Programming :: Bash - How To Expand Path Variable That Contains Spaces And Wildcards
Feb 15, 2010
having bit of a trouble with path expansion of strings that contain some whitespace and wildcards First my script sources a configuration file that contains array assignments
BACKUP_TARGET_FILES[2]=/boot/config-* # no problems
BACKUP_TARGET_FILES[3]="/root/random dir with space/file*" # this is the problem
then later in the script I want to expand BACKUP_TARGET_FILES elements as below
shopt -s nullglob
shopt -s dotglob
this code seems to work but I'm not quite satisfied with it. I'd like to get rid those IFS changes, but haven't found out a solution as of yet. Problem with default IFS seems to be that with it neither $pattern or "$pattern" work; it either interprets pattern as multiple words (because of spaces) and so expands to wrong paths or it ignores * because it's within quotes.
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Aug 21, 2009
I'm trying to read content of file to variable and use this variable in for loop. The problem is, when I have c++ comment style in file - /*. Spaces in line are also interpreted as separated lines.
For example:
Changing $files to "$files" eliminate these problems but causes that whole content of variable is treated as one string (one execution of loop).
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Jul 24, 2010
I have a laptop that I am in through SSH. The laptop does not have an Xwindow system so I am using the program fbi to open an image on my laptop screen from my SSH connection:
fbi -T 8 picture.jpg #this opens the image on the laptops tty8 terminal
I've found that making a for loop does not work with files that contain a space in the name. Something to due with a bug that they call a "feature" that stops the first variable at the first whitespace.
Using a "while" loop is not exactly what i require either seeing as I want to be able to view each image in the directory on screen and tag it accordingly, before it jumps off to the next image, and I'm not sure how to add a pause to a while loop.
How do I make a Bash script and loop Variables handle files like "files that contain spaces.jpg"
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Jan 15, 2010
I have over 50 files names with spaces in them.
I'm trying to use a for loop as such:
However, when I print the $filename in the script, the script prints out parts of the filename because of the spaces in the file name.
For example, say the file name was Star Quest.php
When the script executes one $filename would be Star and another Quest.php.
How could I account for this? Something like $'filename'
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Dec 23, 2010
I have a BASH shell script with embedded SQL script. The SQL script fetches the data from oracle server and the data contains more than 8 spaces in the value (eg, 28051630 A) and the data is written to flat file using the below syntax:
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -s ${CONNECT_STRING} >${out_file} <<!!
.. sql query..
The problem is that whenever the data is written to ${out_file} spaces are getting converted to TAB character
eg, 10 spaces (in Oracle) converted to 1 TAB and 2 spaces 7 spaces (in Oracle) converted to 1 TAB and 1 space Also, from above example you can see the width of TAB char is not constant (8 in first example and 6 in second example) Is there any way that I can stop shell script to convert spaces into TAB character as I want the data as it is from Oracle DB (i.e. only spaces not TABs)
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Apr 1, 2011
*I'm using Ubuntu 10.10
My issue is I can't handle the files with spaces in their name, I've donde the below script to print each file found inside folder and subbfolders with "find".
I would like to "ls" to each file found with its complete path and with its basename too.
files=$(find . -type f)
for each in "$files"
ls -l "$each" # 1rst option I've tried to list with full path
ls -l "$(/bin/echo "$each")" # 2nd option I've tried to list with full path
ls -l "$(/bin/echo $(basename "$each"))" # 1nd option I've tried to list with it basename
How can I list "ls -l" in both cases (with full path and with basename) when there are files with spaces in their name?
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Jan 25, 2011
Have worked with Linux at home for some time and have wrote the below script.
This script is run when a .torrent file finishes downloading and extracts any .rar files into an extracted directory.
However there are 2 thing that i cannot for the life of me get working.
These are:
1. I need the script to check a txt file to see if the file has been extracted previously.
2. The script does not work with any paths that contain spaces.
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Apr 17, 2009
I'm trying to pass a path as a string to an array, but its evaluating it as a command instead. I want to take the literal string "/mnt/accounts/user/temp/*.jpg" and assign it to an array{1}, but when i echo the array variable, it displays it as
I just want it to be the actual text "/mnt/accounts/user/temp/*.jpg" which i will be combining with other text to create a longer path elsewhere in the code.
