Ubuntu :: Recover From Backup - Can't Find HD (wrong UUID)

Aug 31, 2010

I rsync the filesystem where I have my server to another HD. Now, when I try to boot I'm dropped at initramfs with an error. It looks like it's still looking for the root in the previous HD even tough I already changed /etc/fstab. It says it can't find the device with a certain UUID, and that UUID is from the previous HD.

Here's the full details: I'm running Ubuntu server 10.04 It has 2 hard drives. Every night it backups one to another with the command

rsync --archive --one-file-system --hard-links --numeric-ids --delete

I moved the HD where I have the backup to another machine and rsynced them with the same command I then changed /etc/fstab in the new machine. I also installed Grub on it When I boot in the new machine I get a error about not finding root. It says that a device is not present. It says the UUID of the device is looking for, and it's the UUID of the first HD.

I thought I only had to change /et/fstab but seems I am wrong.

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Ubuntu :: Adding A CD-ROM Drive - Unable To Find UUID

May 2, 2010

Just added a DVD drive to a machine which had no drive before. When I boot I get the error about being unable to find the root drive by its UUID. If I unplug the DVD drive it boots as normal.

I'm guessing the root drive is getting a new name i.e /dev/sda2 instead of sda1 and thus a new UUID. How can I add the drive and fix the UUID issue in grub?

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Fedora :: Wrong Drive Formatted - Recover Lost Data?

Oct 30, 2009

I have 3 drives in my computer. I installed Fedora 11 on my two biggest one, with the LVM treating them as one single drive. I attempted to install XP on my last drive. As I was installing, I selected my third drive (I'm 100% sure it is the correct drive as it is an 80gb whilst the others are 120 and 200 respectively) and told it to delete the partition on that drive and format. After I did that, it started to format, starting with my 120! I'm fairly sure that it was merely a quick format, as it only took 5-10 seconds for it to format, and that my data is still there. Is there any way to recover my "lost" data, or did I just really screw myself over?

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Ubuntu :: Boot Failure - Can Not Find Root Partition No Uuid

Mar 5, 2010

I posted this first to thread 'Boot problem - "Gave up waiting for root device.", (initramfs)' then realized that I should start a new thread because the problem is not the same. On boot the splash goes black and nothing happens, On a recovery boot it drops into shell BusyBox and messages indicate that the root partition cannot be found. After booting from CD Gparted GUI partition information shows no label or ssid for the root partition sda2. The data for the root partition appears to be there. how to fix this? My /home, swap, and / are on separate partitions formatted ext3. I have a recent backup only for my data. I would like to avoid having to rebuild my system from scratch.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Recover From Backup Causes Error

May 3, 2010

I am running 8.04 Ubuntu server. Unfortunately a couple of days ago I thought I should upgrade as desktop upgrades usually go without a hitch and are very easy. I forgot that my server is live with a few websites and a radius server set up just the way I need (took painfully long time to figure out). Needless to say the upgrade caused many config file changes and many things stopped working. I panicked since this is a live server so I went straight to the backups to recover my system. I booted from a live CD and copied the entire system overtop the new one.

Everything that needed to work works, however now I get this message in my mail about every 10-20mins:
Subject: Cron <root@IMwebserver> [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && find /var/lib/php5/ -type f -cmin +$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) -print0 | xargs -r -0 rm
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968
X-Cron-Env: <SHELL=/bin/sh>
X-Cron-Env: <HOME=/root>
X-Cron-Env: <PATH=/usr/bin:/bin>
X-Cron-Env: <LOGNAME=root>
xargs: xargs.c:443: main: Assertion `bc_ctl.arg_max <= (131072-204' failed.

Googling it, I found that its a problem with findutils. I tried to reinstall findutils with no luck.
My backup script looks like so:
@daily /usr/bin/rdiff-backup --exclude /dev --exclude /tmp --exclude /var/run/cups/cups.sock --exclude /var/log --exclude /mnt --exclude /media --exclude /proc --exclude /sys --exclude /var/cache/apt / /media/removable/BACKUP/rdiff/
How can I fix my system so the above e-mail no longer occurs?

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Hardware :: Find The UUID Of Computer's Internal Dvd-rw Drive?

