OpenSUSE Network :: Getting The Same Volume Serial Number Of Samba Share?

Mar 28, 2010

On a small network i have 3 WinXP computers and i've just installed a two new ones with Win7 pre-installed. As server i'm running OpenSuSE 10.3 and Samba with only one share. As i mount it to WinXP computers all get same volume serial number:


Volume in drive V is AppDrive
Volume Serial Number is 8CD5-975C

...and all Win7 computers get a diffrent one:


Volume in drive V is AppDrive
Volume Serial Number is A0D3-975C

We use application witch somehow only works when one/same volume serial number on a mounted drive is used.

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Slackware :: Getting The Volume Serial Number Of A Disk?

Dec 21, 2010

Kernel, Slackware 12.0


root@darkstar:~# blkid
/dev/sda: LABEL="MAESTRO!" UUID="4730-D359" TYPE="vfat"
/dev/hdc: LABEL="STORE1 ver. 2 (overrules ver. 1)" TYPE="iso9660"


As you can see, the first command gives numbers like C841-0655. But for the optical disks (iso9660) it gives them not. Neither does the second one. This number is known as 'Volume serial number' in MS-DOS, and is printed on console with the command 'dir' not only for the HDD partitions but for the optical disks too. how to get an optical disk Volume serial number? Notice that this number is inherent to the media (is a property of the media, under any O.S.).

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CentOS 5 :: Developing Using API - Get The Volume Serial Number?

Oct 29, 2009

how do i get the volume serial number using the API on CentOS?for example, on Microsoft Windows i use this function(API - Kernel32.dll):

BOOL GetVolumeInformation One of function's parameter is a pointer to a variable that receive the volume serial number;

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba - Windows Share - SVN

Oct 10, 2010

System: openSUSE 11.3, Gnome

In the Windows network, there are 2 or more shares as follows:

I can access both shares in nautilus e.g. "smb:// $". The shares are mounted then in "home/user/.gvfs/". ok.

In one of shares, is a file-based repo, which I can access easily with svn.

Unfortunately when I try to checkout any normal folder from a share (as in MS$ with Tortoise), I fail...

What's more in the file-based repo, external references exist to other shares in the network, the name is as "file:///X:/folder/file.txt". SVN gives error messages about such references and does not access files (where "X:/" is also mounted, but as a "test$ to smb://$" in "home/user/.gvfs/ ").

My questions:
- what is the best solution to mount shares, so I can access all the SVN repos?
- How can I access normal files and folders from a share with svn?
- How can the problem with external file references in a file-based SVN repo can be solved? without to checkout/commit files "manually"...
- Some checkouted scripts (Perl, etc.) use libs from shares:
"Use lib qw(r:/tools/perl/lib/). how to get around this as well?
- How can I change mount-names: "test$ on smb://$" to something like "share-test$?
- How can I change the mount location? in "home/user/SAMBA/" instead of "/home/user/.gvfs/"..

I had tried to use "fuse-smb": installed, created config, but when I run "fusesmb /home/user/SHARES/", i get an error message: smb.conf is missing.. Where can I get this config?

And one last question: Can someone recommend me a svn-gui? i have tried tried rabbitcvs, esvn and some others .. but all either do not work or crash.

I'm not sure, but maybe I can use svn and tortoise in wine, and checkout/commit the necessary files from/to "home/user/project/"? there raises the questions whether it is possible to install tortoise in wine and how to mount the shares on the wine? How to manage the hard-coded lib-names in some scripts...

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba Share Only Accessible Via IP?

Oct 19, 2010

have a server here running opensuse 11.3 that I need to access via network using samba.
Samba is working so far and I can ping the serve and browse the shares from windows (WinXP) computers; but only via the IP.Now I've read up on samba on this forum and other sources, like the official samba documentation and compared my smb.conf with an older one on another server which works (and even copied this one over to the new one) - to no avail.I seem to be missing something and I just can't find it.Since the problem is probably not in the smb.conf (previously working one doesn't work on new server) - where else could I have screwed up?

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.2 - No Longer Can Access Samba Share

Apr 13, 2010

I have a samba server on my LAN. It can be accessed without any problems from Windows machines on the LAN without password. I have two computers that I have updated to OpenSuse 11.2 (both used to run 10.3). Since doing this upgrade I can no longer access the samba share from the Suse machines. Basically, both Dolphin and Konqueror ask for a username and password to access "avoca" (the workgroup).

