Programming :: Correcting An SFTP Backup Gone Wrong?

Mar 23, 2010

I need a script that can undo a complete backed-up file system restructuring that took place after an upgrade to the latest version of SyncBackPro. Basically a windows machine running SyncBackPro runs a backup every morning to a SuSE 11.2 SFTP file server and after the monthly update of SyncBack I had some issues getting the existing profiles to run. Suffice it to say I did some tinkering and thought I reset the backup paths to their correct locale but the next day I found that the program took everything in the parent SFTP user directory on the SuSE server and did the backup in the main user directory.

Since the user directory is not the backup directory, SyncBackPro took all of the files in the normal user directories and moved them into versioned $SBV$ directories and inserted a unique 12-digit numerical value to the front of every file below ~/ in every directory (recursively). I found a program named krename to correct the renaming issue and it is still adding the ~3 million files to the rename structure (tests on smaller folders worked flawlessly) to correct the 100*********.'s that have been appended to the beginning of every file. My problem is that I need to take all files that have been moved into these $SBV$ directories and move them up one level to their original directory and then remove the $SBV$ directory after the move. I do have a little experience with bash/shell scripts as I have made and use them for extracting, timestamping and moving jobs that execute through TORQUE and G03 but fall far short of having a programming degree. Chemistry, now that's a different story...I have found another post which appears to move the files in a specified directory up one level but I need a solution that can search recursively for the $SBV$ folder and then move the files and delete the then empty $SBV$ folder. [URL]

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Debian Programming :: Correcting SRT File OCR Errors

Mar 2, 2012

I've generated some srt subtitle files using gocr from pgm files used in DVD's. The ocr program gets confused between lower case L and upper case i and sees them as the same thing. This results in words with capital i's in them instead of lower case L.

What is the best way to automate the correction without a spell checker? I tried sed, but it's difficult to tell between the i's that you want and those that need changing. I figured that any word that consists solely of capital i's is ok, e.g. Roman Numerals, but any capital i not at the beginning of a word needs changing.

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General :: Windows 7 - Backup Folders To External SFTP Server With Shadow Copy

Mar 1, 2010

I have an account in university on Linux machine with 10TB of free space accessible via SFTP. I would like to backup my Windows 7 x64 laptop to university. Currently I am using rsync+cygwin, but backup is pretty slow (without shadow copy) and I hate console window appearing every day on my screen when I login.

So I am looking for something like Windows Backup but with support for SFTP. Combination of tools will work too.

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Ubuntu :: Recover From Backup - Can't Find HD (wrong UUID)

Aug 31, 2010

I rsync the filesystem where I have my server to another HD. Now, when I try to boot I'm dropped at initramfs with an error. It looks like it's still looking for the root in the previous HD even tough I already changed /etc/fstab. It says it can't find the device with a certain UUID, and that UUID is from the previous HD.

Here's the full details: I'm running Ubuntu server 10.04 It has 2 hard drives. Every night it backups one to another with the command

rsync --archive --one-file-system --hard-links --numeric-ids --delete

I moved the HD where I have the backup to another machine and rsynced them with the same command I then changed /etc/fstab in the new machine. I also installed Grub on it When I boot in the new machine I get a error about not finding root. It says that a device is not present. It says the UUID of the device is looking for, and it's the UUID of the first HD.

I thought I only had to change /et/fstab but seems I am wrong.

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General :: Error-correcting Filesystem For Use With DVDs?

Jun 18, 2010

I occasionally need to burn about 1 Gbyte of files to a DVD, and transport them to a friend's house. It's really annoying to discover that some of the data is corrupt when I get there, due to a scratch on the DVD.I have tried copying the files to the DVD several times,creating a new directory for each set. It usually means at least one of every file is correct, but it's really annoying to have to verify every file is correct with md5sum or similar utility.What I want is a filesystem that will automatically give me the redundancy I want, even if it means I only get 1 Gbyte of storage space per DVD. When I read the files back, it will automatically fetch multiple copies of the file, and give me the correct data - sort of like the way RAID works, but with all of the data on the DVD. Does such a filesystem exist? Perhaps I could create three 1Gbyte partitions on my hard drive, mount them with raid, store the files, unmount the partitions, and then copy images of the partitions onto the DVD (mount them later with -o loop,ro options).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Sftp On Vsftpd - Make / Force All Users To Use Sftp And Not Just Ftp

Apr 13, 2011

i have a vsftpd server running well but i want to make/force all users to use sftp and not just ftp is this possible?

