Programming :: Perl - Can't Use String ("html") As An ARRAY Ref While "strict Refs"?
Aug 8, 2009
The below snippet works fine until I use strict. Then it dies with the following error: uote:Can't use string ("html") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at ./filetest3 line 18.I want to create @lists based on the $scalars in @type. However, "my @$ext = ()"; and push (@$ext, @files); do not play nice with strict. How do I get around this?Quote:
I'm writing a PHP program. I've encountered a problem; in the following code I try to pass $_POST['delete'] which is an array as the value of a hidden input to some form, but it doesn't do so.there's something wrong with converting PHP array into HTML array. I'm sure that $_POST['delete'] is not null and is a real array.
Some more HTML code... I would like to cut the above text so i get this: Sometext on multiple lines like this.Sometext on multiple lines like this.Sometext on multiple lines like this. Sometext on multiple lines like this.Sometext on multiple lines like this.
There are other HTML files with similar cuts I need to do, but once I have the method for doing one, I am sure I can do the others.
I think the two logical strings to cut between would be:
I am not sure if these strings are always the start and end of the line respectively, is this makes a lot of difference! Then the HTML tags would need to be stripped to get the text on its own.
I know the commands for removing tags, but searching for a string like class="IOSSectionTitle", and cutting everything before it etc is something I am finding challenging.
Just thought I would add that the HTML does not nec. appear on logical new lines throughout the file and there may be unexpected new lines, but as far as i know the class="IOSSectionTitle" and <img always appears as a string without any new lines between those characters.
I'm trying to find out how to extract the string between the 2 <title> tags: <title>this is what i want</title>.I found lots of results but nothing I've tried works.. EG:$page =~ m/<title>($.)</title>/gism;
how to search for a specific string of text inside an html document. I then want to cut out that specific data that the field or string contains. I want to do a shellscript that makes this function automaticly.
For example:
# #Here i want to find the field "town" inside the html/java and then cut #out the town name from it and paste that to an file. # #
One of my application generates a text file with an XML output in it. I need to read that log files and if the output does not match to a string in couple of tags it should create a log file with the file name and the the tag name.
The two tags where the string should match is:
Identity format tag should always be JPEG , well- formed and valid status tags should be true.
I tried to look for this, but there are so little of perl on internet: Code: @array = [$title, $description, $pubDate, $link]; push(@feeds1, $array);
I am trying to create a 2 D array by PUSH, so the output would look like: ([ $title, $description, $pubDate, $link ], [ $title, $description, $pubDate, $link ], [ $title, $description, $pubDate, $link ], [ $title, $description, $pubDate, $link ]...etc )
I have an array called @logons. How can I step thru the array and split the fields? This is what I have so far, but doesnt work. I got the feeling I the split statement syntax is incorrect.
print @logons; foreach my $logons(@logons){ ($userid, $ip) = split(',',$logons);
Update: Appears the data in @logons has a column header from the mysql query which I used to populate it with. So that code which I was testing does indeed work.
I need to call a function that takes a string array as argument, declared like this:Code:int someFunction(/* some parameters... */, const char* s[]);I'd like to know how to allocate memory for the string array. I know a string is an array of chars and an array is a pointer to the first element, then a string array should simply be a two dimensional char array. But is it a single memory block where all strings are stored consecutively?? Or is it a base vector where each element is a pointer to a separate memory block that contains a single string?More specifically: should I malloc() a single memory block large enough for all the strings? or should I allocate separate blocks for each string plus an extra one for the base vector?
I have the following function that does not iterate through the array I want to be able to do some manipulation on each element in the array[@].it appears the below array has only one item in the array whereas i want the array to have 3 items hence the loop three times printing the message Any ideas why this is not happening ?
I want to read a input from user and output something like 'inputcd', which has to escape all backslashes if using double-quote. For instance, the following code would work.
Just curious if any other way I could do it without specify all backslashes? Since that takes much efforts when the sequence is long.
In my perl script I'd like to test if a string is written in uppercase letters or not. How can I do that? This type of test don't seem to work, so there must be other ways of doing this:
...return true.
I can create a subroutine that compares each character aginst a list of uppercase letters, but I'm hoping there's allready a build in routine in perl that does this...
So I need everything between each name, but I am not guaranteed that each time I match a name that I will have the same amount of lines, so I do a range pattern search line this to get all lines, no matter if there is 5 or 10 or 15. I simply do a loop that goes through the whole array until I hit the match, and this is my search pattern.
This works perfectly... until I hit the end and it doesn't get its final pattern match because it's at the end and there is no next entry with a (Address) line. So as a 'hack', I ended up inserting a final scalar at the end of the array that just says (Address) so it knows it's at the end. Ideally though, I'd like to do an "or" statement that says search for Address || return true if I hit the end of the array. How would I match on "End Of Array" essentially?