OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Installing Codecs On 11.2 With KDE?

May 29, 2010

How to install Multimedia Codecs on Opensuse 11.2 with KDE?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Installing Codecs - Error While Initializing Software Repo

Jun 16, 2011

I am new to Linux, how to install codecs, as when I am trying to install I am finding this error. An error occurred while initializing the software repository.
Details: Url scheme is a required component and sometime like repository can be loaded.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Installing MPlayer - Not Able To Extract The Codecs In The /usr/local/lib/codecs Directory

Apr 2, 2009

I have FC10! so far i have downloaded the mplayer and its codecs.further i extracted both the packages( in DOWNLOAD folder).but I'm not able to extract the codecs in the /usr/local/lib/codecs says you do not have permission. how should i know whether to compile the mplayer or is it pre-compiled?

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General :: Debian - Installing The Multimedia Codecs And Flash?

Dec 19, 2010

i had easylife for fedora that it can install codecs and flash and some other software very easily. i want to know: is there like this tools for Debain?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video And Audio Player - Installing All The Codecs

May 1, 2010

Just installed ubuntu 10.04 and would like some suggestions on a good video and audio player and maybe an idiots guide to installing all the codecs i need. I would like to find an audio player with some good visualizations.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Install Restricted Multimedia Codecs?

Mar 7, 2010

I was using THIS guide to install restricted multimedia codecs. I got to the part where I had to switch system packages to the Packman packages. It came up with a number of dependency errors. I then had a stupid moment and told it to ignore the dependencies and break the applications. Now Xine won't even start, and Amarok seems to have disappeared on my computer. Oh and I also got a bunch of weird dependency problems when I was trying to install some of the packages from Packman too as listed on the guide. I also told it to ignore them when it couldn't find the dependencies. I'm scared I fudged multimedia up so badly I would have to do a clean install to get it back. BTW, I'm running openSUSE 11.2. I don't know if there are other specifications that matter.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Missing Codecs For DVD

Feb 27, 2011

I have a problem with playing DVD. I have followed instructions given in Check your multimedia problem in ten steps but I'm still experiencing problems with some DVDs. Output of commands suggested in above post are listed at the end of this post. On thing I noticed was that for below packages I had to choose an older version from openSUSE repo because of the installed version of gstreamer*plugins*base.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: How To Install Multimedia Codecs

Aug 15, 2011

I am trying to install missing codecs to my openSUSE 11.4.I found this.How to Install Multimedia Codecs in Linux - Softpedia.I downloaded file all-20110131.tar.bz2.There is no instructions where to download this file so i downloaded to /home/downloads.Before i use this i have a question - is this install all required codecs?I need codecs to play mkv, mp4, H264(x264), avi, no DVD

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: 11.2 - Batch Of Codecs To Work With MKV Files

Jan 25, 2010

System - openSUSE 11.2 "Emerald" KDE (with gnome base)
Player - vlc
I'm hoping to find a batch of codecs for my newly installed openSUSE OS. I have a very troublesome collection of .mkv files that took several codec packs to make them work. For a brief explanation, I had tried haali and matroska both together and they still didn't work on certain mkvs. I ended up using CCCP, but that's win only as far as I can tell. It took the latest update of CCCP to work on all of my mkvs.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Mplayer Codecs Not Working With Other Players?

Nov 5, 2010

I downloaded the mplayer essential codecs pack and extracted in directories mentioned.I even compiled mplayer and it can play now almost all the files. But I am having a problem.The problem is that other multimedia players dont play even a single file.I tried with xine,totem,kaffiene and every bundled player.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: No 64bit Version Of Libxine Codecs?

Jan 7, 2011

just did a fresh install of opensuse 11.3 with kde 4.5. Fully upgraded everything and then added the packman repo. Everything else is stock. But I found when trying to install libxine1-codecs that theres only a 32 bit version and no 64 bit support. This seems different than my past experience.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Sound Not Working After Multimedia Codecs Installation

Aug 6, 2010

I am having trouble getting sound working under a brand new install of OpenSUSE 11.3. I am new to both SUSE and anything that's not Debian based, so please understand if I'm not able to comprehend a lot of what you say quickly. After a successful install, I attempted to play an MP3 file. This did not work in Amarok, and installation of it would also not work. So I went to this site, openSUSE 11.3 | SUSE Linux | Beginner's guide to multimedia codecs MP3 DVD 3D nvidia ati wireless and installed the multimedia codecs and all that. While I was there I also installed the ATI driver for my ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 onboard chip. After booting back up, x would not start, so I fixed that with a command. After finally getting into X, sound wouldn't work, and I con not figure out why. I know if it installed something the affects my audio.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: DVD And MP3 Playback - Running All The Necessary Files - Codecs - Apps

