Hardware :: Bent + Missing Pins On A SATA HDD Drive?

Feb 16, 2011

[URL] #1 in the picture is what's broken. I have no what 2 + 3 are, but I can connect either of these, instead of #1, to the motherboard. I have the connector for # 4.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Ubunto 8.04 Cannot Detect Sata Hard Drive Or Sata Drive Cdrw?

May 28, 2011

ubuntu 8.04 server can not detect seagate sata hard drive 2tb or sata Lg dvdrw x22 sata drive .is it possible to install it without buying a pci ide sata card?is it possible to get a driver for sata driver and sata drive that can be recognise by ubunto 8.04 server ?or to get the files for 1.44 floppy diskdoes the late edition of unbutu recognise sate hdd and sata cdrw drive automaticly during the installation of the unbutu?

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Hardware :: Can SATA 3 (SATA III) Hard Disk Be Run On Motherboard Which Only Support SATA II

Aug 13, 2010

Can SATA 3 (SATA III) Hard disk be run on motherboard which only supports SATA II, except sacrificing the speed (throughput)?

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Fedora :: Clone An IDE Drive To A SATA Drive?

Dec 28, 2009

would it be possible to clone an IDE hard disk (on which I installed Fedora 10) on a SATA hard disk, and that programs can succeed

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Ubuntu :: SATA II / Error "ata4: Limiting SATA Link Speed To 1.5 Gbps" - Allowing The SSD To Run At SATA II Speeds?

May 1, 2011

I keep getting this error in my log viewer every 2 seconds: Code: ata4: limiting SATA link speed to 1.5 Gbps I have a dual boot SSD and I have run many SMART tests in windows and linux, (using smartmon tools and the disk utility) and the reports are all 100% healthy..... My research shows that this error represents one of the following:

1. Problem with SATA controller
2. Changing BIOS to allow SATA
3. Changing SATA mode to PATA or AHCI
4. Replacing the SATA cable
5. Allowing the SSD to run at SATA II speeds, i.e. 3 Gbps

- Does anyone know how to try number 5, i.e. allowing the SSD to run at SATA II speeds? I am lost here and this problem has caused my machine to crash twice when watching a movie in linux/ ubuntu. (It is worth noting that the crashes have only occurred in linux and I have never had an issue in windows, so it does seem to be a linux setting somewhere, hence why I think it is a "allowing SATA II to run at correct speeds issue")

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Programming :: Enable RTS And DTR Pins In C Language?

Jun 6, 2011

How to enable RTS and DTR pins in c language? (I use termios.h include)

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Programming :: Using Parallel Port Mode And I/O Pins?

Aug 8, 2010

I have a little hardware project and I would like to use the parallel port. I basically want to display status code on top of other custom peripheral on an headless server. I only use output as the display (7 segment) is not part of the device itself. The problem is, the parallel port only have 8 standard I/O pins. I have read somewhere that there is a way to change the mode of the port to enable more data pins using a specification not backward compatible with the "classic" mode (so not enabled by default). I didn't find any other information about this. As I would like to have all 17 non-ground pin to avoid using more circuitry than necessary, how to turn this mode on?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Bootmgr Is Missing Occurs When Plug The SATA 1 TB(data Stored With Windows File System)

Jun 18, 2010

I have a problem : " bootmgr is missing" It occurs when I plug the SATA 1 TB(data stored with windows file system).

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Debian :: Add New Sata Drive Without Reboot

Feb 4, 2011

We have an external raid box connected to a debian squeeze server.Every new volume set I have created will be detected (as /dev/sdx) after a reboot. As this is our file-server I cannot reboot the server every-time a new volume set is created.Is there a way to make this new device visible.I tried already 'partprobe' and restarting udev didn't work eather.What is a good way to do this?

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Programming :: Interface The Output Pins On The Header Of The GESBC-9260 To The Distribution?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm a complete linux beginner and currently have the following board that I am playing around with.the main chip onboard is an atmel arm9 core with a debian style distribution pre-installed. I have just updated the factory kernel to 2.6.30 as I was told this had an inbuilt GPIO driver? I am trying to interface the output pins on the header of the GESBC-9260 to the linux distribution. i.e. I would initially like to write a c file that did something like toggle an output pin, which I can then connect upto an led and see this flash. However I don't really have a clue where to start. Hopefully someone could point me in the right direction?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 Won't Boot From SATA Drive?

