Red Hat / Fedora :: Dual Booting - 32-bit - 64-bit ?
Feb 18, 2009
When I installed 32-bit linux first, and later when I installed 64-bit linux on a different partition.. then the computer wouldn't boot either linux properly..I'd like to hear from people who installed both 32-bit , 64-bit redhat linux successfully.
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Jun 26, 2009
I run an Intel DP35DP motherboard with 3.0 gig Intel processor with 4 gig of ram. Two 500 gig Sata hard drives. The first hard drive is for Windows XP. The second hard drive is four 6 different flavors of Linux and Data backups. Drive 2 the first 120 gigs is split into six 20 gig partitions with a 2 gig swap file. The second 370 gig is for file backups and Norton Ghost 2009 images.
Install Fedora 11 on the second hard drive and use the automatic partitioning tool but don't put grub on your Master MBR put it on the root partition on your second drive. When you get to the Boot Loader Configuration screen make sure you check the Configure advanced boot loader options. The next screen will give the option where to put Grub Boot Loader. It should say like sda or sdb. Sda is usually your XP Drive. From their finish loading. Put Grub on Sdb?.
Now duel booting using XP boot manager.
Go to [url] and download (It's freeware) Unzip the file and it will make a directory called Bootpart. From the Windows command line change directories to C:ootpartootpa26. Run the command bootpart. This is what you should see.
If youll notice I highlighted in red. That is you�re first Linux root partition 1: D:* Type=83
Run the command Bootpart 1 fedora11.lnx Fedora 11 Leonidas
This will add a boot line to your Boot.INI file.
My file looks like this:
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Sep 17, 2010
how I should edit the boot loader so that both WinXP & Fedora are bootable selection options on the boot splash screen. My apologies if this has been asked before. My present grub.cof reads as follows but does not provide me with an XP boot option.
# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
[dalpets@localhost ~]$ su
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Feb 2, 2011
I have now Bt4 on live envir. and i am about to make space for Bt4 using Gparted from Bt ( live env) 'resize & move' at Free space preceding & Free space following on a 500Gb drive,I gave it 101 MiB. I see it says MiB instead of Gb .. but i am confused as to before & after does the before mean actual space fedora will have or is it Mb space for the bootloader a 100Mb or is that 10Gb ?
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Feb 2, 2011
I was using Fedora 14 without any other OS installed. That was until i realised i need After Effects because AE 6.5 under wine does not cover my needs.
I installed win XP. Everything's OK so far. Next step, installed Fedora 14. Also, it went OK. I reboot`d the system and i was presented the "mini-shell GRUB Bootloader terminal". Since i don't know anything about GRUB nor i am an HDD Expert i did nothing. But, i used the "System Rescue CD" and chose the "Boot an existing LINUX 32-bit OS". Fedora did load and i'm writing this post from within fedora. The setup i used during Fedora installation is the following.
When i was presented with the bootloader options i chose to "install bootloader on first sector of boot partition" (something like this i don't remember it) and i did NOT choose "install on MBR" (again i dont remember the exact phrase).
The HDD partitions i created have these properties according to "disk utility".
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Mar 21, 2011
I want to install Scientific Linux 6 (RHEL 6 recompiled) and Fedora 14 KDE (side by side). Any step by step procedure to do so. Insofar I've failed dual boot any 2 fedoras.(I've heard that there is an issue with grub legacy, it can't dual boot .. is it so? hard to believe! So far I first installed SL 6 , installed its /boot on MBR and then installed Fedora KDE on other drive and installed its /boot on some other drive ... can't dual boot only getting SL 6 at booting. For both os I was using lvm for their primary drives.
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Apr 10, 2011
I am using a Macbook Pro 5,5 , and I want to have Fedora and OS X dual boot. I have created free space using the disk utility from the Snow Leopard install CD. I now have 50 GBytes of free unformatted and unallocated space. So I enter the 64 bit Live CD of Fedora 14 inside, and it works flawlessly in boot. I click on "Install to Hard Drive" option and then of all the installation options I select the "Use Free Space" one. I then use the default settings:
It creates a 500M boot partition (/dev/sda3) and an LVM partition (/dev/sda4). ext4 and swap are allocated by default into the LVM Volume Groups. It then asks me for the location to install the boot loader providing me with 2 options: In the Master Boot Record (MBR - /dev/sda) or in the first sector of the boot partition (/dev/sda3). I go with the second option.
