I'm fairly new to Perl and regular expressions. I have a large collection of files with their file names in the following general format: string - another string with spaces (2004) [year].ext I would like to know how I could create a regex to separate out:
the first string another string with spaces year extension
If you know of a better way of doing it without regular expressions, I would be happy to hear that way too.
I want to strip the process name from the hosts - i did it with the code below.
I have two questions - is there a more compact way to strip off the process names? usalso i want to get rid of the errors after extracting the hostname. It is complaing about $arry[1]. using my $arry[1] is not allowed. Assigning the slice to a value, as is 'my $sliced_arry = $arry[1]; print $sliced_arry , does not work either.
Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at newcomm_stats.pl3 line 7, <NEWCOMM> line 16 here i get what i want - just the host name, but still get those nasty errors. assigning a value to $1 does not work, and localizing $1 with 'my' is not allowed.
One of my application generates a text file with an XML output in it. I need to read that log files and if the output does not match to a string in couple of tags it should create a log file with the file name and the the tag name.
The two tags where the string should match is:
Identity format tag should always be JPEG , well- formed and valid status tags should be true.
I want to read a input from user and output something like 'inputcd', which has to escape all backslashes if using double-quote. For instance, the following code would work.
Just curious if any other way I could do it without specify all backslashes? Since that takes much efforts when the sequence is long.
In my perl script I'd like to test if a string is written in uppercase letters or not. How can I do that? This type of test don't seem to work, so there must be other ways of doing this:
...return true.
I can create a subroutine that compares each character aginst a list of uppercase letters, but I'm hoping there's allready a build in routine in perl that does this...
What is the best way to merge lines, in sed, awk or perl, that occur between certain strings? I'm new to sed scripting and I have been working on this for some time now. I have a large file (sample below) that I need to edit.
What I need looks something like this.
I'm working with a very large file so simply merging all the lines then adding a new line character before ">contig" and after "translated" won't work, at least not with sed.
I am new to perl and am having trouble adding some strings together.
My full code is below:
The problem is $NewCommandB is always split into two lines, where the second line contains the "/atlas2/<blah>/<etc>/..." string. Since I am generating a .sh file to execute a lot of similar commands I need the string to all be on one line. Any idea why I get this behaviour and any suggestion on how to tell perl to make $NewCommandB a one line string?
Btw for completeness finalFileList.txt contains just file names one line after another:
I wanted to find and replace a string from a perl file. I have written a script in bash which runs the following command.
perl -pi -e "s/$findstring/$replacestring/" testfile where as $findstring = print F_WC_TMP"$line "; and $replaceString = $line = join ' ', split ' ', $line; print F_WC_TMP"$line ";
But when I am running the above command, i think it is replacing the $findstring with the above mentioned string and hence it contains a $line, it is looking for the variable $line and not finding the exact string. I am confused about how to search for a string that contains $ in it and replace it with another $string.
I want to search a file for a particular pattern and if pattern found replace the line with new text. i am using awk 'match($0,"pattern") != 0 {print $0} ' filename to check if the pattern exists.how do i get the line number of the pattern and delete that line and replace the line with my new text?
I have to enhance the behaviour of a backup script written in perl. I don't need to change it, what I need to do is to create a bash script that does some checks like file name and file size, execute the backup script then check if the backup files match the original files.Here's how I try to do it:
- read the files from the original files folder - store them in an array - search in the array the files that have a specific file extension - store the file names that match the search pattern (I know the backup script skips some files so I can hardcode the search pattern) - run the backup script - read the files from the backup folder - store them in an array - compare the original files name and size stored in an array with those from the backup folder - send a report email
I have script that I'm working on that updates a username in all the files that are called blah.inc for my framework. since i host a bunch of these web apps i need to do it to all of them. so I need to figure out how to update these files automagically with out me watching it to call vim every time. heres what I have so far
This finds the files but now i need to figure out how to do s/bob/fred/g on those files.
I would like to remove a string pattern which like this.You should not remove this /*This is the part should remove*/ You should not remove this.I would like to remove all the text inside the /* and */.
The below snippet works fine until I use strict. Then it dies with the following error: uote:Can't use string ("html") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at ./filetest3 line 18.I want to create @lists based on the $scalars in @type. However, "my @$ext = ()"; and push (@$ext, @files); do not play nice with strict. How do I get around this?Quote:
I've been trying to understand pthread in C a little better. So I made a simple program that takes in a string from the command line and creates a thread to print the string. I've looked online and copied the basic concepts but there are something things I'm confused about. The programs works just fine, but I have questions. Here's what I have so far.
One thing I'd like to know is why the 3rd argument in the pthread_create function which is my SendMessage function needs to be typecasted to a void pointer and then send the address of the function. Also as for the 4th argument, I would see typecasting to void pointer in some of the pthread examples I saw online, but in my case I'm passing a char pointer, would this be correct? In which case would I ever want to pass a void pointer?
Do I need a pthread_exit(NULL) in my main and in the SendMessage function? If so, why? I added the sleep() function so that I could let the pthread_exit function in my SendMessage function execute first. I simply saw that the online examples on pthread had pthread_exit() in both locations.
In Perl. I can't find the global variable for $_ (except not $_ it's the one to specify AFTER the matched string.) its dollar sign then something else. Does anyone have a cheat sheet for global symbols?
I need to grep for a particular string and if found need to display the line containing that string, the line above that and also the first line of that paragraph.
Can this be done via sed.
Eg, My Paragraphs
OA connectA
Interconnect Module #6 Status:
Here, if I grep for Critical, it should display the following
Similarly if I grep for Degraded, it should display
I need to creates string suffixes out of a Reference string. for eg. suffixes of abcdefg will be
1)bcdefg 2)cdefg 3)defg and so on...
create an array of pointers to point to the first few characters and then use that pointer to print the rest of the string.But when i print using the pointer i get GARBAGE values! shudn't std::cout<<ptr[w] print the string following the char it is pointing to? why do i get garbage values?