Programming :: Python Gtk.TreeView Update ListStore

Apr 10, 2011

How can i delete from ListStore or get TreeView iter when i toggle renderer1?


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Programming :: Display A Datasheet In GTK's Treeview?

Mar 14, 2010

I want to display a datasheet from MySQL datadase in GTK's TreeView.I don't know how many columns and rows in datasheet before it display.

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Programming :: Python - Application That Update Facebook Status

Apr 8, 2011

I want to make an application that will update my facebook status. How can I make that ?

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Programming :: Make Python Programs Run Without Entering The Command Python?

Mar 22, 2009

I want to be able to do

sudo ./

instead of always having to do

sudo python

What do I need to change?

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Programming :: Python - Get Text File Data Into An Array On Python?

Nov 30, 2009

I've already used line split stuff to transform my data into something like this in a text file:


['1', '1', '3', '20.7505207']
['2', '1', '3', '23.0488319']
['3', '1', '3', '-1.5768747']
['4', '1', '3', '-26.4772491']


How can I get this on a python program so I can manipulate it as an array?

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Programming :: Python 2.x - Represent The Same In Python 3.x

Mar 4, 2010

I have a function definition in a Python 2.x script which take a tuple as one of its arguments, but 2to3 has no answers nor any of my searching on how to represent the same in Python 3.x


def blah(self, (string1, string2))

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Programming :: Totem Python Plugin Programming: Any Signal For Video Mouse Click?

Feb 9, 2011

I want that I click with the mouse on the video, it paused.I notice that there is "BaconVideoWidget" which I guess is the video rendering widget but it don't have signal named "clicked":

vd = totem_object.get_video_widget()
vd.connect("clicked", vd.hide)


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Ubuntu :: Python Error After Update To 11.04?

May 10, 2011

i update my ubuntu(10.10) to 11.04 when it update i got one error that say can not install python or upgrade . the installation finsh and i reboot my pc then ubuntu wont start i try to use

sudo dpkg --configure -a --force-all

my system repair but i still Have problem with python

the real issue is that when i install a package that require python the package wont install and say error:

Package python is not configured yet

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Fedora :: Fatal Python Error After SW Update

Dec 8, 2009

Last night software updater notification showed 29 updates. I was building a liveCD image so decided create the image first then install the updates. After the updates were finished, I did a reboot because some packages required it, I logged on successfully, then I shutdown for the night. This morning when I executed the same command used to create the liveCD image, I get the following error.


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Fedora :: Yum Update Results In Python IndexError?

Jun 17, 2010

I haven't been able to update my system as of late, because yum keeps giving me the same error, everytime I try to run updates/install packages.

Running Transaction
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/yum", line 29, in <module>
yummain.user_main(sys.argv[1:], exit_code=True)


Running it with -v did not provide any other information regarding this problem. I tried running yum -clean all as well as package-cleanup --dupes and other various forms and rpm -Va --nodeps --nofiledigest but didn't get any output.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Stops With Python Message And Hang

Mar 25, 2011

I was doing a update via Synaptic Package Manager, after it is nearly finished i get that message: Processing triggers for python-central ... Nothing happend so i ctrl-c it and the packet manger shows me no other errors or something else, even all the packages who was marked for upgrade are now upgraded but what about that python message? Do i have to do some check ? or maybe even a repair or even worse re install the OS?


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Programming :: Python 2.x Vs 3.x

Apr 21, 2010

I'm starting to learn python and I am wondering whether I should start with python 2.x or should I just start learning python 3.x?

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General :: Updated LibX11 And Python Packages Fail To Update In RHEL5?

Nov 10, 2010

I was assigned to do all the RHEL5 updates. All installed fine including the new kernel except for the updated libX11 and python packages. Does anyone have any suggestions relating to a fix for this?

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Slackware :: Python & Utf-8 - Get Slack To Handle Scripts Without Having To Edit Them Every Time Update?

Feb 20, 2011

I'm running xbmc on slackware64-13.1 and it's running great. However a python addon script is giving me trouble. The script contains some utf-8 characters, and by default I get an error because coding isn't declared in the script. I've added

Code: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- to the scripts and they will work fine, but they are updated very frequently. I've tried messing around with turning on unicode console and such but I'm a bit in the dark on this. Is there a way I can get slack to handle those scripts without having to edit them every time I update?

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Programming :: Convert Map From Python 2.x To 3.x

Apr 6, 2010

I have an existing line of code from a P2 script that I cannot find a solution to converting to P3:

for i, x in map(None, list1, list2):
I have found the information about converting the simple case:
map(None,x) becomes list(x)

But my googling was unable to find a solution when more than one iterable exists.

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Programming :: How To Run Python Script From C

Jan 31, 2010

I have a python script I wrote a while ago and now I would like to call that script from inside C. I know how to do one command from C, but how would you execute an entire script from C, and passing arguments? Like:


int main(void)
python( myprogram(1 2 3) );

So I can pass arguments to my script.

