is okEverything installs ok. But on fedora I can not configure my software with php

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Ubuntu :: Bash: ./configure: No Such File Or Directory When Run The Command ./configure --prefix=/usr

Apr 4, 2010

I am trying to follow this tutorial below so that I can get Text to the right of icons on the GNOME desktop. [URL] Everything so far has worked fine, except when I get to step 3 where I compile Nautilus. When I try to run the command ./configure --prefix=/usr It tells me bash: ./configure: No such file or directory

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Ubuntu Servers :: Execute "./configure - Prefix=/usr/local/apache2 - Enable-so"

Jun 12, 2010

I am bit lost with configuring my apache2 web server. From the book I am using it says for me to configure apache2 to support PHP I need to execute "./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2 --enable-so". From what I can determine Apache2 is located in "/etc/init.d/apache2" folder. I used a Ubuntu 9.04 distro (I386 Server Ed.) to install the server. I added "Kubuntu-desktop" for viewing. Then performed web upgrade to Karmic 9.10. All went well !! Question is; Where do I execute a command to enable PHP support? Once again, the command is to look something like "./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2 --enable-so"

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Fedora Networking :: Configure Wireless Interface On Command Line Only?

Apr 18, 2009

Ive been struggling to configure a wireless interface on Fedora 9I need to configure wlan0 command line only with NO display managerIve tried setting up /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0 with the right information, doing dhcpbut no ip is retrieved. Checking the dhcp server logs on the DHCP server - no request is received.The link light on the wireless nic is not on either. iwconfig shows it has an Access point associated and an ESSID but im not getting back any IP.There seems to be very little documenta on how to set up wireless nics command line only on Fedora

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Fedora Networking :: Configure Sendmail To Send Email From Command Prompt To Any Domain?

Jan 21, 2010

I have an issue with sendmail. I need to configure sendmail to send email from command prompt to any domain. This is just for the notification purpose. I installed sendmail and sendmail-cf and sm-client. The following are the configuration I have done.

1) dnl # DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl
2) m4 /etc/mail/ > /etc/mail/
3) /etc/hosts = localhost.localdomain
/etc/hosts = mysystem
4) /etc/hosts.allow = sendmail:ALL

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Fedora :: Compile From Source - Install Buddi Budget Manager And The ./configure Command Doesn’t Work

Nov 24, 2009

Ive been using linux for a few months now and every now and again i come accross a program that doesnt have a rpm package but says that it can be installed on Fedora using source. I'm familiar with build essentials and the following commands:-

tar xzvf package.tar.gz
cd package
make install

but from what i have read fedora uses a differnet compiler. I'm trying to install Buddi budget manager and the ./configure command doesnt work, which im guessing is because it doesnt have a configure file? Can anyone confirm how to compile from source and whether there are any tutorials specific to fedora.

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Fedora :: Yum Will Not Run - Error "Could Not Find Platform Independent Libraries <prefix>"

Jul 27, 2011

It has been working fine until today where I've been trying to get a application installed that I used on fedora12 ok called SecureCRT. It looks like it was not running because of a python lib. My system has and it wants 2.4. The developers for SecureCRT said they have not written it for F15 yet but will for next release but try install with nodeps and symlink 2.4 to 2.7. This did not work. I copied and a link to from my old F12 box onto the new one and the app started working a treat but no I've noticed that yum no longer works and can only think its this. I have removed the the 2.4 files but still nothing. the error I get from yum is:

yum Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix> Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix> Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>] 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was: No module named yum Please install a package which provides this module, or verify that the module is installed correctly.

It's possible that the above module doesn't match the current version of Python, which is: 2.4.6 (#1, Mar 23 2010, 12:56:48) [GCC 4.4.3 20100127 (Red Hat 4.4.3-4)] If you cannot solve this problem yourself, please go to the yum faq at: [URL] How do I fix this and is it possible to have both versions?

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Ubuntu :: Way To Add All Of Them In Prefix At Once?

