Programming :: C++ - Snprintf - Inside - For - Doesn't Work As Expected. - Int To Char
Aug 30, 2010I need to convert an int array into a char* array.
I'm using the following code:
But it returns me
I need to convert an int array into a char* array.
I'm using the following code:
But it returns me
I am running following command- $ gksudo ./myscript
It doesnt do anything. If i run sudo, then it works perfectly fine.
m getting the following error when trying to compile:Quote:
$ make
g++ -march=athlon64 -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -msse3 -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -DPLUGIN_NAME_I18N='"undelete"' -DHAVE_SVDRP -I../../../include undelete.c
Programming in C.I have two char arrays.char buf1[1024];char buf2[1024];Aren't buf1 and buf2 also pointers?I read in 1024 bytes into buf1 which contain about 300 bytes of characters with newlines. The data is basically a few English sentences. I'm trying to scan buf1 for newlines and then stop at the 1st newline and copy the rest of the data from that 1st newline into buf2.So I run a for loop to look for that new line.
for(i=0; i<1024;i++) {
if((strcmp(&buf1[i], "
I am having trouble with the following exception class.
/**Standard Exception
Line 43 points at the snprintf() command.I think the error has to do with the function being virtual and the const after the function definition, however although I have been looking really hard I have not being able to find the reason nor the solution to the problem.
One workaround that I know is moving the block of source withing the virtual function, in the constructor, however having read around (boost library exceptions tutorials) it specifically said that formating of errors messages should not take place withing the construction of objects because we are risking throwing an exceptions and messing up the flow order.
i define variable of type char (range -128 to 127). when i tried to print the value after assigning a -ve value to it it displaying a +ve value of that -ve value(256+value).
View 3 Replies View RelatedWith this I may remove the last emtpy char which is not visible, coming from net, windows, ...
echo "$mystringwindowsorotherwithemptylastchar" |sed s/.$//
However if there are not then it makes a problem and delete effectively an existing char.
echo "klklj" |sed s/.$//
Anyone would have a solution for SH?
is it possible to convert a variable from char * to unsigned char ?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWriting script to create backup of file by adding datetime to file name. Basically test for file presence if there, cp with datetime then rm original cp works fine from command line but get cannot stat `full path to file': No such file or directory
Here are the errors: cp: cannot stat `~/html/CVP_dadamail/.dada_files/.logs/errors.txt': No such file or directory rm: cannot remove `...': No such file or directory
The for statement is a placeholder as I have same file to backup out of several directories. using "bash -x scriptname" -OR- inserting echos, I can see I've constructed the strings properly. Believing it might be related to the hidden directories, I tried setting the shopt "glob" options to no avail.
Ultimately I'll add the other directories to the for loop and then run this from a cron job, so if you see potential pitfalls knowing I'm headed in that direction...believe construct would be
I've never programed shell scripting.
Code goes like so:
I simply want to read a file "data.txt" line by line Then char by char and add them into a result var. The file is supossed to always contain numeric values
I've modified a program to show * instead of letters when typing a password. I'm trying to make it so that when pressing backspace a * will be removed.Here's a rough example. The problem is that when trying to do this in the real program,' is not recognized as backspace.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm writing the Diffie-Hellman key exchange system using GMP to handle big integers. For the most part, everything works. I can convert the string to mpz_t, set up the keys and everything, and encrypt it fine. Its the decrypting I'm having issues with. What I'm using is mpz_xor() for both. To encrypt I'm doing mpz_xor(buffer, mpz_of_text, secret_key), and to decrypt I'm doing mpz_xor(buffer, mpz_of_cipher, secret_key).
For one character, it'll decrypt it fine, but it'll return it as it's ASCII value (i.e.: if I encrypt "A", it'll decrypt it as 65). Which, I can easily just do sprintf(decrypted_buffer, "%c", 65) for example and be fine. But, when I'm sending text bigger than one character, the encryption for AB gives me something like 1061043 after running the decrypting xor on it.
Has anyone ever done this before or can point me in some directions? Perhaps other algorithms to try? I know XOR isn't the most secure encryption method to use, but at the time I wasn't sure what else to use. I'm really just having a hard time trying to convert a mpz_t to a character string. I've looked at mpz_get_str() and it works before running encryption (i.e.: using mpz_set_str() to create a mpz of a string, then calling mpz_get_str() to change it back). Maybe my XOR method is wrong? Here's the code I'm using:
* str2mpz()
* b The current buffer of text to convert [in]
* m The mpz_t variable to store converted text [out]
I have a char*[] array:
char* myarray[] = {"Hello", "there!", "LQ"};
and I wish to use/ write a function to find the number of elements in myarray (in this case, its 3).