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Programming :: FTP And SFTP Automation For SUSE?

Oct 7, 2010

I need to push an ABC.txt file from a SUSE linux server to directory TMS on a Windows server. This process needs to run automated & unattended each night at 1am. the script/process/cron commands?

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Programming :: SFTP Connection With User And Password On The Header?

Mar 25, 2011

how I can do a ftp connection putting the user and passwd as default?

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Programming :: Unable To Use SFTP File Upload Bash Script

Oct 7, 2010

upload a file to a business partner of ours in another country. Currently they have an SFTP server set up for us that I am using to download a daily generated file from a previous requirement. I use a bash script to download it since its fairly simple.


sftp username@address/ /home/user/filedirectory > /var/log/joblog

(removed private info) To satisfy the new requirement I have been trying to write something similar to this;


sftp /home/user/filedirectory/ username@address:/remotedirectory/

sftps manual page only gives a hint about using a batchfile, however i still cannot get it to work. Does anyone know another way? Or if you can even suggest another method or application? It seems like a bit of a cop out you can EASILY download using the sftp command but can't upload.

EDIT - forgot to mention I have already got keyless entry set up using ssh keys.

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General :: Connect To An SFTP Server From A Windows Machine To A SFTP Server Using A DSA Key?

Jul 24, 2011

As a Windows user, I generated a pair of DSA keys from CoreFTP Lite and sent it to a third party that runs an SFTP server. They told me that a valid DSA key needs to have ssh-dsa at the start and the username@systemname at the end. CoreFTP generated neither the ssh-dsa header nor the username@systemname footer. I tried with WinSCP and it didn't generate them either. Is there a difference between how SFTP works between Windows and Linux? If I put a useraccount@systemname at the end of the text will it work? How would the Linux system validate that my system is called "systemname"? If it can't validate, what is the purpose of adding it?

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Programming :: AWK: Join Lines If NF Is Wrong?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a large CSV file, tab-delimited with CRLF at the end of each line. Each line should contain 5 fields (i.e. NF == 5) However, there are rogue CRLF characters in the middle of some records, causing records to be split across two lines. I want to scan each line, check the field count and if it's !=5 then join that line to the following line. Example input might be;


one two three four five
six seven eight nine ten
eleven tw<CRLF>
elve thirteen fourteen fifteen


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Programming :: Character Count Of A Word Is Coming Wrong.

Jun 11, 2010

I am using RHEL 4.5.

I am trying to count no. of characters in a word but it is coming one more than what it actually should be.


I can have a work around by subtracting 1 from the output (6-1=5 in this case). BUT, I am just curious to know, why the character count is coming as 6 and not 5.

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Programming :: Receiving Wrong Data On Winsock From Unix Socket

Jan 28, 2011

currently I've got a big problem on programming with sockets. I use the winsock2 API and want to receive data from a multicast adress running on a UNIX-PC. The connection works fine and I really receive data from this group, but as it seems not the right packages. The received data is saved in a char[]. E.g. at received_msg[12] is a float value. This one I would like to read out, convert and use it in later progress the next value is y at received_msg[16]. The same Code works on a Unix PC with unix sockets but converted to winsock I've got the described problem and I have to make this code work under windows.

Here a piece of the code (received_msg[12]='3f'):

Buffer is a struct containing the two float values x and y. If I convert the char as this under windows the value of x is a huge number. The correct value is around 192, so receveid_message[12] should be 1.92. Could it be that the Unix-PC is sending data in an other way than the winsock receive it?

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Programming :: Debian Serial Port Read() Return Wrong Data?

