General :: Inconsistencies Between Top And Free

May 14, 2010

Noticed a few discrepancies in the reports generated on my VPS:

Not sure why but the top command gives an extra 3MB for both used and free memory.

Also, notice that there are a total of 29 rows of information returned by the top command for the httpd process. Each row indicates they took an average of 3.5-3.6%. Well, 29 * 3.5 = 101.5%.

How can this be possible for two things:

1) The number greater than 100%.

2) The number doesn't correlate with the memory usage details returned by the top and free commands.


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Fedora Installation :: Package 'inconsistencies' After Preupgrade From F12 To F13?

Jun 22, 2010

after preupgrade f12 >> f13 many *.fc12 packages remain installed. If I remove them and try to install again only the fc12 package is to be installed. Here some output:

[~]# uname -a
Linux phobos #1 SMP Fri Jun 11 09:38:12 UTC 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[~]# yum repolist
Loaded plugins: aliases, auto-update-debuginfo, changelog, download-order, downloadonly, fastestmirror, filter-data, fs-snapshot, keys, langpacks, list-data, local, merge-


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Troubleshooting Disk Space Inconsistencies?

Apr 23, 2010

I have been tasked with finding out why we appear to be running out of disk space on our Redhat server and am coming across some strange inconsistencies in the way disk use is reported.For example, df -h is showing...

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
63G 56G 3.9G 94% /


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General :: Add / Of 3000mb In The Remaining 20380mb Free Space It Showing An Error Message That No Free Space Is Available

Jul 25, 2010

I have 160gb laptop. i installed vista in c primary partition which is 25gb and installed ubuntu in d primary partition which is 20gb. A remainig for my data. Now i tried to install CENT OS by formatting ubuntu. I inserted CENT OS DVD and restarted and i selected to delete my /dev/sda2 which is showing 20480mb and it shown me free space. but i tried to add partion /boot of 100mb it got added. but, when i am trying to add / of 3000mb in the remaining 20380mb free space it showing an error message that no free space is available.

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Programming :: ARPACK++ - Error "Matrix Data Contains Inconsistencies"

Jun 26, 2011

In the following code, I am trying to define a matrix in CCS (which is equivalent to CSR for a symmetric matrix, right ?) in ARPACK++.
I have installed and patched ARPACK++. (The matrix is not sparse, but still it should not give an error)


Why is this so ? I have checked the values of ia and ja by running intel MKl on the matrix to find the CSR (again, CSR=CCS for symmetric matrix, right ?--I am asking this because ARPACK++ uses CCS, not CSR), and the values are the same. Is this some problem of 0 and 1 indexing ? Does ARPACK++ use 1 indexing?

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OpenSUSE :: Why Are Two Opensuse Update Programs Showing Inconsistencies?

Apr 15, 2011

Trying 11.4. But, confused on package managers and update programs.There are no updates found when I run "online update" from yast. But, KPackageKit says updates are available. Why are the two opensuse update programs showing inconsistencies? Which one do I trust?

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Server :: Like To Understand Linux 'free' Command With Respect To Cache And Free Memory

Mar 27, 2010

Was wondering if anyone can explain briefly the relationship of "cache" and free memory in the "free" memory command.

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Debian Configuration :: What Default Sources.list That Has Free And Non Free Etc For Squeeze

Jun 16, 2010

During playing around sources, synaptic playing I messed up the default list. I know I should have been more careful. Anyways could someone tell me what the default the default sources.list that has free and non free etc for squueze please? I have been trying to get the default list but I cannot find it anywhere. There are alot of lists out there but nothing tagged like the "default" list.

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Server :: Use System Monitor Via A VNC Connection The Free Disk Space Value Is 20GB Free On The Same Volume

May 18, 2011

I've got a question on free disk space. I'm currently running CentOS 5.5 on in Xenserver virtual environment. We've had an issue with disk space. My question is as follows: - from a ssh connection i run df -h this gives the value of 90% used leaving me with 9GB. If I use system monitor via a VNC connection the free disk space value is 20GB free on the same volume. Which one is correct? I do use SNMP to monitor the same volume and should alert me when < 10% is free I know this works as I set the alert threshold to < 90% I get an alert.

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Fedora :: Installing Free And Non-free Repositories?

Jan 28, 2011

I've just installed Fedora 14 64bit and would like to add new repositories. I read here to do the following command (which as you can see doesn't works) :


$ su -c 'yum localinstall --nogpgcheck'


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Fedora :: Can't Install Rpmfusion Free And Non-free

Jan 28, 2011

I have installed F14 yesterday but i can not install rpmfusion repository, the problem is that i can not access the url [URL] so i cant download the files:


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Ubuntu Installation :: FREE Support For FREE OS?

Jun 10, 2010

Am I asking too much for a FREE OS? Everybody spend their precious time to help others, that's very helpful.But it seems like there is no support from UBUNTU team,how could we even get through the barrier of not using Microsoft's OSes? No free lunch of course, but it seems to me some issues have never really been solved.I read lot's of people have problem with their WIFI, not just for my OLD USB wifi adapter. I don't have problem with WIFI in XP/Server.

I posted here and there, and seems like no answer, and I do not get any reply from UBUNTU support team,forgive me if I run out of google's keywords.I just need a simple answer, is my WIFI going to work in UBUNTU with a layman effort? I like linux and UBUNTU had put great effort in providing me such a great OS, but if a basic internet connection will need to spent sooo much time to setup, and it still doesn't work. IS IT WORTH to switch to UBUNTU at all

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Programming :: Free-ing Memory - C/C++ - Free()

Jan 29, 2010

Here is the code, which just creates a dynamic array? fills it? and prints.

