OpenSUSE :: Configure Evolution For Using Outlook Account
Sep 16, 2010
I am probably in the wrong post / tread/ whatever. But maybe someone can put me on the right track.
I try to configure evolution on my opensuse, for using my outlook account. I tryed a lot, and tryed to understand a lot, but all seems to be very diffucult.
What I completely miss on the internet / documentation / everywhere is what to enter where. I can open in my outlook, the account settings. But names there, are not the same names in evolution.
And what to use, mapi, imapi mapi+ whatever. I have no clue about that.
What I found today, is something about proxy. since I was unable to ping a server host with a very strange name. NLCLUEXA11.connect1.local But I also have somewhere a exchange proxy.
Whith a https://www..... url ?? and an NTLM Authentication, no idea about that.
There is also an web interface, webclient, but that also seems to go wrong.
Is there any simple explanation, or just a simple tutorial, which show the outlook settings, and where to put them in the evolution settings ??
I use evolution a lot during my working day, I work in IT so my work is heavily email driven. I have used ubuntu on my personal computers for a while now and last week decided to migrate my work computer from Windows to ubuntu. For my work email, contacts and calendars I use google apps for business (highly recommended by the way!) and evolution syncs all 3 brilliantly. As outlook uses the nk2 file to autocomplete email addresses when you begin to type them into the to, cc or bcc bar.
I can't seem to enable the same feature in evolution. I have gone into Edit > Preferences > Mail Preferences > Automatic Contacts. I have then put a tick in the check box "create address book entries when sending emails" and I have selected the ubuntu one address book (don't want my gmail contacts being clogged up). After sending some emails it doesn't seem to store the addresses in the 'history'.
I'm running Evolution 2.28.3 on the latest Lucid. I tried importing an Outlook pst file. Evolution obviously leads one to believe it CAN do this, otherwise why would it allow one to choose a pst file, then recognize it as an Outlook file, and give one the option of choosing which portions to import (i.e. mail, contacts, calendar, etc)?
So the first time I chose mail, contacts, calendar, and tasks. It seems to have imported mail and calendar correctly, but NOTHING happened in tasks and contacts (contacts being very important). So I tried again, this time ONLY choosing to import contacts. It went through the whole pst file again. NO contacts still. While it seems not to have duplicated email messages the second go around (and it shouldn't have), it DID duplicate all calendar items (even though I ONLY checked "contacts"). UGH!
It's one thing for it not to have a capability, but to make a person believe it CAN import all those things, then screw it all up, ... well, that's highly irritating.
try to get my Evolution emails into Outlook, I can now say that the whole process is quite simple. It seems clunky the way that I have done it, but it is free and it works!First download and this Free Converter to convert *.mbx into *.eml If the link is broken, it came from [URL] and you just have to find their link to the mbx to eml converter.
1) Open Evolution
2) Highlight the emails that you wish to convert, CTR+A for all in folder
3) R-click and "save as" and call the file anything you want with an mbx extension (example: inbox.mbx) - note: you may need to save this somewhere that Win/linux both recognise as Windows refuses to recognise drives formatted by linux. ie. save on a drive that has been formatted in FAT32 or NTFS
1) Open mbox-eml-extractor.exe (the free converter, probably in your downloads directory)
2) Click "Add" and select your *.mbx file that you saved
3) Click "process" and select the output directory (I just created one on the desktop)
4) Open Microsoft Outlook Express NOT OUTLOOK!! It comes free with your windows install
5) Open the directory that you saved the *eml files (the "process" ones) and drag n drop into MS outlook express
6) All of your emails should show up in MS Outlook express now
7) Click File->Export->Messages
8) You will not be given an option where to save it but if you are curious, go to Tools->Options and click the Maintenance tab and the "Store folder" button to see the path
9) After it has exported now open Microsoft Outlook and click File->Import and Export and select "Import Internet mail and addresses" and press next. Choose "outlook express" etc and follow the bouncing ball so to speak.
10) You have managed the frustratingly and seemingly impossible. Now if Evolution soon gets an export to pst (or whatever the extension is) we won't need this thread anymore
I have tried to import my calendar from an Outlook 2010 .pst file twice and have had the same error both times. Appointments import successfully, but the start time (and end time) is advanced by 8 hours. For example, an appointment in Outlook with the correct start time of 12:30pm appears in Evolution with a start time of 8:30pm. I have confirmed that my system time and time zone are identical and correct in WinXP/Outlook and Ubuntu/Evolution.