Jan 14, 2011

basically just wanting to find the UUID for my internal disc drive. Running Slackware 13.1

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Software :: Changing An NTFS UUID - Restore An NTFS Partition From A Backup?

Dec 25, 2010

I am trying to restore an NTFS partition from a backup and I need the new drive to have the old (dead) drive's UUID (which I recorded).I really really really cannot use the option of changing fstab to mount using a new UUID, for this case I need the old UUID that existed on the other drive.Is there some ntfs equivalent of tune2fs that'll let me change the UUID on an ntfs partition?

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General :: Recover Backup Copy Of A Ubuntu Installation On A Usb Stick Using Dd

May 16, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on a usb stick in persistent install mode. So I could boot the laptop or my desktop computer with the stick, at boot time. Once I needed the 8GB stick for another purposes so I thought about coyping it to my desktop doing from mac os x: dd if=/dev/disks3s of=/Users/jack/Desktop/usb_copy

Now I am trying to do the opposite, after having used the stick, which was formatted to NTFS, just doing

dd if=/Users/jack/Desktop/usb_copy of=/dev/disks3s

but although I can see that almost of the files are there, I can not boot again. IT is also strange the the file permissions are kind of strange, something like _user

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General :: How To Recover / Root Filesystem From Backup?

May 4, 2010

Suppose I have a good backup of the / root filesystem. How do I recover the / root area? Suppose I have modified the root filesystem, perhaps I do an update some of the packages and regret it, and I want to get back to the system at the time of the backup. How do most linux people recover the root area of a system from a backup?

1) I wondered if I might put a System Rescue CD in and boot off it?
2) And then NFS mount the directory containing the backup? -In my case, I have made a good backup using rsync, to a directory elsewhere on the network.
3) And then, still booted off the System Rescue CD, mount the partition that contains the / root area in question?
4) Would I then clear or empty or delete the contents from the / root partition?
5) And then copy across all the files from the backup into the / root partition?

I ask these questions because of the (very nice) way linux OS is built entirely from packages... Am I being too complicated? (By comparison, I can see it is easy to recover user data.)If, instead, I simply recovered the backup straight onto the updated root filesystem, I wonder what it would look like if I then tried to verify it with "rpm -Va", for example? Surely, all the packages would fail the verification, because it would think it has a later version of each package from the update, but the actual files would have been overwritten by the earlier version from the backup?

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Server :: Recover A Compressed Mysql Backup?

Dec 6, 2009

I'm trying to recover a compressed mysql backup. As the backup is extremely large, I dont wanna decompress it before importing. How can I make a mysql variable take effect before I load this compressed file into the database.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Will Be Able To Recover Data 1TB Drives / Should Backup 80GB Drive As Well?

Feb 25, 2011

I am using software RAID in Ubuntu Server Edition 9.10 to mirror(RAID1) two 1TB harddrives. These are used for data storage and websites.I also have a 80GB harddrive for the operatigsystem. This drive has no backup or RAID at all. Should this drive crash and the system therefore to become no longer bootable, will I be able to recover the data the 1TB drives or should I backup the 80GB drive as well?

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Programming :: Correcting An SFTP Backup Gone Wrong?

Mar 23, 2010

I need a script that can undo a complete backed-up file system restructuring that took place after an upgrade to the latest version of SyncBackPro. Basically a windows machine running SyncBackPro runs a backup every morning to a SuSE 11.2 SFTP file server and after the monthly update of SyncBack I had some issues getting the existing profiles to run. Suffice it to say I did some tinkering and thought I reset the backup paths to their correct locale but the next day I found that the program took everything in the parent SFTP user directory on the SuSE server and did the backup in the main user directory.