Apr 13, 2011

I have just installed opensuse 11.4 and the install fails to boot, grub hangs or gives an error.

I have tried installing grub in MBR and root changed every setting I can find and even downloaded a fresh ISO. As a last resort I changed the machines BOIS settings from SATA to emulate ide, booted as expected but a bit slow.

11.2 and 11.3 worked on this machine with no problems. Am i missing something? I also tried an Ubuntu install and this worked fine!

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Ubuntu :: Permanently Mounting New Sata Drive?

Jun 11, 2010

i'm well versed with the fstab but i'm just curious if there is ubuntu way

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Ubuntu Installation :: Using Grub On IDE Drive And SATA

Aug 1, 2010

I have tried to install ubuntu onto my computer using the live CD. It installed fine, and it put grub on sda (which linux sees as my SATA drive). Windows is installed on the ide drive which linux see's as the sdb drive. It was a successful install and in theory it should work, except it find the windows install first so it boots into windows without using grub. I think that linux assigns the drives using the sata first and the ide second, but windows does the opposite and the ide drive is first and the sata is second.

Is it possible to install grub onto the ide drive and get it to dual boot linux or is it possible to use the windows bootloader to recognize the linux install and chainload grub? I am thinking that if I use grub on the ide drive it will throw an error like what happened during my wubi install and it is unable to find the kernel because it is looking for it on sda, but from a windows install it is sdb. I have tried to get the computer to boot from the sata drive, but the mobo is a bit old and I do not think it is supported.

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Ubuntu :: Executable Bit And Separate SATA Drive

Jan 12, 2011

I'm having a bit of a problem enabling any sort of permissions for my 1TB SATA HDD on /dev/sda1. Using Nautilus and wine, I'm trying to play games already pre-installed on my Windows 7 partition. When ever I right-click>permissions>Enable execution, it reverses the changes. I don't know if this is relevant, but id rather not copy anything on to my /dev/sdb2/ partition because its about 1/10th the size of sda1 (142GB free to be exact). Is their any way to make a permanent change? I don't really mind if it's a solution in the terminal... So long as it doesn't mess up my ability to boot Windows 7.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot From Pen Drive Then To Sata?

Feb 28, 2011

I have a HP PC that I have installed a PCI SATA controller in. The PC doesn't support booting from the card.... So here is what I would like to do. (btw..I'm a seasoned noob on Linux.) I would like to be able to boot ubuntu 10.10 from a usb pin drive 2Gb to a point where the kernal can recognize the SATA drive then start the OS from the SATA HDD.

I can see and access the drive if I boot to a live CD but when I install it won't boot because the PC's bios does not see the PCI card. This has to be possible but my Google foo isn't strong enough to find out how. Would a simple GRUB install on the pen drive work?

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Hardware :: New SATA Drive Doesn't Allow Boot

Oct 1, 2010

I recently installed a PCI Sata card along with a SATA HDD and a SATA DVD burner. My PC ogirinally used /dev/sda1 to boot into root. But now when I plug the new HDD in, it names the SATA drive /dev/sda and the SCSI drive /dev/sdb.

I have unplugged the SATA drive and am able to boot into linux. I can also use the DVD burner. In the lilo.conf file, I have rename the root to /dev/sdb1 so when I plug the SATA drive in and reboot, it should go to sdb1 for root. But here is the error that Im getting.

VFS: Cannot open root device "801" or unknown-block(8,1)
Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available paritions
0800 488386584 sda driver: sd
0b00 1048575 sr0 driver: sr


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Hardware :: RHEL5 Is Not Installing On SATA Drive?

Sep 4, 2010

I have my home pc and previously it was dual boot as windows and linux.I want to reinstall rhel5.5(32 bit) but I am not able to do so and getting following error:

Error partitioning
Could not allocate requested partitions:
partitioning failed: could not allocate


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Hardware :: SATA Hard Drive Will Not Mount

Aug 2, 2011

I have a number of drives that I am setting up for friends who wish to switch/alternate from Windoze. So far several completed. One particular drive is being a bit difficult. When checked on my system[10.10] by Sata/USB wire it reads OK and gives the following info. 200GB, 768kb used, file sys Ms-Dos

When installed on the Mobo as main drive and machine booted set to boot from HD it sometimes reports 'No Drive Found' Reset the BIOS to boot from CD and Load Ubuntu from DVD- it goes through load routine then reports 'Error- cannot Mount drive[or words to that effect] Tried installing frm CD/DVD drive to the disk via the SATA/USB wire But that failed also with CD Auto load error So the disk seems to need setting up in some way to suit Linux presumably just like FDisk in Dos/Windoze

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General :: Installing Red Hat 4 On SATA Hard Drive

Oct 20, 2009

I tried to load Red Hat Linux 4 on my PC, which has 945 MB, Core 2 Duo Processor, 2GB RAM, 250GB SATA HDD. But i couldnt do so as it did not detect the hard drive and was asking for drivers. I changed the SATA settings to Legacy but still it didnt recognise the HDD...I have Windows XP SP3 also installed on it.