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba Share Browsing Not Working But Then It Does?

May 31, 2010

My samba seems to be mis-configured somehow. I had been using Ubuntu 10.04 and my samba browsing of my samba shares on my HTPC (running XBMCLive) had all been working fine. Then I upgraded to openSuSE 11.2 64bit. Great OS by the way!Ok so I chekced my other PC's running Ubuntu and going to the network folder I see my XBMCLive machine. Double click him and now I see my shares on that PC. So now I know its specific to my SuSE install.

Now on SuSE if I use Dolphin file manager and go to Network -> Samba Shares -> workgroup I dont see anything. And then down the bottom of the window I will see timeout error on workgroup. "workgroup" is the correct workgroup. All the services are running winbind, smbd, nmbd, xinit, swat. Firewall disabled.However when I try the above and I get the timeout error I then go to the address bar in Dolphin where it has smb as the drop down item and in the text field type in the XBMCLive PC ip address and hit enter. Then immediately I can see my shares!!! So it is working but I cant see my shares under Network->Samba Shares->workgroup.I notice in my samba error logs for log.smbd I keep seeing this;smbd_open_once_socket: open_socket_in: Address already in use

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OpenSUSE Network :: Writing To Samba Share Causes Crashes After A Few 100 MB?

Jul 22, 2010

If this is the right forum i don't know, but I'm having a problem which crashes my home server when writing to Samba. Googling and a quick search in this forum didn't help me any further. Is there anyone with a clue what to do?When I write several hundreds MB to my Samba share from a Windows machine the machine crashes (both with Win XP and Win 7). The problem is reproducible, although the precise moment (about 1 minute) or amount transfered data varies (about 300 to 800 MB). Small writes go well.Reading about 5 GB from Samba to Windows went without a hitch.

- Foxconn r10-s3 (includes Atom N330) with 2 GB RAM


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OpenSUSE Network :: Setup Samba Share For Access With Certain Users?

Aug 28, 2010

I have currently have opensuse 11.2 installed. I am trying to setup samba shares which you can only access as certain user. Currently looks like the only way I can access these share is use root username/password!

I want to which GUI I need to use to setup this up properly. And of course what setting to exactly to use.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Automount A Samba Share On Computers Startup?

Nov 3, 2010

i'm trying to automount a samba share on computers startup, everything works just fine when the network adapter is controled by traditional way ifup but when i'm switching to NetworkManager doesn't work anyway. i'm hiding the share information from the common user by using the /etc/samba/cifstab as i read on intrernet, in the cifstab i put //server/share /home/user/share cifs sername=user,password=pass,uid=1000,_netdev .could anybody give me a hint or tell me where to look?

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General :: Find Out The Serial Number Of Hard Disk Through Command Line On OpenSuse 11.2 ?

Jul 12, 2010

I read this thread but

anisha@linux-uitj:~> su


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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba Share Shows Many Hidden Files Like ".directory.lock.?????.test"

Aug 7, 2010

I just noticed that I find lots of hidden files named ".directory.lock.??????.test" across my samba-shared file system. The questionmarks stand here for some random alpha-numeric patterm.

- Which application might have created them?

- Is it save to delete those ?

With e.g. "find . -type f -name ".directory.lock.??????.test" -exec rm -f {} ;"

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OpenSUSE :: How To Hide Samba Version Number

Jun 8, 2009

When I mount my samba share on XP, I see the version number (e.g. marketing on 'Samba 3.0.29-SUSE-SL11.0 ( How do I hide the version number?

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Share A Folder On Samba Network?

Jul 12, 2011

In this post I will give a quick solution for a possible problem with sharing a folder in Fedora 15.I had to spend some time for research and frustration so, hopefully this post will save you from both. If you have Samba installed and configured to share certain folders on your Fedora machine for a Windows network but, they can't be accessed then following might solve the problem:

1. Go to Applications, Other and run FIREWALL

a). go to TRUSTED SERVICES and check SAMBA and SAMBA CLIENT that are located in the list of services
b). click APPLY
c). click APPLY


If your Samba is configured correctly, your shared folder should be available on your Windows network.A little hint: if you don't want other users to use passwords for accessing your shared folder, select SHARE as an Authentication Mode in Samba GUI Configuration Tool, Preferences, Server Settings, Security

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Ubuntu :: Setup A SAMBA Network And Share To Windows 7 / OSX?