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Programming :: Py_FindMethod In Python 3.1.1

Jan 19, 2010

what the equivalent function in Python 3.1.1 is for Python 2.6.4s:


Be buggered if I can find anything in the doco to say what replaced it or what alternative code may need to be entered to replace it

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Programming :: Python With Web Development ?

Dec 17, 2010

I have decided to learn python as it seems to be powerful not just for web development (like php) but also a clean powerful language for other puposes.

Q: Can someone suggest a tutorial or book, on learning python (beginner to intermediate) which has as its focus for learning, web development?

In order of preference: 1. Comprehensive, 2. Online, 3. Free

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Programming :: Piping In Bash Using Python?

Dec 16, 2010

I have a bash script that I want to import in to Python, mainly just to see if I can or not. However in the script I do use some piping of commands into sed to trim it down to what I need. When I tried doing it with the os.system() call, it didn't work. The exact error is

sed: -e expression #1, char 16: unterminated `s' command

However the command that was run can be run in bash without an error. Is there a better/another way to do this? For reference the command is:


locate -n 1 wp-config.php | sed 's/wp-config.php/
/g' | sed '/wp-config.php/ d' | sed '/^$/ d'

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Programming :: Accessing Python Scripts Using Web?

Mar 17, 2011

I am using Centos. I have written some scipts in python that access my routers and fetch the configuration, etc. Now i was thinking of creating a web interface which i can access from my windows XP. I want it to have good look n feel :-),

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Programming :: C++ Or Python - Create 3D Animation ?

Jan 25, 2009

I want to create 3D animation and also make some big programs. Is python capable of that? or should I stick to C++?

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Programming :: Linking Options For Python?

Dec 11, 2010

I am trying to build an application that must link with python so as to load a python module during runtime.I have this makefile :

[alex@iskandhar src]$ cat Makefile
CFLAGS = -Wall -O3 -I ../../../SPOOLES.2.2 -DARCH="Linux" -DSPOOLES -DARPACK


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Programming :: List Sorting In Python?

May 10, 2011

I have a list of list and I'd like to sort the list according to the last value of each row.

Let's say we have the list

L1 = [ [1,2] , [4,6] , [78,-3] ]

I wish to get

L2 = [ [78,-3] , [1,2] , [4,6] ]

Is there a simple way to do that in python?

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Programming :: Parsing S-Expressions In Python?

Feb 1, 2011

I've been loosely following this: I have a problem: the parsing function throws an array out of bounds exception. I thought that maybe I'm doing it wrong, so I copy and pasted the code from the page, and still the same error

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Programming :: Initializing Pmw Megawidgets For Python 2.6

Oct 12, 2010

I am having a problem initializing the Pmw megawidgets for Python 2.6.I have Pmw_1_3 loaded in the site-packages directory.

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Programming :: Python - Global Name Not Defined

Jun 17, 2011

I found an interesting screencast online about how to make gtk Pyton apps. The thing is, though, the guy was using the interactive shell. I've been trying to get his code into a script, and have been having troubles.

Here's what I got:


It spits out the error "NameError: global name 'browser' is not defined"

I know I'm doing something wrong with how I'm telling it where to find "browser" and "text", but I can't figure out how to point it to the right place.

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Programming :: Python - How To Avoid Spaces

Oct 1, 2010

In the code below:


The output is:


Looks like the "," operator in the print inside the loop is adding a space for its own.

I want to print the sequence WITHOUT spaces. Something like this:


But I couldn't figure out how to do this.....

How to print a sequence, inside a loop, without that space ?

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Programming :: Python: Get The Return Value Of The Last Function?

Jun 13, 2010

But it's been hell finding an answer, or I just don't know what to look for..I have a prompt that asks for a float, and if the user doesn't put in a valid number, then it should die with an error message.

def die_with_error():
print 'ERROR: You didn't specify a valid number!'


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Programming :: Python Program For Time ?

Jun 24, 2011

I need to write a program for time. like i have 2 tasks both minutes and hours.

like this
1st task=5 hours and 30 minutes
2nd task=2hours and 45 minutes

Together they will take 8 hours and 15 minutes.

I need to write a program thats called ADDTIMES to do something like this.

This is what i have so far.

H1=int(input("enter the number of hours:")) etc..

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Programming :: Python Serial And Struct On 64 Bit?

May 14, 2010

For a work project, I've got a bunch of python code from about a year ago that controls the movement of our EVI-D30 camera over a ttyUSB connection. It used to work fine on a 32-bit Fedora box, but recently we moved our whole project over to a 64-bit Gentoo server, and the same code seems to be worthless on the new platform. I didn't write the code, so I'm have trouble figuring out how to fix it. Error messages usually look like this:


File "./", line 172, in pan
turn_callback(cmdStruct[0], cmdStruct[1])
File "./", line 147, in turn_callback


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