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CentOS 5 :: Chainloading 2nd Sata Drive Partition 5?

Mar 5, 2011

I am still fighting with getting the right configuration in my grub file to chainload the second linux OS on my computer.

2 hard drives (sata)
2 OS's (CentOS,Ubuntu)

CentOS is in and running fine. It owns the MBR and was in place before I added the Ubuntu OS. Ubuntu was added to the free space of the second hard drive in partition 5 and its grub was installed there. So I thought this would work for a grub stanza.

title Ubuntu (10.10)
root (hd1,4)
chainloader +1

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CentOS 5 :: Chainloading 2nd Sata Drive Partition 5 - The Fix?

Mar 6, 2011

This is in response to Alan's request to: open another thread, to document your progress in achieving the aimed-for dual-boot system? After giving up on the problems described in:[URL]..

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Debian :: SATA DVD Drive Not Detected During Lenny Install?

Nov 17, 2010

I am trying to install Debian 5.0 "Lenny" on a PC with a very new hardware config (i3 processor, DDR3 RAM,LG SATA DVD drive, and Seagate SATA HDD). During the hardware detection phase of installation, I get a message saying the driver for my CD drive is not known, and asking me to select one manually. The options I get are only 'devcdrom', which does not work, and my installation cannot proceed.

I tried the following:

1. I read in a similar query that to use SATA DVD drives, I will have to set some boot options, so tried entering install libatapi_enabled=1 as an install option. This showed 'unknown parameter' error followed by same problem.

2. My Intel m/b BIOS has an option to set the DVD drive to "Native" or "Legacy", default is Native. I also tried changing this to "Legacy". Still same problem.

3. Read that I have to point to different drivers, but don't know how to do this during the installation.

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Fedora Installation :: F10 Cannot Find / Recognize SATA Drive?

Apr 18, 2009

I have just changed my OS from Vista to Linux Fedora 10. After looking at my system I notice my SATA drive was not recognised its my 2nd drive. Is this a normal think or can it be fixed.

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Fedora :: Adding SATA Drive - Not Detected By The Bios ?

Oct 18, 2009

I have a working F-10 box with an older motherboard (pre-sata). The p-ata ports are full (4 drives), so I'm trying to add a sata controller and another drive. The sata controller plugs into the pci bus, but is not detected by the bios (very old). After booting, the OS loads the driver module(s) and detects the new controller and drive. I was able to add the new sata drive into the LVM system using system-config-lvm. All was fine until I rebooted.

I get pages of lvm errors and booting fails. It looks like it's trying to mount the volumes before the sata controller is modprobed. Is there a way to get the os to modprobe for the new controller before trying to mount? The extra drive space is on a data partition, not the boot partition.

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Fedora Installation :: P5Q Pro Mobo - Cannot Find Sata Drive?

Mar 21, 2010

Somehow Fedora 12 does not find one of my Sata drives (Seagate Barracuda 500GB) on the motherboard (Asus P5Q pro). The drive is attached to SATA_E1, which is a Silicon Image Serial ATA RAID connector. The drive currently has Windows Vista 64-bit OS which has been working fine. Fedora install loads correctly without errors, but only shows my RAID system on SATA ports 1-6.


I have tried showing RAID as IDE in the BIOS, and setting it to compatible mode. Still does not detect.

I have tried setting the drives to ACPI mode in BIOS. No effect.


I'm installing the x86_64 version of Fedora 12. I have run the Debian i686 installer and it picks up this volume without issue.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Support For Sata 3 (6 Gb/s) Hard Drive?

Jun 1, 2010

Dear OpenSUSE experts: I am a dual boot computer: Win 7 64 bit and OpenSUSE 11.2 64 bit. This computer has 3 hard drives: SSD, 500GB sata II, 1 TB sata 3. SSD contains openSUSE 11.2 500GB sata II contains Win 7.

