OpenSUSE :: Making User A Part Of The Power Group?

Apr 4, 2011

Ever since the 11.4 update I have to enter my root password in order to shutdown the computer, I think this is because I'm not a part of the "power" group. I remember something similar in 11.2 but I never got around to fixing it.Is there a way to join the "power" group?? I don't see it on the user and groups management section in yast.

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Ubuntu :: Create A User Group That Restricts Internet Privileges To Only Members In The Group

Jul 19, 2011

How can I create a user group that restricts Internet privileges to only members in the group, then I will assigns certain applications to join the group for access to the Internet.

For example, I want only group net to have access to the Internet. Group net is then connected to:


So far, I am using the gnome group policy manager that is standard with ubuntu but Its not working. It is possible that im misdirected and that I should use a firewall instead?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Add New User / Group To Apache2

Oct 8, 2010

i try to install bugzilla on suse 11.2. For that i want to add a new user / group to the apache2. I want to add the following commands to the envvars but there is no such file available

export APACHE_RUN_USER=apache2
export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=apache2

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OpenSUSE :: User Friendly Viewing Power Point Presentations

Oct 14, 2009

I was chatting with my 83+ year old mother last night on the phone about her computer. She boots about 50-50 between winXP and openSUSE-11.1. She was complaining about some Windoze problem that neither my wife nor I could remotely fix (with us living a continent away) and she noted she would not boot to winXP if it were not for the fact she can play back (from her Hot Mail account) power point presentations MUCH easier under winXP than she can under Linux. Hence she often boots to winXP because she can handle those files easier under winXP.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Log In To Normal User Account After Shutting Down The Power

Sep 10, 2011

I cannot log into the normal user account after shutting down the OPENSUSE 11.1 system by cutting off electricity. The system always returns to the login page which requires to choose account id and enter passwd even when I type in correct normal user id and passwd. The root account can be used.

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Ubuntu :: Create A New Administrative User Of Change The Current User's Group

Sep 3, 2010

This netbook only has a user with non-administrative privs on it and root user but I do not have root's password.Is there a way that I can create a new administrative user of change the current user's group so that it can do sudo commands or have more privs?

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Software :: Allow A Group/user To Execute A Command, Where One Of The Parameters Of The Command Is A Group As Well?

May 3, 2010

Is it possible to allow a group/user to execute a command, where one of the parameters of the command is a group as well? example that does not work as intended:

Cmnd_alias SU=/bin/su -l %group1 This example works sortof, it treats the "%group1" literally. I know I can list out the "/bin/su -l <eachuser>", but as you can imagine that is impractical. In this example, I want people in group2(not shown for brevity sake) to be able to su to someone in group1

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OpenSUSE Network :: Get NIS Settings Back Into YaST "User And Group Management"?

Jan 18, 2011

After a disastrous foray into LDAP I restored NIS on a very simple network run by a very simple operator. Everything now works except for YaST on the NIS master. I can't manage NIS users in YaST any more. The option 'show NIS users' is now absent from the 'filter' button up in YaST "User and Group Management" So, after following the YaST route to LDAP there seems no way back...

These are OpenSUSE 11.3 boxes and the slave NIS server can't [obviously enough] delete expired NIS users on the master, although it sees them fine. Disabling or changing NIS server or client on the Master simply restores the 'wrong' settings - nothing is erased or cleaned. How do I clean up NIS controls so YaST sees it properly? or What do I need to do to restore NIS group & user control to YaST?

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General :: How To Add User In Group?

Mar 17, 2010

I have four users in my red hat linux 9. I want that all these four users should add in a group i.e "Marketing". please guide me that using terminal which command may i write so that the users should added in the group.I does't want to use GUI interface to do it.

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General :: How To Add User Into Group?

Feb 14, 2011

I want to add a user "smith" into marketing group using terminal.Please guide me that how can I do it ?

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General :: Get All Group List Of Particular User?

Jun 20, 2011

How to get all group list of particular user in linux to whom which he is member.

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General :: User And Group Ids Scrambled When Using NFS?

Jul 11, 2011

I'm using nfs to mount the folder /mirror from a server onto a node.

This works, except on the node the user and group are displayed as "4294967294".

On the server: ls -al ./ displays

-rw-r--r-- 1 cu cu 0 2011-07-11 15:08 test1
-rw-r--r-- 1 cu cu 0 2011-07-11 15:08 test2

whereas on the node

-rw-r--r-- 1 4294967294 4294967294 0 2011-07-11 15:08 test1
-rw-r--r-- 1 4294967294 4294967294 0 2011-07-11 15:08 test2

I have usermod and groupmod the username cu to have the same numbers on the node.

On the server: id displays

uid=1021(cu) gid=1007(cu) groups=1007(cu),109(admin)

on the node

uid=1021(cu) gid=1007(cu) groups=1007(cu)

I'm stumpeed as to what the problem could be.

I should perhaps add that the home directory is /mirror/cu (so that the users share the same account when mounted). Not sure if thats relevent though...

My /etc/exports file (on the server) looks like this

/mirror *(rw,sync)

and I do the mount (on the node) with

sudo mount server:/mirror /mirror

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General :: Delete User From Group?

Jan 28, 2010

how to delete a user from a group? i am new to this group started linux admin course.

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General :: User And Group Permissions

Jul 10, 2010

I am doing rhce course but i am very confused to answer these user and group permissions.the questions are like this...the owner of the /data must be user tom.primary group of /data must be the group sysadmins.the members of the group test must be able to write and create files in the /data.the members of the group web have no access to these directory.the user jack not belong to any of these gropus must have to edit files created in /data.the user tim can only list the contents.

the questions are always like these..i am okay with sgid and sticky bit.but i dnt know where to set default acl and other permissions.

