Programming :: Bash To Read Write Registers?
Jun 3, 2010
I have been looking for a script example of reading and writing to the parallel port's data, status, and control registers using bash. I see it done in pascal, tcl, etc. but nothing in bash.
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Mar 28, 2010
I have tried to learn how 64bit asm (nasm in my case) works and found, among the many disparate pieces of info on the net, a few vague inferences that floating point registers can be used for other purposes than what they are intended for, example: "64-bit Linux allows up to fourteen parameters to be transferred in registers (6 integer and 8 floating point)." This would be fantastic for string operations/manipulation (I have never used asm for floating-point operations), can anyone shed a bit of light?
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Jun 10, 2011
I have a text file that contains a single word and I want to write a bash script that will read the word from the text file... The following is my incorrect attempt, as it assigns the name of the textfile to the variable as opposed to the word stored within the textfile:(assume I have a text file value.txt that has its contents a single word, say wordone)
for f in value.txt
echo $f
so the output of the above script is value.txt, however I want it to be summarise: how do I assign the value of the word contained within a textfile to a variable?
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Jan 24, 2010
simple bash code:
trap "echo 'you got me'" SIGINT SIGTERM # to trap ctrl+c
echo "Press ctrl+c during 5 sec loop"
for ((i=0;i<5;i++)); do
How come code behaves normally and stops when ctrl+c signal is caught and resumes, but after I use at least one timeout read in the code it looks like, if signal is caught again it doesn't pause the execution but skips the loop. If you remove -t (timeout) option from the read, both loops look the same!
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Apr 13, 2011
I need programmer a timer of 10 ms for read/write a USB device
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Mar 8, 2011
I'm currently developping a C program to drive a Telit GM862-GPS module using the serial port of an embedded board (SBC9261).The communication with the module is based on AT commands : I just send my command to the module, through the RS232 line, and the module answers immediately.Here's an example with a basic command returning the GPS's acquired position, sent with Minicom :
$GPSACP: 104323.000,4x45.6171N,00x38.6219E,0.8,446.5,3,272.14,0.21,0.11,080311,09
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Nov 29, 2010
i have a text file like
abc abc abc abc
abc abc abc abc
--- --- --- ---
i want to add a string xyz to end of each line..
abc abc abc abc xyz
abc abc abc abc xyz
abc abc abc abc xyz
--- --- --- --- xyz
--- --- --- --- xyz
how do i do this in bash?
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Apr 7, 2010
i am trying to write a program which will read input from a text file, check if each line contains any alphabets and then display a message imforming me if there is an alphabet in each line. My text file is formatted in this way...
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Jun 9, 2010
I am using C++ with SQLite db in a program that will read read a sub set of records, compare records and write different records to another database. I have a SQLite book, but it only shows examples for the C API. Anyone have code samples in C++ for the following:
Open database
Select *
Or, just show me how to execute a SQL statement with C++ and I can then figure out the various SQL statements I need.
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May 24, 2010
I am trying to write a bash script to call from a terminal that will change the terminal title. I am using ubuntu 10.04. The script is meant to be used in the gnome-terminal.
Here is what I have:
Code: #! bin/bash
echo "New title: c"
read title
echo "33]0;$titl07c" -e
it doesn't work
I think the problem has to do with modifying PS1 inside the bash so i tried this:
Code: echo `export PS1="[e]1;u@h:wa]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}u@h:w$ "` and it still didn't work.
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May 15, 2011
I want to write a bash script that will launch a command when ever I plug my phone in. how would I monitor the port in a script.
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Sep 24, 2010
test=(1 2 3 4 5)
for car in ${test[@]}
echo "Element : $car"
if variable $car equals 1, new element is added "6" to an array. But i don't know why when i am printing all elements of this array (echo "Element : $car") this element ("6") is not mentioned, but if i make a command which check an amount of contained elements by array it will be 6 elements.
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Aug 8, 2010
I have a script that reads part of a line, delimited between the first and second intended part by a colon. Then it "chops" the part after the colon, which are words offset by commas (counting them beforehand so as to catch every word in the string's second part), like this:
single script that parses/breaks both parts of a line like this "COLORS.JPG:red,orange,yellow,green;blue,indigo,violet," so that the two parts, separated into single words (or two and three words, sometimes with spaces) can be used as single-line annotations and written to JPEG files using Exiv2. So far, I haven't been able to come up with a script that does this without one part of the total string(usually that part after the colon) becoming the first word in the second array. In other words, I look for this:
[ ]red
[ ]orange
[ ]yellow
Or vice-versa (ie, the second array winds up as a single-line "member" of the first). I think it's because I'm using a single while read loop to read the text file in which the filenames and substrings happen to be. If there's some way of reading a file once and going back to the beginning to read it again in another while loop, I haven't found it.
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Mar 14, 2011
I am struggling with Bash scripting at the moment (I can't seem how anyone can write scripts with this language!!!) I have a need at home to have a cron job execute daily to lookup my downloads.txt file, read each url (per line) and download content from that url. Then that entry needs to be removed (well I keep all urls in memory and clear the file afterwards). If an error occurred during the download process, then the url is written to a downloads.err file. I got all the above working except for properly reading the url from the text file without including newline characters. I am using the following to read:
while read url; do
--Do whatever here--
done < downloads.txt
How can I get it not to let the url variable have newline characters?
