OpenSUSE :: Why Are Two Opensuse Update Programs Showing Inconsistencies?

Apr 15, 2011

Trying 11.4. But, confused on package managers and update programs.There are no updates found when I run "online update" from yast. But, KPackageKit says updates are available. Why are the two opensuse update programs showing inconsistencies? Which one do I trust?

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OpenSUSE :: Update Applet Not Showing Loading Bar?

Aug 21, 2010

Whenever I check for updates, or download/install them, the openSUSE updater applet never shows the loading bar. The border showing the loading bars position is there but the loading bar never appears. It always sits at 0% but still successfully complete updating.

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OpenSUSE :: Update On 11.1 System Broke Multiple Programs?

Nov 6, 2010

I have 11.1 on a computer. I updated it yesterday. Now K3B, VLC, and XDVDShrink are all broken. Possibly other programs broken as well. VLC refuses to uninstall via Yast. These are high-priority programs for this computer. Multiple people use this computer for multimedia and there is not much to entertain ourselves with in our very cold climate. In other words, it is mandatory that K3B, VLC and XDVDShrink return to operational status.

Should I just upgrade to 11.3, try to fix the broken 11.1? I prefer using KDE3, not KDE4, but I can sacrifice.

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General :: Programs No Longer Showing In Task Bar - System Running Much Slower After Update

Apr 26, 2011

using mint 10, now after updates my system is barely working. The programs were no longer showing in the task bar, and the system was running much slower.


This repeated over and over again. My temperature was never to high 40-55, and I found a suggestion to update my kernel to 2.6.37-020637. After doing so there is no longer the thermal limit exceeded error but the computer is still running poorly. The system is slow and again no programs are showing up in the task bar when open.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Stunnel Update Breaks Programs Using Stunnel (11.4)?

Jul 30, 2011

I received stunnel 4.40-0.6.1 as an update from "zypper up" (openSUSE 11.4).After a reboot, stunnel does not work anymore for the programs that need it.Symptom: the program (emacs+mew) hangs for ever, telling me

"Creating an SSL/TLS connection..."
/var/log/messages does not contain a clue and restarting stunnel via
"rcstunnel restart" looks fine:


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OpenSUSE :: Can't Open Other Programs Or Install New Programs

Dec 29, 2009

can open the programs pe-install, but can't open other programs or install new programs

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Ubuntu :: Programs --> Accessories Not Showing Up?

Aug 28, 2010

I had a version of wine prior of 1.2 (I think it was 1.0.1) installed in my Ubuntu 9.04 operating system and decided to upgrade to version 1.2 I checked some forums on the net and one of them recommended to remove wine using the following command in terminal sudo apt-get remove wine then I should remove the .wine folder in my home directory rm -rf .wine and finallly the said I had to remove the wine entry in the Applications menu, so I did by going to System--->Preferences--->Main Menu After following these instructions, I installed version 1.2 without any problems but now I see that under Applications--->Wine I lost the entry for the Programs --> Accessories ---> Notepad feature (please take a look of the screenshot)Did I do something wrong?I asked this same question in the Wine Forum, and they said I had to ask Ubuntu team about this issue since Wine by itself does not install any menu entries for its own build-in programs

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OpenSUSE Install :: Download Failed For Online Update From OpenSUSE 11.1

Feb 21, 2011

I am using OpenSuSE11.1 very frequently I need to install and update the software and packages.but I am getting this error: Download failed:File '/repodata/repomd.xml' not found on medium URL...

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Fedora :: Add / Remove Programs Not Showing Packages

Dec 14, 2010

Why is Add/remove programs in Fedora 14 not working? It is not showing any packages. I am a newbie to Fedora. Also some basic tweaks that should be done immediately after installing fedora.

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Ubuntu :: Bottom Panel - Showing Open Programs Twice

May 8, 2010

Lucid now has a 'feature' of clogging up the bottom panel, showing open programs twice [normal mode, on the left, compact mode on the right], can this be disabled?

I've attached a screenshot of what I mean, in case I'm not completely clear: see the compact open program thingy's right next to the workspace switcher.

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Ubuntu :: Showing All Open Programs On Bottom Toolbar?

Aug 20, 2010

Take a look at my picture to understand what I'm talking about. I have a bunch of programs open right now and I can't see the name of the programs on my toolbar. Is there hopefully a way to see all open programs on your toolbar when this happens?

In windows OS's when you have multiple windows from the same program open they group themselves together, and on MAC OS's they have a toolbar that you can easily scroll through.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04LTS Bottom Taskbar Not Showing Programs?

May 4, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.04LTS and my bottom taskbar is no longer showing open programs or minimized programs. How do I fix this?