Installation proceeds as planned. While rebooting, I enter OS X and I install rEFIt. In the rEFIt menu, I select the Linux icon, which results in a black screen saying that "no bootable device" or something like that. I restart my Mac, and then select the rEFIt partitioning tool that says that my MBR needs to be updated. I let it sync my MBR, and I restart the computer. I click on the Linux icon again, and then I am presented with the penguin logo on a gray background... and that's about it.
I can't do anything from there. No system is booting, nothing is loading. Booting to my OS X partition works just fine, but Fedora refuses to boot. It is stuck in this logo screen.
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May 27, 2011
Just today, I installed fedora15 on a unused partition on my comp.
Now, it doesn't give an option to boot into ubuntu at all... it boots straight into fedora.
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Aug 16, 2009
I am severely confused when it comes to partitioning. I have Fedora 11 on a liveCD now. I first tried to install that on to my Acer Aspire 1 netbook alongside another distro, but that failed due to my lack of partitioning knowledge. (It needed a /root device to install in I think).
Well, I would LOVE to have Fedora 11 with Vista (on my main laptop rig - acer aspire 7520) when I go back to college next week (go hokies). But I need Vista for work with my lab applications that uses windows. Can someone please provide me a noob-proof method to install Fedora without corrupting Vista? I really need Vista, but I really enjoy linux.
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Sep 1, 2009
I tried to dual boot Windows 7 and Fedora 11 following the instructions in the link at the bottom of this post. Now fedora boots great, but when it tries to boot 7 i get the message "Disk Read Error Hit Ctrl+Alt+Del To Restart" is there anyway to fix this with out reformatting?[URL]..
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Sep 4, 2009
What I'm running:
Acer 4810t
intel centrino dual core 1.40
4 gb ram
320 HD
Vista home premium 64 bit
1. what do I need to do this I have a program to make a new partition already what I need is to know what is the best boot selector to use I'm thinking of buying VistaBootPro will that work well?
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Sep 11, 2009
I'm trying to find a simple solution to dual-boot Fedora 11 onto Vista Home Basic Edition, using the live disk as the installation media, but I can't find one anywhere. Maybe you could point me in the right direction... (But first let me explain that I am a newbie when it comes to Linux.)
So, my computer specs are...
Make/Model: Dell Inspiron 1525
Processor: Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4200
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Jun 24, 2010
i decided to install ubuntu in my PC,i downloaded the .ISO image and i installed it in my USB. After trying it and all that i observed that i really liked it and i decided to formally install it to my computer in the hard drive. When i reached the partition thing,i selected to dual boot with Vista and select between each them in every startup,when i clicked FORWARD it gave me an error which i did not read(because,again im a noob) so i clicked cancel.
Today i wanted to go through the process again and now really install it,so again i went to the time zone part and i clicked forward but then,instead of taking me straight to the partition phase,it appeard a window saying "The installer has detected that the following disks have mounted partitions: /dev/sda ...." I clicked yes,to unmount this partitions so it took me to the partition thing,once there i selected the option to install Ubuntu with Vista and select between them i neach startup,then i clicked forward and went to the username/computer name process,once i finished i continued to the next part,the installation,but i selected to import all of my WIndows VIsta default user data,after that i clicked forward and went to the installation process,i went down stairs to eat soemthing while it finishes,i came back and it was finished,it asked me to reboot so i clicked in Restart Now.
When it tried to boot,appeared an error saying: Error: no such devide found: #################### Grub load(or something like that) grub rescue: and it was a command line,since there i havent been able to boot into vista or Ubuntu,im really scared because is the first thing related to OS installing ive done,so i booted my USB and ran the trial and right now im trying to find out what to do from that trial version.