Dec 26, 2009

For the longest time DVD and MP3 playback have haunted me. I fully understand the idea behind open source and not packaging the codecs with the OS. My question is this: I am running openSUSE 11.2 on my lappy. When I try to follow steps online to install all the necessary codecs, plugins and applications. I always seem to run into dependency problems. Can ANYONE out there give a step by step walk through of installing and running all the necessary files, codecs, apps. from a fresh install that has worked for them to get media to work in suse 11.2? For the sake of example and trying to get this process done right lets assume that I have installed suse fresh on my system and want to play DVD's and listen to MP3's.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: How To Enable Autodetect Option For Codecs In Totem

Sep 2, 2010

I was just playing with Fedora 13 and found that when I try to watch any AVI file it searches all required Codecs from RPM Fusion repository and install it. I was just wondering if this can be done on the openSUSE because what I know about Fedora is, it doesn't customize the products and uses as it is. If someone know how to enable such Autodetecting in Totem.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Warnings About Legalities Of Downloading The Codecs/files?

Apr 12, 2011

I put a few Itunes songs into my music folder and tried to play them. It didn't. Then, I got to reading in the forums and noticed that there was a "one click" configuration for Gnome users. After doing some more reading, I saw a lot of references to restricted codecs and things of that nature. After beginning the one-click process and then aborting midway through installation, three questions come to mind:

1) Why all the warnings about legalities of downloading the codecs/files? If I bought the music and I use the codecs to listen to it, where does legalities come into play?

2) While installing some of the different files, etc in the one-click process, I received a few warnings that a particular file was not from a trusted source (I don't remember the info verbatim) and then it gave me an email address, presumably from the developer, and asked if I wanted to install it anyway.

3) If I do go through the one-click process, will I be able to listen to I-tunes or am I pretty much screwed on I-tunes on linux?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: How To Make Win32 Codecs Work On 64 Bit System

Jun 12, 2011

How to make win32 codecs (package w32codec-all) work on 64 bit system? Simple install of "w32codec-all" package doesn't help. I tried to compile mplayer from sources. After finishing configure, the script returned that win32 codes will be unavailable because of 64-bit system.I need to view some avi-files coded in Intel Indeo 4. As I understand, this codec exists only in win32 codecs.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Codecs - Downloading ISO File And Burn CD For Install

Jul 31, 2011

I am new to opensuse. I want to install multimedia codecs on my opensuse 11.4. Is there any way to download multimedia codecs as an iso file and then burn a cd to install them on opensuse? Now, I am downloading "NonOSS CD" in add-on downloads section, is this iso file containing multimedia codecs?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Gettin Sick About Video Players And Codecs In Suse

Mar 18, 2011

I like SuSE, I even got certified as admin of it but i'm going crazy every time when i want to watch some video. It's more easy to install and maintain some services then make suse play video. I'm going crazy when every player says to me that it doesn't contain any codecs. I heard i'ts all about licensing.. So, why doesn't Ubuntu havn't any problem to play my mp4 and other video formats just from the box?My case is regular.. No way to play mp4 in totem,banshee,xine no h264 decoder.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Codecs And Setting Up System?

Jul 14, 2011

Our internet connection is not strong enough to handle the 4 GB DVD ISO download of Ubuntu 10 that contains all the codecs etc.

What would be the process required for me to install all the codecs needed for full multimedia support, as it is very annoying the fact it does not come with them pre loaded.

As well as installation of codecs, what other things would need to be done to ensure the system is fully set up.

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General :: Sound Not Playing After Installing Codecs?