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OpenSUSE :: How To Install Programs Which Are Tar.gz

Feb 21, 2010

how to install those kind og programs.I do 1 click installs as much as I can but..

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OpenSUSE :: Installing 32 Bit Programs

May 2, 2011

I am new to opensuse, but is it possible to install a 32 bit program on suse while running the 64 bit program. I have one I want to install but it gets a wrong architecture error.

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Ubuntu :: Synaptic Does Not Recognize Password & Add/remove Programs Not Showing Up?

Feb 3, 2010

I've just did a fresh install of Xubuntu 9.10 x86 in a 4 gig pendrive.Just one ext4 partition for / and /home and a swap partition. Only one user created during installation.Everything's fine so far except for two things:-If I launch synaptic from the start menu, it asks for my password which I type in or even copy-paste to be sure.Strangely it always comes back saying incorrect password. If I open a terminal and call "sudo synaptic" and type in my password when prompted, the application shows up fine. Again if I do the same via the Run dialog (alt+F2), that is "sudo synaptic", nothing comes up. If I just type "synaptic", a pop up says that as a user I won't be able to install anything and blah-blah, and the application displays properly

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OpenSUSE :: YAST Not Showing Updates

Jan 21, 2010

I've installed OpenSUSE 11.2 and I'm pretty happy with over all system, the only issue that I had is with Yast, so far. It gives me alert for security patches but no alert for Software update. When I did "zypper up" as superuser I saw that there are updates available for more that 14 applications but yast didn't show me.

if there is any setting for it or should I file it as a bug.

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OpenSUSE :: Hiding And Showing HDD Partitians?

Mar 25, 2010

I haven't had Suse on my machine for a long time and am about to create a dual boot system. Suse 11.1 will be sharing XP Pro SP3. It's on an Acer Netbook 160GB / 2GB I have a partition which contains personal secrets and must remain hidden from prying eyes. I've been using Windows command prompt and the dishpart function to remove and assign said partition. (Mount/Unmount). The partition is effectively hidden from Windows and doesn't appear anywhere and can't be searched. Yes I know it can easily be found by those who are more technical-oriented but it's effectively hidden from those individuals who are nosey.

I've "messed" with Suse quite a few times before, each for a relatively short time getting a little use to the GUI yet still consider myself a novice. I've done a few things in Suse console before but am not extremely familiar or comfortable in it. So I'd like to install 11.1 again for a dual boot. I've freed up 15 gigs of unallocated disk space for Suse. I am planning to have that secret partition assigned and volume made active during Suse install. I'm not sure how Suse install handles unassigned NTFS HDD volumes- whether it's removed or not. How can I hide and show partitions once Suse is installed?

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OpenSUSE :: Banshee 1.8.0 Not Showing Up After Install?

Oct 31, 2010

When I installed banshee 1.6.1 from the default repository it worked fine. But I wanted the newest version (1.8.0) for its new features and so I've tried both adding their (openSUSE 11.3) repository and doing it through yast and also installing it (for openSUSE 11.3) straight from their website with the "1-click install". Both of these methods did the exact same thing, just the latter added the repository for me (much simpler/lazier). Now, after installing banshee 1.8.0, it does not show up in the application launcher menu. So, I'm not sure how to open it and/or add it to the kickoff menu.

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OpenSUSE :: CDROM Is Not Showing Up - Not Automount

Dec 13, 2010

I am using Suse since 6.5. I am no linux-expert, just power-user for years (no windows, no MAC OS X) at 3 computers at home and at work.

I just did two bare-bone-installs from up-to-date dvds with opensuse 11.3 at two almost identical Dell Inspirion 6400-Laptops. Clear, flawless installation without any workarounds... Same install at a Dell Desktop Computer without any problems. Automatic updating.

But both Laptops are having problems to read and show inserted data-cdroms. Knowing from the old versions and the new opensuse 11.3 at the desktop-PC what should happen, I have no clue what to do.

It is definitely no technical problem:
- the name of the inserted data-cdrom can be seen in k3b
- inserted dvds are triggering the correct action (!) (suggestions are shown what to do with the dvd; cdrom: no results, no suggestions, just a short and proper working of the cd-device itself can be heart)
- the data-cdrom can be mounted manually

What did not help:
- inserting a data-cdrom as root
- changing the permissions of non-root-users
- several updates of opensuse 11.3
- reading several forums (the answers go into the directions newbee-who-does-not-know-how-openuse-works, wrong-installation, wrong-updating-of-an-old-opensuse-version, geek-how-screwed-up-his-installation-with-manual-wrongdoings => nothing which helps in my situation)

This is my hardware-info about the cdrom/dvd-device:

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OpenSUSE :: Nothing Showing Up In Notifier Anymore

Jan 3, 2011

After an update today, nothing I plug into USB triggers the notifier to ask me what to do. I see the devices in dmesg


why notifier just stopped working? I've tried with several devices that all worked previously.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.3 - Usb Devices Not Showing Up?

