Debian Multimedia :: KDE Crashes On Startup

Mar 28, 2016

I am new to debian. I run debian on a laptop with nvidia geforce chip 740 m (optimus), it has been working great until today when i turned it on , the start screen did not show up and it went straight to terminal mode. Starting the kdm service manually does not do anything.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Amarok Crashes On Startup 9.10?

Jan 28, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.10 and having trouble with Amarok. It crashes on on startup. I have read that the issue is not with Amarok but rather phonon. Is there a solution? Application: Amarok (amarok), signal: Segmentation fault [Current thread is 1 (Thread 0xb68cb950 (LWP 13047))]

Thread 5 (Thread 0xb527bb70 (LWP 13054)):
#0 0x003e9422 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1 0x07fcb142 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
#2 0x037168d4 in pthread_cond_timedwait () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
#3 0x075519ff in ?? () from /usr/lib/


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Crashes At Startup?

Jul 16, 2010

I am having some trouble with RhythmBoxt runs fine until I install the package (Synaptics) Rhythmbox plugins 0.12.8-0. After I install this package and then open RhythmBox, the applications opens for a few seconds and then closes (terminates). I get a segmentation fault.I tried reinstalling but this does not help. From previous posts, others were also obtaining segmentation faults, others had success with uninstalling the rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store package. I do not have this installed on my system. My problem is related with the plugins package.If I run rhythmbox from the command line in sudo mode it starts without crashing but with a warning:Rhythmbox-WARNING **: Unable to grab media player keys: Could not get owner of name 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon': no such name But when I select one of the plugin sources it then terminates and closes down

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Debian Multimedia :: Multimedia Crashes On Squeeze ?

May 13, 2011

I've just installed Squeeze 6.01a from the xfce iso image on an old PIII which has been running Lenny with xfce without any problems. It's a fresh install after a reformat.

Sounds and multimedia apps like gxine and mplayer all worked fine on Lenny and other older versions. Now they don't - not gxine, not mplayer not even VLC. Run from the menu they all abort - and if run in an xterm they all crash with the following message -

Assertion 'pthread_mutex_unlock(&m->mutex) == 0' failed at pulsecore/mutex-posix.c:108, function pa_mutex_unlock(). Aborting.

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Debian Multimedia :: X/KDE Crashes After Login?

Apr 23, 2010

KDM starts up fine, graphics drivers (fglrx) are loaded correctly, but as soon as I login over KDM and KDE desktop starts loading, X crashes, restarts KDM, and I get sent back to the login screen.I am running a stock debian/lenny install (with 2.6.26-686 kernel) and no error messages in my Xorg.0.log.

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Debian Multimedia :: Os Crashes When Mounted DVD ROM

May 22, 2010

when I mount DVD-ROM to some files from xterm, the systerm never responsed! I used this command: sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cd I search some info from google ,some guys say these info may help ,but I don't understand why it cab be crashed when I mount the CD from DVD-ROM.

/dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 05-22 19:54 /dev/dvd -> sr
dmesg |grep hd
[ 9.126848] hda_codec: Unknown model for ALC883, trying auto-probe from BIOS.

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome Crashes On Login

Jun 22, 2015

I was using Debian (jessie) testing for quit a while now, and since jessie is now the new Stable I wanted to update to testing again.

And I have an issue now, and I can't tell if it is a really a bug, or some new packages are interfering with my configuration files. Well to be honest I have more than one issue, but I am guessing that at least a few of them are related to the same issue.

Whenever I startup my Debian(testing) system, I get the gdm3 login prompt, I type in my password and hit Enter. Than there is a: “Oh no, something went wrong”-window for an blink of an eye (1-2 seconds).

After that gnome starts (almost*) normal .[gnome version 3.16.2]

*But: the gnome-sound applet doesn't start correctly. Alsamixer is running but Pulseaudio seems not to. When I start Pulseaudio manually after that everything with the sound is fine.

The most annoying thing is, that none of my Shortcuts work anymore ( Ctrl+Alt+T for terminal, Ctrl+<anything; Fn+<anything> screen brightness for example; hardware Volume Up/Down keys [Thinkpad x230t])

I checked my costume Shortcuts, Ctrl+Alt+T is set in the keyboard settings.

I have two monitors connected (its a laptop so it the build in and an external). I tried to disconnect the 2nd monitor and restartet the problem persists . Everything else seems to work fine (at least I haven't found any other issue yet). I would be glad to add some Log files, but I don't know exactly which one I should attach.

I attached the Xorg-log since it seems to me that something went wrong there:

115.284] (WW) Falling back to old probe method for vesa
[ 115.284] (EE) intel(0): [drm] failed to set drm interface version.
[ 115.284] (EE) intel(0): Failed to become DRM master.
[ 115.284] (II) UnloadModule: "intel"
[ 115.284] (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.

