Red Hat / Fedora :: Creating A Fedora CD From An Existing System

Apr 6, 2009

I want to find out how to create a Fedora installation CD from an existing Fedora System. I cant find my CDs and I want to set up another system. What commands do i use or how do I go about it.

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Fedora :: Adding Second Drive To Existing System For RAID1?

Jul 31, 2011

I have an existing Fedora 15 system installed from scratch.I've ordered a harddrive identical to my SDA and want to add it to my existing system as a RAID1 setup.I've googled around and cannot find recent clear instructions how to accomplish this. I don't want to reinstall everything from scratch. It should be possible to create the RAID1 using the existing data disk and then mirror everything up?

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Fedora Installation :: Possible To Make Updated Installer DVD From Existing System?

Feb 19, 2009

I have recently installed Fedora 10 in my x86_64 system and fully updated. The updation size was nearly 650MB. My question is can I make a an updated installer DVD from my existing fedora system?

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Software :: Installing ATI Radeon Card In Existing Fedora 12 System?

Aug 23, 2010

After lots of trouble with the new Nvidia stuff in Fedora 12 I gave up and am trying to switch to an ATI Radeon 4350 card in the existing system.I have removed the Nvidia refs with rpm -e, deleted /etc/X11/xorg*, and installed the card. I am only able to get a maximum resolution of 1024x768. Here's what I've done:

Boot and su/delete all refs: /etc/X11/xorg*
Reboot. System comes up with 1024x768
Select Administration->Display to run system-config-display.
Su/password dialogue


If I try to add a mode line following Depth 24, It is ignored by system-config-display and overwritten. This worked with the Nvidia installation and I was able to select my resolution above 1024x768.

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Fedora Installation :: F12 (Install Or Upgrade Existing System) Sony Vaio

Jun 22, 2010

I've had such good luck with Fedora (and this Forum), I'm attempting to put F12 on wife's brand new Sony Vaio, a VPCEB11FM, a 64bit system. I downloaded the Fedora-12-x86_64-netinst.iso, made sure it was ok with sha256.exe, then burned the image to DVD. Booted it up and let it default to "install or upgrade an existing system". It dead-ended in a dark blue or black screen. I re-started and examined the other options. Thought I'd try the one that says: "Install system with basic video driver". Got all the way through to where it got ready to start downloading files. Can't get past that point because it attempts to get to the Internet using the Sony's wireless card! Why would it try the wireless when there's a wired NIC card in this PC that requires no special driver etc. How to proceed from here?

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Fedora Installation :: Creating A Triple Boot System XP And W7?

Jun 8, 2010

I need some help creating a triple boot system, I have already installed XP and W7, now I am installing Fedora 12 (this is for work so unfortunately it has to be like that). Now the problem is that I want it to show all the partitions in GRUB. Right now it works by going to GRUB first, when selecting Windows it jumps to the Win7 boot manager.

I tried to have them all in one but it seems like the addresses I used in GRUB did not work cause it keeps directing me to the Win7 BM. BTW I am using a single drive with 3 different logical partitions.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Creating Web Page For Users With Restricted Shell To Change System Pw?

Feb 3, 2011

I have a box that's used as an SFTP server. All users have restricted shell so they can only use SFTP to send and receive files. But it makes it hard to have them change their passwords. I thought that if we had a web page set up where the user could enter their username, old password, new password and confirmed new password, that this would be the easiest solution.

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Fedora Installation :: "replace Existing Using System"

Sep 16, 2009

I had some problems with ububtu because it doesn't work very well with Intel cards. Anyway I've downloaded Fedora 11 and Now i am using it without installation. I'd like to install it over ubuntu I have to choose this option right ? "replace existing using system"?

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Slackware :: Use Existing Swap Instead Of Creating A New One

Dec 22, 2009

Slackware 13.0, about to install it. I do have an existing Ubuntu installation with a roomy 5 GB of swap.

In the installer of Slackware, what should I do to use this swap?

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General :: Creating Mirror Of Existing Volume ?

Sep 18, 2009

Could we create mirror of the existing volume in Linux. Is yes please let me know the procedure to create the mirror of existing Logical volume in Linux.

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General :: Creating Dump Of Existing File?

Oct 21, 2009

How to create a dump of an existing file and how to restore it with command line?