*equivalent of .NET's array.size() that returns number of elements in array
How do I achieve it?
Below I've presented the declaration, definition and the calling method of a function w.r.t pass by reference:
void getUnpackedMsg (unsigned char &data, unsigned int numberOfBits);
line 278: Shown in RED
void packedMessage :: getUnpackedMsg (unsigned char &emptyArray, unsigned int numberOfBits)
printf ("
What could be a command to erase from the cursor up to the first non-blank char in vi (or vim)?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to simulate a shell. So what I do is checking of having the parameters from standard input, suc as "/bin/ls -l /home/france/Documents", and then passing them to function execute, which at some point calls execvp(argv[0],argv)The problem is that I don't succeed in using these arguments, while if I call execvp(paramList[0],paramList) it works!!!! Where paramList is exactly what I would put on standard input, but defined statically.
I am a dummy in C programming. I have a problem with copying the array of 64 elements of unsigned char to array of 8 element of uint64_t. For example:
unsigned char p[64]
uint64_t Data[8];
memcpy (&Data, &p, 64);
I am not sure if it is right. Please help me. Thanks a lot.Moreover, do both p and Data have 64 bytes?
This works for "char" but i need "char*",how do I do it?
char* tk = (char*) calloc(ctk+1,sizeof(char*));
Error when I use it:
error: invalid conversion from har* to har
I would like to create a small C tool. I encounter a problem of how to make a function to check an input chars contains numbers (started from the second element).
Some samples:
char *mychar= "a3547"; (The result of function checking this is true)
char *another_char = "t6548"; (The result of function checking this is true)
char *next_char = "appl3"; (The result of function checking this is false)
char *new_char = "b1aa3"; (The result of function checking this is false)
Can anyone please suggest me how can we convert a wide char data in linux which is of 32 bit to a 16bit data. I have a file which has 16bit binary data? Could any one please give me ideas.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to remove alternate char from file using shell script? If the file content is "1234567890" the output file should be "24680".
sed 's/(.)(.)/2/g' filename
Now there may be small modification to generate two alternate byte, what it should be? If the file content is "1234567890" the output file should be "125689".
I have the following path wher i want to replace forward slashes with back slashes using sed path=/temp/file.tar
I am using the following but it's not working.
I'm writing a code to get the index of the last occurrence of a given substring in a string.
int StringHandler::lastIndexOf(string src, const string s) {
unsigned int lastIndex = string::npos;
if (src.find(s, 0) == string::npos) {
return -1; } else {
bool isLast = false; unsigned int i = 0; do {
lastIndex = src.find(s, i);
if (lastIndex != string::npos) { i = lastIndex + 1;
if (i == src.size()) { isLast = true;
} } else { isLast = true;
} } while (!isLast);
} return lastIndex;
My problem is: execution steps into an if with a false condition! Check the values of i and src.size() at the right panel. How could be possible for the program to run the highlighted statement? The if condition above is false! [URL]. I could use char arrays, for example, but this kind of false validation has happened to me more than once, I'm using G++ 4.5 with these flags: -O0 -g -Wall -c
I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a brand new HP EliteBook 8540w with an Nvidia card. To get the machine to work at all I have to use the proprietary nvidia driver. The downside is that when I use this driver gnome-settings-daemon seems to crash when I start the machine which results in a ugly theme. To fix this I have to run the following command:
sudo gnome-settings-daemon
After this the theme is re-applied. If I try to run gnome-settings-daemon as my regular user I get the following messages:
** (gnome-settings-daemon:2187): WARNING **: Failed to acquire org.gnome.SettingsDaemon
** (gnome-settings-daemon:2187): WARNING **: Could not acquire name
I have some files on server with the date several months ago, but invisible for `find -mtime 7` search. When I list them as `ls -l` they look perfectly normal:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 347253 Jun 12 16:26 pedia_main.2010-06-12-04-25-02.sql.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 490144578 Nov 24 16:26 gsmforum_main.2010-11-24-04-25-02.sql.gz
"find -mtime" does not work as expected on files with different timezones?
I've got a strange bug that I cannot figure out how to solve. Here is the function.
int getnexttab(char input[], int index, int length)
Please look at the comments
I have the following char* array
char* chrarray[] = {"Hello","LinuxQuestions"};
and I need to pass it into a function, how should I define my function in the header file?
Program in CSay I have a char array of 1024 bytes called buf1.But I only want to print the chars in index 0 up to index 30. I know I could do this with a for loop. But is there any other way? What about maybe storing from 31-1024 to another char array say buf2 with strcpy and somehow popping 31+ out of the buf1 char array?
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