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Ubuntu Security :: FTP User And Group To Apache?

Jun 13, 2010

What would be the effect of setting ProFTPd's user and group to the same user and group that Apache use? Are there any security risks in doing this, or is this safe to do?

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Ubuntu :: Get To The User/group Manage Using Alt+f2 In The Desktop?

Jul 5, 2010

My user/group manager in the system>administration menu is missing.Is there a command to get to the user/group manage using alt+f2 in the desktop? Or can i download the user/group manager from Ubuntu Software Center? I searched the Software Center and all i could find was the KUser user manager program... can I download it? Will it work with ubuntu 10.04?

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Ubuntu :: Removed User From Sudo Group

Sep 23, 2010

I made a mistake on my friend's Ubuntu system when trying to get hard drive permissions right. I wanted to add a user to a certain group with usermod -G, but without realising I should also use -a, with the result that the user is now not longer in the sudo group. This is the only (regular) user on the system, which means I can not sudo usermod again to get it right. So what to do? The only solution I can think of is using a live disc to restore the group belongings, but I want to know if there's a quicker way. Also, I don't know what more groups the user was in. Is there a history? Or else, what are the default groups?

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Ubuntu :: User Group Permissions Mess Up

Apr 14, 2011

My main account 'dave' runs as admin etc This was the output of 'groups dave': dave adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin sambashare admin I was trying to add dave to the user group 'media-www' and i ran this command: 'usermod -G media-www dave' Then after another 'groups dave':
dave : dave media-www It seems to have removed all the other groups! How do I restore this?

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General :: Ssh + Force User And Group On Mkdir?

Apr 19, 2010

im trying to implements mercurial repositories using ssh access.The problem is that if a login via ssh with the user "userA" all file upload vi that user are created with the owner: userA:userA and i need to use the group of the parent directory... is that posible ?For example:

repos ( root:repo)
-> project1 ( root:repoPrj1 )
-> file1 ( userA:usearA ) -> here i want userA:repoPrj1

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General :: Adding User To A Secondary Group?

Sep 10, 2009

If user1's main group is genetics and one wants to add him/her to group biochem and to assign biochem as his/her secondary group will the following suffice ?


$ sudo usermod -G biochem user1

I would like for user1 to have genetics as the main group but also belong to biochem. When user1 creates a file, as he/she belongs to main group genetics, I assume the file will be owned by user1 and group owner will be genetics. Ideally files created by user1 should be accessible to users in group genetics(when permissions are tweaked) but not by individuals in group biochem. However, any files with group owner biochem should be accessible to user1 as he/she does belong to biochem as a secondary group. Would having user1 main group genetics, secondary group biochem fulfil this criteria ?

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General :: Changing Primary Group On A User?

May 18, 2010

Does anyone know how to change the primary group on a user without changing the password? I've tried updating the /etc/passwd and running usermod -g group userBoth of those does change the group but somehow it messes up the password so the user cannot get in with the same password.

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General :: Files To Inherit User And Group?

Mar 8, 2010

i have a directory ( /dir1) that belongs to a user1:group1. I need to know if this is possible and if so a basic idea of how to. when i copy a file into /dir1 (as root) i would like it to obtain a different user and group. Is this possible?

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General :: Add A User To /etc/group When Username Is Tom.willis

Mar 12, 2011

The period(.) in 'tom.willis' seems to be throwing off the /etc/group file. Is there any way around this? I tried quotes, and escaping the '.' but to no avail.

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General :: Way In System To Set User And Group Security

Sep 8, 2010

Is there any way in linux that user & group security can be set ?
excluding the owner & group permissions.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Dd From Full 15GB Part To 1.3TB Part, Shows Same Free Space?

Dec 8, 2010

I just used dd to clone a linux partition to a new hard drive, it had 800mb left on the old hard drive, after dd, new hard drive lists 1.29/1.3 terabytes full. Is this what happens by default in dd? How can I fix this?

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Server :: How To Access Local Part / Domain Part Of Email Address In Postfix's

May 24, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to access the local part and the domain part of an email address in postfix's For example, has myname as the local part and as the domain part.I get the whole email address with %s. I want to speed up the lookups by writing better database queries.I've had no luck finding this in the otherwise well documented postfix.

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Debian Configuration :: Restricting Connections Per User Group

Apr 3, 2011

I want to limit the amount of connections a user can make outside of the box per user group, should I be doing this via iptables or what? aka:

group1 can only have 2 simultaneous outbound connections
group2 can only have 8

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Fedora :: Add The Default Normal User To The Sudoers Group?

Jul 3, 2010

How do i add the default normal user to the sudoers group? Is it normal for the main user to be kept out of the sudoers group or did i do something wrong during install?

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Fedora :: View A User's Group In The Command Line ?

Mar 23, 2011

I am learning about group and user management with Fedora and can change the user's group using the usermod command but did not know if there was a command to see the group currently associated with the user.

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General :: Understanding Ubuntu User / Group Permissions

May 20, 2010

I'm beginning to deal with more than one user on my system (it's a VPS serving some sites) and I need to make sure I understand how group permissions work. I have an account named "admin" .. it's basically the primary account that is used for serving most of the sites that I control myself. Now, I added a second account named "Ville" as one of my users wants to be able to administer that site. So, I can do this the easy way and just chown their domains folder under the ville user, they have permission to do whatever they need be and so forth. However, let's say I want to also give the admin user access to the files (modifying and all) .. how can I put both users into the same group and give them both permission?

I've tried doing:
sudo usermod -a -G admin ville
To add the ville into the admin group, but ville still cannot edit files by admin. Permissions for the primary directory for the ville user are read/write for both owner and group, and the current group for the files is admin:admin ..
But ville still can't write into the directory. So, what should I be doing here to get this right and secure at the same time?

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