OpenSUSE :: Making 11.2 To A 'simulated' SEL

Feb 14, 2010

I am trying to install a DB application on my desktop which runs on OpenSuse 11.2 64bit.

Unfortunately the application supports only SUSE Enterprise Linux V10 or V11 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Is there a way to add certain packages to 'simulate' an SEL Server? I found some packages name SEL something which I installed, however no changes here, I still can't install the DB.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.3 - KDE Making Laptop To Hang

Oct 5, 2010

Last week I installed suse 11.3. Most of the time it runs fine, but sometimes my laptop just hangs. Mostly I'm just browsing the internet using firefox. For example when I just installed opensuse, and I tried to maximize the terminal window it would hang and not recover. I'm not sure what is causing it. When it hangs I also can't move the mouse pointer, or open the system activity window. I'm not sure I have the minimum specs for kde though, but I can run kde without any problems, it's fast, it reacts fast. At first I thought maybe the amount of ram 512 was not enough so I turned off all the kde effects, but it still seems to crash once in while. I tried checking .xsession-errors to see if I could find something, and I found this

updateapplet(2142): Failed to lock file "/var/tmp/kdecache-donald/kpc/kde-icon-cache.lock" , last result = 1
"/usr/bin/kdeinit4(2127)" Error in thread 3041617680 : "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name was not provided by any .service files"
"/usr/bin/kdeinit4(2127)" Error in thread 3041617680 : "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid name"
"/usr/bin/kdeinit4(2127)" Error in thread 3041617680 : "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name was not provided by any .service files"
"/usr/bin/kdeinit4(2127)" Error in thread 3041617680 : "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid name"
"/usr/bin/kdeinit4(2127)" Error in thread 3041617680 : "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name was not provided by any .service files"
"/usr/bin/kdeinit4(2127)" Error in thread 3041617680 : "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid name"
Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)

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OpenSUSE :: Making A Bootable ISO From DVD For VirtualBox?

May 23, 2011

I started with a bootable Windows 7 Upgrade DVD. I tested the DVD by booting from DVD in a physical drive. The system put up a "press any key to install from CD/DVD" and it worked. Now, I attempted to make a bootable ISO for VirtualBox... To make the ISO, I used this:

dd if=/dev/sr0 of=windows7.iso bs=2048 conv=sync

which I've read will clone the DVD and its boot ability? Is this correct? When I start VirtualBox, version 4.0.8 r71778, I get the "FATAL: No bootable medium found! System halted." The IDE Primary Master (CD/DVD) is set to see windows7.iso, so I suspect it sees the ISO, only it doesn't appear to be bootable. SATA Port 0 is set to Windows 7.vdi. Am I missing a step somewhere? The system is running openSUSE 11.4.

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OpenSUSE :: Making A Launcher In Taskbar?

Jun 18, 2011

i want to add a application launcher in taskbar.but not using quickiaunch. eg:i want to replace the firefox icon with chromium which is in my taskbar.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Making An Os Bootable?

Mar 29, 2010

I got a hard drive with an image of an older redhat OS that i need to do some work with. The hard drive isnt bootable but i need to get into it somehow. I am not even close to an expert on these kinds of things, but i will provide the information that ive got.

fdisk -ul

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 63 149838254 74919096 83 Linux
/dev/sda2 149838255 156296384 3229065 5 Extended


The simplest way the occurs to me to do this is to virtualize the OS on it. So i installed hypervisor from yast, but (i think) it requires an image of the OS to virtualize it, not some partitions on a hard drive. Is there an easy way around this?

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OpenSUSE :: Making An Offline Packman Repo?

Feb 19, 2010

I'd like to make a local repo of Packman openSUSE 11.2 x86_64 repo. Should I download all of the following folders? And what will be an approximate size of this download?

[DIR]i586/19-Feb-2010 12:25 -
[DIR]noarch/ 18-Feb-2010 22:18 -
[DIR]nosrc/ 29-Oct-2009 19:44 -
[DIR]repodata/ 19-Feb-2010 12:32 -
[DIR]src/ 19-Feb-2010 12:25 -
[DIR]suse/ 29-Oct-2009 19:53 -
[DIR]x86_64/ 19-Feb-2010 12:25 -

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OpenSUSE :: Making Bootable USB Drive Using An ISO File

Mar 8, 2010

I have an ISO file that I need to make a bootable USB drive with... but I don't know of any apps native to openSUSE that can do this can someone please tell me what I might use, and how?

