Ubuntu Multimedia :: Multiple Audio Outputs Not Available

Oct 28, 2010

I've searched high and low, and can't seem to find a solution to this. I'm running a Dell Inspiron with an HDMI output with 10.10 through the tv. I want to get HDMI sound output for VLC, but I also want S/PDIF output (to the stereo) for Musicplayer. I can test and use the HDMI in the sound preferences sound/preferences/sound, but when I try to do the same for the internal card and click 'test speakers' the sound program closes itself. When the machine was a windows machine, it had PowerDVD outputting to the TV and Mediaplayer outputting to the stereo. I'm aiming for a similar set up in Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Pulse Audio Multiple Outputs?

Apr 3, 2010

I've searched and searched and can't find a straight answer about this. I want to sent the same signal out of the digital output and one of the analog outputs on the soundcard (Intel HDA) on my motherboard. I'm using ALSA and Pulse Audio.

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General :: Piping Data To Multiple Outputs?

Mar 29, 2011

I remember there was a command that would allow me to pipe data to an app and the use the | operator to pipe it into yet another app.

foo fooArg | Iforget app1 | app2

I forget what this command is but it pipes the data from foo into app1 and app2.

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Slackware :: GMPlayer Outputs Only Audio When Playing Movie

Aug 14, 2010

Kernel, GNU (slackware 12.0).
KDE 3.5.7.
MPlayer 1.0rc2-4.1.2.

I have a .avi file on the hard (really on a cd-rom, but it's just the same). Being in the GUI (KDE), I do Main Menu>Run Command and then, in the dialog box, I enter 'gmplayer foo.avi'. Gmplayer starts, the picture of a small console is seen on the screen, and the audio from the movie is heard. Just as if I had inserted the CD into a stand alone dvd player but I could not see the image. I compiled and installed mplayer (with GUI support) from the slackbuilds.org sources and script for slackware 12.0, which is the slack version installed in my machine. If I open a terminal (in the GUI) and run gmplayer there I get this:

VIDEOOUT: [VO_XV] It seems there is no Xvideo support for your video card available.
[VO_XV] Run 'xvinfo' to verify its Xv support and read
[VO_XV] DOCS/HTML/en/video.html#xv!
[VO_XV] See 'mplayer -vo help' for other (non-xv) video out drivers.
[VO_XV] Try -vo x11.
CPLAYER: Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.

I know I could do what is suggested by gmplayer but, before that, perhaps I am simply invoking gmplayer in the wrong way. That is: there are at least to ways: using the Run Command dialog box and opening a terminal and running as a cli command.

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Software :: Real Time Management Of Audio Inputs/outputs?

Jun 19, 2010

I was wondering if there is an application for Ubuntu (FOSS or otherwise) that would allow me real time management of all of my audio inputs and outputs. Essentially I have multiple microphones attached to my computer and multiple audio outputs. What I am looking to do is to be able to assign each different input to it's own audio output. A touch screen interface is a plus for the program but not necessary.

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Programming :: Pasting Multiple Cut Outputs To A Tab Delimited Output File?

Sep 4, 2010

I have a requirement like this:Cut the characters from each line of a file with following positions: 21-24, 25-34 ,111-120.Thse fields now need to be placed in a tab delimited output file.Currently this is how I am achieving it:

cat newsmaple.txt | cut -c 21-24 > out1.txt
cat newsmaple.txt | cut -c 25-34 >out2.txt


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General :: Multiple Grep Outputs Appended To Single Row Of CSV File?

Sep 12, 2010

how to update a series of values from multiple grep commands outputs to be appended to a single row of a csv file? Work on a linux envir. The values from grep output will be numeric values.

Output sold look like:


Each of these values will be odtained from multiple grep commands piped with wc -l Is it possible to update a single row of a csv file if so pleas ehelp me with the command to be used to redirect the output into the csv file

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Multiple But Different Audio Output For Different Devices

Jul 23, 2011

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Lynx. I am using the laptop to play video files and view it on TV using HDMI output. No problems. Requirement: to play simultaneously a different media file and be able to listen through say headphone / laptop speakers. While a movie audio is only heard on TV, other audio is heard only on laptop speaker.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Can't Mix Multiple Audio Sources When Using S/PDIF?