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Nov 26, 2008
I have a config file that contains:
Now in my bash script, I want to get the output /home/user instead of $HOME once read. So far, I have managed to get the $HOME variable but I can't get it to echo the variable. All I get is the output $HOME.
Here is my parse_cmd script:
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Nov 26, 2010
# echo $PATH
How would i write a script to display permission on each folders in $PATH variable below format.
drwxr-xr-x 2 0 root 4096 Nov 24 14:51 /usr/kerberos/sbin
drwxr-xr-x 2 0 root 4096 Nov 24 14:51 /usr/kerberos/bin
This is what i did but since it require awk programming i m stuck.
ls -ld <directoryinpath>
# echo $PATH | awk -F ":" '{ print $1 }'
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Mar 25, 2011
I have beat this enough and don't get what should have been a very simple thing to do. I build a variable;
CLIST will be used by another bash script but I need to replace the commas with a space. I
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Feb 17, 2011
Just a simple BASH for loop to read the file path from a text file (clean.txt) echo the variable for debug purposes, and scp it to a server I have using port 50 for SSH.
I've already formatted the entries in clean.txt to handle spaces correctly, using sed replacement.
Example from the clean.txt file:
/MP3/NAS000000001/Barenaked Ladies/Barenaked Ladies - Barenaked For The Holidays/20 Auld Lang Syne.mp3
/MP3/NAS000000001/Barenaked Ladies/Barenaked Ladies - Barenaked For The Holidays/14 Deck the Stills.mp3
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Feb 16, 2011
I want to write a c program with some shell scripts.Now For a simple C program. I am Setting a variable called val2 in bash, now I want to use bash variable val2 in C code. How do I do that?The above doesn't work (coz its spawning a different memory space and when shell script ends the variable dies with it as per my research but how do I keep them in same memory space)Also Is there any Good reference where they teach how to integrate C and Bash Together?
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Jul 15, 2011
i've just started to learn about functions in Bash scripting. I'm able to set the functions and execute the commands correctly. However, if my_var is set in the first function and then later in the script in the script the 2nd function is called, it doesn't seem to remember my_var and quits (at least i suspect this is the problem).
Here's my code (it requires yad available via webupd8. org). My specific problem seems to lay in line #27 where if we view the changelog and then exit that window, it returns to the "main" function but any subsequent commands cause a crash. Is this because of the get command on line #29? It's presumably now out of scope after calling menu on line #25?
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May 8, 2010
I have a file with around 1000 IP addresses in it and I need to be able to ssh into each one of them, run a single command, and then exit. I already know the ssh command I want to run and it looks like this:
shpass -p [password] ssh -p 10022 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@[ip variable] 'reboot'
(I know shpass is not good to use and keys are the correct way but I don't have any other options in this scenario.) if these ip addresses were in a .csv file, by themselves with no other information, how would I create a script to do the above command to each ip until the end of the file?
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Jan 14, 2009
I cannot for the life of me get this little (simple) script I wrote to work. Here is the entire script:
ASPECT=`mediainfo $1 |grep "Display aspect ratio" |cut -d : -f 2`
HEIGHT=`echo "320 / $ASPECT" |bc`
SIZE=`echo 320x$HEIGHT`
An input filename ($1) is fed into mediainfo, which by the use of grep and cut spits out a single number which is the aspect ratio. This is then divided by bc into 320, which gives the desired height dimension for the file that I want ffmpeg to create for me. Finally, ffmpeg runs using the calculated dimensions... Basically, it's the passing of the $ASPECT variable to bc that seems to fail. It looks like bc won't read the output from the mediainfo line... It always crashes out with:
(standard_in) 1: illegal character: ^M I've tried doing something even simpler like this to debug by just trying it to display the calculation on the screen:
ASPECT=`mediainfo $1 |grep "Display aspect ratio" |cut -d : -f 2`
HEIGHT=`echo "320 / $ASPECT" |bc`
echo $HEIGHT
and it does the same, so it's definitely bc that won't accept the output from mediainfo.