[Code] .....

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Debian Multimedia :: LibreOffice Crashes On Start-up

Sep 1, 2015

I installed libreoffice from the official Debian repository. Even after a clean installation of Debian Jessie, Libreoffice started and ran only once. After that, when LO was started, it gave an error message: "Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module".I installed "canberra-gtk-module." From then on, LO never gave any error message in terminal. The banner flashes across the screen for a moment and then disappears.

I deleted ~/.config/libreoffice folder and started LO again. Each time the command "libreoffice" is run in terminal, it creates the configuration files in ~/.config folder.I created a new user to check if LO would run. It does run when a new user account is created. But the problem keeps coming back.

After uninstalling libreoffice, I tried installing openoffice 4. Even openoffice 4 wouldn't start. The banner would just appear for a moment.

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Debian Multimedia :: Desktop Crashes After Upgrade

Sep 30, 2015

I'm running Wheezy and just did an apt-get upgrade which installed linux-3.2.0-4-amd64, a bunch of php5 stuff and some qemu stuff. Now when I log into the desktop it starts loading and before it finishes I wind up with a screen full of text. The first line is usually "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at <some address that varies>" but sometimes the first line is off the screen. None of KDE, Gnome or xfce work. Recovery mode to a shell prompt works fine. I did a net install of Wheezy on another disk and that runs just fine. I'd like to get my original disk working.

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Debian Multimedia :: Xscreensaver Randomly Crashes X

Apr 16, 2016

My supposedly stable system was crashing. The problem was one or more specific screensavers--xscreensaver, the display manager (lightDM), and X itself are innocent as far as I can tell.

I'm on a Thinkpad T400 with Debian Jessie (8.4)/MATE/lightDM. I have libreboot and not proprietary BIOS. I like variety, so in addition to installing xscreensaver itself (the unofficial patched jessie version without the "out of date" nag, which I got from, I also installed some extras from the official repository (xscreensaver-gl-extra, xscreensaver-data-extra, xscreensaver-screensaver-bsod). I enabled all the installed screensavers and asked xscreensaver to randomly cycle through them.

To my dismay, after variable lengths of time (usually within 20-60 minutes), when a random screensaver has been on for a little while (I'm guessing as it's about to go to the next random one), X crashes to a black screen. The only way to make the black screen go away is to kill X (which I mapped to Control + Alt + Backspace) then log back in. There are no useful logs anywhere except some cryptic IO error 11 entry in ~/.xsessionerros.

Now for the troubleshooting:

1) First I tried installing a more up-to-date version of xscreensaver (5.34-2), which I grabbed from the sid repository. This didn't work--same problem as described above. Therefore, I went back to the patched version for jessie (5.30-1 from

2) To exclude that the lightDM middleman was the problem, I disabled it and was logging in with startx. Problem did not go away. (I then rigged systemd to log me in automatically and for startx to run automatically once I'm logged in--who needs middlemen?)

3) To exclude screensavers butting heads, I uninstalled mate-screensaver and disabled anything from X that could be interfering (by running these commands in a startup script: xset -dpms; xset s 0 0; xset s noblank; xset s off). Problem did not go away. I kept this startup script nevertheless.

4) Finally, to exclude individual xscreensaver module(s) being the problem, I unchecked them all. Then I wrote down the names of my 20 favorite modules (which include some from gl-extra, some from data-extra, and bsod) and tested them in small batches, running xscreensaver with only 5 favorites checked at a time. After testing four batches of 5 and witnessing all 20 favorites both display and load without any X crashes, I went ahead and selected all 20 favorites. I left the laptop on overnight and in the morning (about 12 hours later) it's still going strong.

One or more particular xscreensaver modules are crashing X, probably at the time they are being loaded to be the next one to show. I think I already spent enough time on this, so don't really care to identify +/- troubleshoot the offending modules.

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Debian Multimedia :: Pcmanfm Crashes More Frequently ?

Nov 9, 2010

Recently pcmanfm crashes more frequently then before. Each time it occurs, I cannot open another instance of it until I reboot my desktop/laptop. But this is not possible if I happen to be doing some long computational work. I have been using it with fluxbox for two years already, and previously I simply reopen another new window and get on with my work.

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Debian Multimedia :: Iceweasel And KDE Leave Crashes X

Feb 25, 2011

I installed Squeeze on an eeepc 900.Everything seems to work well, except for one thing: iceweasel, when drawing certain windows, likes to crash the entire KDE session. This is 100% replicable simply by right-clicking on a bookmark put on the bookmarks menu toolbar, and trying to go to "properites" on that item. It only does this, however, on my wife's eeepc 900, it does not happen on my 900A (different gpu and cpu though...). the two systems have the same packages installed.

