General :: Empty Bash Command Line?

Sep 28, 2010

I am looking for a way to delete the currently entered commandline without wasting seconds on the "Backspace"-key.

For example I scrolled the bash history and have a long commandline that would execute when I pressed ENTER:

~$ aptitude search openssl | grep dev

But now I decide that I do not want to execute this command. Can I get an empty prompt fast without deleting the whole line with Backspace? On the Windows "cmd" you can just press ESCAPE and it is gone. This behavior would be what I want.

The question may seem trivial but this is bothering me for a long time now.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Bash In 10.04 Server - Every Empty Line In The Script Results In "command Not Found"

Oct 8, 2010

Bash acts weird in 10.04 server. Whenever I try to run .sh scripts, every empty line in the script results in "command not found". Then on even simple scripts I get syntax errors, but the same exact scripts work on my 9.10 desktop installation. There's also another problem, I'm not really sure if it's bash-related. After setting the proxy using


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General :: Bash : Pass Command Line Arguments Containing Special Characters?

Jul 14, 2010

I've written myself a linux program "program" that does something with a regular expression. I want to call the program in the bash shell and pass that regular expression as a command line argument to the program(there are also other command line arguments). A typical regular expression looks like "[abc]_[x|y]".Unfortunately the characters [, ], and | are special characters in bash. Thus, calling "program [abc]_[x|y] anotheragument" doesn't work. Is there a way to pass the expression by using some sort of escape characters or quotation marks etc.?

(Calling program "[abc]_[x|y] anotheragument" isn't working either, because it interprets the two arguments as one.)

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General :: Bash: How To Pass Command Line Arguments Containing Special Characters

Jun 24, 2011

I've written myself a linux program "program" that does something with a regular expression. I want to call the program in the bash shell and pass that regular expression as a command line argument to the program (there are also other command line arguments). A typical regular expression looks like "[abc]_[x|y]". Unfortunately the characters [, ], and | are special characters in bash. Thus, calling "program [abc]_[x|y] anotheragument" doesn't work. Is there a way to pass the expression by using some sort of escape characters or quotation marks etc.? (Calling program "[abc]_[x|y] anotheragument" isn't working either, because it interprets the two arguments as one.)

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General :: Append At A New Line If The Old Line Is Non Empty?

Feb 12, 2011

I want to append at a new line if the old line is non empty. so it would be something like


3//dont add here


//add here

but if sometimes there could be extra empty line, then add at the empty line. So the script needs to detect whether or not the last line is empty. i figured out the symbol for a new line pattern is ^ so it would probably be sed "a^stuff here"is this right? but i dont seem to get the right result

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Ubuntu :: (BASH) Join Command (GNU Coreutils) - Why Join Ignores The -e Flag And Fails To Insert FOO In The Empty Field

Mar 2, 2011

I am trying to understand the join command. I wish to join two files:

$ cat test1
a 0
b 2.51
c 19.85
$ cat test2
a 0
b 2.51

this is great but I do not understand why join ignores the -e flag and fails to insert FOO in the empty field.

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General :: Replacing Empty Values In Bash?

Mar 11, 2011

I'm executing the below bash script, but when the m variable doesn't get any value it becomes empty. I don't want that.

for i in "$@"
m=$(grep TOTAL_MAPS $i | awk '{ print $2}');


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Programming :: Echoing A Command Line Within A Bash Script?

Jul 8, 2011

Bash 3.1.7

Suppose this bash script:

ls foo

I would like the output to be

ls foo

That is, the command is first echoed then executed. Is it possible to do this? Or is the only way to debug the script?

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Programming :: BASH - Works On The Command Line, Hangs As A Script?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm writing a Bash script to take IPTC keywords from a text file and write them, via Exiv2, to several (first batch is 100) JPEG files in a single directory. The script has one while loop inside another while loop, both terminated, but I'm pretty sure that's not my problem. I think it's how I'm incrementing the "counter" variable, although it could also be the method of parsing the text lines from the file (using cut with delimiters that have worked fine in simpler scripts).

Here's the code as I've worked it up to this point.


And yes, "keywords" checks out in Crimson Editor, Emacs GUI and nano as an ASCII file with UNIX line endings. No issues on that score.

Feeding each line consecutively into a terminal (excepting the exiv2 command) works fine: each variable echoes with the part of the text line used as a variable value as it should, even when the b variable is incremented the quick&dirty way (up arrow three commands and hit enter).

Running the above script in eval mode (sh -x) stalls after setting the b variable to one and reading in the first line of text. I'd like to know why. I'd also like some advice on another reliable method of parsing the read-in lines.

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Software :: Create A Command Line Inside A Bash Script That Contains Arguments?

Dec 9, 2010

I'm having problems with bash quoting. Maybe someone can tell me what's going on.. Basically, I need to create a command line inside a bash script that contains arguments that contain spaces and bash variables that need to be expanded.