Since the user directory is not the backup directory, SyncBackPro took all of the files in the normal user directories and moved them into versioned $SBV$ directories and inserted a unique 12-digit numerical value to the front of every file below ~/ in every directory (recursively). I found a program named krename to correct the renaming issue and it is still adding the ~3 million files to the rename structure (tests on smaller folders worked flawlessly) to correct the 100*********.'s that have been appended to the beginning of every file. My problem is that I need to take all files that have been moved into these $SBV$ directories and move them up one level to their original directory and then remove the $SBV$ directory after the move. I do have a little experience with bash/shell scripts as I have made and use them for extracting, timestamping and moving jobs that execute through TORQUE and G03 but fall far short of having a programming degree. Chemistry, now that's a different story...I have found another post which appears to move the files in a specified directory up one level but I need a solution that can search recursively for the $SBV$ folder and then move the files and delete the then empty $SBV$ folder. [URL]

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General :: How To Make Scheduled Backup Of Repository And Recover It

Aug 6, 2011

I need to make a scheduled backup of repository of subversion in ubuntu. E.g., backup the repository at 13.00 pm every Monday. May I need to write some hook scripts to do that? And I also have to recover the backup of repository. If possible, I want to backup the trunk of repository
my repository is project1

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Find The Command To Recover The Passkey?

Jul 21, 2010

I have encrypted my home directory during a fresh install, after I booted up for the first time is asked me to write down my /home passkey paraphrase for emergency recovery. I chose to do it later. Now I cant find the command to recover the passkey. Does anyone know how to do this?

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Server :: All Websites Are Down And Can't Find Whats Wrong

Nov 17, 2010

I have a CentOS Server and i use ispconfig 3. I have hosted 10 websites and the other day all my websites went down. I have tried to look at the logs i cant see any thing ISPconfig logs dont have any errors.

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Server :: Recover MySQL Innodb From /var/lib/mysql/ Backup?

Jan 30, 2011

I installed mediawiki the other day and went with the default innodb option. However a week later something went wrong. And since I have scripts that nightly backup /var/ I just copied the backup of /var/lib/mysql/wikidb/ (as I've done with MyISAM). Then when I connect the wikidb database. I can see the tables (via "show tables"), but when I do any query with them (check table X, select * from X) I get:


Table 'wikidb.X' doesn't exist I've since read that can can't just copy the database directory like MyISAM, and there appears to be no way that I can find to restore or fix Innodb, without a dump of the data. And I never got a chance to do a mysqldump of the data. So has anybody got any idea how I can at least view the "page" table from the files I've backed up in /var/lib/mysql/wikidb/ ?

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General :: How To Find / Recover Redhat Enterprise Linux 3 Username & Password For Login

May 7, 2010

I have a server x86 architecture and my problem is lost my username & password. Hope anyone can help about this matter as i need to log in to the server for maintenance purpose.

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Ubuntu :: Find A Way To Backup Files To Cdr/dvdr?

Jan 17, 2010

I'm trying to find a way to backup my files to cdr/dvdr. I'd like to put a blank disk in when I finish using the machine, have it backup anything new, up to the size of the media and stop. I can put in new media the next day and I'd like it to continue from where it left off. It would be best if the backups are readable by any machine and I could extract specific files if a problem should arise. Any suggestions? Tar won't let me specify a final archive size and wants to do all the volumes in the backup at the same time.

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General :: Find Location Of USB Device For Backup?

Jan 20, 2011

I am using Cron for nightly backups to a usb device. I was just wondering in my script for the backup, how do I find the location of my usb device.

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Server :: Backup One Liner Find Xargs CP

May 25, 2011

I will eventually script this but wanted to know where I screwed up when trying to get this oneliner to work. In a nutshell, I want to created a backup directory, find any files that have changed in the last 48hrs and them copy them to the newly made backup directory.

PHP Code:
date=$(date +%m%d%Y)mkdir -p /home/test_dir/backup$date;find . -mtime 1|xargs -0 cp -r -t /home/test_dir/backup$date

When I do this I get:
PHP Code:
a bunch of junk !#$#$$#! File name too long

I also tried:
PHP Code:
date=$(date +%m%d%Y)mkdir -p /home/test_dir/backup$date;find 
. -mtime 1|xargs -0 cp -r {} /home/test_dir/backup$date

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General :: Find The Failed Position Of CD While Taking Backup?

Aug 7, 2010

I am working in ubuntu 9.x (linux karmic kernal) .I have restored the content from CD to hard disk. In the mid way of this process, it was failed. I would like to know this below thiongs,

1) which position it got failed ?