The most frustrating thing is that there is no error output whatsoever. I have looked through all the logs in /var/log, and I couldn't find anything. I have run iceweasel from the command line and redirected its output to a file, but the whole system hard-locked, and when I rebooted, there was no log file. I have started X using "startx" instead of using kdm, and I cannot see any output to the VT that kicked it off because the system hard-locks.

As far as I can see, it only happens in iceweasel. If I disable compositing, it becomes stable again -- but I don't want to have to do this, as it interferes with features she is accustomed to.Oh yes, I should also add that this netbook worked fine under eeebuntu and compiz -- never an issue.

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Debian Multimedia :: 'Startup Disk Creator' For Debian Squeeze?

Jun 14, 2011

Found this 'Startup Disk Creator' in Ubuntu,it is useful,how we get it install in Debian Squeeze? There's a Unetbootin for Debian,but it pull in lots of qt stuff,I don't like it.

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Debian Multimedia :: VLC Can't Play Movies - Crashes With Error

Jul 3, 2015

I'm running Jessie on an AMD64 with an ATI Radeon HD 7770 card. I have installed the fglrx driver. When I try to play a movie with vlc, it crashes with the following error:

Xlib: extension "NV-GLX" missing on display ":0".

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Debian Multimedia :: KMail Crashes When Configuring Its Appearance

Jul 5, 2015

OS: jessie
KDE: 4.14.2
Kmail: 4.14.1

When I click on Appearance in Settings -> Configure KMail, KMail crashes. It does this every time I try.

I closed KMail and reopened it, it still crashed when I tried to get to appearance. I rebooted my system to see if that would work, it did not.

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Debian Multimedia :: Xorg Crashes With Intel 82845G

Mar 3, 2010

I've freshly installed Debian Lenny 5.03 with xfce from cd, but I'm having intermittent problems with X. Mostly X will startup fine, but occasionally it crashes. If I'm lucky, it will just shutdown and just return me to the text-mode login. But if I'm unlucky, it freezes completely, such that even the alt-SysRq key combos won't work.

The PC I'm using is a Dell Celeron 1.8Ghz, with

:# lspci | grep -i vga
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL
[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)

where I'm using a default xorg.conf file of... [URL]

and the respective Xorg.0.log files are

a) for when xorg runs okay...
b) for when xorg crashes to textmode...
c) for when xorg freezes up completely...

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Debian Multimedia :: Pcmanfm Not Working - Menu Crashes It ?

Oct 16, 2010

It is running when LXDE starts but clicking on it in the menu crashes it. I have removed/purged it many times, still have the same problem.

Trying to start it from terminal gives:

Anyone else running LXDE on sid have this issue?

I filed a bug report on Debian and at Sourceforge. [url] [url]

Trying to get a backtrace using gdb doesn't give any useful info:

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Debian Multimedia :: After Upgrading To X 1.7.7, Evdev Crashes X Window

Jan 19, 2011

Previous X was 1.4.2. After aptitude upgraded X Window to 1.7.7, startx crashed complaining: XKB could not find /usr/share/../rules/evdev file. There is no evdev file.

How do I modify xorg.conf to work with evdev? I spent few hours to figure out evdev. It seems it's new style of managing input devices in X Window. The information isn't friendly to migrate from old to this.

When I put Option "AutoAddDevices" "off" in ServerLayout section, it literally froze X Window. X started without mouse/keyboard control. I had to turn off power switch. Now, I can't use X at all unless I move back to 1.4.2.

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Debian Multimedia :: Game Crashes When I Try To Play With Sound / Fix It?

Jan 22, 2011

I have been trying to play this game and it immediately crashes whenever I try to play sounds. The only other sound in this system I have are the sounds for the bash/dash terminal.

So my questions are:-

a. How do I test if the sound system is working alright.
b. Do I need to increase some kind of priorty/niceness to sound systems to make sure they get the available resources (cpu, memory ) whatever it needs ?

On the same topic, while I was searching on the Net I got this link .

I know this is actually for people who want to make sounds/music but can some of these ideas/instructions be useful for me as well ?

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Debian Multimedia :: Iceweasel Crashes When Opening Arbitrary File

Nov 21, 2015

my Iceweasel always crashes when I attempt to open any file (usually pdfs, but I tried with .odt too). I only found this thread [URL] .... and commented out as told by MekkaGodzilla in /etc/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/default-modules.conf Coment out this line : file:file

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Debian Multimedia :: X Crashes Old Dell Inspiron 5160 Laptop?

