Programming :: Making Sure Script Is Running In Bash?
Feb 15, 2011
is this a good way of doing it? Shall I use & when starting the new process? Itested in bash and dash.
testbash=$(ps -e | grep $$ | grep bash)
if [ 0 = ${#testbash} ]; then
echo "new process"
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Mar 18, 2010
I need to find the value of:
My script asks for the name you want to look up and I want it to return the value of $Namenumber
I was thinking:
but this returns
but does not actually resolve what the variable $Namenumber is equal to.
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Jul 18, 2010
~$ sed s/^bb/bbbbbb/ foo1.txt
~$ sed: -e expression #1, char 3: unterminated s command
Where 'b' stands for space. What is the error here? Sed is running under bash.
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Feb 26, 2011
I'm having trouble trying to make a script. What I want to do is check if xScreenSaver is running in my user account. If not, run it. If it's running, kill it.
So this is the script I've made:
The problem is that I've echoed the output of $(pgrep -u $(whoami) xscreensaver) and it always seems to add 4 numbers to the pid, even if the pid doesn't exist. What do I mean by "doesn't exist"? That no xscreensaver is running in my user, and if I run pgrep -u $(whoami) xscreensaver in bash, I get not output, but if I run the command though the script, I get (for instance) 4050. If I run it again, I get 4054, and again 4058... etc. What the hell is going on with that?
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Feb 5, 2010
We have a custom app that runs on boot on some older hardware running DSL linux, and their startup manager was quite simple. We purchased some newer Asus eeebox's which run xandros and things are quite stable and run nice with 1 exception.The application only runs from the root (/) location. This box auto logs in as 'user' and there is a /home/user/.kde/Autostart folder where you can stick scripts to run at boot. So I have a script, and with little bash programming tried things such as;
sudo cd /
sudo /
but the errors start spewing with the basic;can't find data/xyz as it's looking in the local.I thought there was a basic cwd (change working directory) but everything I try just forces the run from that location.Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated, but things like can you change the code, etc. can't be done, so it must be a programming thing. The only other thought I had but not sure, can you do a cronjob with @boot or something, that when the box starts, it can run this job as root and fire off?
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Feb 16, 2011
I have a bash script that I want to be running on a "clean" screen, but when the script finishes/exits I want to see what was previously on the screen. Any thoughts? The "Clear" command does not enable me to get the information back, and the "Screen" Command runs the program in the original window, so you see nothing until the new screen is exited.
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Aug 18, 2010
how can i run a bash script script by using java in rhel5... then please reply....i have vary good project in my mind.....
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Jul 22, 2014
I am trying to replicate what is happening on this page under the tcsh shell, but using the bash shell found in Wheezy. Here is the page I am referring to:[URL] The command I am trying to replicate is on page 6 under figure 2.4. The command is "prompt> ./mem &; ./mem &".
I would like to run the same program twice, concurrently, but do not know how. Note that I am not trying to use a bash script, but rather by simply using syntax on the command line.
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Mar 21, 2010
I have around 600 empty text files that I need to add the name of this file as part of the data, I meanfiles from "file1.txt to "file599.txt, all of them empty, and I need to get the name inside the file, so, when I open the file show the name as part the data "file1".these files were created on my web site, I am thinking in a small script in bash
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Mar 17, 2010
I am writing a script based image manipulator but i need to know if X is running so i can tell if i use CACAVIEW to imagemagick DISPLAY command.
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Jun 14, 2010
I am running a simple script that I copied from and edited with the names and paths of my own servers. I don't know much about scripting (re: nothing) but I wanted to try and be efficient in my new role as a Linux Sys Admin. The script was saved to root's home directory and runs as part of root's crontab once a week. The script runs with no problem, but it doesn't actually seem to run all of the commands contained within. It skips some in the middle and the end and I don't know why. The script itself is this:
uname -a > /tmp/server.txt
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Oct 30, 2010
How do you catch user input while the script is running? Or, how would you make two scripts run at the same time, but use input from one script to the other? The program I'm trying to make, echos text on the screen continuously, but while thats happening, I want the user to be able to input something, so the program can detect the input and display something else. So I thought maybe I could make two scripts run to do each task.