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Seem To Find That App For 11.2 - Stop Supporting/making?

Jul 5, 2010

On SuSE 10.0 I used to have an app simply called, "Dictionary" and it was placed in the Office > Database section of the kicker menu. I can't seem to find that app anywhere for OpenSUSE 11.2. Did they stop supporting/making it?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Making A Bootable USB Stick

May 10, 2010

Downloaded openSUSE-11.2-DVD-x86_64.iso Burned on a DVD and used to make an install op a Dell laptop Everything went okay. Now I like to make a install on a ASUS UL20A laptop without an optical drive Placed the iso on a USB stick with dd command The stick can be read by openSUSE 11.2 machine NOT by WIN 7 machine I tried to make the USB stick with Win32DiskImager.exe

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Making Slideshow For DVD Player

Oct 16, 2010

I was asked to make a slideshow of a series of JPEGs; I found the programme "imagination" that is available as an .rpm and I installed it with YaST;it worked well and I produced a couple of straightforward .vob files that could be started from a DVD player connected to a TV; (the intention);I would need to restart YaST to check; but I guess imagination is on packman It has a GU interface and worked well for me.

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OpenSUSE :: Making User A Part Of The Power Group?

Apr 4, 2011

Ever since the 11.4 update I have to enter my root password in order to shutdown the computer, I think this is because I'm not a part of the "power" group. I remember something similar in 11.2 but I never got around to fixing it.Is there a way to join the "power" group?? I don't see it on the user and groups management section in yast.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Tool For Making Clone Of System?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a computer, that has the bad luck to be equipped with buggy hard-drives. Actually, they need a firmware update. This firmware update will probably destroy the data on them. I also want to add one or two other hard-drives to the RAID. What I am looking for, is a tool, that makes a clone of the system as it is now. And then, when I will have upgraded the disk firmware and added the other hard-drives, I just clone the system back from the clone.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Making A Native Partition An Extension?

Sep 10, 2010

I didn't delete my old extension and recently mounted it so I could retrieve the data. I was wondering if there was any way I could make it the extension to my current native without deleting any of the data? Or if attaching it as an extension was at all possible at this point.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Making SRV Directory Separate Partition?

Oct 11, 2010

I am setting up a LAMP server for my home LAN. I want to move the data out of / into a new disk partition for ease of backup and especially away from any clean installation I might do. What

I have in mind:
Shut down MySQL and Apache
Make a new partition, format as ext4
Mount new partition on /mnt
Copy all of /srv to /mnt
Copy MySQL stuff from /var/lib/mysql to /mnt/mysql
Update /etc/my.conf to point to /srv/mysql
Unmount /mnt
Update /etc/fstab to mount new partition on /srv
mount /srv
Start mysql, apache

Will a fresh install or upgrade keep its fingers out of /srv, in the same way as /home? Or will those parts of apache installed in /srv/www be updated?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Making Fancy Boot Screen?

May 19, 2011

i used sle11 brother makes it's bootscreen diffrent like walking penguins on the screen.can i make the same thing on opensuse 11.4?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Making Camera To Work With Driver Sn9c102

Jun 17, 2010

I am the owner of a webcam named "Microdia videocam NB 300", but the outcase says "Genius".

This camera DOES works on openSUSE 11.1 but not on 11.2 (my current setup) and after a lot of research i realise that the preblem is that the proper driver "sn9c102" for my webcam is not compiled on the new kernels.

# uname -r
# lsusb
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub


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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 - Making Sure Bootloader Does Not Touch Other Disc Drives?

Apr 16, 2011

I have three drives on my system and I want to put 11.4 on the third drive. My BIOS can select which drive I am going to boot from. I don't want my Windows 7 or Windows XP drives included in grub or grub to over write/install the bootloader on any other drive except the one I am installing 11.4 on how do I do that?

