Programming :: Counter As Part Of Variablename In C?

Oct 24, 2010

is it possible in C to use a counter as part of a variable name?

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Programming :: Nested Loop Using A Counter To Increment Array Output?

Feb 2, 2011

I work in a simulations environment. I'm trying to write a bash script that will read fields from a .csv file into an array, the first field being an identifiyng number and the second field being a corresponding url. There are about 1600 of these number/url combinations in the .csv file that i'm reading from. Once that is done i want it to parse a text file and match the number, when it has a match i want it to enter the corresponding url into a particular line in the text file. The script I have written (with the help of the people on this forum a while back) does this well, but now I have a lot more data to parse. I think the script itself is explanatory enough to see what i'm doing. What i would like to do is cut it down to one while loop nested inside another loop so that I don't have 1600 or so elif statements. I can't figure out how to increment the output of the array. for instance, the first cycle would find the number that matches ${record1[2]} and input the url stored in ${record1[3]}. the next cycle would match ${record1[4]} and input the url in ${record1[5]}, and so on, does that make sense? The code is below and a sample .csv and text file are attached.


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Programming :: Pulse Counter Or Frequency Of Incoming Pulse Train?

Oct 1, 2010

I am trying to determine the frequency of a signal coming into an imx27 processor running linux os 2.6.22 If i were using a micro i would set up a timer for a set period of time and then count up the rising edges coming in. However I am not sure how to do this with C code in linux.

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Programming :: Cutting Last Part Of URL?

Dec 1, 2010 need to cut that to am getting really close using sed, but I just can't get the syntax quite right.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Dd From Full 15GB Part To 1.3TB Part, Shows Same Free Space?

Dec 8, 2010

I just used dd to clone a linux partition to a new hard drive, it had 800mb left on the old hard drive, after dd, new hard drive lists 1.29/1.3 terabytes full. Is this what happens by default in dd? How can I fix this?

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Programming :: Extract Part Of File Name?

Mar 26, 2010

I have this string ./DAT000728-652523058.job.I want to extract the no between DAT and - sign. I want 728. I dont want 000728.echo ./DAT000725-560162365.job | cut -d'T' -f2 | cut -d'-' -f1 I am getting 000728.string can be ./DAT326822-652523058.job also. then i need 326822

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Programming :: Replace Part Of A File With Another?

Jan 8, 2010

There are a few things I was wondering about (using tools available in bash):How to insert a file at at the specified location of another.How to copy a portion of a file between two lines matching a regex to another file (and/or making sed only work between two lines matching a regex)How would you do this?

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Programming :: Transposing Only Part Of Row Into Column?

Jul 8, 2011

I am trying to transpose the following row:

x1 x2 x3 x4


x1 X2
x3 x4

With tr '''' < file I can select all columns to become separate rows,but as you see x3 and x4 have to be grouped when transposing.Or should I use awk for this one?

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Server :: How To Access Local Part / Domain Part Of Email Address In Postfix's

May 24, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to access the local part and the domain part of an email address in postfix's For example, has myname as the local part and as the domain part.I get the whole email address with %s. I want to speed up the lookups by writing better database queries.I've had no luck finding this in the otherwise well documented postfix.

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Software :: Server Hosting Different Part Of Web Site Must Appear As Part Of Domain

Jul 13, 2009

we have access to one domain name , 1 internet ip address and may servers hosting different part of site. I want them all to be accessed via same web site . some of the server in our network are embedded devices.they have their specific utility being hosted on that machine. So the severs are bound to be distributed . I just wanted to know how can I access them via single ip, domain name.

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Programming :: Check If A Part Of String Exist

Sep 27, 2010

I have a macro which I use with ROOT. In this macro I want to check if a part of string exist so I can ignore it inside a loop. So, inside a loop I want to have something like:

if (string == "pre_ti_data_bdt*" || string == "pre_ti_data_nn*")

but of course I cannot use * in this piece of code! How to do this trick in C++?

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Hardware :: Is CMOSRAM Is Part On Mother Board Or Part Of RAM?

Jan 14, 2010

In bootseqence of linux, the first step is check the CMOSRAM(size 64bytes) setup for custmor setting. So i am just confused wether CMOSRAM is a part of motherboard or is a part of RAM itself.