Jan 20, 2011

I've got a /64 range on my vps and would like to add them all so i can use them currently i'm adding them like: ifconfig eth0 inet6 add ipv6ip/64.Is there a way to add all of them in the prefix at once??

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Ubuntu :: NTFS5 Prefix Not Set?

May 29, 2011

Ubuntu was working perfect for 3 months or more , but now all of a sudden after I restarted because I had massive lag, I found that I can no longer open Ubuntu.The error I get is "NTFS5 Prefix not set".Now I get black terminal when I open ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Add Prefix To List Of Numbers?

Oct 11, 2010

I have a list of numbers I want to add a prefix number to the front of all of them,Is this possible with terminal, example "222222" put "1111" in front make the number "111122222" I have the list of 2222etc but not a list of 1111.

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General :: Weird Prefix Unknown-00-11-24-22-67-14?

Aug 21, 2010

've googled first - but why is this in front of my username? (and dir) I have never seen it before but am new to terminal and want to learn.I am trying to rm the .Trash (some locked crap) sudo rm -rf /* isn't working and this weird 'prefix' is in front of every directory. Have I hosed it

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Programming :: Check In C App What Has Been It Installation Prefix?

Apr 10, 2010

I'm writing a application which uses translates and I wonder how to check what has been prefix of it's installation to check where translation files are stored. I'm using cmake so maybe is there some preprocessor definition of installation prefix

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Slackware :: The G Prefix In Program Names?

Feb 1, 2011

in LQ, what the 'g' in names like gzip, gawk means, becauseassumed the incorrect meaning.Cf. zip, awk. I have now forgotten. An easy answer would be: GNU. Perhaps it's the correct one

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Server :: Cannot Configure Interface Command?

Feb 28, 2011

I run bgpd (quagga) on CentOS5.5 after installed completely i don't found interface command as the following:BGPD_Server(config)# interface % There is no matched command.

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General :: Removing Path Prefix From Filesnames?

Jun 9, 2011

I have a text file containing file names with their paths prefixed as in:

and so on.


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General :: Configure A Command To Run On Login Through Telnet?

Feb 9, 2010

I want to run a command every time I log in to my Ubuntu box, but only if I'm connecting through telnet, not if I'm logging in at the console.

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Ubuntu :: Configure A Router From The Command Line?

Mar 29, 2011

I'm sitting here at school, and I need to forward a port from my router at home to my Ubuntu box also at home. I stupidly forgot to turn on external administration on the router, but I can still SSH into the server. Is there a way I can access the router through the server via the command line?

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Ubuntu :: Configure DSL Connection In Command Line?

Nov 15, 2010

i configured DSL Connection using my broadband username & Password and while Connecting to net i used to click that Dsl connection to connect to net......but my connection does not last for gets disconnected and shows wired connection s i have to click again(DSL Connection) to connect to net...... sometimes even i click for two or three times wont connect...

i also need any other ways to configure DSL Connection in Command line i need to configure PPPOE with username and password in command line using (sudo ifconfig pppoeconf)

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General :: Configure The At Command To Send To Someone Other Than Root?

Jul 6, 2010

Is there a way to configure the at command to send to someone other than root?

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General :: Split A Directory Based On The Filename Prefix?

Mar 5, 2010

I have a very large directory with probably millions of small files in it. It's taking forever to run ls on the directory.

Is there an easy script that I can run to split the directory into smaller ones, based on the prefixes of the filenames. My goal is to wind up with something similar to what the Debian archives' pool directory looks like.

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General :: Code For Renaming Files With Prefix In Subfolders?

Feb 12, 2011

I want to rename files in multiple subfolders with a prefix (e.g., rename "file.tif" with "prefix_file.tif") and not have to be in the subfolder.

code: for f in /path/to/*; do echo mv "$f" "PRE_$f"; done

gives you this: mv /path/to/file1 PRE_/path/to/file1

instead I want this: mv /path/to/file1 /path/to/PRE_file1

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Ubuntu :: Rename - Add Suffix Or Prefix In All Files (.txt - .avi . - .exe) From A Folder

Feb 24, 2010

I want to add suffix or prefix in all files (.txt , .avi . , .exe)from a folder

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Software :: Make Uses Wrong Prefix Searching For .la Files?