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Programming :: Command Line Works - Won't Work From Inside Bash Script

Feb 16, 2011

Writing script to create backup of file by adding datetime to file name. Basically test for file presence if there, cp with datetime then rm original cp works fine from command line but get cannot stat `full path to file': No such file or directory


Here are the errors: cp: cannot stat `~/html/CVP_dadamail/.dada_files/.logs/errors.txt': No such file or directory rm: cannot remove `...': No such file or directory

The for statement is a placeholder as I have same file to backup out of several directories. using "bash -x scriptname" -OR- inserting echos, I can see I've constructed the strings properly. Believing it might be related to the hidden directories, I tried setting the shopt "glob" options to no avail.

Ultimately I'll add the other directories to the for loop and then run this from a cron job, so if you see potential pitfalls knowing I'm headed in that direction...believe construct would be


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Ubuntu :: Making Interactive Command Line Apps More Friendly (bash Feature)?

May 21, 2011

I'm using a java application that runs as an interactive command line (in a terminal). My problem is that it's rather unfriendly as an interaction mode as it's minimalistic: it doesn't allow going to and fro with arrows, there's no history and so on. So I have to type all commands every time and have to retype it if I missed something at the beginning of the line, or I have to copy and paste from a txt editor. The strange thing is that I have seen the same application running on a Windows box and allowing for all the sugar. So I'm not sure if it's because of the shell script I run (as opposed to the .bat) or whether it has to do with system or profile settings in my shell.

For information, the shell script starts with:
I've replaced it with:

In hope I would have something closer to my normal terminal. The app runs but it doesn't change anything to the interactive mode. I'm rather clueless regarding sh/bash and so on. I've seen the manuals but I'm not entirely at home understanding and using their options. I know that there's a .bashrc and perhaps something like a profile somewhere, but I don't really know how to do things with these without risking messing up.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Bash Script To Monitor Server Load / Mail From Command Line

May 4, 2010

I am attempting to write a very basic script that monitors a server's load and automatically emails an administrator upon the load reaching a certain threshold...

1.) `uptime | awk -F ' ' {'print $10'} | cut -d ',' -f1 | awk -F '.' {'print $1'}` -- the output from this command results in a decimal figure, so when that value is parsed and placed in an if statement, the value is not seen as a number. line 9: [: 4.96: integer expression expected/How can I allow a number like "4.56" to be seen as an actual number within the if statement and be compared to 4, for instance?

2.) I am running a cPanel server on CentOS 5.4 -- when I run mail -s "SUBJECT" $EMAILADDRESS the command just hangs, and stracing the process shows it stuck on a read syscall.

3.) If I wanted to write this script in PHP, I have one primary confusion -- how can I mimic the functionality of obtaining the output from uptime via awk, etc. so that I can determine what the server load is at a given time? Which PHP function(s) would assist in that regard?

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Programming :: Global Bash Shell Functions - Line 2: Echotm: Command Not Found

Sep 13, 2010

I wonder if there is anyway to make a user-defined bash shell function global, meaning the function can be use in any bash shell scripts, interactively or not. This is what I attempted:


$ tail -n 3 /etc/bashrc
echotm () {
echo "[`date`] $@"


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Programming :: Bash Shell Read User Argument From Command Line And Test It

Aug 29, 2010

Trying to create a small script that will read user's input, test if user entered some input and if not display some message or display a text using user's input.

The script is the following but i get an error saying "[: 6: =: argument expected"

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General :: Bash Shell Script To Check / If Empty Files Are Being Created & Start Process

Jun 25, 2010

I have an Ubuntu server in which a file is dumped every hour and a new file for the next hour and the process continues. If there is any problem due to which the creation of file stops then empty files are created every minute till the process is killed & started again. I need help to make a shell script to check if the empty files are being created and then kill the process and start it again.It would be a great help if anyone can help me regarding this.

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General :: Command To Empty Recycle Bin?

Oct 15, 2010

Simple question but even google does not come up with an answer, seems to be too easy that someone else asked it ;). Could anyone tell me what is the shell command to empty the garbage bin under Linux?

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General :: Write A Literal Bash Command In A Bash File?

Nov 29, 2010

I create a bash script that writes another bash file. But in the generated bash file I want to write a bash command in the file and not executing it.Here's my bash file:

cat > ~/ << END


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General :: Command Not Found For All But PWD And Echo - Path Empty

Mar 1, 2011

I logged into my Red Hat Enterprise Linux machine at work (use it for software development) and the primary GUI does not load. Instead, widgets appeared for xclock, xterm, and Firefox. In the terminal, I start typing in commands to try to figure out what's going on, but all commands are not found except pwd and echo. I 'echo $PATH' and that returns just an empty, blank line. 'echo $SHELL' lets me know I'm using cash.

The likely cause was my attempt to install Adobe Reader Firefox plugin yesterday. After it downloaded, I ran the binary but Firefox didn't seem to recognize that I had installed it, so I went into my .cshrc file and added the adobe folder to the path. That didn't seem to work, so I gave up, deleted the binary and the folder I installed to, and removed that directory from the path in the .cshrc file. This last thing (the export PATH line in that file) I'm certain is back exactly as it was before.