Jul 25, 2010

My friend recently installed fedora 12 in his system. Intel core2 duo, 2 GB ram. It didnt play mp3 files, but the sound during login, logout etc were ok. I searched some sites and told him to do


yum update @sound-and-video

(This worked for me)

but now in his system the player (amarok) shows the sound is playing but cant hear anything also the login and logout sounds also not playing.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Install The Codecs For System, The One Click Install

Apr 4, 2010

Iv tried everything to install the codecs for my system, the one click install, the manual provided for by openSUSE but no luck. All the files were installed correctly but alas no file will play. I need a solid answer. I have 11.2 GNOME on a 32 bit processor

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Fedora :: Codecs Dependency Prevents Installing Adobe Reader

May 30, 2010

[URL]... It seems like I should be able to install i686 and x86_64 versions of the same package. This same dependency also prevents installing Adobe Reader.


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Debian Multimedia :: How To Install Multimedia Codecs Under Lenny With Gnome

May 29, 2010

How to install Multimedia Codecs under Lenny with Gnome?

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Debian Multimedia :: MP3 Codecs Missing?

Dec 8, 2010

I downloaded an flv video from ..... and tried to transorm it into mp3 with sound converter but the choise to make it mp3 is not there at all.Am I missing some codec and if so how can I install it?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: CODECS Won't Load

Mar 23, 2010

I have just reinstalled ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop. The laptop is used as a Jukebox and has never had a problem doing this job. Yesterday my HDD died, hence the reinstall. When I go to add the MP3s to rythumbox and it searches for the relevant codecs it keeps saying "No packages with the requested plug ins found". I have been to the ubuntu restricted extras site to DL the package and I get a "URL failed to load" message. So I go to an unsupported site and DL the package and install it manually but I still can't add any MP3s. Now it is saying that the restricted extras package is already loaded but I still can't add any MP3s.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Does VLC Use GStreamer Codecs

Mar 29, 2011

If not, can I uninstall those plugins without issues? I don't use any other media player.

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Ubuntu :: How To Install Multimedia Codecs In Lubuntu

Jun 15, 2010

How to install multimedia codecs in Lubuntu?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Kaffeine - How To Know What Codecs Missing

Jun 25, 2010

I just installed kaffeine using "apt-get install". I have been using kaffeine for several years, but it seems that on this installation kaffeine installed without codecs! When trying to play a movie using kaffeine, nothing happens. It is a well-known problem that kaffeine does not give error messages when the codecs don't work (just google the problem. Anyhow, since kaffeine does not tell what codec it is missing I do not know how to solve this problem. What are the names of the kaffeine codecs?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Codecs For Commercial DVDs?

Dec 16, 2010

I am unable to play commercial DVDs on an Ubuntu laptop.I have a fairly new Lenovo 4151 laptop. It came with Windows 7 Premium but I have replaced that with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid. (Actually, a friend helped me do that.) I would like to play commercial DVD's on it.Movie Player says it need a plugin but is unable to find on on the web. "No packages with the requested plugins found." "The requested plugins are: DVD Source"

So I installed VLC Media Player and it won't play the DVD either. It presents me with a host of files, none of which it will play.I would like to stay with 10.04 if possible because I want to give this lap-top to my sister and I would like her to have an LTS distro, so she doesn't have to upgrade for a long time.My supposition is that I need to add a source for additional codecs and install them.I did search these forums (fora?) for codec, but didn't find anything appropriate. I'm not so familiar with this, so I may have missed something.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Authentication For Downloading MP3 Codecs

Jan 13, 2011

I wanted to listen to some of my MP3's to see if they worked. So I double-clicked on one of them and got a message saying "search for suitable plugin?"

I clicked on "search." It then searches plugin packages and tells me to select the packages for installation. The available packages are:


I checked off all of them and then clicked "install." I then get a window to "confirm installation of restricted software." I click on confirm and then get a window saying "authenticate to install or remove software, you need to authenticate" and it asks for a password. I'm assuming they mean my login password. I enter my password and click "authenticate" but then nothing happens. The password entry space goes away but the authenticate window remains. I don't know if I'm supposed to manually close it after clicking authenticate. But I tried that. What happens when I close the "authenticate" window is that another window appears saying "applying changes" but then I get a message saying "requires installation of untrusted packages. The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources." The details lists these: gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly liba52-0.7.4 libavcodec52 libavformat52 libavutil50 libdvdnav4 libdvdread4 libgsm1 libid3tag0 libmad0 libmpeg2-4 liboil0.3 libopencore-amrnb0 libopencore-amrwb0 libpostproc51 libschroedinger-1.0-0 libsidplay1 libswscale0 libtwolame0 libva1 libvpx0

If I click on ok. Another window appears saying: "none of the selected packages were installed."

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