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Server :: Creating LVM With Existing Raid - With Data On It

Apr 24, 2009

I have a system that has the following partitions:

Now SDC is a new drive I added. I would like to pool that new drive with the raided drives to give myself more space on my existing system (and structure). Is this possible since my raid already has data on it?

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Fedora :: Use Existing WIndows 7 As Guest Virtual Machine In Fedora 12

Apr 5, 2010

My company's default OS is Windows 7. I convinced my manager so that I could use Fedora 12, since I am mostly familiar with development environment in Fedora. However there are a few things I need in Windows 7, and I want to stop going back and forth in two OS'es in dual boot-up setting.

I've searched online for easy way to use the existing Windows 7 as guest virtual machine. I first tried VMware's Vcenter Converter Standalone in Windows 7, but it failed with some error code, and searching the particular error code didn't turn up any solution. I also tried to use Sun's VirtualBox, but I get segmentation fault error in Fedora. I tried to see if VMware server has a tool, but installation exists with an error, and searching the web for the error code didn't turn up anything either.... I wonder if I am having this much difficulties because I am using x86_64 version of OS'es.

Anyhow, if anyone has done it successfully - using existing Windows 7 as guest virtual machine in x86_64 version of Fedora 12.

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General :: Creating Image From Existing Installed CentOs

Mar 22, 2010

I have just finished installing (after hard work ) Centos 5.4 x86 configured with Snort & Snorby as frontend web, i would like to create from this installation kind of image that could fit to almost any hardware type.

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Debian :: Creating New Profiles Based On Existing Profile In Gnome

Oct 8, 2010

I'm setting up my profile in gnome right now, with things like fonts, themes, wallpapers, iceweasel settings, menu settings, and I'm going to be adding a couple new users. Rather than re-do everything again, I thought I'd just create the new user, copy over my home dir, chown it to the new user and then login to make minor final adjustments, like specifiying where the music dir is and such.Just wondering if there'd be any problems with this, since it's just an idea I think should work but have never tried it. Any experience, or warnings?

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Debian :: Making Remaster - Creating LiveCD From Existing Image

Jan 10, 2011

I'm looking for a way to create a live cd from the existing image. I'd like to include some sort of installer, I've found gui remaster utilities, but none for the shell only. I need to setup the image to automatically login, so the user could just pop in the cd and start it up without a monitor or keyboard.

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Ubuntu :: Creating Bootable Disk For Existing Grub On Flash Drive?

Aug 5, 2010

I wish to create a bootable disk for my existing grub legacy. I do not have a floppy drive. Could this be done on a CD-RW or flash drive?

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Fedora :: Creating Custom Fedora Install/Live Media

Oct 17, 2009

I've recent begun to want to create a spin of Fedora for my high school to offer as an alternative to Mac OS X and Windows. My first attempt with any distro was to try and use Suse Studio, however nothing with packages that I downloaded myself would successfully compile. I then thought that I might try and use some sort of local program do create it with and tried Revisor, however when I made Live Media, Xorg wouldn't start and when I made DVD Install Media the kernel would kernel panic every time on boot.

Is there anyway to solve the problem with Revisor or are there any alternatives?

I have also tried using Ubuntu with the Ubuntu Customization Kit however that didn't work either considering I have to have it in a virtual machine.

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Fedora :: Failure Of Creating Shared Memory In Fedora 8

Nov 19, 2009

I am using Fedora 8 in my PC and i'm trying to create a shared memory (below is the sample program) i'm getting error while creating shared memory. Can anyone pl tell what is the possible cause for this.

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Fedora :: Possible To Run Existing Perl Scripts On F14?

Mar 23, 2011

We are having perl version 5.8 and executing the perl scripts to maintain oracle database on Solaris10. Our existing perl version is 5.8.Now, we want to try the same existing perl scripts on Fedora14.Is it possible to run the existing perl scripts on Fedoara14?Do I have to seperately install the perl on Fedora14 ?

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Fedora Security :: How To Add An Existing Certificate

Apr 14, 2011

How can I add an existing certificate (pem format) as trusted in Fedora via the command line?Do I have to copy the files to a certain keystore? Where does Fedora store the trusted certificates

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Add Un-used Space To Existing Partition?

