Programming :: Interface The Output Pins On The Header Of The GESBC-9260 To The Distribution?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm a complete linux beginner and currently have the following board that I am playing around with.the main chip onboard is an atmel arm9 core with a debian style distribution pre-installed. I have just updated the factory kernel to 2.6.30 as I was told this had an inbuilt GPIO driver? I am trying to interface the output pins on the header of the GESBC-9260 to the linux distribution. i.e. I would initially like to write a c file that did something like toggle an output pin, which I can then connect upto an led and see this flash. However I don't really have a clue where to start. Hopefully someone could point me in the right direction?

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Programming :: Enable RTS And DTR Pins In C Language?

Jun 6, 2011

How to enable RTS and DTR pins in c language? (I use termios.h include)

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Programming :: Using Parallel Port Mode And I/O Pins?

Aug 8, 2010

I have a little hardware project and I would like to use the parallel port. I basically want to display status code on top of other custom peripheral on an headless server. I only use output as the display (7 segment) is not part of the device itself. The problem is, the parallel port only have 8 standard I/O pins. I have read somewhere that there is a way to change the mode of the port to enable more data pins using a specification not backward compatible with the "classic" mode (so not enabled by default). I didn't find any other information about this. As I would like to have all 17 non-ground pin to avoid using more circuitry than necessary, how to turn this mode on?

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Software :: Download Manager That Supports RANGE Header And Binds To Interface

Oct 2, 2010

I basically want to download a the differnet parts of a file using several interfaces and then want to combine them.

Something like:-


But, the problem is that I am on a faulty conenction so the connection breaks frequently. And I cannot resume using CURL.

So, I need an alternative download manager..I have tried looking at wget but it doesnt support binding to interface or either option to specify range of file to download..

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Ubuntu Servers :: HP Deskjet - Lp Output Three Lines Only (NOT Header Or Date)

Jan 13, 2011

10.10 Headless Server, CUPS queuing to HP Deskjet via socket correctly (?), but output regardless of file type only top three lines (NOT header or date or so)

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Programming :: C Tcp Header Change?

Jul 25, 2011

I am trying to write a program that will send a packet to a server as a different IP address so I can test my firewall rules as I only have access to a couple of machines:

int my_socket;
struct sockaddr_in sin;


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Programming :: Which Distribution Is Best For Web Development?

Jun 20, 2010

I need help with choosing the right distribution for web development.My potential future employeer wants me to give him some ideas, We are going to create a new catalog website, using a CMS,So I need to know some good solutions,

1. Which CMS to use for such a website, my idea is Joomla!

2. Which platform would be effective, here's where I need to ask you, as I know only a little about Linux distributions. But my idea is openSUSE so far.

3. Which development tools to use, for PHP scripting and MySQL(also xhtml and css).

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Programming :: Which Distribution Is Best For Network Programming

Oct 29, 2010

which distribution is best of Linux for Network programming.Is that GCC complier is preloaded in the Linux distro...Which material is the best for the new comer in Linux

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Programming :: Cannot Find Header Files To Use Kmalloc()

Jun 16, 2010

I want to use kmalloc() to allocate contiguous memory on ram. But I can not seem to find the required header file(s) like linux/slab.h. I suppose I do not have the required library and I certainly do not know what and where to look.

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Programming :: Can't Write Header To Excel File?

Jan 15, 2010

I am having trouble getting some code to work. It takes an input file (csv) and converts it to an XLS. The problem is that I can't seem to get a header to be printed first...

use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
my $input = $ARGV[0];


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Programming :: Get Jpeg File Header Using C Language?

Oct 10, 2009

I want to get files header as much as possible which are mostly used so how can i get jpeg file header using C ?

If any other headers of MS Office is possible for U.

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Programming :: How To Attach New C Header Files And Libraries

Mar 10, 2010

I have been a predominant Windows user for a long time but shifted to Ubuntu recently. I was just trying out a few basic C functions when i realized that the "conio.h" header file isn't included in the libraries and therefore i was unable to use the "clrscr()" function.

I downloaded a tarball which contained the necessary library and header files including conio.h. Once extracted, i specified the location and included in the program as " #include "path to the header file" ".

I still didn't call the "clrscr()" function, and it compiled successfully. Next i edited the program to call that function and it gave the following error...

How i can add new libraries in the future?

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Programming :: Setting For Header File And Library?

May 8, 2010

I have 3 files: main.c, mylib.h, mylib.c Now I want to put mylib.h into : /usr/include/mydir/mylib.h And I create a static library: libmylib.a, and put into the folder: /usr/lib/mydir/libmylib.a Then I compile: $ gcc -o main main.c Then I got linking error

main.c:(.text+0x3e): undefined reference to `extract_v1'
main.c:(.text+0x7b): undefined reference to `modify_v1'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

So I try with -l options: $ gcc -o main main.c -lmylib I still got error

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmylib
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Any idea about this?

Also, I want to ask about: how to create my own header and library to put into /usr/include/mylib/ and /usr/lib/mylib/, so when I use function in my program, the compiler will automatically link to library. It's like when you #include <stdio.h>, and you compile: $ gcc -o program program.c, you don't need to specify any linking folder or library.

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Programming :: Simple Header For Perl Programs?

Nov 5, 2010

i am trying to do something very simple like a header and a footer for my first perl programs, what iam trying to do is that when i create a file in vim: lets say , i would like that file to have already this in its header:

and this on the footer:
print "

so that i dont have to type everytime #!/usr etc i tried to do it this way but i get weird vim errors: header is a file that contains the header and footer $ vim;header > is there another way to do it as a function in bash or some other one liner command?