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Jun 18, 2011
I am killing myself with this, please someone come to the rescue...
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Apr 26, 2011
Experimenting with shell variables, accidentally deleted the path variable how could I return to the original path value. What kinds of problems will I have if I don't have a path variable.
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Oct 21, 2010
how to add a path to PATH variable permanently so that it remains persisent even after closing shell and rebooting the system when i added a path, to variable it remained there as long as i didn't closed the shell. but when i reopened it ,changed were undone.
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Jan 18, 2011
I have a program that loops over each word in a sentence. I need to append a constant to the beginning and end of each word. It works up until the last word on the line.
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Aug 8, 2010
I was wondering if possible in bash for a variable to take the value of a function, I mean the function returns a value and a variable will take it. example:
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Jan 24, 2010
Here is the code:
How ever when I run this script I get the following error
I just don't get it, I have racked my brain trying to figure out every combination of how I should write this if statement and I can't get it to work.
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Mar 18, 2010
I need to find the value of:
My script asks for the name you want to look up and I want it to return the value of $Namenumber
I was thinking:
but this returns
but does not actually resolve what the variable $Namenumber is equal to.
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Feb 13, 2010
The output of following code is not like it's intended ...
This is the output:
Test prepending is a nice word, hour is a nice word, But of course what I want to do in the first set of commands is to prepend the word "an" to the words "apple" and "hour" in the for-loop.
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Feb 21, 2010
Within a bash script, I'm attempting to redirect file descriptors with exec, e.g. exec 3>&1 1>&2; however, I'd like to do something like exec $FD>&1 1>&2, which doesn't work because bash tries to execute the value of $FD. Various placements of eval fail, as well. Is there a way around this, or am I stuck hard-coding the descriptor?
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Aug 19, 2010
I've tried every combination of ' " that I have come across in similar threads on the forum but no luck.. I have 2 files
strings.txt: contains a list of numbers, 4 digits per line file.
txt: contains a lines that I want to grep for the strings.
for example:
>cat strings.txt
if I echo $i in the loop, I print out the contents of strings.txt If I put 3214 in place of grep "<$i>" file.txt I get "carls phone number is 3214"
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Apr 18, 2009
I have a program I am writing where I have a for loop and I want to make it substitute the variable twice like:
for ((i=0;i<5;i++)) do
echo $"$i"
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Jan 17, 2011
I have to save the result of ssh/grep into a file to keep the eol ("/n"):
ssh $SSH_OPTIONS $USER@$NODE "cd $LOG_DIR; grep -h '$pattern' log.*" > $file
So that when I grep on the local file again later, it can be printed out with original log lines. Otherwise, the log lines will be dropped and lines becomes concatenated into a single line, e.g., if I rewrite the script in this way, echoing the $result is not a good idea..
result=`ssh $SSH_OPTIONS $USER@$NODES "cd $LOG_DIR; grep -h '$pattern' log.*"`
is there some workaround that I can save it to a variable rather than file but still keep the eol? That will simplify my script and don't need to do all those I/Os!
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Feb 20, 2011
I have a bash script that calls a java class method. The method returns a string to the linux console when run independently. how can I assign the value from the java method to a variable in a bash script?running the script: java -cp /opt/my_dir/class.method [parameter]
output: my_string if added in a bash script:
read parameter
java -cp /opt/my_dir/class.method [parameter] | read the_output
echo $the_output
the above doesnt work, I also tried unsuccessfully:
the_output=java -cp /opt/my_dir/class.method [parameter]
the_output=`java -cp /opt/my_dir/class.method [parameter]`
java -cp /opt/my_dir/class.method [parameter] 2>&1
How can i get the output stored into the_output variable?
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Jul 5, 2010
Is there a variable which will tell you which keyboard mapping you are using? I want to write a bash script that will change my keymapping from Dvorak keyboard to US keyboard. I cannot seem to find a variable to read from. I was going to use the "if [ ] then; statement".
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