Jul 19, 2010

I have rebuilded some packages from source to enable some features not in place by default. I usually use /usr/local as prefix for rebuilded packages.Now I have a problem building some other applications. Make exits with error saying that there is no .la file for some libraries from rebuilded packages - and it tries to find this file with /usr prefix, not /usr/local.Of course, I can place link to .la file I need under /usr prefix, but this is not good. Is there any way to make system search for .la files under right prefix (which is right in .pc files for packages too, of course)?

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OpenSUSE :: ./configure Not Working - Ruby: Command Not Found

Sep 22, 2010

Maybe it's just the program i downloaded and maybe something's missing, but when I run ./configure I get the error: ./configure: line 4: ruby: command not found it told me to try cnf configure and it says no such file Is this me, suse or the program I downloaded? Something's wrong here.. Maybe ruby needs installed?

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OpenSUSE Network :: How To Configure Smtp For Mail Command

Sep 29, 2010

I'd like to use the mail command to send e-mails with some log files. Is there a way to configure the SMTP server from cli or to write the IP address into a file?

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Ubuntu Installation :: No ./configure Command When Trying To Install Tarball?

Apr 26, 2010

I've read a few other threads about installing tarballs and just about all of them mention running the ./configure script. BTW, I'm working on a machine without internet connection and I'm using karmic. I successfully extracted the contents of the tarball and a directory of those contents was created. I navigated into that directory and tried "sudo ./configure" as per some instructions I found on the net, but the result was "bash:./configure: no such file or directory".

I get this same error message when I try "./configure --help | less" Is "./configure" something that is meant to come as part of the OS or do I need to install that separately too!?! when I try to create a keyboard short cut for opening a terminal by using the "keyboard shortcuts" option in system > preferences the setting lists it as "disabled". Is there some way for enabling? I know how to get to a complete screen terminal by using ctrl+alt+f2 but I also want a shortcut for other terminal box which is accessible via the applications area.

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Ubuntu :: Configure Nvidia Driver From Command Line?

Nov 24, 2010

My daughter just broke her laptop screen. I can order another LCD - no problem, but until then she wants to use an external monitor. With Windows, this used to be no big deal, because I would hook up a monitor, hit a key combo on the keyboard, and everything would come up on the other monitor.I know how to do this using the GUI, but unfortunately, I can only see about a 2 inch strip at the top of her computer. I can see the gnome menu bar, and when I go into the Nvidia configuration, I can't make out anything below the tops of the two monitors it detects. (I was able to get it to detect both displays, but I can't see to press the "configure" button.)What I need to do, is configure the new monitor from the command line using the two inches of visible monitor that I have at the top of her broken LCD.

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Ubuntu :: Configure Gnome-panel With The Command Line?

Jan 3, 2011

Is there a way I can configure gnome-panel with the command line? I want to be able to write a shell script to switch between my AWN desktop setup and my gnome-panel one.

Also (this is less important) is there an easy way to switch between Gnome and KDE? I would assume no, but if there is that would be cool.

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General :: Configure Command For Enabling And Disabling Options?

Jul 10, 2011

I have a src package which uses automake for make. How can I view the available options in configure command for enabling and disabling options?

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General :: Command ./configure Netatalk With Mandriva MES5?

Dec 21, 2010

I am a user of version 2006 of Mandriva server and now I am upgrading to MES5. According to support, netatalk is no longer support by this version (at least in Brasil), and I still have some old Macs running System 9.2 and it is very important to have netatalk running at server. I download netatalk and followed the intructions showed at:[URl]...

I was able to follow the instruciont until step 5, executing ./bootstrap. Next, I should execute the next command: ./configure, but I got the message No such file or directory. There is no REAME file at the directory and the only configure file it has is, a 40kb file, plain text document, its first line says dnl for netatalk.

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