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Programming :: Implement Some Part Of Codes To Use The GPU Of Graphic Card?

Sep 25, 2010

I wish to implement some part of my codes to use the GPU of my graphic card but I have no idea whether GNU as already implemented it (as for OpenMP). I mean, there are PGI Fortran compiler which embedded CUDA but I figure it's not free. I also wonder if that works only with ATI graphic cards or if for instance I can use my Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller.

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Programming :: Run A Part Of Code On Exit In A Shell Script?

May 14, 2010

How do i run a part of code on exit in a shell script?Suppose i have four echo statements like the following:

echo "Stmt 1"
echo "Stmt 2"
....some code goes here...


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Programming :: Script That Takes A Part Of A Log File And Emails It?

Mar 22, 2011

I work for a company that does remote computer support, we use VNC protocol to help our clients. I installed a VNC repeater that allows my clients to connect to me going through all firewalls and port forwarding. The linux VNC repeater outputs all connection information to /var/log/vnc.log and looks something like


UltraVnc Linux Repeater version 0.14
UltraVnc Tue Mar 22 03:37:02 2011 > routeConnections(): starting select() loop, terminate with ctrl+c
UltraVnc Tue Mar 22 03:37:12 2011 > acceptConnection(): connection accepted ok from ip: 55.555.555.55


I need a script that reads this log file every so often (30 seconds to 5 minutes) and sends an email when an connection has been accepted. I looked into reading log files and got this so far


while true
tail -100 $LOG | grep "ORA" > /dev/null


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Programming :: Mistake With Sed Espression Is Saving Part Of Pattern?

Jan 20, 2010

got a textfile with : as delimiters in between fields. e.g.1:2:3:4:5:6Thomas Cruise:Johnavid:Peter:Betty:JaneThe names may or may not contain white spaces.I am required to substitute any one of these names in the file with a new one inputted by user.e.g. to change John to Johnny, David to Beckham, etc. without touching any of the other names in the same line. Just one at a time.So here's the sed expression I was trying out with:

sed -i "s/<(.:.:)David>/$1Beckham/" names.txt
I also tried:
sed -i "s/<(.*)David>/<1Beckham>/" names.txt


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Programming :: Store Executable Code In The Value Part Of A Hash?

May 28, 2010

I was reading about Ruby code blocks, but it's all a bit hazy.My questions:1. Can you store executable code in the value part of a hash (err...associative array)2. If you did, how would you call the code?3. If you executed this stored code, would it be possible when doing soto pass in an object to the code that it could use?

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Programming :: What Is The Terminology Called Of A Binary Using A File That Is Not Part Of It's Self

Feb 14, 2011

What is the Terminology called of a Binary using a file that is not part of it's self? An example would be when a browser uses a HTML file for it's interface. The binaries code has to know how to find it and so on. I imagine that the applications binary uses a system call and that another application takes over.

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Programming :: Moving Files To Directories Based On Part Of Filename?

Jul 6, 2010

I have a single directory of pairs of files, with the pairs sharing a string as the beginning of the filename:


I need to create a subdirectory for each pair then move the pair into the subdirectory.

I accomplished the first step using:

$find /foo -name '*T3*' -exec mkdir '{}.wrk' ;

I can use a regex to designate the pair and associate the directory, but how do I use regex in a path as the output of a move command?

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Programming :: Shell Scripts For Cutting And Pasting Part Of Data?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a tab-delimited txt file as below. It is part of the original file.Quote:

#C1 C2 C3


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Programming :: Extract A Part Of Flat File In Shell Script?

Feb 12, 2010

My rquirement is I have a flat file with lot of lines on it.example:



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Programming :: Perl - Remove A Part Of String Unit1/U800/o

Apr 13, 2011

In a file,

I need to remove a part of string: /o



the string can be

here I need to remove /d2

So, I need to remove everything after when I get last /

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Programming :: Use The Link Grammar Parser In Order To Do Some Part Of Speech Tagging?