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Aug 13, 2010
Is there a way to use exec, but if exec fails to go on with the script?
#!/usr/bin/env bash
exec startx
echo "Starting of X failed"
If startx fails, the echo will be seen on the screen. I tried all kind of stuff, but guess it ain't of much use to post it here. I searched the web, but searching for "exec and bash" in one sentence does give results which are not what i am looking for.
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Jun 8, 2010
how to set the subject of this up.. but here is what I am trying to accomplish (please keep in mine, this is only my first month playing with ANY Linux programming): My shared web host limits running 2 CRONS or 2 SSH sessions at one time. I need to run more than that.. So, my solution is to run what I need on my home computer, and then push all the results via SSH to my web server.
To keep things timed, I am trying to call 4 bash scripts from inside of 1 bash script... Each bash script has variables I need to export out to the remote (web) server. Being that I can only run 2 SSH or 2 CRON sessions on the remote, it wouldn't do me any good to open up CRON or SSH remotely or locally - either way I'm maxing out. That is why I would like to call 1 final script that takes the output of the 4 bash scripts and does the job.
Main bash calls via CRON every 30 minutes:
Code: ./script_1 &
./script_2 &
./script_3 &
./script_4 &
I need to scp the file saved by wget to the remote server. I also need to pass the SQL statement generated in each script as a command in SSH. I'm lost how to get the info from "script_x" into a string that can be used to SSH - and doing this all inside of ONE SSH command. Would I store the SQL strings in a file and call that in the SSH command line?
If so, what is the command to make sure the variable output in the "script_#" file is sent to a file? Can I call the variable from the main Bash Script? Now - the good news is, I can SSH from my local machine to the remote one.That is about as far as I got.Again - I am so new to this that my ears are still wet. This has been something I have been working on for a while, and I'm just lost at this point.
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Jul 17, 2010
below are the details of my system. I have bash as my current shell, some really common commands aren't working.
Do I need to do a re-installation of bash? Or how do I install a selection of bash commands which I need? (for example a subset of [URL])
root@sdptfw:~ # uname -a
Linux 2.4.36 #1 Tue Jul 22 13:13:24 GMT 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
root@sdptfw:~ # echo $SHELL$
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Dec 15, 2010
I wondered if theres a way to do rotational style completion in bash similar to the behavoir on cmd.exe, I've found it speeds me up in regard to entering commands
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Jul 26, 2010
I presume there is something in the JWM window manager - or Puppy Linux Lupu 5.01 itself that is conflicting with the normal loading of GMPLAYER....
I would like to know how to troubleshoot, and fix this problem if possible (even a workaround would be great).
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Jul 12, 2010
I am tying to write a script that asks for user input and saves it to a text file using awk so example #!/bin/bash read a awk #saves to file
I had a working scripted last night, deleted it by mistake and for the life of me can not remember how i did it.
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May 21, 2011
I'm using a java application that runs as an interactive command line (in a terminal). My problem is that it's rather unfriendly as an interaction mode as it's minimalistic: it doesn't allow going to and fro with arrows, there's no history and so on. So I have to type all commands every time and have to retype it if I missed something at the beginning of the line, or I have to copy and paste from a txt editor. The strange thing is that I have seen the same application running on a Windows box and allowing for all the sugar. So I'm not sure if it's because of the shell script I run (as opposed to the .bat) or whether it has to do with system or profile settings in my shell.
For information, the shell script starts with:
I've replaced it with:
In hope I would have something closer to my normal terminal. The app runs but it doesn't change anything to the interactive mode. I'm rather clueless regarding sh/bash and so on. I've seen the manuals but I'm not entirely at home understanding and using their options. I know that there's a .bashrc and perhaps something like a profile somewhere, but I don't really know how to do things with these without risking messing up.
