Programming :: Display A Datasheet In GTK's Treeview?

Mar 14, 2010

I want to display a datasheet from MySQL datadase in GTK's TreeView.I don't know how many columns and rows in datasheet before it display.

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Programming :: Python Gtk.TreeView Update ListStore

Apr 10, 2011

How can i delete from ListStore or get TreeView iter when i toggle renderer1?


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Programming :: HTML5 "details" Tag Display - Inline - Display - Hidden CSS Ignored - Firefox - Seamonkey

Jan 11, 2011

I'm testing HTML5 for the first time, using Firefox (beta) 4.0b8 and SeaMonkey (beta) 2.1b1, and its ignoring some CSS. Specifically, I have problems with the <details> tag. (It is nested in a paragraph...I am using it to provide an in-paragraph definition in hopes it can be toggled.)

Firefox only partly supports <details>. It's not supposed to show anything except the content of <summary>, unless you click on <summary>'s content. Instead, it puts a line break before the content of <details>, splitting the paragraph in two peices (which looks silly), without the "closed/open" functionality.

So I tried using "display:inline" in my CSS, but that gets ignored. Just for fun, I also tried "display:hidden" (also ignored) and "display:none" (obeyed).

SeaMonkey doesn't doesn't do anything special with the content of <display>...but it also ignores the same CSS as Firefox.

The only thing I can do to support semantic design is apply "font-style:italic" to all <details> elements.

Granted, you might ask, "why bother using <details> at all. then?" Well, I would like to have <details> for the browsers that support it, with the "font-style:italic" to degrade the page nicely for those that don't (such as for SeaMonkey).

Does anyone know why "display:inline" and "display:hidden" get ignored?

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Programming :: Possible To Display Video On GTK?

Mar 23, 2010

can we able to display video on gtk window, can we able to control that video using buttons on window. Any code snippets or some good links. Video images is of format RGB24. Can I use gstreamer also.

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Programming :: Output The Display In C++?

Feb 8, 2010

i am having problem with displaying my text. my text file is displayed in such a way and is called test.......


Sam Worthington ... Jake SullyasZoe Saldana ... NeytiriasSigourney Weaver ... Dr. Grace AugustineasStephen Lang ... Colonel Miles QuaritchasJoel Moore ... Norm Spellman (as Joel David Moore)asGiovanni Ribisi ... Parker SelfridgeasMichelle Rodriguez ... Trudy ChaconasLaz Alonso ... Tsu'teyasWes Studi ... EytukanasCCH Pounder ... MoatasDileep Rao ... Dr. Max PatelasMatt Gerald ... Corporal Lyle WainfleetasSean Anthony Moran ... Private FikeasJason Whyte ... Cryo Vault Med TechasScott Lawrence ... Venture Star Crew Chiefmore

What i am trying to do is for the program to read "as" and then from there start a new line... thus the expected output is...


Sam Worthington ... Jake Sully
Zoe Saldana ... Neytiri
Sigourney Weaver ... Dr. Grace Augustine


I keep getting the error saying ...


editmain.cpp.98:error: initializer fails to determine size of 'str'

what does this mean, and how can i be able to format my file in the way i want?

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Programming :: How To Use Sockets To Display GUI At Server End

Aug 27, 2010

I am struggling a little on how to best approach this problem. I have wrote a server program that runs via xinetd, that obviously spits out data at the client end. Fairly straightforward stuff?There is a point in my server code where I need to display an image/gui i.e something that runs on X11 that prompts a user to perform a task on the display connected at the the server side.So far I have written a test program that displays some text at the client end and then launches the browser at the server end. I have also set the following export. Code: export DISPLAY=:0 and then goes on to launch my web browser. Works great when ran locally on the server and when I remotely telnet in to the server and run the code.

However when I try to run the same piece of code as a xinetd service the export seems to have zero affect and the client terminal window displays errors associated with there not being a X11 server running.The code launches fine when I create a socket to serverip:6556 it just the ability to display gui programs to another display that does not seem to be working.

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Programming :: Can't Get Xlib Window To Display / What To Do?

Mar 12, 2009

I am having trouble writing an Xlib application that displays a window. The most frustrating thing is that I've written applications like this before, and never had any problems. For some reason I cannot get this program to work properly. I'm running KDE and when I launch the program, a "button" for the application will appear on the application panel, however, no window will display. It is possible to right click on the panel button and select the Close item which will successfully close the window.

The following is source code that when built will exhibit the behaviour described above code...