May 12, 2011

Probably a stupid sounding question, but bear with me please. I need to use the link grammar parser in order to do some part of speech tagging. It's freely available and works once you run the makefile or 'make' it or however it's correctly said. Thing is, it has a C API which I intend to use. And once I ran a bit of the sample code given in the documentation it gave a whole host of errors. This is very confusing because I'm including the path for the folder that has all the header files.

gcc -I/path/include/ filename.c. But it still gives me errors about not being able to find things that are clearly defined there. An hour of trudging around the internet tells me I need to 'compile' the API first. I'm not exactly sure how or if I'm supposed to do that. If someone could just shed light on this it would be greatly appreciated. I grow increasingly cynical to the musical swell of my tiny brain rattling in my skull.

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Programming :: Shell Script To Delete Part Text Of A Line If Pattern Matches?

Apr 12, 2010

I am trying to create a shell script, on taking a input file as parameter, which need to do 3 things

1) create a copy of existing file.

2) add a new line to the copied file.

3) strip off all the absolute paths inside the copied file

The first 2 points are straight forward. but i am finding it difficult to acheive the 3rd point. myself not very good with awk and sed. but gave it a shot in vain. For example, the input script consists of below,

PROGRAM=`/usr/bin/basename $0`
HOST=`/usr/bin/uname -n`
echo Start $PROGRAM `/usr/bin/date` |
/usr/bin/tee -a $LOG

The output of the script should look like,

PROGRAM=`basename $0`
HOST=`uname -n`
echo Start $PROGRAM `date` |
tee -a $LOG

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Fedora :: Counter Strike In Wine?

Nov 13, 2009

i have fedora11 in my system i have tried to install to counter strike in my system.and it get proper way. but when i start it , it starts well but it gets freezes after Parsing Game resources Bar(status ) bar during loading and a error generated that my gecko installer wants to install html parser
now what to do?

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Programming :: Script To Copy Paste Text From One File To Another (overwriting Part Of The File)?

Apr 19, 2011

I have a .txt-file with ~50.000 lines of numbers, generated by a mathematics program. From this file, I need line ~ 1.100 to line ~16.000 (these lines are always the same btw, this may make the solution easier, dunno) to be copy/pasted to another file, where the lines ~500 to ~15.000 (also, every time the same) should be overwritten by the aforementioned lines...I haven't found or come up with anything that works yet, mostly I find solutions to copy everything from one file to another but I can't find something to specifically overwrite a part of a file with part of another.

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Programming :: Point A Char Pointer To A Part Of Another Char Array?

Nov 4, 2010

Programming in C.I have two char arrays.char buf1[1024];char buf2[1024];Aren't buf1 and buf2 also pointers?I read in 1024 bytes into buf1 which contain about 300 bytes of characters with newlines. The data is basically a few English sentences. I'm trying to scan buf1 for newlines and then stop at the 1st newline and copy the rest of the data from that 1st newline into buf2.So I run a for loop to look for that new line.

for(i=0; i<1024;i++) {
if((strcmp(&buf1[i], "


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OpenSUSE :: Counter-intuitive Do Not Have It Right Above The Browser Window?

Mar 20, 2011

In the older version of firefox the tabs are right above the browser window. In this version there in the wrong place. It's counter-intuitive to not have it right above the browser window. How do put it back? Else, how do install the older firefox.

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Ubuntu :: HLDS - Counter Strike 1.6 Server On - 10.04

Jun 3, 2010

I setup the server just find with Metamod and amxmodx, everything works other than it won't let my server connect outside of my lan. I forwarded every single necessary port for HLDS and steam on my DIR-655 xtreme n-gigabit router, most up to date firmware as well.

I've tried numerous ways of of starting up my server

Here is what happens:


Heres another, I try connecting with just a port and it runs but its only on local, in the servers list the ip is


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Networking :: Real Time Traffic Counter

Jul 6, 2010

I have a linux router box with ubuntu which routes internet for several people. There is no extra traffic shaping, so everybody can get the whole bandwidth when its free. What I would like to have is a real time traffic counter per ip, just like a program called "iptraf" but on a per-ip basis. Iptraf can only count on a per-connection basis and thus cannot display a bandwidth that a certain ip has taken (because a single ip can start several onnections). So a console program with text interface like iptraf would be perfect - does anybody know about such a program? After some googling I came to the conclusion that such a program does not exist (which must be wrong - i think that per-ip real time traffic flow information is the first thing every router owner would like to know).

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