I have successfully added the /bin and /usr/bin back to the path from command line via
setenv PATH /usr/bin:/bin
but of course it doesn't stick after reboot nor does it magically load the primary GUI. I'd rather not go through the effort of creating a ticket for our company's Global Service Desk cuz there's no telling how long that could take to resolve. In the meantime, I can't do any programming.

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General :: Command Line Way To View A Line Of A File With Context?

Feb 24, 2011

I'd like show a certain line or lines of a file with context, kind of like a unified diff, on the command line in Linux:

$ (something) -l 154
150: def foo(bar):
151: """


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General :: Printing Command Line History Without Line Numbers?

Aug 22, 2011

How can I print Linux command line history without including the line numbers? I want to send it all to a text file like this:history >> history.txt

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Fedora :: Run Python3 Scripts From Command Line And Call Up Python 2.6.2 Idle With The Command Idle From Command Line?

May 29, 2010

i've gotten my fedora 12 to the point where i can run python3 scripts from command line and can call up python 2.6.2 idle with the command 'idle' from command line. what command will call up python3 (3.1.2 to be exact) idle?

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Red Hat :: Command Line Prompt But Not The Correct Bash Prompt?

Feb 2, 2011

I'm running Red Hat Linux 5.4 on HP DL580 server with 16 processors and 64 GB of RAM. I'm connecting to the server remotely through SSH. after entering the password, it takes time to return the command line, if I click ctrl+c during this time, I'll have the command line prompt but not the correct bash prompt (I have to run bash to pass to my correct prompt).I tried to install Apache on the server, ./configure took 4 hours to finish instead of 1 or two minutes, Oracle installation same behavior. Server Disks are mirrored using RAID controller.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.10 And Command Line Scripts - Error - Android: Command Not Found

Mar 26, 2011

I know my way around MS Windows much better, but I just don't feel right trying to program something for Android on a Microsoft operating system. I am interested in Android programming so I followed the instructions on [URL] to install the environment on my computer...

I just installed the JDK, SDK, Eclipse successfully (or I assume):

* When I get to Step 4 where I'm supposed to run 'android' it will not run. I get the error message "android: command not found" (I am definitely in the right directory).

** When I double-click it in nautilus, it opens up in gedit. I can set the permissions in nautilus (through the properties - Allow executing file as a program) and get it to work,

My system:

Intel i7
Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat
eclipse 3.6.2

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General :: Access The Dbxml From The Command Line And It Returns Command Not Found?

Apr 30, 2011

I installed the Berkeley DB on the Ubuntu server and tried to access the dbxml from the command line and it returns command not found

-bash" dbxml: command not found

Can someone point me in the right direction

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General :: Bash Command History Update Before Execution Of Command

Jun 7, 2010

Bash's command history is great, especially it is useful when adding the history -a command to the COMMAND_PROMPT.However, I'm wondering if there is a way to log the commands to a file as soon as the Return key is pressed, e.g. before starting the command and not on completion of the command (using the COMMAND_PROMPT option would save the command once the prompt is there again).

I read about auditing programs like snoopy and session recorder like script but I thought they're already too complex for the simple question I have. I guess that deactivating that script logs all the output of the command would lead already in the right direction but isn't there a quicker way to solve that probelm?

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General :: What Does This Cryptic Bash Command Mean - Why Command Crashes

Mar 20, 2011

Possible Duplicate: What does this cryptic bash command mean? Why this command crashes Linux? :(){ :|:& };:

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General :: Command To Delete Bash Command History?

May 31, 2010

What's the command to delete bash command history?

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Programming :: Bash There Will Be Empty Lines At The End Of The File?

Mar 26, 2011

Using awk I pull the first field of a random line from my datafile.myvar1=`awk -F" " 'NR=='$randline' {printf "%s", $1}' myfileThis works fine. The problem is there will be empty lines at the end of the file. Rather than using awkto filter out blank lines I would like to figure this out first.So I test $myvar1 for a blank string after setting $randline to one that I know is blank:test -z "$myvar1" && echo "true" || echo "false"But, this returns "false"? So the string is not zero length. Why? It's a tab-separated file. Is awk storing the tab with the $1 field or something.This is where I get headache. I try to echo my variable to see what it looks like.

echo "$myvar1"
outputs: nothing
echo "My variable is [$myvar1]"
outputs: [y variable is [

Why is the closing bracket at the beginning? What character could be stored in $myvar1 that would do such a thing and how did it get there?

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Programming :: BASH: Each Line Of Multiple Text Files Gets Added To One Line?

Sep 12, 2010

I currently have 3 files with floating point data that I wish to have in a single file with the format:


F1 F1 F3 Output
a1 b1 c1 a1 b1 c1
a2 b2 c2 a2 b2 c2
a3 b3 c3 a3 b3 c3
a4 b4 c4 a4 b4 c4

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