2)Any offset option is there in linux to point the particular CD position ?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Gnome Radio - Doesn't Find Any Radio Channels And The Input Channel Is Completely Wrong

May 1, 2010

I have a new install of Karmic on my system with a flyvideo 3000 tv card installed. My problem is that it doesn't find any radio channels and the input channel is completely wrong. I don't have any sound on gnomeradio and can't find the config files to change the input channel. The only input option available to me is dig1 - can anyone point me in the right direction?

I have already read the Howto for this tv card and changed the device to radio0 in the setup. I have setup tvtime perfectly with sound channel as well as with a 5.1 surround configuration. I am missing my favourite radio channel. and I want to get rid of my windows installations once and for all! Update: I did a system update and some things have changed: the radio tower graphic on gnomeradio is now green (I assume it is getting a signal) but no sound yet.

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General :: "find" Command In Backup/zip Script?

Feb 13, 2011

I am fairly new to scripting and I am trying to write a script that finds and zips a file named file1.xml from multiple sub-directories. So basically I want to find them and zip them all together. The disk directory structure is as follows:

(etc, etc where user_name varies)

This is what I have so far, but I keep getting an error relating to the -name command.

filename=`date +%d%m%Y-%H:%M`
find /mnt/data/ -name file1.xml -maxdepth 2 -type d | zip -rp $filename.zip -@

I keep getting the following error but don't know how to fix it. Is what I am trying to do even possible?find: warning: you have specified the -maxdepth option after a non-option argument -name, but options are not positional (-maxdepth affects tests specified before it as well as those specified after it).

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Ubuntu :: Back In Time To Backup Home Directory To A Second Hdd That Is Mounted At /media/backup?

May 18, 2010

using Back In Time to backup my home directory to a second hdd that is mounted at /media/backupThe trouble is, I can do this using Back In Time (Root), but not using Back In Time without the root option. This is definitely a permissions issue - it can't write to the folder, but when I checked by right clicking on the backup directory and looking at the permission tab, it said I was the owner

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Ubuntu :: Restore Backup Server - Where Is The Location Backup Snapshots Or Files Are Saving

May 10, 2011

I install and tested Restore EE Backup server on a test PC with basic configuration and its working fine.


The issue i have is where is the location these backup snapshots or files are saving? I want to add a separate Storage to save the backup?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mysql-admin Won't Schedule Backup But Will Manual Backup

Jan 19, 2010

I have a scheduled backup to run on our server at work and since the 7/12/09 it has be making 592k files instead of 10Mb files, In mysql-admin (the GUI tool) I have a stored connection for the user 'backup', the user has select and lock rights on the databases being backed up. I have a backup profile called 'backup_regular' and in the third tab along its scheduled to backup at 2 in the morning every week day. If I look at one of the small backup files generated I see the following:


-- MySQL Administrator dump 1.4
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- Server version`


It seems that MySQL can open and write to the file fine, it just can't dump

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Ubuntu :: Real Time Backup In A Folder Called /home/backup?

Feb 2, 2011

I've tried to google but not much luck. What I would like to do is have anumber of folders on my desktop and their contents, replicated/duplicated into another folder on the same PC in real time. So for example, if I were to change an OpenOffice document in a specific folder on my Desktop it would be replicated/duplicated in real time. If I had three folders on my Desktop A, B and C they would also appear/be backed up (in real time) in a folder called /home/backup. Can this be done?

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Ubuntu :: Backup Software That Lets You Choose The Folders To Backup?

Jun 30, 2010

does anyone know of a good backup software for Ubuntu 10.4 that will let me select which folders to backup, rather than a complete backup? My install and settings etc can be replaced, but my photos and memories cannot!

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Ubuntu :: Backup The Entire Disk Using Some Popular Backup Tool?

Sep 1, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu 11.04 onto HP EliteBook 8540w notebook and would like to backup the entire disk using some popular backup tool.

I have searched in the internet and found the closest tool is PartImage. But the bad news is that it does not support ext4 fs!

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Slackware :: Complete Backup Solution Ike 'Acronis True Image Backup And Recovery

Jun 12, 2010

I have been looking for a complete backup solution like "Acronis True Image Backup and Recovery" on Windows for Slackware a while.

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