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Mar 28, 2011
I have a script that will ask the operator to specify whether the script should fetch the bits via FTP or SCP:
# Specify transfer method
echo "[setup]: Please specify file transfer method [ftp] or [scp]:"
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May 7, 2010
As I'm starting to learn bash scripting I'm trying to automatize some tasks I usually perform. I have a notification mail I need to send several times a day. It has this structure:
Dear user,
blah blah blah blah
You need to contact the following people:
To replace "user", I found this:
read -p "Please enter username: " username
echo "Dear $username,"
Which probe to be very useful with other simple notifications like this. But I don't know how to manage the email addresses as they are usually more than one and could vary from 1 to 10. They should appear one above the other. I found this: "Here is a little work around. The only thing the user needs to do is hit enter without anything else on a line and it will close out"
until [[ $word = "" ]];do
I tried to use it and modify for my needs but I failed, I don't realize yet how can I use it. If possible, I would like to use the until loop like the above example just for learning purposes but any other form will be accepted as well.
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Dec 25, 2010
In my tmp directory some logs are creating continue (with name logs.txt1, logs.txt2 up to 245). Some times these logs are creating continue within 1 or 3 second gap, now I want to write a bash script that continue monitor the tmp directory and if any time logs create simultaneously within 1 or 3 section gap it will alert me..( generally logs are create with the gap of 5 or 10 minutes duration or some time after one hours )
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Feb 15, 2011
At the moment I got my md5sum checking working which I write to a text file and see below.
If the md5sum works it will write the output to check2.md5 test.txt: OK
If the md5sum fails it will write test.txt: FAILED
How do I write if statement to check the output whether or not the md5sum failed or not ?
cd /home/ops/Desktop/test1
md5sum test.txt > $check1
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Jan 20, 2011
I have a bash script that checks for contents in a folder every 15 seconds and then acts on it's contents. This works great for the average size file however on very large files it starts acting on the file before it's completely written. Is there a facility in bash shell to get a file complete signal or such? here is trigger to launch a larger script.
while true
$HOME/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1 &
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Jun 23, 2010
I'm planing to write a bash script that will make some web stats reports and I'm stuck on beginning because I don't know how can I read a directory content, put everything in a variable, compare the variable value with current date and go further.More specific ...
I have /var/apache/log/. Here I have access logs on date ( like access.log.24.06.2010.gz and so on ).
How can I do to automatically zgrep (in a bash script) last day .gz ??
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Oct 6, 2010
I try to write a bash script that recognizes when the mouse moves.
like a screensaver.
But I want that while a browser window is opened and I move the mouse that a new webpage loads.
I can open opera with a console command but how can i recognize that the mouse moved?
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Jan 31, 2011
I have a folder of 2 many files that the old ls just hangs.
I am trying to write some log files such as;
I don't mind doing one at a time, but I am just playing and even getting the listing I am not getting the date stamp, I have the following;
That does create the file, but all the files look like this;
So basically it's just sticking that ls inside the log file and not actually running the ls, so how can I use the above type to get files just created per year?
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Jan 29, 2011
I am trying to write a bash script that sources another bash script. Essentially, I need a few lines to check to see if a certain variable is set. If not, I set it manually, and then source a scripts with that variable in the path. I wrote a test script to try it, but for some reason the last line does not work. Here is what I wrote:
source ~setupdir/setup.shrc #just a test, this line works
echo ${#SETUP} # prints 0 if setup is not set, which it isn't
if [ ${#SETUP} -eq 0 ]
echo $SETUP # prints ~setupdir
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Nov 24, 2010
First, I made a simply script which let me download a file from a filehosting site on my server, but I can only put one link there, so I need help how to put multiple links in.Here is my script:
echo "Enter URL:"
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Mar 5, 2010
I have a fallowing simple bash script:
echo -n "Please insert your name: "
read NAME
It works fine, but is it possible to have default values using bash read(1b)? I mean if user is prompter for sex, he just pushes ENTER and by default 'm' is chosen. Or if user is prompted for hometown and he doesn't insert anything, but just pushes ENTER button, 'New-York' sis chosen by default Are such default values possible in bash?
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Feb 13, 2011
I would like to find something portable that work on all machines. I have hmtl2text installed, and perl and sh.
Anyone would know if someone already made such thing to read new through the console ?
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Jun 8, 2010
I write a bash script to time some downloads from a server using ftp connection. ( something like: "time ftp 'options' ) I need to count the time for a list of files in a loop and output the result in a file.
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Mar 22, 2010
I'm trying to write a bash script program in the Linux command terminal that will write to a fellow user and then continue reading down the program. this is what i have (kind of explains the idea too):
echo "this is before the write command"
write jcummins
this message should go to jerry
echo "the message didn't send and this string will not appear"
echo "it appears it has stopped at the write command"
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Mar 11, 2011
For example, I have a text file with data which lists numerical values from two separate individuals
Person A
Person B
How would I go about reading the values for each Person, then being able to perform mathematical equations for each Person (finding the sum for example)?
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Feb 27, 2011
At my wit's end I can't find anything that I understand well enough to use. This is for a Unix class, we are working with shell scripting. File1 has 5 in it and File2 has 100 in it.The teacher wants us to read the values then do the math. This is what I have so far:#!/bin/bashvar1='cat File1'var2='cat File2'var3=`echo "scale=4; $var1 / $var2" | bc`echo The final result is: $var3
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