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OpenSUSE :: Firefox Font - Gaps In Alphabets Are Making Them Difficult To Read

Jul 9, 2010

I am facing some problems in font rendering issue for Urdu (South Asian language). Actually the alphabets are being displayed as, for example, "a p p l e" instead of "apple" - if you see this website, probably you will see the gaps in alphabets are making them difficult to read.

I have installed at least 10 different Urdu fonts but still no help, then I tried adding:

MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO="0" to /etc/environment but it also did not helped.

I am using OpenSuse 11.2, Firefox 3.5.10

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OpenSUSE :: Making Permanent A Selection In 11.4 LXDE Between English And Thai Keyboards?

Jun 26, 2011

I'm seeking to make permanent a selection in openSUSE-11.4 LXDE between english and Thai keyboards. And I need help here, as I have only succeed partially. After installing Thai via YaST regional settings, I followed the advice in an LXDE forum here Forum - View topic - How to add layouts to keyboard preferences in LXDE? and on the LXDE Panel I righted click on LXPanel->Add/Remove Panel Items->Panel Applets->Add->Keyboard Layout Switcher. Upon a restart of X that gave me a US flag symbol (for US keyboard) in lower right hand corner. No other language selection. I then as a regular user sent the command


setxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll us,th

and I then had a choice between Thai and US keyboard which worked well. That unfortunately is only temporary until the next reboot. HOW to make it permanent ? I tried, and I was unable to make that permanent. I tried adding .Xkbmap to /home/user (restarted/tested) and when that failed I tried adding .Xmodmap to /home/user (restarted/tested) and when that failed I tried adding /etc/X11/Xkbmap (restarted/tested) and when that failed I added same line to /etc/X11/Xmodmap (restarted/tested) and that also failed. The line in all cases was


-option grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll us, th

I also tired editing the /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/90_keytable.conf file, changing it to


Section "InputClass"
Identifier "LocalKeyboard"
MatchIsKeyboard "on"
Option "XkbLayout" "us, th"


I could create a script with my 1st successful effort (and have that run when LXDE starts up) but surely there is a more elegant way? I am also NOT keen to have this system wide (even thou I tried that system wide (unsuccessfully) at the end) but I would rather only have this for one LXDE user.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Audio Via HDMI/DisplayPort - Chances Making It Work?

May 11, 2011

I occasionally use a DisplayPort->HDMI cable to connect my laptop to my AV-Receiver, however I only get the picture to the AV-Receiver, but no sound. I read that not all DisplayPort->HDMI cables support sound, so I tested Windows7 on the same machine and it transmitted sound over that cable just fine. So I conclude that it is a Linux driver problem.

So I generally wonder whether this can be made to work easily or not. Does anyone here have experiences with this topic, especially with nvidia graphics cards managing the display port? (I did find older posts about HDMI audio, but they were all concerned with ATI graphics.)

pavucontrol / phonon do list a "High Definition Audio Controller Digital Stereo (HDMI)"-device, but sending sound to it does not do a thing. Furthermore, my dell laptop only has a displayport, but no HDMI connector.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba Server - Making Content Inside MNT Visible

Apr 27, 2010

I have configured a samba server where I have configured it for /mnt dir to be exported/shared. When I verify this share, I see mnt dir but I want the content inside the mnt to be visible or chroot into mnt directly.

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OpenSUSE :: When Copy Paste From Universal Clipboard It Keeps Tabbing Making The Scripts Very Long?

Jun 15, 2011

How to remove the auto tab ? After i wrote ( { )In the terminal there is auto tab .. this looks handy at first but :When i copy paste from universal clipboard it keeps tabbing making the scripts very long .. Is there a setting how to remove it

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Debian :: Making Use Of The Windows Key?

May 20, 2011

Just wondering if it is possible to make use of the Windows keys on keyboards - the ones with MS logo.In Vista - the action is to invoke the Start Menu.In Linux, there is no action when you press these keys - can this be changed?

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Ubuntu :: Making Mirror On DVD's?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a local mirror at my server. How I can create mirror on DVD's for people without network connections?

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Ubuntu :: Making A Lucid Iso With A Few Little Changes?