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Programming :: Numdisplay Won't Display Anything In Debian

Apr 20, 2009

There is no package for numdisplay python module (at least I haven't found one), so I've downloaded it from it's home page and successfully installed. I can import it, but I cannot open an image with it. For example I have this simple code (doesn't matter whether is it a standalone file or whether I run it from ipython):


It fails with the following error (taken from ipython as it's more specific than if I run the file, but it basically says the same):


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Programming :: Display On The Client Side One Name Only For Each

Jan 6, 2011

I have hundreds of thumbnail images and I need to display on the client side one name only for each when the visitor passes the mouse over them. The only way I know (using frames in this case) is to use a script similar to the following:

<a href="" target="" onMouseOver='top.nav3.location="not/notecome.htm"' onMouseOut='top.nav3.location="nav.htm"'>

But this involves creating a full and w3c correct HTML document which looks like an over-kill of the problem.

Is there a simpler way to solve the problem? If not, is it acceptable to use a truncated HTML document comprising only the necessary tags to make it work on the test machine (<html><body><.....onMouseOver.....></body><?html>

Or a way to display the content of the "alt" tag (I can put that name there)?

In the worst case, I could use the javascript "Alert" but it does not fit esthetically and it needs one mouse click from the visitor. Is it possible to make one's own "Alert" picture and how?

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Programming :: Display Live Stream From One Of IP Cameras?

Sep 11, 2010

I've written a simple web page and I want it to display live stream from one of my IP cameras. I admit I've never been interested in HTML ... How should I go about this? I can see the stream in browser using following link [URL]

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Programming :: Awk - Display From The List Of Files Given As Parameters

Mar 12, 2011

I have to display from the list of files given as parameters the name of the file with the largest number of words and their number.(with AWK)

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Programming :: C - Open A Txt File And Then Display The Data?

Oct 12, 2010

i want to open a txt file and then read line by line and display data with first line and label it 1 and then incremented by 1 for each additional line.

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Programming :: Display All Lines Before A Match Is Found?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a file, and I have to display all the lines from the beginning of the file till a matching string is found.

I know grep with "-a", "-b" as option does exist, but it needs the number of lines to be printed in advance. eg grep -b 10 "search_string" file so it will print 10 lines before a match is found.

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Programming :: Display Content Of Txt File In Xbmc?

Apr 25, 2011

go about developing this add-on. i am testing this on my xbmc-live set-up; i am fairly affluent in bash/ c but unfortunately i dont have experience with python.i trimmed the data using this bash 1-liner so the output looks like:

xbmc@XBMCLive:~$ wget -q --output-document=- | sed -n 3p | tr '<' "
" | egrep "(title_bar|id=link_1_theater|class=info|mid=|Rated|class=times|fandango)" | grep


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Programming :: Display Every Line That Does Not Contain One Of Listed Words / Fix It?

Feb 17, 2010

I am trying to eliminate false lsof file records but it does not work code...

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Programming :: GTK - Load Image Or Display In Window

Jan 11, 2010

I am trying to write a small gtk+-2 program to display whatever image it is given and I was wondering if anyone out there has done something similar. I am not too familiar with writing programs for gtk and its been a while since I've fiddled with C. I went over the tutorial for gtk and it seams pretty easy to get a window to display, but I do not see anything that refers to loading an image or displaying it in the window. I am wondering if this can be done purely with gtk or will I need to use some type of image library like imlib2?

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Programming :: GTK+ Externally (to Main Window) Display A Men?

Feb 16, 2010

Usually the menu bar, and menus, are displayed within the applications main window. With a small screen this obviously wastes space so my idea is to reserve a location, small square space probably on a corner, on the screen that when clicked it will pop out the current selected applications menu, allow selection, and then disappear again. The application itself would look fullscreen, or if windowed will still not have a menu bar but access available via the "square."

Likewise instead of the usual task bar and "applications/places/system" menus (ala, ubuntu) a second square would be reserved which would pop-out and show the running tasks, followed by the menus, and allow selection, then disappear. Is this possible with GTK+ as it stands, as I'm guessing that by default everything must be contained within an applications main window?

Although having said that, gimp allows the tool windows to be external to the edited document, so perhaps it would be possible to make the menu bar into a toolbox? I guess the difficult problem would be how to make the currently selected applications "tool square" be on top when there could be multiple applications running. The "tool square" and "task/menu square" could be transparent (maybe just an outline) so that although always there they wouldn't hide any underlying windows/programs/etc.

Basically the idea is to get rid of wasted screen, in ubuntu (on gtk/gnome) a minimum of 5 "bars" is wasted screen real-estate:- 1, Running aplications: 2, Ubuntu's main menu bar: 3, Applications status bar: 4, Applications menu bar: 5, Applications description (min/max/close) bar. Take all the above and replace it with two clickable, potentially invisible, squares say where the default "hide all windows" and "deleted trashcan" icons currently reside.

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Programming :: Java Program To Display All IP Addresses In LAN?

Feb 25, 2011

I Want to Develop Network Scanner Software. For that i need "Java Program to Display All IP Addresses in LAN".

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Programming :: Perl : Display All Variables In Use In Memory?

Jul 30, 2010

I have a large body of code (2000+ lines at this point) with lots of global variables, and a handful of locals. I would like to know is there a way to print out all global variables in use at a particular moment in time either from the debugger (ideally) or in line?

