Programming :: Pasting Multiple Cut Outputs To A Tab Delimited Output File?
Sep 4, 2010
I have a requirement like this:Cut the characters from each line of a file with following positions: 21-24, 25-34 ,111-120.Thse fields now need to be placed in a tab delimited output file.Currently this is how I am achieving it:
need to monitor pecific processes over a time frame in terms of the amount of memory and cpu usage it utilizes. I can do this using the top -p <pid> option and using ps to retrieve the pid's. However, seeing that the pid's might differ and it needs to be run on about 13 different machines, I would like to write a script for this that can be run at set intervals. My problem that I have is this:
- When running top -p <pid> I can specify a comma seperated list of the processes required to monitor at that specific time.
- I can use ps -ef | grep <process> | grep -v grep| awk '{ print $2 }' to retrive the list of pid's and output this to a file.
However, how can I output these to the file as a comma seperated list without having to manually do this every time? The reason for this is (an example), lets say I want to monitor the cpu and memory usage of postgresql as well as all its child processes, then I would ps grep for postgres and get the list of pid's for instance.This list then needs to be passed to top -p as a comma seperated list of pid's I suspect that awk or sed might have some options available for this but I do not know this well enough.
how to update a series of values from multiple grep commands outputs to be appended to a single row of a csv file? Work on a linux envir. The values from grep output will be numeric values.
Output sold look like:
Each of these values will be odtained from multiple grep commands piped with wc -l Is it possible to update a single row of a csv file if so pleas ehelp me with the command to be used to redirect the output into the csv file
I've searched high and low, and can't seem to find a solution to this. I'm running a Dell Inspiron with an HDMI output with 10.10 through the tv. I want to get HDMI sound output for VLC, but I also want S/PDIF output (to the stereo) for Musicplayer. I can test and use the HDMI in the sound preferences sound/preferences/sound, but when I try to do the same for the internal card and click 'test speakers' the sound program closes itself. When the machine was a windows machine, it had PowerDVD outputting to the TV and Mediaplayer outputting to the stereo. I'm aiming for a similar set up in Ubuntu.
I've searched and searched and can't find a straight answer about this. I want to sent the same signal out of the digital output and one of the analog outputs on the soundcard (Intel HDA) on my motherboard. I'm using ALSA and Pulse Audio.
I have wrote a 1 line command that parses a file, locates the IP Address in the file and then trims the output the way I want it, and then sorts numerically and by uniqueness and then >> appends to output.txt
I can get all the IP's into 1 file "output.txt", but what I am really looking for is some type of way to create a text file, for each IP it finds labeled and also put that ip address into that file..
I am looking for an application that will read the file names in a folder and generate a comma delimited file. I want then to import the comma delimited file contests to a spread sheet such as open office.I hava a number of PDF files generated from a scanner, each file with its own scaner generated file name. I want to put these into a data base so I can add the title and other reference information to provide a data base.
I have a problem with snmp answers being empty or having spaces.
What I already have:
#get all interface indexes (if you wonder - I'm working for a cable company and different cablemodems have different number and types of interfaces):
The problem is the physical address which is sometimes empty and the description which has spaces. So I'm doing 2 snmpgets which is slower than 1 snmpget (sometimes I have up to 18 interfaces).
I'm trying to explain it a bit simpler.
Interface 5 gives me back the following lines:
Ethernet CPE Interface
Now the first line should go into variable ifadm, 2nd line should go into variable ifoper, 3rd line should go into variable ifspeed, 4th line should go into variable iftype, 5th line (which is empty) should go into variable ifphys and finally 6th line (which has spaces) should go into variable ifdescr
I have been searching previous posts but could not find an example which works with my data. I think I might be the spaces in my fields. I have a massive data file and need to join 5 line blocks separated by a comma.
I'm working on some scheduled task script files to keep nightly backups of some of our database information in place, and it's a bit annoying when they blow up. I know how to redirect stdout and stderr to a flat file I can view when I come in, and I know that 2>&1 maps them both to the same file (whatever was named in 1). However, I'm running into some cron-time situations where it's easier to have the two streams together, and other cron-time situations where it's easier to have them separated. I can't really tell which is going to happen; is there some way I could create both kinds of output file for my scripts, so that I've got a std_err only file and an interleaved std_out/std_err file?
Note: I've looked at the 'tee' command, but I don't think it will work for what I'm after. 'tee' appears to only work with stdout; I'm trying to work with stderr.
I could easily paste images on each other in Python through PIL (Python Imaging Library) Now I need to use Cairo with C++ for the above purpose.I have referred the following but couldn't ge
I did some searches and after a few hours was able to get what I needed. What I didn't find was a fully encompased means of what I'm used to in the windows world in working with delimted files. Hopefully this is helpful to others and if there is something better or leaner way, even better.We have an issue where managing printers, just viewing on RHEL w/ sys-conf-prtr we lose any number of, up to ~30 printers from lpadmin. Rather than stare and compare to find the missing ones, I wanted to make an intuitive script. This is what I came up with.
Is it possible to use the cp command to copy a file from computer A to computer B?
Also, assuming that it is possible, does Linux SSH add extra (=its own) encryption via the file transfer or is it solely reliant upon my WIFI's encryption?
Is there already a program that reads multiple pipes or file descriptors and writes to the standard output (not splitting lines).Like cat, but reading all files simultaneously and preserving lines.It is needed to avoid coding of select/epoll loops or using multithreading in simple programs. Like "select loop for bash".
My employer issues pdf files with everyones work schedules. I copy the content and save it as plain text in a file called unformatted (hope to be able to automate this step someday). Im working on a SED script that reduces unformatted to only display what I want to see and saves the result in a file Iïve named formatted. After that I have to manually copy formatted and save it with that days date as a filename e.g. 2011-02-25 or whatever day is scheduled in the pdf, for use on a mobile device (Nokia N900). I noticed that the date occurs on certain lines in the file so I added a line like:
sed -n 's/^Date: (201[1-9])/([0-1][0-9])/([0-3][0-9]).*/1-2-3/p' < unformatted >theDate That creates a file theDate with the date in it that I wish to use as the filename for this particular instance. So I would like to skip the file formatted all together and have the sed- script write to a new file using the content of the Date as a filename, but how do I make that happen? And of course it would be more elegant if I could skip the intermediate theDate file as well.