Feb 10, 2010

running a Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop in the living room with a LOT of files. I've tried all week to get this working, and can't tell where the problem is. I want to make a music share that will: Allow guests, but as read-only Allow me to mount in Windows 7 with the user 'thecheeks' Give user thecheeks read/write access to that share

I swear Samba ends up working but maybe the problem is with Windows 7. I looked at the SAMBAWiki Win 7 page and made sure my registry values were what they should have been (and they were).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Network Share Mounting ?

Oct 8, 2010

I have 2 Ubuntu machines: a desktop in my bedroom, and a laptop.

I have my music shared on my desktop machine, and can access it through the network menu item in the nautilus manager, but I want the files from the share to be mounted on the disk so I can access it through the commandline.

If I right-click the shared folder in Nautilus, it says its location is smb://rob/music

If I do:

mount -t smbfs //rob/music /mnt/music, it tells me that it cant locate rob.

So I try "ping rob" and that doesn't work.

I can't make a hosts entry for rob which happens at this moment to be, because my router assigns different IP addresses to various machines at different times, and I cant seem to find a way to make static maps from MAC address to ip address.

So, how come nautilus can see my samba share on the machine "rob", but the mount commands cannot?

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Server :: SAMBA To Share Network HDD With Permissions To Clients?

Jan 12, 2011

In my work I want to build up a Linux based network, where windows and linux clients are going to share a Thecus network drive.Each client will have specific permissions for accessing the samba shares. I have installed Ubuntu SRV 10.4 with gui and webmin.

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Networking :: Samba Config - Cannot Access Share On Home Network

Sep 1, 2010

I've used Samba for several years and when it works it's great. Unfortunately from time to time it seems to get messed up and either all the 7 machines on my home network can't be seen or I can't access the shares on some. I have 2 Windows XP computers 4 Kubuntu and one Linux Mint KDE, all the latest versions. I'd rather not plough through all the documentation for Samba, but would really like a "model" smb.conf with a few comments about parts that might have legitimate variants. I have researched this with Google searches many times but have failed to find the information I need in concise form.

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General :: Windows 7 -Samba Share-Network Access Denied

Feb 8, 2010

I have set up RHEL 5 file server with Winbind and samba services running.I am able to assign and authenticate windows XP users against my RHEL 5 server.No issues.But one or two of my users are using Windows 7 Ultimate edition and they are not able to access my network samba shares.I can view the shares in windows 7 box but trying to access gives me "network access denied error".But i can access the same share in Windows xp machine for the above tested users.Working great but not in windows 7 box.I haven't tested with Vista OS yet.

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Fedora Networking :: Samba Share With Two Network Cards - No Internet Access

Mar 1, 2009

I have a fedora 10 box with two network card on eth0 I have a pppoe connection to the internet, on second card eth1 I share my internet connection end I set up a samba server but I don't know if the settings are good. How to do this settings right to work fine, the ip are assigned by dhcp I don't use any static ip .When I try to browse the internet from the other computers some site's like {.com ; .org ; .info} are block, other site from {.ro} are working. Someone tell me something about turn off all my filters, but I don't know where to find this filter to turn it off. And when I use samba I can't have and internet access or vice versa. My network look like that:

|<--pppoe connection
(fedora 10)
comp.1 comp.2
Win OS MacOS

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba Windows Share - You Might Not Have Permission To Use This Network Resource

Jul 7, 2010

I cannot browse the samba printers from windows xp professional clients.

I get the following message when trying to access the workgroup:

Code: Example is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.

The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available

Another strange thing is that if I set the workgroup to EXAMPLE in smb.conf, the workgroup shows up as Example on my windows clients.

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OpenSUSE :: Size Of Share Stays The Same After Reinstall OS And Volume Extension?

Mar 30, 2010

I did hit a issue with volume extension after reinstalling the OS. SLES 11.2-

Before the reinstall I had a single fiber volume with 1 logical drive XFS. I did extend the volume with a second fiber storage and the logical drive extension without any issues. After the reinstall OS everything still worked fine. At one point I did have to extend my volume again and also the logical drive in it. The extension went fine, also the logical drive got bigger on the server side.