Feb 12, 2011

I've just installed brand new Debian 6 on an oldish Dell Inspiron 5160 laptop. This features an XGI Volari XP5 video card, which I can see reported in /var/log/Xorg.0.log.

When Debian boots it will only run in command line mode. Running startx hangs up the whole system and just displays a black screen with a few vertical stripes in different colours of dark green.

the default vesa driver for doesn't play very well with the XGI video card.

I've tried running
X -configure
X -config /root/

This correctly detects the XGI Volari XP5 card (if you look through the xorg.conf) but running the second X command still hangs up the system.

X runs fine under Knoppix, but most recent Ubuntu distros I've tried actually hung up after the initial text-based startup section, so presumably died as soon as X started up. Debian's graphical installer worked fine, however.

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Debian Multimedia :: Kontact Crashes On Start -getting Error Reply

Jun 2, 2011

When I try to start korganizer from a konsole, I get the following error reply and kontact crashes

<unknown program name>(24450)/: KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server: "Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply,the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken." <unknown program name>(24445)/: KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed unexpectedly.

In my newbie mind - there is something wrong with d-bus or similar. I can however start kmail and KAddressBook without problems. The crash of kontact/korganizer first showed up under my (up-to-date) Squeeze system. I then upgraded to "testing" but the situation is the same. I have filed Bug 274661 with the KDE bug tracking system. So far - no answer........

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Debian Multimedia :: Evolution Crashes In Squeeze After Recent Update?

Jul 24, 2010

After recent update (yesterday) Evolution became almost unusable: if I am going to create a new e-mail or just select a person from Contacts or reply to someone it simply crashes. The update also didn't go very smooth - 15 updates were not applied because of a broken dependency - evolution-exchange, which depended on evolution prior to 2.30.0 but was to be installed. Is there a way to make Evolution to work or upgrade solving dependencies?

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Debian Multimedia :: Increasing And Decreasing Screen Brightness Crashes Minecraft

May 3, 2015

When increasing or decreasing the screen brightness, Minecraft crashes and to an extent freezes my computer UI. What I mean by to an extent is that I can move the cursor around, but I can't click on anything. I can also run keyboard shortcuts and type, which is how I restore my system by terminating all java processes with pkill.

What causes minecraft to crash and how can I solve it?

Link to error log [verbose] [URL] .....

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Debian Multimedia :: Scribus Crashes When Editing Text In Layout Mode

Sep 29, 2015

I use Scribus for designing leaflets and broshures. Unfortunately with the most recent version in the stable branch the program crashes each time I try to edit text in layout mode. I didn't have this problem in older versions. So I wonder if this is a bug others noticed in Scribus 1.4.4 on Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) 32-bit.

For normal text editing I use the text edit mode anyway but when I try to fix line breaks it's always hard to not instantly see what I am doing. So even if I just want to insert a single character the program crashes with the following message: Scribus crashes due to Signal #11

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Debian Multimedia :: (Solved) Evolution Crashes In Squeeze After Recent Update?

May 19, 2010

After recent update (yesterday) Evolution became almost unusable: if I am going to create a new e-mail or just select a person from Contacts or reply to someone it simply crashes. The update also didn't go very smooth - 15 updates were not applied because of a broken dependency - evolution-exchange, which depended on evolution prior to 2.30.0 but was to be installed. Is there a way to make Evolution to work or upgrade solving dependencies?

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Debian Multimedia :: 7.0 - LXDE Freezes On Startup?

Jan 6, 2015

I installed debian 7 lxde from lxde cd. It freezes on logging in (i.e keyboard doesn't work,desktop freezes and only mouse pointer works.But,I can't select or view anything.Only mouse pointer can be moved.).

But,If I do not login with the display manager and login (my username and not root) via another terminal like tty3 or tty4 using alt+ctrl+F3 or F4,everything works fine.

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Debian Multimedia :: GNOME 3 Startup Setxkbmap

Jul 19, 2015

I'm trying to execute a custom setxkbmap command upon startup so that I have the correcty layout when logging in.

I have tried placing the command in different files after reading through the man pages for Xsession, Xsession.options, xinitrc etc.


but to no avail.

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Debian Multimedia :: Disable Bluetooth On Startup?

Nov 17, 2010

Everytime gnome starts up, the bluetooth applet has bluetooth enabled. I use it infrequently, so I always change it to disabled, but how do I make this the default setting for the bluetooth applet?

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Fedora :: Banshee Crashes On Startup?

Jan 11, 2009

Just did a fresh install of Fedora 10 and install Banshee. The problem is it wont start. I get 'Banshee has encountered a fatal errorError details:

An unhandled exception was thrown: Could not load type 'Banshee.ServiceStack.ServiceManager' from assembly 'Banshee.Services, Version=,


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