I just went to the INSTALL UBUNTU 10.04 LTS application under the System>Administration Menu and found out that in the partition phase the Install and allow to select between both systems in eahc startup option,i dont know what to do,i foudn out that my HD has still all its data(MUsic/Videos/Folders/Programs/ect.)its just that i cannot boot from it. Also in GParted it appears as /dev/sda1/ and a warning icon besides it,also when i go into information, thers this warning there [URL]
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Feb 17, 2010
i had recently installed fedora 12 in a system running debian lenny in (hd0,0), its grub is installed in mbr and the grub of fedora is installed in the installation partition of fedora .I defined a separate partition /boot for debian but for fedora i used the available space for boot swap and /. i booted with live cd to copy the grub.conf of the fedora to add it into menu.lst of debian but i have got "error 15 : file not found".
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Nov 18, 2010
I'd like to switch to dual booting on my main machine. However, I'm like, a really serious competitive gamer. I play in leagues, go to LANs and performance is my greatest concern here. If I dual boot Fedora & Windows, will I have any performance issues with Windows, while booting in Windows, if I have Fedora on the same hard drive?
I don't think there should be any issues but I would like some clarification or nformation on it. Searching for 'gaming' with Linux isn't very information when it comes to dual booting, so I was just wondering.
TL;DR: Will dual booting Windows & Fedora cause any CPU/GPU/LAG/performance issues while I boot into windows and play a game (Source, TF2, Unreal Engine Games...etc)?
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Nov 23, 2010
After recently looking around the Linux world, I decided that I would also like to try fedora. Primarily because of the BTRFS file system that I would like to try out while still having Ubuntu as my main OS. Normally, I'd just partition as usual as I would with any of my other OSs, however this is the first time I have tried to dual boot two Linux installs on two different file systems. Does anybody have a better method of going about this? Or to just go about it as usual and install on two different partitions? Also, I do not want to wipe the data from the computer as it is now. I have it all backed up, but I don't really want to go through the hassle.
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Dec 7, 2010
I'm dual-booting windows 7 on (hd0,0) and Fedora 13 on (hd0,4) and it's working fine until I repaired my windows 7. Afiter I did the repair on my windows 7, The booting sequence now skips the grub menu and automatically boots into windows without allowing me to take my pick.
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Jan 21, 2011
I'm having trouble dual booting Windows 7 Ultimate and Fedora 14. I am using Grub 0.97 (The grub before Grub 2). I installed Windows 7 after installing Fedora 14 so the damn Windows BL covered up Grub. But I can't get into either Windows or Fedora. I get an Error 17: Cannot Mount Selected Partition. And the system can't find the BL for Windows so it always tells me to restart. And I have both OS' on the same hard disk.
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Apr 11, 2010
I had a fresh copy of Windows Vista installed (original from the factory)- and I followed a document of dual booting - however I think I did some mistake or automatic skip of install Grub boot loader-
Now my fedora 11 is running smoothly but windows vista is gone or does not boot - I don't have any boot disks- they give examples having floppy disk a boot disk- my laptop doesn't have floppy drive- I guess I could manage in cd or flash drive.
I see my computer's config in fedora desktop as
I noticed that the partition NTFS still exists and it has not been erased. I did install linux on hda5 since hda1 was partitioned with NTFS
Is there any manual and precaution to be taken while doing the same dual boot system ?
Or is it possible to have dual boot with the present config- although i am ready to install fresh window vista and fedora as my dual booting systems...
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Jan 31, 2010
I have just installed Fedora 12 on a 10GB partition separate from the pre-existing Windows XP partition. My problem is that when I turn on my aspire one ao751h it doesn't give me the option to boot Windows XP even though when I mount the partition with XP on it the files are all still there. I think it has something to do with GRUB which I have never dealt with before or the way I set up the partitions when installing Fedora 12. How would I change the start-up screen to allow me to boot from my XP partition as well?