Feb 7, 2011

i've recently installed opensuse 11.3 on a toshiba t135d-s1325. when i plug in usb devices nothing seems to happen. no notification in dmesg. nothing shows up in lsusb.the only things that show up are the built in camera and sd card's the output from uname -a...Linux #1 SMP 2010-12-13 11:13:53 +0100 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linuxhere's the end of dmesg right after plugging in an ftdi usb-serial adapter and a usb cdr/w

dmesg | tail -n 40 -
[23961.300805] LPS Enter: notify AP we are dozing ++++++++++ SendNullFunctionData
[24077.926538] LPS leave: notify AP we are awaked ++++++++++ SendNullFunctionData


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OpenSUSE :: Install Programs Of Gnome In KDE?

Mar 2, 2010

I want to know if i can install programs of gnome in KDE or otherwise.Gnome have a good editor called Gedit, this program can recognize php, html... and he works using tabs, and i believe that surpasses the Kwrite.This it's one of the examples.Can i run Suse with this two desktops? In One installation?

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OpenSUSE :: Programs Not Running Under Another Console?

Dec 19, 2010

I installed openSuse 11.3, and configured my inittab like:

1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty --noclear tty1
2:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty2
3:5:respawn:/usr/bin/startx -- :3 tty3


under the console 7 (ctrl+alt+f7), I have a virtual win xp, and I run some music and apps in it.. but, when I switch to any another console, it just shuts up.. also, when I log in as a root under console 2 and go back to console 7, sound card also shuts up..

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: How To Unistall Programs

Dec 18, 2009

how do we uninstall programs on opensuse linux by konsole?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Audio In Some Programs Only?

Sep 8, 2011

I've finally got round to setting up my speakers and am now experiencing a slightly odd sound problem; some programs run sound perfectly, whereas some are completely silent. For example, running mplayer from command line produces sound, whereas wine, flash, kaffeine, system sounds, etc, are silent. I'm assuming this is likely a pulseaudio problem, and I've ran through the things suggested on the suse troubleshooting page for that, but haven't had any luck [URL]rpm -qa '*alsa' output:



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General :: Can't Compile C++ Programs On OPENSUSE

May 15, 2011

pgm of mine is not getting compiled

int main()
}//Saved as g.cpp

The foll. error is shown on compiling as c++ g.cpp or gcc c.cpp or cc g.cpp
and i've gcc 4.5

g.cpp: In function int main():
g.cpp:5:2: error: cout was not declared in this scope

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General :: Inconsistencies Between Top And Free

May 14, 2010

Noticed a few discrepancies in the reports generated on my VPS:

Not sure why but the top command gives an extra 3MB for both used and free memory.

Also, notice that there are a total of 29 rows of information returned by the top command for the httpd process. Each row indicates they took an average of 3.5-3.6%. Well, 29 * 3.5 = 101.5%.

How can this be possible for two things:

1) The number greater than 100%.

2) The number doesn't correlate with the memory usage details returned by the top and free commands.


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OpenSUSE :: Firefox Not Showing Home Page

Sep 19, 2010

I just upgraded my home machine to 11.2 and am running the regular Firefox 3.6.10 for openSUSE-11.2 (why can I still not cut and paste that infor from the dialog box, grr).

My home page is set to - file:///home/dhoworth/public_html/localstart.html

But when Firefox starts it shows instead a directory listing of - file:///home/dhoworth/

If I then press the home button, it shows my home page. If I start a new window from an existing one, it shows my home page.

why it isn't shown on startup?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Windows Not Showing Up In GRUB?

Nov 26, 2008

I just installed OpenSuSE 11 and after it was done installing and i rebooted, Windows doesn't show up on the boot screen I only get the default OpenSuSE and Fail Safe options.

All i know is that vista is on sda3 when i partitioned my drive. Here is my menu.lst entry for windows:

###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: windows###
title windows
rootnoverify (hd0,8)
chainloader (hd0,0)+1

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OpenSUSE Install :: Bind /Dns Not Showing Up In Yast2

Sep 14, 2010

11.3 ; looking to play with DNS; nothing of the kind is showing in Yast networking menus. Checked, and BIND shows as installed. Also, while I'm crying for help: cant see the windows box next to me; can ping it, and could browse to it with File Manager yesterday, but not working today ! Also; I tried KDE desktop (like new things) but it's driving me nuts (menus too small, I lose the choices as I move through submenus) and I'd like to go to Gnome ; how to ?

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