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Feb 2, 2011
I started getting errors about running out of disk space in root this morning. I hunted up what's taking all the space; var/log is 39GB (Ubuntu is installed on a 50G partition.) It's specific files that live in that directory, not subfolders. The files are:
kern.log = 11.6 GB
messages (plain text file) = 11.4 GB
kern.log.1 = 6.1 GB
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Feb 4, 2011
I would like to know how do I print the line # in a script. My requirement is, I have a script which is about ~5000 lines long. If there are any errors happen I just exit. And I would like to add the line # of the script where the error happened.
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Jan 24, 2010
simple bash code:
trap "echo 'you got me'" SIGINT SIGTERM # to trap ctrl+c
echo "Press ctrl+c during 5 sec loop"
for ((i=0;i<5;i++)); do
How come code behaves normally and stops when ctrl+c signal is caught and resumes, but after I use at least one timeout read in the code it looks like, if signal is caught again it doesn't pause the execution but skips the loop. If you remove -t (timeout) option from the read, both loops look the same!
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Nov 30, 2010
So I found many methods on google, but no one works. It seems that this one is THE Debian way.
# Provides: mystartupscript
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Nov 26, 2008
I have a config file that contains:
Now in my bash script, I want to get the output /home/user instead of $HOME once read. So far, I have managed to get the $HOME variable but I can't get it to echo the variable. All I get is the output $HOME.
Here is my parse_cmd script:
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Jul 25, 2011
I have written quite a few separate bash & scripts and php scripts that up to now I have run from cron jobs. However I have to estimate how long each takes to run, before running the next and so it probably takes much longer than necessary to run them all. They have to run in order.
Now there are so many I am thinking it would be better to have a master bash script that would run one after the other, but I am not sure how to get the master script to wait before starting to run the next script. Is this possible and is there a command that will make the script wait between bash and php scripts , for them to finish, before running the next?
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Jan 9, 2010
I would like to get the filename (without extension) and the extension separately. The best solution I found so far is:
Let FILE="thefilenameofsomefilesfor_instance.txt"
NAME=`echo "$FILE" | cut -d'.' -f1`
EXTENSION=`echo "$FILE" | cut -d'.' -f2`
I think it would be better to count the len and remove 3 chars to right to get the extension, but it can be macintosh filenames with have 4 chars for extensions.
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Sep 29, 2010
Making an awk script. If you tell me to read the documentation.. I know.. you're right.
By the way, here is some input
My awk program has to work in this way:
until the end of the document if the beginning of the line is "START11" while the beginning of the line is different form "END11" print the whole line (print the "END11" line too)
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Dec 1, 2010
I am trying to understand how can I make a graph in C. So I wrote some program.
#include "declarations.h"
graph root = NULL;
int main()
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May 7, 2009
Until now i haven't had to dabble with bash scripts.
I have a program that reads in data files. These are named datafile01_R, datafile01_G, datafile01_B, they then increment, so datafile02_R etc i have about 600 of these. the program reads in 3 data sets at a time from each run, so files_01 r, g, and b.
The program then does its magic, and outputs about 40 different files, depending on the file, they gone to folders named R, G, B, psa, or tracking.
The program itself has configuration files to say where the files should gone when analyzed, there is also the config files that reads in the data sets.
At the moment i have to run one set of data, then go in and manually change the input file location, and run again. But, doing this, even though a different data set, the new set overwrites the old set in one of the output folders. So i need a way to increment the output filenames after they are written and before the program is run again with the new data set.
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Sep 4, 2009
Is suid disabled from running all home made bash scripts or just from running them as root or:
Who would know for sure.
I googled several combinations of Mandriva Linux how-to suid disabled setUID etc... so far all I found was "many distributions are disabling suid for security reasons" nothing specific.
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