Jun 10, 2009

I have a doubt with how to add un-used space in my RHEL 4.0(linux) server to a existing partition. I will explain the scenario:-I have some 220 GB space on my linux server as shown by the command as below-

[root@JispNewDB ~]# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/cciss/c0d0: 733.9 GB, 733909245952 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 89226 cylinders


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Add Files Dynamically To An Already Existing Rpm?

Jul 21, 2009

I am facing a problem. I want to know how to add files to an already existing rpm. Not at the creation time of rpm. Because we have to add some files to it dynamically if any user purchases it from our webserver. I have searched everywhere but havent find any. Is it possible to do so?

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Fedora Installation :: Integrate Into Existing Menu?

Feb 13, 2009

I installed Fedora and my existing boot up menu (Ubuntu & XP) disappeared leaving only Fedora. Using my Super Grub cd (boot trouble shooting cd) I recovered my previous boot system but it left me without the Fedora option. My question is, how can I integrate Fedora into my existing menu?

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Fedora Installation :: How To Remove Existing Lvm Without Reinitializing Hdd?

Nov 22, 2009

I have a dual-boot system with XP and Fedora. I had to reinstall XP a while ago. After XP reinstallation, to regain access to Fedora, I ran Fedora installation DVD. It told me that the hdd had a "loop file system" and that I had to reinitialize it. I chose "ignore", "upgrade" and then "Create new boot loader configuration". Everything works fine now, but when I tried to install F11 from a live cd I discovered that I couldn't. It can't edit the lvm part (nor delete it). The only things possible are to reintall F10 with the DVD that created the lvm in the first place or install F11 using preupgrade (the lvm remains ext3 so preupgrade can't edit it either).

My question is: how can I get rid of the lvm part without reinitializing the hdd (I don't want to lose the data on the other partitions). I want to reinstall Fedora but without lvm.I heard something about "fdisk" and "lvremove", but I have no idea how to use these, so I would like a detailed solution (something close to a tutorial).

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Fedora :: Getting Current Xorg.conf Despite It Not Existing

Sep 23, 2010

Now that xorg.conf doesn't exist, how to get a working copy of the xorg.conf that would set it up as it is currently? I tried xorg -configure -retro but that just gives me a black screen.

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Fedora :: Apply A Patch To An Existing Install?

Oct 25, 2010

Just wondering if this is possible and if so, how? I want to be able to apply the following patch: [URL]

It is apparently a test fix for the touchpad on the newer Dell laptops. I want to test drive it a bit. Otherwise, if someone could point me in the right direction as to custom compile a Fedora 13 x64 disc including this patch, that would be great.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Unable To Connect To Existing Vnc Session

Jul 1, 2010

We are using Real VNC enterprise server. User will connect to the vnc server and do their work. We are facing one issue since from last week. When user is working on session, some times the session will get hung.He can't do anything on that. If he close the connection and try to connect from vnc viewer to the same vnc session it is not connecting. even it is not asking for the password. I have checked in the server the Xvnc process for the session is still running. When I tried to check the session is alive or not from telnet it is not showing that RFB 004.001.

xhdvnc2 ~]# telnet localhost 5902
Connected to localhost.localdomain (
Escape character is '^]'.

If users are running some important tasks on that session they are not able to access. We are using RHEL 4U7 .

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Fedora Installation :: Possible To Convert Existing Filesystem To New Ext4

Jun 3, 2009

will it be possible to convert existing filesystem to new ext4 while upgrading from Fedora 10?

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Fedora :: How To Resize Existing Partition Without Data Loss

Dec 4, 2009

In the process of preupgrading to FC12. Towards the end of the process I get a warning that my /boot partition isn't big enough (12 recommends minimum of 300Mb).

My disks:
[root@fatbeast boot]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
35G 6.6G 28G 20% /
/dev/sda1 194M 176M 8.4M 96% /boot
29G 25G 3.2G 89% /home
tmpfs 1.9G 676K 1.9G 1% /dev/shm
/dev/sdb 7.5G 319M w7.2G 5% /media/CDF2-6BE2
[root@fatbeast boot]#

Is there a tool I can use to resize my existing partitions WITHOUT data loss? I've been using gparted up to now for sorting partition stuff, does that maintain data when resizing (assuming I run from a boot CD or USB rather than a running system)?

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