Aug 25, 2010

i'm using optical s/pdif output, called "hda intel, ad198x digital (iec958 (s/pdif) digital audio output)" in phonon preferences. sounds works just fine -- except i can't use multiple audio sources simultaneously: for example amarok+videos is a no-no. only the first audio source plays, so i have to close amarok in order to listen to any flash videos. i had this problem already with opensuse 11.2, but couldn't figure it out (using 11.3 now).

i just recently got a hunch that it might have something to do with mixing and the s/pdif, and i tried using analog output ("hda intel (ad198x analog)"). lo and behold, it works! amarok+flash that isash still doesn't still consider this a major leap forward.however, i'd like to keep using my optical output.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Extract And Joing Multiple Audio Tracks With Video

Dec 2, 2010

I have two video files (Xvid) and would like to combine the video from one of these with the audio track of the other, in order to create a new video file.

This is somewhat complicated by the fact that I would like the resulting audio to be a mixture of the two original audio tracks, for instance, during some time segments, I would like to switch from one to the other, but the video should always be the same.

Another issue that complicates the things is that the two audio tracks have different bit rates, and when I briefly managed to merge the two, one of the audio tracks was playing much faster than the other. To clarify, the audio tracks should not overlap but just be played at the different time during the video playback.

I am trying to do this by using Audacity. The problem is that I am fairly new to Audacity and I have not been able to find any info in their user guides regarding this specific issue.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Devede Only Outputs The .mpg

May 30, 2011

I've been having issues with Devede on my desktop although I used to use it on my laptop back in the day. I click videocd and under advanced options select ISO but can only get the output of a new .mpg. I've also tried to create disc structure but had the same result. I've uninstalled and reinstalled via the software center and still nothing has changed. Currently I'm having to use wine to run ConvertXtoDVD and then burn with K9Copy.

Running Ubuntu 11.04.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Switch Pulseaudio Inputs And Outputs With One Click?

Sep 10, 2010

With pulseaudio handling sound on Lucid (10.04), when I plug in my USB headset it's recognized, but there was no easy way to have it be used without going to System > Preferences > Sound > Input & Output and checking the radio buttons. Then if it's unplugged, and plugged in again later, the setting has been lost, so it was back through the menus. Not good when the headset's not plugged in and I'm fumbling to answer a Skype call. What would be ideal is if pulseaudio could prioritize and always default to the headset when it's plugged in. But I'm told by one of the pulseaudio gods (Col) that it can't yet.Here's a way to at least get the switch down to one button on the panel bar.0. Get all your devices plugged in1. Find your outputs (speakers, headphones):Quote:pacmd list-sinks | grep alsa_output2. Find your inputs (such as a microphone):Quote:pacmd list-sources | grep alsa_input3. Write a bash file to choose one or both, like this but with device names appropriate to your system which you've discovered above for the alsa_output.* and alsa_input.* strings.Quote:

#! /bin/bash
pacmd set-default-sink alsa_output.usb-Generic_FREETALK_Everyman_0000000001-00-Everyman.analog-stereo
pacmd set-default-source alsa_input.usb-Generic_FREETALK_Everyman_0000000001-00-Everyman.analog-stereo


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Iec958 Digital Outputs To Analog Speakers

Oct 23, 2010

I'm trying to get my Audigy 2 Value to output digital but when I try to use the iec958 interface it outputs to the front speakers analog outputs, ie not the digital io socket.

I can get 5.1 surround by using the plug:surround51 device.

Have gone though other guides trying to fix the problem but no luck. how to get the digital stuff working. I have included some outputs.



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Debian Multimedia :: Dual Monitor Setup - Two Identical Outputs

Sep 2, 2015

Just installed Debian 8, coming from Ubuntu12, it seems I cannot get my dual monitors to work as it should.

I want two monitors side by side, currently I have two identical outputs. I looked around a bit and register two possible problems.

root@bigcem101-debian:/home/bigcem101# xrandr
xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 640 x 400, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 768
default connected primary 1024x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm

1024x768 0.00*
800x600 0.00
640x480 0.00
720x400 0.00

Hence, problem 1: it is as if there is only one monitor detected. Then I tried to look for Xorg.conf ..... and: problem 2 xorg.conf is not there. This seems to be normal but when I installed my Ubuntu years ago it was still there and one could manually set things. There must be something new I am missing.

VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV670 [Radeon HD 3690/3850]

It seems I have both ati and radeon installed.

root@bigcem101-debian:/home/bigcem101# X -configure
Fatal server error:
(EE) Server is already active for display 0

I am clueless.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Gtk-RecordMyDesktop - Capture On-screen Audio And My Webcam Audio At The Same Time

Jan 10, 2011

How I would capture on-screen audio AND my webcam audio at the same time.(My webcam seems to rely on pulse).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Error - Audio Codec Missing And Doesn't Play The Audio

Jan 30, 2011

I want to listen to this audio file: [URL] but my real player gold desn play it, it says that there is a codec 28_8 missing, I go to relaplayer page, download the last release available for linux systems, but the message is the same : audio codec missing and doesn't play the audio.

I havev tried to play the audio with smplayer (not luck), vlc can play the audio but the pause button doesn't work so I have to listen the entire audio all the time I stop it playing. Is there any audio player capable od reproducing in the proper way this audio in ubuntu? No one of my video players totem, smplayer, realplayer or vlc are capable of playing this video: [URL]

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ripping Audio CDs Besides Rhythymbox And Audio CD Extractor?

Apr 9, 2011

What is available for ripping audio CDs besides Rhythymbox and Audio CD Extractor?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Multiple Machine Multiple Display Wall?

Aug 4, 2010

We are working on a project to create a display wall of 8 monitors arranged as 2 high by 4 wide. Each monitor is connected to a single machine and all machines are networked with a master machine with its own, seperate monitor.

Our goal is to get the 8 machines to share a single desktop, with the master machine acting as the server. We have looked at using Xinerama or NMM, but we are unsure about how to get started configuring the multi-machine, multi-head display.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: 11.1 Updates To Pulse Audio In Gnome Improve Audio Functionality ?

Oct 17, 2010

I'm thinking of installing openSUSE-11.1 Gnome on a Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo 7400M laptop because the wireless in Gnome is much more user friendly than KDE3/KDE4 in openSUSE-11.1. The idea is to give this laptop to my 84-year old mother and things need to 'just work' for her (she currently has a desktop running openSUSE-11.1 KDE3 that uses a WIRED interface to the web).

I refuse to update this laptop to openSUSE-11.2 nor 11.3 (nor other recent distributions) because every kernel update after the 2.6.27 kernel has broken the Intel i855GM graphics drivers for that laptop. There are many bug reports and none have fixed the problem for this Fujitsu-Siemens implementation of the i855GM graphics.

Hence I am looking at Gnome.

I booted the laptop to a Gnome openSUSE-11.1 liveCD and wireless is easy and works great. But audio is very very VERY bad. It is incredibly user unfriendly and it does NOT work well. I assume that is because pulse audio in openSUSE-11.1 was very immature.

I note these updated packages in the openSUSE-11.1 update repository:


So my question is, did the updates to pulse audio (in the openSUSE-11.1 update repository) fix the pulse audio situation? Are there ANY helpful views on this?

Currently my wife is using this laptop with KDE-4.4.4 (and openSUSE-11.1) so I can't just install Gnome and play with it without taking the laptop away from her for a while (note the hard drive is too small for a dual boot of KDE/Gnome).

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Audio Choppy - Can't Play Any Audio With Amarok When Desktop Effects Are Enabled

Jun 7, 2011

to start off, i'll post the specs of the machine:

dell inspiron e1505
3.2 gb ram
1.86 ghz intel core duo
ati x1400 gfx
opensuse 11.4 kde 32 bit.

okay, here are the details: can't play any audio with amarok when desktop effects are enabled because the minute a window is moved, it will distort the audio. even when disabling desktop effects, some applications still cause this. can't play videos videos even with desktop effects disabled because of the same reason.

i just switched from ubuntu and when i ran version 11.04, i had to disable kms to do anything. i tried on opensuse 11.4 and the audio was flawless but the gfx went all to hell.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: M-Audio Delta 66 And ATI HD Audio?

Jun 1, 2010

I am having some issues with getting Ubuntu Studio 10.04 to work correctly on my system. Everything works fine except sound. I have a M-Audio Delta 66 audio interface and my onboard sound is disabled. When I run the command alsaconf I can see the ICE1712 card without issue. However when I run alsamixer the only option it is giving me is my HD sound from my ATI video card. For some reason it seems the ATI card has locked the audio to it with no way to remove it. I have reinstalled the alsa drivers for my card and can only see it through alsaconf. When I tell alsaconf to configure the ICE1712 card it says it configured it properly.When I run the command envy24control it says no ICE1712 cards were found.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flv Video + Audio To Ogg Audio Only?