Jul 6, 2010

I am implementing a simple serial protocol where my ARM9 board, running Linux is communicating to a slave peripheral board. The Master sends a 12 byte data stream and the peripheral board returns status in a 23 byte response. The serial port is opened in raw mode. It works perfectly on 44 reads; however, on the 45 read the data returned from the read() is incorrect. I've framed what's being sent on an oscope and it is correct.The coincidence is that 23 x 44 = 1012. It's as though the receive buffer is 1K and when I go past the boundary I get bad data. The read following the bad one is good again.I've tried flushing the buffer before reading but get the same result.Here's the port initialization code:

int initport(int fd)


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Programming :: Valac: Compiling Into C Code: Expected Semicolon In The Wrong Place

Oct 20, 2010

Here is my problem: I have a Vala program that includes classes with nested classes. When I try to initialize classes (using the variable type and the variable, followed by the class's arguments [three unsigned 8-bit integers] in parentheses) and try to compile the Vala code to C code what I tried to AVOID doing, as I really wanted to create a shared object file, but now I know I have to use C code as a middleman, the compiler tells me it expects a semicolon between the class variable name and its members.

What?! A semicolon in a bad place, that's for sure! Why would I want to put a semicolon *BETWEEN* the class initialization and its members? Isn't the whole point of a class to *HAVE* different members? Here is my class:

public class Gtk.rgba : GLib.Object {
public class fg_color : GLib.Object {
private uint8 red;
private uint8 green;
private uint8 blue;
public fg_color(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b) {

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Programming :: DVD Backup Script

Mar 25, 2011

I have an extensive DVD collection, and I want them backed up in case of a fire or other problem. I am trying to create a script to automatically prompts me for the name of the DVD and then backs the dvd up when I insert it. I am running kubuntu 10.10. When I run this in a terminal, nothing happens. Do you have any idea what I did wrong here?

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Programming :: Create Backup Script?

Aug 25, 2010

I take responsibility for data backup my centos server. Please help me backup data using tar. following scenario:- Sunday - full backup- the rest of differential backup.We're back up to full as follows:tar-cvzf / backup / backup-date.tar.gz / data

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Programming :: Shell Script For Backup And Restore?

Aug 25, 2010

I have requirement on shell scriptingre scripts for the following:
1) Full backup(application and DB): tar all the files and database and copy them in the backup server
2) Incremental back up of files: backup of all the updated filester the last backup.
3) Restoring of backup files: restore the backup files from the backup server to the application server.

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Programming :: Use To Backup Hard Drive Every Night?

Dec 3, 2010

I have a script that I'm trying to use to backup my hard drive every night. The full backups are working flawlessly. I haven't figured out the incrementals yet. I thought they were working when I first wrote the script a few weeks ago, but it doesn't seem to be working anymore. I have a long script that I have a whole bunch of statements like this.


To be honest, I'm not a Linux expert and I was really surprised when I started this venture that Linux filing system doesn't have an archive bit like NTFS does and we have to use a file to store the archiving information. But there's the file at /var/log/usr.snar. My theory is I just leave that file for a week so I can create one full and incrementals through the week. Then when I want to create another full backup (when I swap hard drives), I then delete that usr.snar file. I thought that worked a few weeks ago, but it doesn't anymore. When I start my backups, they backup every folder I have listed and not just the files that changed. My full backups are 165 GB, so I'd like to use the incremental feature.

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Programming :: Excluding Directory From Backup In Bash?

Jun 30, 2011

I've got the following code and kludge. It's working okay except that there's a directory called "Archive" which I don't need to backup. I've tried various combinations of &&, -a, etc., and I'm kind of at a loss for getting this right.

Here's the code I have so far:

# backup subdirs as individual tarballs with prepended timestamps and
# move them somewhere else.
# --exclude "/path/to/dir/*" (Doesn't seem to work)


How can I write that line so that I can loop through all of the subdirs, tarring them up, but excluding the "Archive" subdirectory?