May 2, 2010

I want to make an iso for some friends [and maybe friends of friends] that aren't all that tech savvy, so I want to change a few things to the original Lucid iso. First, I want the option to install Lucid out of the boot menu [but the other options should ideally stay]. Second, I want to include the ubuntu-restricted-extras so they can immediately try it out and see that it also plays video/audio etc.

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Ubuntu :: Making More Use Of The Server?

Sep 26, 2010

I'm running relatively overpowered server right now, that all it really does is host files and download movies/music that I might enjoy. I'm just seeking to expand it's capabilities to make life in the house more simple. The first thing I'd like to do is create a kind of automatic grocery list generator concept. Here's how I envision it working.

We create a list of recipes for meals we enjoy, specifically an ingredient list. From this list, we create bi-monthly meal lists; what do we want to have for the next two weeks. The server chews through the two lists, compiles a list of ingredients and how much of each we'd need.. and emails this off to our smart phones for us to refer to while shopping. What equipment do I have? I have a headless Ubuntu server running 10.04 and administered via a GUI and NX Client. Two blackberries (both 9700 Bolds) as portable smart clients that would need to at least receive the list, tho ability to add in would be great.

Home network is a mix of wired and wireless, so no issues there for connectivity. So why post this here? Because I'm at a loss as to the software/configuration part. Doing an automated email daemon is easy to send the list out. And a list of recipes or such is easy to get (dozens of cookbooks in the house, plus a small army of them available online).. the issue I'm having with is how to create/manage the database. I'm not familiar with SQL or any database programming at all. Is there something akin to this already in the repositories? Or is there someone who could point me in the right direction so I can do this?

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Ubuntu :: Making Some Files (Run Only)

May 29, 2011

Is it possible to disable the run/display/cancel dialog just for some selected files and keep it for others? I want to be able to just click on some files which would run them instantly yet still being asked what to do if I click on other files. Say, launching files a, b & c would make them execute but launching files d, e, f and all others would pop-up the dialog asking me what to do. So can it be done?

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Programming :: Making An Awk Script ?

Sep 29, 2010

Making an awk script. If you tell me to read the documentation.. I know.. you're right.

By the way, here is some input


My awk program has to work in this way:

until the end of the document if the beginning of the line is "START11" while the beginning of the line is different form "END11" print the whole line (print the "END11" line too)

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General :: Making RPM Replace Another One

Jul 12, 2011

I want to make an rpm which when installed as an update causes another rpm to be removed. I'm fairly sure this is possible because I have seen LibreOffice rpms install as updates replacing OpenOffice rpms in the process without any interaction being required. However I'm unable to figure out how to do it, even after having looked at the spec file for such a LibreOffice rpm.

I have package gstreamer-0_10-ffmpeg installed. I have another package called multimedia installed. I've built a new version of multimedia which includes the gstreamer ffmpeg plugin so I don't need the gstreamer-0_10-ffmpeg package installed any more. I've tried using Provides and Obsolete in the spec file of the new multimedia package. E.g.

Provides: gstreamer-0_10-ffmpeg
Obsoletes: gstreamer-0_10-ffmpeg <= 0.10.10
(I've tried it with and without version numbers.) Whatever I put in the spec file, when I try and install the new multimedia package as an update zypper says

$ zypper up -y multimedia
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

Problem: multimedia-1.1-1.i586 obsoletes gstreamer-0_10-ffmpeg <= 0.10.10 provided by gstreamer-0_10-ffmpeg-0.10.10-0.i686
Solution 1: replacement of gstreamer-0_10-ffmpeg-0.10.10-0.i686 with multimedia-1.1-1.i586
Solution 2: do not ask to install a solvable providing multimedia > 1.0-2
Selecting an option manually is no good, I need the update to happen without user interaction.

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General :: Making An Installation Without YUM?

Jul 12, 2011

I'm trying to make a huge installation of applications on linux, (Red Hat), but without internet, i mean, i will have to download rpm's one by one and install them, the problem is that i've tried and is terrible, it always shows conflicts within versions, dependencies of dependencies, etc etc...

Is there any kind of tip to get this working? any kind of command that shows me the real dependencies that should be installed (with the right versions, etc) without conflicts? I've tried the following:

rpm -qR package

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