Basically I have something like this for the menu

1. Do thing 1
2. Do thing 2
3. Do thing 3
4. Do thing 1 and 2
5. Do thing 1 and 3
6. Do thing 1, 2 and 3

The problem is, as you select something from the menu again after you finish an option, the globals are still set and I'd like to clear them. If I had a list of all of them, it be easy to copy and paste and set them before the program ran another entry again. Suggestions? I'm aware of reset [a-z], but all of my vars are uppercase, and I would upset INC, and other upper case built-ins.

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Programming :: Use Echo To Display The Content Of A Variable?

Jan 4, 2010

I have a problem to use echo to display the content of a variable.

This is what I do:

echo $USAGE

When I run this little script I get the following output:

Usage: name [OPTIONS] R

So I think that [DI might be some sort of escape sequence. But I do not know how to unescape it. Does anyone have a hint for me?

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Programming :: Display IP Address And Host Names In Wireless?

Jul 7, 2010

can any one post the "Java Program to Display IP Address and Host Names in Wireless".

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Programming :: Display Images Whilst Running Other Functions?

Nov 4, 2010

So I'm teaching myself some scripting to try and create a fairly simple photobooth type affair... I've got gphoto2 playing fairly nicely with my canon, and imagemagick taking that output and rearranging it to a vertical format...

*smacks forehead*

Fairly simple to do what I needed initially: Code: feh -FZ -D 1 --cycle-once $COUNTDOWN & sleep 2 &
feh -FZ -D 20 --cycle-once $SMILE This shows a countdown from 5 to 1 in images and $SMILE is big that says 'smile'

So my question is thus... (fairly basic but I can't get my head round the use of & and sleep in this context) what's the best way to call my gphoto instructions (or a script with them in) mid way through the above code?!

'feh code'
sleep 5
'gphoto code'

this kind of thing seems like the way, but the'sleep 5' and 'gphoto code' doesn't start until feh is finished in this case?

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Programming :: Display Only IP Or IP And Hostname Output Of Nmap Scan?

Mar 28, 2011

I am running a scan via nmap (nmap -sP) and the out put looks similar to this:

Nmap scan report for (10.x.x.x)
Nmap scan report for 10.x.x.x

If it can resolve the hostname it does, if not it just spits out the IP. I would like to know the best syntax to use with cut, or awk, so that the only output is either the IP or IP - HOSTNAME.

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Programming :: Efficient Way To Display JPEG Images In Browsers?

May 12, 2010

What is the efficient way to display jpeg images in browsers using c programming. Any links or any sample code.

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Programming :: SED Processing - Export Progress Bar From Wget Display

Nov 2, 2010

I am attempting to "export" the progress bar from wget display using sed. Basically, we have an app that starts wget to download a large file and we want to show a progress bar. Our application has a dbus interface to receive the download progress.

So we were think of a command like:
wget [] | sed [] | dbus-send[]
The problem at the moment is, how do you get the matched string out of sed and into dbus-send? I can get the progress string by:
sed -u 's/[0-9]*%/&/'

This populated '&' with the correct percentage, but I cannot seem to get this out of sed.

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Programming :: Send Password Window To User Display?

Jul 6, 2011

How can i send a password window to display?

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Programming :: Bash Script: Order And Display On External File

Mar 12, 2010

I'd like to create a script which allows me to order its data (let's say: Name, age, department and work start date) by date. And display the result in another file.

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Programming :: Change A Mysql Query Result Prior To Display?

Oct 17, 2010

I am not sure if this is possible. I have IP's stored in a mysql database. When I query the database, it returns the IP. I would like to replace the IP with something else prior to displaying the results. Is it possible even though I have not stored it in the database?

I have the following in a while loop (mysql_fetch_array).

<td align="left">' . $row[IP] . '</td>

Instead of displaying $row[IP] from the database, I would like it to display something else which I define in the PHP code but based on the IP.

ie. aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd = hostnameABC

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Programming :: Send Message To Display And Get Feedback [tcsh Script]?

Jun 23, 2011

I want to write script at "tcsh" that send message to user ($DISPLAY) and let him to answer me.below command line that open xterm at any user displayQuote:setenv LESS "P'HIT q TO QUIT'"/usr/bin/xterm -display $USER_DISPLAY -geometry 60x7 +sb -rv -e less ./MESSAGE_FILEpressing "q" will close the window.there is any way to press "r" ->
new window will open ->user write a feedback ->message will send back to sender.

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Programming :: Use Zenity In A Bash Script To Display A .csv File Using '--list'?

Jul 22, 2010

I'm trying to use zenity in a bash script to display a .csv file using '--list' to allow the user to edit some of the values.I can display it fine but i'm unsure how to edit the data? all i can get is whichever line is highlited when hitting ok on the zenity dialog to print.the data in the csv is arranged:


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