I set up my email accounts in Evolution and I would like to import all emails, contacts, calendar, etc. from my outlook archive into evolution. Is it possible and how to do it?
I am using ubuntu, I have configured evolution on it. because of some reasons I have to switch to windows. Is there any way I can transfer all my emails in evolution to MS outlook.
We recently upgraded to Microsoft Exchange for our web mail. I've never had it setup for my desktop, I've always had to rely on a browser and access webmail. I'm trying to set it up on my Thunderbird 3 on Debian but it doesn't seem intuitive. I've also tried various ways in Evolution.
Does anybody really know how to import Outlook 2007 email and address info into evolution? I will never get back the hours of my life I spent. I have read nooks and crannies in the forums, run script files, incorporated, Outlook express, Outlook 2003 and 2007, Thunderbird and at one point yelled at my monitor. I have exported and imported .csv files, tabbed delimited files, comma separated value files, and then in the end a post from a non-Ubuntu page told me I could just import the outlook.pst file. Some of the above methods work to some degree. Others just trash my contacts. I have only 350 records to import. None of the above methods will import the address field for Home, Office or Other. They are always blank. Might that be because I ran the Ubuntu One setup files before I imported my contacts?
6. uuidgen should be present on your linux box. you can have other validations and field too as per your need. but these three fields worked best for m
7. ./a.out contact.csv output.vcf Now in evolution go to Contacts->File Import->Import single file, select output.vcf and File type as vcf.
I have wiped Windows and am running 10.04 exclusively. 32 bit, when setting up evolution e mail account i dont see where to enter password....where is it? anyone have link with screenshots? i know i can use regular hotmail but want to know how to use default ubuntu programs.
I still can't find a spot for password. options are, login, set preferences and a remember password checkbox but nowhere to enter a password
I have configured the postix email server in Centos. Its working fine with Squirrel mail client. But If I configured in microsoft Outlook. it is working. with this post I have attached the error message. Please let me know solution.I am getting this error message while I check the SMTP authentication in outgoing server tab on outlook account setting configuration.If I send any email It will bounce and came to to inbox
I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook edition on my Asus EEEPC and cannot add a new email account to Evolution. I'm using Evolution 2.30.3, and whenever I open "preferences" the window extends below the bottom of my screen. I'm unable to resize or move the window in order to select any of the options below the bottom.I'm sure there is a simple technique to fix this, but it is beyond this newb.
Does anyone know how to set up Mr. Postman?I downloaded it, thought I installed it and now can't figure out how to open it.Trying to configure it to work with Evolution.
Last week in an effort to return some of my settings to default. I deleted my Evolution account and remade it. Everything works fine but contact sync. I checked my Ubuntu One settings, and it still says contacts are synced.
im really impressed with the OS so far, exactly what i've been looking for. the install was a little rough, it hung up on "getting the time from the server" for almost 15 minutes even though i was connected to the internet. then for the first few bootups, the ubuntu boot screen was a box that only took up 1/4 of the screen. but that went away. anyway - im in now and its all looking good, but theres a few things i would like to be able to know how to do.
#1 - how do i set up evolution to access my hotmail account?
#2 - just noticed this while uploading an avatar to this site, the box that pops up that lets you browse your files - theres no view change? i have to click each individual picture to see what it is; can this be changed?
#3 - what is currently the best way to get an expose-like feature going in ubuntu?
I have been using evolution for my email for about a year.It currently has 2 accounts set up.I want to create a third account so I went to Edit > Preferences > Accounts > Add.On the first page I click on "forward" and on the second page enter the new details. New name, new email address and when I'm finished I click on forward again and the second screen comes up. It has some server details on it iirc. Sadly after 2 seconds or so this screen disappears and the very first screen re-appears (where the only thing to click on is "forward").What's happening? Is 2 accounts the maximum? Any clues please?
my computer recently ran out of disk space, and for whatever reason (presumably bad coding!) that caused Evolution to freak out and deny all knowledge of my email account.Fortunately, all the email is still in present in ~/.evolution/mail/imap/ but I have no idea how to make Evolution realise that and let me load it again.
Can anyone actually create an account with Evolution in Squeeze? The "Evolution Setup Assistant" won't take me past the "Importing files" dialog. When I press the Forward button, nothing happens. This is what I get when I press the forward button (running from a terminal): (evolution:9945): Gtk-CRITICAL **: Page flow is broken, you may want to end it with a page of type GTK_ASSISTANT_PAGE_CONFIRM or GTK_ASSISTANT_PAGE_SUMMARY
I have set up evolution with two POP account and it deleted all my mails from the servers, migrating them on the local machine.