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Programming :: Rsync In A Backup Script Doesn't Delete-after

Oct 6, 2010

That is the whole script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# backup device for me, m.tornow, probably:
# /dev/sde1


and BU_MOUNTPOINT being the mount-point where a device is being mounted (duh).

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Programming :: Shell Script Deleting Oracle Backup?

Mar 8, 2010

I setup linux script to delete my backups older than few days:

RBRDAN=`date �date=�3 days ago� +%w`
rm /u02/oracle/backup/rman/$RBRDAN/*
But, I got error:


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Programming :: Create A Shell Script That Would Automatically Backup And Shutdown?

Oct 14, 2010

I would like to develop a shell script that would automatically run a backup program and then shutdown the computers, but I do not know the first thing about script development or even writing scripting.

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Programming :: Create/delete Temp/backup Files Through A Shell Script?

Dec 31, 2008

I have a shell script that need to create some files:

1) backup files of user passed in file ( that will be written by this shell ).

2) temp files that the shell will create and later delete/remove.

This shell script will be used from my local dir ( I am not a super or a sysadmin ). Users of this shell will call this script to run on their local files in their respective directories. When my script runs, it errors with the following:

cp: cannot create regular file `./listfile.txt.backup': Permission denied
/home/myUser/tools/myShellScript: line 12: listfile.txt: Permission denied

for the temp I was able to avoid this error by creating the temp file in the /tmp directory. All I want is for this shell script to run, create/modify/backup files in user's local dirs.

The user dir has the following permission:

drwxr-xr-x testDir

the file that needs to be backed-up has:

-rw-r--r-- listfile.txt.

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Programming :: Create A Bash Menu Script For Home Server - Restore Files From A Backup?

Jan 19, 2011

I would like to create a bash menu script for my home server For instance if i were to type ./script It would then bring up 3 options

a. Create a backup
b. Restore files from a backup
c. Quit

If you were to select a or b it should then ask you were you want to backup or restore from. And if i were to type in an incorrect letter i should get an error and take me back to menu. I have attepmted this a view time now and have magaged to get the menu up using parameters

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Ubuntu :: Back In Time To Backup Home Directory To A Second Hdd That Is Mounted At /media/backup?

May 18, 2010

using Back In Time to backup my home directory to a second hdd that is mounted at /media/backupThe trouble is, I can do this using Back In Time (Root), but not using Back In Time without the root option. This is definitely a permissions issue - it can't write to the folder, but when I checked by right clicking on the backup directory and looking at the permission tab, it said I was the owner

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Ubuntu :: Restore Backup Server - Where Is The Location Backup Snapshots Or Files Are Saving

May 10, 2011

I install and tested Restore EE Backup server on a test PC with basic configuration and its working fine.


The issue i have is where is the location these backup snapshots or files are saving? I want to add a separate Storage to save the backup?

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Slackware :: Complete Backup Solution Ike 'Acronis True Image Backup And Recovery

Jun 12, 2010

I have been looking for a complete backup solution like "Acronis True Image Backup and Recovery" on Windows for Slackware a while.

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CentOS 5 :: Backup Script With TAR - Incremental Backup With Simple FTP To Another Location And Email Status

Jan 15, 2010

After I spent some time discovering The BIG BANG of Universe and The Meaning of Life :

I managed somehow to create a script to make some backup of files on server and TAR it and then FTP the archive to another location FTP server and then emails result.

It also measures time needed to complete it and deletes archive older than XX days (set in find -mtime +20) and makes incremental backup every weekday and FULL on Sundays (which suits me bcoz no heavy load).

Files for TAR to include and exclude are in txt files listed each line separate name:

file: including.txt:

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Debian :: Backup Purge Script - `/mnt/backup/subfolder': No Such File Or Directory

Nov 10, 2010

This script simply deletes files older than a certain age (in this case 7 days) from a certain location; I use it to purge old backups nightly, and it works as expected:

# delete backups older than 7 days
find /mnt/backup/*  -mtime +7 -exec rm -Rf {} ;

The problem is, every morning I get an email with an error message something like this:

find: `/mnt/backup/subfolder': No such file or directory

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