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Programming :: Using Header Files - Reference And Put Formulas?

Feb 14, 2011

New to programming having issues reference header files.

Not sure how to put the fomula in headers below:


using namespace std;

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Programming :: Put Header Files For A Shared Library?

Feb 26, 2010

I have written a simple library and ended up with a .so file. I have a header file from writing the code that describes how to use the functions in the source code I have written. I think this .h files needs to be available to other programs that access this code.

I have seen lots of tutorials on how to copy the .so file to the relevant directories and make links with the version number. What I can't find is where to put the header file so that any programs I write to use my new library can access the header.

Hope this makes sense. For example, I might use <stdio.h> normally, I will need to access <mylibrary.h> once is loaded (as far as I understand!)

It's weird, I've been using C compilers for embedded processors over ten years now and never given a second thought to how libraries and headers work behind the scenes!

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Hardware :: Bent + Missing Pins On A SATA HDD Drive?

Feb 16, 2011

[URL] #1 in the picture is what's broken. I have no what 2 + 3 are, but I can connect either of these, instead of #1, to the motherboard. I have the connector for # 4.

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Programming :: Build Whole Distribution From Source Codes?

Dec 11, 2008

I have downloaded whole linux source codes of fedora in a dvd. There are several rpm packages and lots of directories in it. I want to load all source codes to version control system (svn or cvs) which is loacated in a server and develop it step by step .During this time I want to build my own distribution. So I need to know how to build all these packages at once. Is there anyone who can explain "how to do" to me

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Programming :: Making A Project Distribution Folder?

Jun 25, 2010

I'm trying to make my first c project (a simple tic tac toe console game), and I am wondering how to make a final product (copy all source code files to a distribution folder upon compilation). Should I use a bash script or should I use a makefile to make the distribution folder? I'm not terrible familiar with either; I have a basic makefile to make an executable, and that's about all I know of make.

And if I do use a bash script, how do I copy over source code files? I tried cp ./*.c and cp ./*.h, but I think the script read it literally as moving a file named ./*.c (and ./*.h), and couldn't find it.

My makefile is pretty much this:

objectFiles = main.o io.o board.o game.o
ttt : $(objectFiles)
cc -o ttt $(objectFiles)

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General :: Programming In C++ Under Windows Using Graphics.h Header File

Aug 19, 2010

I am new to ubuntu.I have done some programming in c++ under windows using graphics.h header file.I want to implement my programs in ubuntu.How can i do this?I am writing a program.

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Programming :: Cmake - Using Header Files In Higher Directories ?

Nov 1, 2010

Say I have a directory structure:

And other.c has:

How do I setup the CMakeFiles.txt files in each directory, so the executable "program" (from program.c) is created.

Currently I get the error:

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Programming :: Codeblocks Plugins And Header Files Location?

Jan 29, 2010

I installed Codeblocks and build some programs, but I have two questions:1. Where are my header files placed, since I don't know where codeblocks is installed. Soemetimes I have to remove header file extension (.h) to be able to compile some source. I use gcc as setting for codeblocks to compile and build programs.2. Plugins for Codeblocks can be installed, but when browse codeblocks's wiki I can't find download links neither developer pages

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Programming :: Including User Defined Header File?

Apr 29, 2011

i got a sample.c which generate a linked list for sorting according to the number generated. then i want to split the sorting function into a header file. and it looks like the sort function in the header file could not access the linked list in the main. the error is dereferencing pointer to incomplete type



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>


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Programming :: SFTP Connection With User And Password On The Header?

Mar 25, 2011

how I can do a ftp connection putting the user and passwd as default?

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Programming :: Header File Which Support OpenOffice Writer At RedHat4

Jun 9, 2010

I need to know the header file used at 'c' to support openoffice writter at REDHAT4. I plan to write a c++ program for something like spellbee game. so instead of giving a txtfile which has a list of words as a source for the game I decided to use some header file. My assumptions are: Since the redhat4 is written through the "C" language and as well as the openoffice writter which is a supporting package at this os too might have the linker right. At openoffice writter we have the spellcheck feature which might had a source from where it checks the words whenever we type something at openoffice writer. So is it possible to use those header file or linkage source at my c++ spellbee game program instead off creating the list about few bunch of words.

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Programming :: Writting A C++ Program Using Netbeans And Keep Getting Error About Finding My Header

Feb 14, 2011

Below are the header files and the program:

using namespace std:

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General :: Installing Code For One Distribution To Another Distribution?

Mar 5, 2009

I would like to install a program (R for statistical computing). I am using Slackware. On the download page of R (The Comprehensive R Archive Network) there are options to download the code for Debian, Redhat, Suse, and Ubuntu. Which one should I download in my case (using Slackware)? Is there any of them which I should not download?

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Programming :: (.text+0x7): Undefined Reference - Compiling Program Include One Header File And 2 C

May 21, 2011

i am a new programer in c i have write a simple app and i have a problem with combiling my program include one header file and 2 c

void f();
void f(){

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Programming :: Compile C++ Program Without Changing #include Line & Header Files Not System?

Apr 3, 2011

I have C++ source code(*.cpp) files that expects it's header files in System's include folder which is/usr/include.The cpp files has include lines like this:

#include <some.h>
#include <another.h>


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General :: Get Socket.h Header File / Copy Pasting This Header File In 'incl' Directory Allow To Use It In The Program?

Apr 22, 2011

where can i get socket.h header file? will copy pasting this header file in 'incl' directory allow me to use it in the my program?

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