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Jul 22, 2011
I am having trouble getting FEdora 15 running on my MacBook Pro. I had Fedora 15 installed before on this MBP before, so I know it works. I basically followed the good old instructions of
1. Create a Windows partition in bootcamp (rEFIt was already installed from trying to get ubuntu running)
2. Boot from disk and install in Windows partition with bootloader on installed on the / partition
3. Install, reboot, and resync the MBR using rEFIt partitioning tool
4. Shut down the computer and start up on the parition you installed linux on
Now I get a grub error code...
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Aug 21, 2011
I'm kinda new to Linux. My problem is that a new Fedora O/S entry is added onto grub everytime I receive an update on Fedora (I think). Eg:
Fedora 15 15.40.0-4 ...
Fedora 15 15.40.0-3 ...
Fedora 15 15.38.0-0 ...
Windows 7
How do I stop this? Ideally I'll only have two entries, Fedora 15 and Windows 7 where Windows is set as the default primary o/s to boot up. The current method I use is to fiddle around with that grub file and set default to entry 3, which used to be Windows 7 but is now a Fedora (which means Fedora is now set to default boot up).
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Jan 8, 2009
I have a Lenovo thinkpad T400 with Vista x64 that I want to dual-boot with fedora 10. The T400's original config has 3 primary partions:
1) Vista boot partition (some weird partition that it only uses to boot... this is my first time using Vista so I don't know the details, but I think it has to be there and it has to be a separate partition from the "data" partition)
2) Vista data partition
3) Lenovo Rescue and Recovery partition (a separate bootable partition that is used for recovery, backups, ...)
My first attempt was to shrink the recovery partition and add a new extended partition that has the two standard fedora logical volumes and an extra NTFS to be shared between the OS's (I usually use FAT32 for this one, but NTFS support seems to be pretty solid now).
Everything was fine, but I couldn't boot into the rescue partition. According to this site:
You *have* to have a linux boot partition be your primary partition. Other people have told me the same thing and that site has an explanation, but I don't get it =)
So, it seems that I need 5 primaries (3 original vista/lenovo primaries, 1 linux primaray to put the boot stuff into, and 1 extended for everything else) to make this work (which is not possible). Can anyone think of something else I could do (other than getting rid of Vista and the Lenovo stuff and giving them both the finger?) I'm thinking maybe I could make an extended partition and move one or more of the Vista/Lenovo partitions in there, but I'm not sure if they could boot.
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Jul 29, 2011
I have at office dual booting Fedora14 + Windows 7 in Laptop Lenovo G550. I am using it regularly for work. Recently it stopped normal shut down. It showed some panic message first time and i have to force shut down.It boots normally. Now it does not give any message during Shut down but it does not shut down properly. Every time i have to force shut down.I am ready to follow instructions from forum members. I want to know that how much serious this panic is. Will it result in corruption of installation?
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Mar 7, 2009
I'm trying to achieve my dream (but indeed not perfect) boot scenario: dual-boot OpenSUSE and Fedora with shared /boot, /home and SWAP partitions. First I installed OpenSUSE (sda3 on my layout below) with separate /boot (sda2), /home (sda5, encrypted) and SWAP (sda6), next I installed Fedora on /dev/sda1, and pointed it to mount sda2, sda5, sda6 with respective mount points, without formatting. I proceeded with the installation without installing new GRUB bootloader (overwriting an existing one).
It was successfull and now I'm back in OpenSuSE trying to edit menu.lst file (under /boot/grub) to make GRUB boot Fedora.