At the end-point? when doing 'free(digits);' I get a debug messge. But the programm continues to work, or it crashes only on free?

How do I need to change the source-code, not to recieve a message from debugger?

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General :: What Does Free Memory Mean In Top

Aug 5, 2009

I would not exactly consider myself a newbie but this is a bit of a newbie question so here it goes.

When I run top I see used memory and free memory. When I first boot the system there is lots of free memory in about a day or two that memory whittles down from 2GB of Free mem(of 4GB) to 20MB and then maintains 20-50MB of free memory. This seems to be consistent across different servers. At first I thought there had to be some major memory leaks but it just seemed to prevalent to not have been noticed before.

I found a better way to gauge memory usage is the use of the free command. Now I am confused though, what is Free memory as it is defined and monitored in top?

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General :: Why Is Available Space Less Then Free

Nov 29, 2010

Gnome-system-monitor. "File systems" tab. There are free and available columns. And available is always less then free? Why?

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General :: Free Up Space In A FileSystem?

Feb 22, 2009

The root partition on my server seems to be full. I'd like to find out what files are on that partition and only that partition so I can free up some space on it.

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5 7.8G 7.8G 0 100% /
/dev/hda8 84G 33G 47G 42% /home
/dev/hda6 996M 43M 902M 5% /tmp


So how do I find out what I can remove to free up some space?

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General :: ATI Free And Proprietary Drivers?

Mar 30, 2010

I installed Ububutu, tested my graphics card performance with glxgears, installed the proprietary fglrx drivers and get the same result. I was under the impression the proprietary drivers provided superior performance, is that not true?

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General :: How To Download Redhat Free

Mar 8, 2011

any1 knows how can i download Redhat free ?

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General :: Good C Compilers That Are Free ?

May 3, 2011

I was wandering if there was any good c compilers that are free for linux?

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General :: Free PDF Highlighter For Ubuntu?

Jan 19, 2011

Is there any free PDF highlighter for Ubuntu? I just want to be able to highlight text in pdf files.

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General :: How To Free Space On Computer

Jan 26, 2011

ssist me on how to free space on my computer

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General :: Get A Fast Free Unix Native On A Mac Pro?

Oct 22, 2010

I am interested in running Linux on my Mac Pro (8-core, 24 GB RAM).

What are the main caveats one should expect? Can all hardware be used natively after booting, say Linux or FreebSD?
Does Solaris run on this type of machine?

My use case is mostly Mail, instant messaging, web browsing and network simulation (hence this machine) and I value interactivity under full system load the most. How is interactivity under full load in Linux? My experiences with Debian "lenny" showed delays when task switching of up to 1.5 seconds. May I should look at FreeBSD?

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General :: Free Virtual Machine Software ?

Jan 13, 2011

What is the a tried and tested free virtual machine solution like VMware for Linux? I would like to run several different types of OS on a server with an Intel processor?

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General :: Decreasing Free Space On Fedora 12?

Apr 7, 2011

I am running a fedora 12. My free space is continuously decreasing every time I restart my computer. I haven't installed any software nor I am using internet. Also do I need to manually delete temporary files or fedora does it on its own?

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General :: Free X Server - Connect To Box From Windows?

Jun 24, 2011

Is there a (preferably free) X server software package that I can use to connect to Linux box from Windows? I've tried exceed from hummingbird, but it's expensive, are there free alternatives with the same quality?

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General :: Finding The Free Alternative For RHEL 5.0?

May 19, 2011

What is the best way to familiarize myself with the functionality of this OS? Are there any free alternatives to it? Is CentOS similar?

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General :: *nix Free/super Cheap Web Hosting?

Oct 5, 2010

So I got myself a domain. I would like to have ssh access to the hosted account, free email, storage, bandwidth, and I dont want ANY ads. Can anyone save me lots of headache and point me in the right direction?

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General :: Free Up Space In /dev/mapper/ddf1_******?

Aug 3, 2010

im facing problem in mailserver which gives me insufficient space error, when i see details it showAug 3 12:10:02 3dserver zimbramon[17013]: 17013:crit: Disk warning: /dev/mapper/ddf1_3draidp1 at 93%how can i set the frequency on mail threshold warning which is at 10 minutes.

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General :: Administrator : Most Use Free Or Third Party Applications?

Mar 25, 2011

Most popular Free or third party applications used by Linux Administrator?

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General :: Process Getting Killed - No Log (Plenty Of Free RAM)

Jan 25, 2011

I am reasonable linux skilled. I am running a VPS account with Debian Linux Lenny, Virtualmin/Webmin. This has only recently started but I don't know at what point, as haven't done much on it recently but applied some updates. There's always at least 50% free ram when it happens (of 512mb) and basically no CPU activity. I've even tried killing off all process's apart from what I believed to be needed to test, (init, sshd, loggers). I can find mention of the action anywhere in any logs, even though I have klogd and syslog running. It seems to happen at varying intervals fairly regularly with certain processes. I've had it happen with a big 'rm -r' but more regularly with make's , make install's, apt-get (while its awaiting your reply to proceed), and rtorrent.

All I get is "Killed" and back to prompt,
If I type "echo $?" I get '137'

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