Dec 22, 2010

Is there an application that anyone knows about that I can use to convert either an .flv or .ogg file that contains both audio and video to just an audio .ogg file (preferably vorbis+theora) without audacity? I'm fairly certain audacity could accomplish this but it seems like overkill for what I'm trying to do and the computer I'm trying to use does not run it so well.

::EDIT:: I should also mention that I've tried looking on google. I did find downloadhelper extension for firefox which uses ffmpeg to convert the files but I don't see any obvious way to strip the video.

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Ubuntu :: Use Multiple Audio Output Devices On Single Machine

Jun 14, 2010

I always keep my headphones as well as my 2.1 speakers connected simultaneously on my PC (Gigabyte motherboard). Both these audio devices work fine simultaneously on my Windows 7, but in Ubuntu, only my headphones work, speakers don't work at all. I tried changing some settings in SOUND PREFERENCES as well as ALSA SOUND MIXER, but not luck so far.

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General :: Possible To Stream Audio To Multiple Bluetooth Headsets At Once

Apr 6, 2010

Is it possible to stream audio to multiple bluetooth headsets on the same using dongle, simultaneously?

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Software :: Jack Audio Server Multiple Output Ports?

May 26, 2011

jack uses 2 ports for input and 2 for output. I have a SoundBlaster 5.1vx card, and I would like to use a "line-out" plug for monitoring. But when I try to get jack to reserve four extra outputs by using the switch "-o 4", it gives me an error.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Use In Kubuntu 9.10 Audio Codec - <voxware Metasound Audio Codec>?

Jan 26, 2010

how I can use in my Kubuntu 9.10, audio codec - <voxware metasound audio codec>? P.S. Sorry for my bad english. I look forward to an answer,

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Route Audio Out Into Audio Into Microphone Or A Virtual Microphone

Sep 29, 2010

I"m running an online radio station and would like to run my headphone audio into my microphone or a virtual microphone, either way, I would like my audience to hear what I hear without having to hold the Mic to the speakers.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Default Audio Player - VLC Doesn't Show Up On The List As Preferred Applications For Multimedia

Oct 12, 2010

Ubuntu insists on using movie player as the default for audio files. I would like to use VLC. VLC doesn't show up on the list as preferred applications for multimedia. I tried using custom with vlc %u but it doesn't work.

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Ubuntu :: No Outputs Listed By Xrandr?

Mar 21, 2010

I'm trying to use this thread to set my laptop's resolution to 640x480. To do this, I need to use the addmode command which expects me to list an OUTPUT. What OUTPUT do I list? The "xrandr -q" command doesn't list any outputs.Here is the result of me typing "xrandr -q":

Screen 0: minimum 800 x 600, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 768
default connected 1024x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm


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Ubuntu :: Using Shell - Mailing Myself LS (or Any) Outputs

Oct 27, 2010

I have been having some fun with the shell but have become a little lost. I want to be able to email (myself and others) outputs from various commands etc. Sometimes people wish to know the contents of my music library etc and it's nice to be able to ssh in and email an ls (or similar) output.

Here is what I have been doing:
ls -R /home/simon/mount/sata0/audio > /tmp/musiclist
mail -s $(date +%Y%m%d) email@domain.com < /tmp/musiclist
The date part works perfectly and I receive an email with a subject suiting my preferential YYYYMMDD format.

But what I'd like to figure out is how to get this into a single line of code, my first attempt was:
mail -s $(date +%Y%m%d) email@domain.com < $(ls -R /home/simon/mount/sata0/audio)
This generates an error:
-bash: $(ls -R /home/simon/mount/sata0/audio): ambiguous redirect
But if I simply run the code "ls -R /home/simon/mount/sata0/audio" - the output is exactly what I want.

Is what I'm trying to do even possible? I do realise that I could use something like this
ls -R /directory > /tmp/file && mail -s $(date +%Y%m%d) email@domain.com < /tmp/file
But this is still running two commands and I'd like to figure out how to be 'cleverer'.

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