How could I forward all the messages from Evolution to a mail account so I can access them over the Internet?
Forwarding all of them as attachment doesn't, because many of the emails themselves have attachment and it gives an error saying attachment type not supported.
If I try forwarding inline or quoted I have to forward them one by one and there are around 4000.
I use evolution 2.26.1 on my jaunty machine. I have a couple of gmail accounts, and use pop3 to have that mail sent to evolution on my computer. All was fine until a few days ago. Then I noticed that I was no longer getting mail from my freecycle account sent to my machine. I went to the gmail web interface and saw that freecycle mail is still being sent to me. But gmail isn't passing it along to my evolution. The odd thing is, other mail from that gmail account *is* reaching evolution okay.
I first seriously tried to switch to Ubuntu. I now find myself very rarely booting into Windows XP, and all the apps I need to use have free replacements.However, after porting about 15-20 years worth of email from Outlook (via Thunderbird) into Evolution, I'm finding Evo's performance has gone down the toilet.It was snappy to start with, but over time has got slower. I regularly get long waits as it displays notes that it is retrieving message number <whatever>.
I'm using POP3/SMTP for most email (I've a low-usage IMAP account with too), but it seems like some sort of issue where I'd want to optimise or "defragment" my local mail store.Has anyone any ideas or suggestions on this?My ~/.evolution/mail folder contains about 2.5Gb if that's any help.This is with 9.10 Ubuntu; I have done some basic tuning on the setup, but not a lot.
I had configured a gmail account in evolution and used it successfully until recently when after a restart evolution asks me again to configure an email (Evolution setup assistant wizard) again.I already have my email configured but something must be preventing evolution to find my email account. What can I do to recover all that?My .evolution/mail folder still has all the data for example (got there some hundreds MB still). and I also have there other folders: addressbook, calendar..etc
An email was sent to my imap account 2 weeks ago. I just discovered that it's still sitting there unopened but for some reason Evolution doesn't retrieve it.I know it's still there because I can ssh in and run pine -- and there it is, still marked "N" in the INBOX.Evolution has been retrieving all my other emails with no apparent problems. Is there any way that I can "force" it to get this item, and do you have any idea as to why one particular email is being excluded when Evolution does Send/Receive?
As the title says I have an IMAP-account and I want to use it via Evolution. I have the exact same settings on both Evolution and Thunderbird but only Thunderbird sees the mails (new/old), there are 139 messages.Evolution seen none. Nothing. I looked for IMAP-related problems concerning Evolution and one thread suggested something about Inbox-folder and it's location. I don't know if it's the solution, but I didn't find any luck trying different combos in Evolution's options.
I have a problem with the Google search box top right corner in Konqueror, when entering search I recieve an error page "Unsupported Protocol" Google asks for ioslave or kioslave. Also when highlighting text on a page and right clicking with the mouse no search option is given. I created a new user and all works as it should for the new user. What is wrong with my user account? I have reset default values in Konqueror setup.
I've been running the Evolution mail system under Fedora-15/KDE for about a month now, and it has some very serious problems. I just noticed that it is available for SUSE, and figured that since KDE is the principal desktop supported by KDE the SUSE version may be fixed. Before I go through the very tedious process of getting the SUSE version to compile on Fedora, I'd like to know whether anyone has seen these problems with the SUSE version of Evolution:It ignores font control from the KDE Settings->Applications Appearance window, both KDE font control and GTK+ font control, also its own internal font control window.
It has trouble sending messages to an SMTP server, sometimes taking a l-o-n-g time, sometimes timing out. This can be temporarily cured by restarting it It crashes when a filter attempts to refile an outgoing message. It often asks if I want to recover messages that have never been lost. It often locks up receiving mail from a remote POP3 server. I can live with these, except for items 1 and 2, since I have workarounds. If you are fairly sure that you have not seen these problems with the SUSE version of Evolution
I am not getting very good sound from skype. I wondered if Ekiga was better than skype so I have:
Installed it. Obtained a sip address. adjusted the ports on my router as below set up the user by way of the configuration assistant.
And still I see nothing and hear nil. I am not getting an error message. When I run the test address it immediately reports it is done. I set up the H232 account.
Each of the following port ranges were translated to the same ranges: TCP 1720-1720 UDP 5000-5100 TCP 30000-30000