I attached a copy of menu.lst I cooked up for now. OK, it's a mess. Life would be allot easier if I didn't have a separate /boot partition, as I could just chainload, but it's no longer possible (or is it?). May be I needed to specify the resume device or problem is in initrd? below are the contents of /boot:
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Feb 18, 2010
Debian if my first OS and i want to dual boot Fedora12.Ok i installed Fedora12 and choose not to install the bootloader(gonna use the one Debian installed)What i'm tring to do in Debain is edit my /boot/grub/menu.lst
Here is what i have
title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.26-1-686
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-686 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.26-1-686
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Jul 31, 2011
is it ever possible to do dual booting with grub(legacy) ever at all!. it is possible provided i take some pain, here is the link of that post [URL] i was coward and weak i didn't try that out then. but i did try it out. now so if u haven't seen the post .... I've installed Fedora 15 desktop(Gnome) with physical Logical volume called vg_fedora lv_root(ext4) ,lv_swap and lv_home(ext4), with 500MB /boot partition and had about 200GB free hard disk space ... so i wanted to install Scientific Linux 6.1 (because our school uses RHEL 6.1)
so, while running the installer I made (added) a logical volume lv_Scientific with ext4 FS and made its mount point (/) and used the MBR /boot which overwrote the Fedora /boot (completely OK and was as expected) i restarted after installation i got SL log in and as per the directions of the thread i copied the boot stanza from grub.conf of fedora 15 (which i already had copied and pasted into a text file and copied it from there)and pasted it into grub.conf of SL you may ask why did i choose same physical LVM too save swap space ... if i had made another physical LVM i had to make another swap ( i like LVM ... its cool)
completely unexpected happened Fedora now boots but not SL when grub starts i get this error 27 unrecognised commad and when i press <enter> i get grub menu with SL and fedora when i press on Fedora it works well i get my fedora login and i did login .. everything works fine but when i press SL it goes to the previous black screen grub error 27
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Jul 2, 2011
i am having some issues with dual booting my SL6.1 and Windows. The situation is that i recently acquired an old hard drive from a non-working computer of mine with Windows already installed (i know the windows is functional, as i tested it on my new PC with SL6.1 currently installed & everything runs fine)
The problem is that after editing the grub.config to include windows, windows will no longer boot after an attempt to install a legit version of McAffee anti-virus software which coincidently was only after the first attempt at running both OS's in a dual-boot fashion. Except past the windows start up screen before the dreaded blue-screen.
Which is weird because SL6.1 OS will still boot & works perfectly fine like always, so it doesn't really make sense.
My current setup is:
Disk 1: Solid-State:
Boot Partition
SL6 LVM1: Root Partition
Disk 2: Hard Drive:
SL6 LVM2: User, Temp & Swap Space Partitions (Different LVM to Root)
Disk 3: Hard Drive:
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
My guess is its windows MBR. The reason i say this is because the Hard Drive contents of the Windows software still appears intact when accessing the drive from the Linux OS. I don't won't to go through the rigmarole of re-installing both OS's. So hopefully their is a relatively simple solution.
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Nov 18, 2009
i have recently started my masters degree program and i have to install fedora 11 for one of my courses. The problem is when i try to install fedora 11 on my laptop, it wipes out my windows vista installation. I want to keep vista. I have a sony vaio laptop model VGN-FW340D. 4GB RAM and 400 GB HD. i first shrink my hard drive to free up around 100 GB. Then i run fedora 11 DVD and let it make the partitions on my free space.. I have tried everything.. I chose use free space the first time, but i didnt work, it wiped out my vista, next time i chose custom layout and defined boot, root and swap partitions , but again it wiped out my vista.. I have read many guides to dual boot vista and fedora and have carried them out step by step, but nothing works.... Also i dont have vista installation DVD, i just have the recovery CDs, so everytime it wipes out my vista, i have to do system recovery, ive been trying for a week now, and its driving me crazy, i asked a friend of mine to help me out, he has dual boot system, and he tried it and it did the same thing, wiped out my vista... i just have one drive C: with two partitions, one small partitions which contains recovery files, and the rest of the partition has vista.......
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Jul 11, 2011
I installed Fedora 15, which was my first real departure from Debian based Linux OSs. I absolutely love the new Gnome 3, and was able to configure F15 to work as I wanted it to. On rebooting I realized that there was no boot loader screen, that F15 just booted and didn't give me a choice as to which OS I wanted to use. Eventually I was able to configure grub to let me see the boot loader and added my old boot loader as a choice. This worked well, maybe not a perfect solution, but it worked. This weekend I installed LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) to another HDD. LMDE uses grub2 and after the install F15 was not recognized.
Two questions: Is there a way for grub2 to see F15? or Can F15 be installed using grub2? I really don't mind re-installing from scratch.
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