But the issue is that the share size for the users stayed the same. It has something to do with the xfs files on the server that are getting installed when creating an xfs file system. I can simulate this issue.

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Fedora Servers :: Setup A Samba Network Share With A Directory Server Backend?

Feb 24, 2009

I'm trying to setup a Samba network share with a Fedora Directory Server backend. This will be used primarily for Windows users to authenticate before accessing the share. I am using Fedora Core 10 and have all of the latest updates installed. When I try to connect from a Windows machine, I am prompted for a username and password. I enter the username and password of the account I created in Fedora Directory Server in OU=People. The credentials are rejected. At the same time in the log file I see this:

[2009/02/24 16:50:16, 3] auth/auth_sam.c:check_sam_security(282)
check_sam_security: Couldn't find user 'Administrator' in passdb.
[2009/02/24 16:50:16, 2] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(318)
check_ntlm_password: Authentication for user [Administrator] -> [Administrator] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER

Administrator is the user I created in Fedora Directory Server. If I perform an ldapsearch it will find the user as uid: Administrator so I know it is able to be looked up in FDS. But I'm guessing that's not the problem.


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General :: Make Windows 7 Network Show Samba Share After VM Is Rebooted/restored?

Jan 18, 2010

On Windows 7, I have VirtualBox running Linux (Ubuntu 8.04), with Samba set up so that the Windows host can access it. But if the virtual machine is shut down & restored, or rebooted, the Windows Network no longer shows it. I've tried refreshing many times, restarting Samba, disabling/enabling the virtual network adapter, and running the succession of commands ipconfig /release, ipconfig /flushdns, & ipconfig /renew, but none worked. As a last resort I could restart the host itself, but is there a better way?

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Slackware :: Dolphin Samba Share Firewall / Saying It Can't Find Any Workgroups On Local Network?

May 12, 2011

I just set up my firewall, and now I can't see any Samba workgroups. It says it can't find any workgroups on my local network, and it may be caused by a firewall. It is a firewall issue because if I disable my firewall, I can see the workgroup. What do I need to open on my firewall to see the workgroup? I am using Slackware64 13.37.

Here is how I set up my firewall.

iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -s -d -i lo -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
I got the commands from here url.

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Server :: Using Of SOA Serial Number?

Feb 19, 2011

Except faster reading of zone records there is not other purpose of correct SOA number,right?

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Hardware :: Get Serial Number And Model Of USB Drives?

Feb 7, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I have a script that prompts you to insert a USB HDD/memory stick then it needs to determine its serial and model and save it to a file. The script can determine the device file of the inserted drive(ex: /dev/sdc) and if hdparm -I /dev/sdc works then all is ok. The problem is that not all USB HDDs/memory sticks work with hdparm. When it does not work I get the following:


root@izghitu:~# hdparm -I /dev/sdc
HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(identify) failed: Invalid exchange

The other command to get the serial for USB devices of any kind is lsusb -v or lsusb -D /path/to/bus/address The problem of the first one(lsusb -v) is that it lists all USB devices and there's no way for me to script it to detect the inserted USB drive/memory stick and get the serial/model for it. The problem with the second one(lsusb -D /path/to/bus/address) is that I do not know how to get the correct USB bus address of the inserted USB drive/memory stick.

Is there any other way to get the serial number/model of a USB HDD/memory stick using its /dev/sdc device file? Is there any way to link the /dev/sdc device file with the /dev/bus/usb/address device file so I can then use the lsusb -D command to get the required info?

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General :: Display Server Serial Number

Mar 18, 2011

How to display server serial number, type of os for that server and kernel version for that server. with seperate way.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba - Use The "read List" And "write List" Options With Groups Under Share

Apr 27, 2010

I have a Samba server running in my Lan (mainly for file and print service). This server will act as a PDC (don't ask why...). I have a question: Under a share I can use the "read list" and "write list" options with groups (eg @users). Is that group a Linux or Samba group? If it's the later, am I forced to use the net groupmap command, or it is sufficient to have a group name in the /etc/group file? Should I add samba/linux users to that group (with net rpc) or is sufficient to have the group membership set in the linux?

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General :: Any Way To Limit X Number Of Samba Users By Samba?

Oct 12, 2009

Is there any way to limit x number of samba users by samba ? Say if there are already 5 samba users using the share, I would like to restrict any futher samba requests.. How do i do that ?

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