Win 7 sees the 500GB sata II drive and the 1 TB sata 3 drive. openSUSE sees the SSD drive and the 500GB windows drive. The Motherboard BIOS sees all 3 hard drives. Is it openSUSE not support sata 3 drive? Or do I have to install special driver for it to see it in OpenSUSE?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Random Error - Could Not See SATA Drive ?

May 6, 2011

I experienced a strange random error that appears to have been my PC losing contact with the PC's 1.5 TB SATA drive.

This happened once (thus far only once - about two hours ago) on my Intel Core i7 920 PC with a Asus P6T Deluxe V2 mother board running openSUSE-11.4 with KDE-4.4.4. A reboot failed to fix the problem but a cold shut down restart did.

Some details ...

I had a zillion apps open, connected to my mother's PC in North America (from here in Europe) using vnc, had thunderbird, firefox, many konsole sessions, and various leafpad editor sessions.

Firefox appeared to hang, so I tried to close the Firefox page, but the PC appeared frozen (although the mouse would move). Then after about 60 seconds, the screen flashed, firefox closed (crashed may be more accurate) and I had my desktop back, ... sort of .... And I was able to go to the desktop area where vnc was running and access my mother's PC. But I was missing almost all the icons off my KDE destkop and most the icons off the panel at the bottom of the desktop.

I tried going to <CTRL><ALT><F1> and then <CTRL><ALT><F7> but that made no difference. I tried going to <CTRL><ALT><F1> to login but it would not let me login as a regular user, nor as root. Nor could I ssh into the PC. After <CTRL><ALT><F7> back at the crippled GUI, I typed 'shutdown -r now' (as root) but the command was not recognized. Neither was 'top' (as a regular user), nor 'fdisk' (as root). Dir was recognized as a regular user as was CD. But I did not believe the information those commands were giving me (it did not appear up to date).

Eventually I killed X with <CTRL><ALT><Backspace> (twice) and then forced a shutdown start with <CTRL><ALT><DELETE>, but then the PC hung during the shutdown, with the hard drive light on solid. That never happens. After a minute of that I decided to hit the 'hardware' reset. The PC restarted, but was incredibly slow to go through the motherboard boot menu's and it reported the hard drive not detected and would not boot. I did a <CTRL><ALT><DELETE> to restart, and pressed DEL to go to BIOS, and then noted in BIOS that the SATA drive was not detected.

I checked the temperature and the PC was a nominal cool temperature (38 to 40 deg c).

I then switched OFF the PC. I also turned the OFF switch on the back OFF for good measure. I waited a minute. And I turned ON again the PC.

The PC booted normally as if nothing had happened.

Most bizarre and a bit of a fright. My Linux is usually rock solid.

Anyway, ... no more investigation for now. I'm doing a massive backup of all data since my last backup. This will take a while as I have about 400 GB of home movies (at various stages of processing) from my home video camera to backup to an external hard drive.

I may pickup another 2TB external drive this weekend, just to ensure I have multiple backups.

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Ubuntu :: Sata Hard Drive Order Isn't The First One In The List

Jan 16, 2010

I have 4 hard drives in my computer. 1 for may root and home partitions. 2 extras for storage and 1 for Windows. I have the hard drive with my root and home partitions set as the first hard drive in the bios. However, in the Ubuntu setup it isn't the first one in the list. I would have thought that the first drive would be get set to sda. That is not the case.

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Ubuntu :: Mounting SATA Drive That Has Windows On It Under Xubuntu

Apr 29, 2010

I'm trying to mount my SATA drive that has Windows on it under Xubuntu, it's NTFS formatted, I tried adding it to fstab, I know the /dev points are right I checked with sudo lshw -C disk and with fdisk -l, the drive is partitioned 3 ways 1 for Win7, one for Win7's system info partition or whatever, and 1 for documents, but when I try mounting with mount -a with /dev/sda1 (which is where the windows partition should be) I get this:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Sata B Drive Not Appearing / Show That?

Oct 5, 2010

Install of 10.4 64 bit not showing choice of sata drives on install. W 7 on sata a drive, SUSE 11 on sata b drive. Need to load Ubuntu 10.4 on drive b, but not given choice of drives on the install. Only "clear drive" listed on the install window.
This is not the case on 32 bit, a graph with drives listed. W7 a runs Adobe CS5, the Ubuntu 10.4 has excellent font, type display on the live cd.

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