I just switched back from Mint 10, and while setting to work different input method apps like SCIM and Ibus, bumped into a problem(welcome back to SUSE). After installing Scim, my chinese input works only on one application (Goldendict), it doesn't work in any other app. So I tried Ibus, same result. SO far nothing helped me to make them work. What I 'm trying to find out. Is where I can setup language input method in SUSE, I haven't found such an option anywhere in KDE, yast. WHile in Mint there is such an option, where you can change your inpud method either to scim, xim, scim-bridge or ibus. I tried qtconfig, there I found it, P.S. Warning rage words!: I feel like I should say it. But my previous SUSE experience and overall usage history proves that there is no better distro than Ubuntu nowadays, this is sad indeed, cause I used to start from SUSE. But its true, SUSE is a real pain in the ***, when it comes to getting things done. It seems like whenever u try to setup something there is always a bad feeling of failure. Don't know, but again I'm been consecutively annoyed but its numbness. I'm sorry, cause I feel like I disregard ppl's hard work and support.
I just heard about the newly developed input method IBUS (ibus - Project Hosting on Google Code) the other day. Supposedly, it fixes a number of problems of SCIM (which, unfortunately, is pretty much dead upstream), and both Ubuntu and Fedora are moving toward making IBUS the standard input on their systems.
Interestingly, there's nothing on the openSUSE forums yet, so this thread is supposed to fill the void and become, eventually, a how-to guide for running IBUS on openSUSE 11.2. I've tried to get IBUS running the past few days, but without succcess so far. Perhaps some of you how got it up and running already can help me out?
The IBUS website also mentions the repository Index of /repositories/home:/swyear for openSUSE, but as far as I can see, the IBUS files don't exist there anymore.
i open google page and want to search something, now , i want to change the input font which will be put into the search box, the default is english, how to exchange with others.
i open the google search page and want to search something.but the font which i will use is not the english. now, who can tell me how to exchange the input method to another.
Yesterday i download a new firefox china edition from [url] i just want to change my web browse.but it appears two problems first one,after tar the bag , i use this command ~/firefox/firefox want to start the firefox ,bu it tells me "cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied" then i use "setenforce 0" shut down the selinux ,after that i can start firefox, problems is i need to "setenforce 0"evertime if i restart my computer ,i can't do this again and again how can i do that? second one is my input method can't input chinese ,I think with the above issues,input method can't find input windows.
i'm running Debian "lenny" x86 on KDE. Back in Windows, I was able to switch between keyboard input languages by pressing certain hotkeys on my English keyboard. For instance if I switched to German, the semicolon button would become I think a umlaut or o umlaut. Is there any close equivalent in Debian? I know of 'dpkg-reconfigure console-data', however even if it did work (which in my case it didn't), it would be a hassle to type in commands at the terminal to switch between keyboard input languages, compared to just pressing hotkeys.
i upgrade system from fedora10 to 11 when i start the system i got following error Unable to keep input method running giving up to bring the process up because main input method process for SCIM rapidly died many time.See .imsettings.log for more details
IM-Settings-Daemon[2595]: CRITICAL **: Giving up to bring the process up because Main Input Method process for SCIM rapidly died many times. See .imsettings.log for more details.
I am wondering how i could set the system default Input Method of my choice. I have install extra language support (Chinese) and SCIM package (Chinese packages included)
All went well when i test it in Leafpad. The only thing I found it troublesome is that I need choose the input method manually every time. SCIM is already running at start up.
I have tried to set it via Language support without joy.... the System IME still showing X input method..
i'm a Chinese student, after I upgraded slackware13.1 to slakcware13.37, I find that I can't use the fcitx input method in emacs to type Chinese. One method is to comment parts of the font path in /etc/X11/xorg.conf-vesa file. I can use fcitx input method in the first emacs that I opened and then when I open a new emacs, I can't use fcitx input method and it indicates that the Ctrl+Space key combination is the Mark command. What's wrong with this problem?
Anyone knows a good input method for japanese writing in openSuSE 11.2 ? I tried to find something that works well (like microsoft IME) but unfortunately couldn't find anything...
I'm running Maverick, trying to change my input method from IBus to Anthy (Japanese) but whenever I click on System > Preferences > Keyboard Input Methods, it won't load the preferences window. It'll say "Starting..." on the taskbar but then disappear. The usual keyboard shortcut does nothing
i upgrade system from fedora10 to 11 when i start the system i got following error
Unable to keep input method running giving up to bring the process up because main input method process for SCIM rapidly died many time.See .imsettings.log for more details
.imsettings.log file contains this
imsettings information ========================== Is DBus enabled:yes Is imsettings enabled:yes Is GTK+ supported:yes Is Qt supported:no
While I can find my way around most things, terminals and desktop managers are different than I remember. One of the biggest problems that I am encountering today is that when running a gnome terminal (this is Suse 10.0 enterprise), I'm getting behavior in the window that I don't want. Specifically, when I type, my typing is underlined as if something is trying to spell check my window. Further, it seems as if when running vi or less, my keystrokes are only processed by these apps when I hit 'return'. I.e. if I'm running less and want to go back a page, I'll hit b, but nothing happens until I hit 'return'.
I seem to have tracked this down to the 'input method". Right clicking in the Gnome terminal allows me to set my input method to one of a dozen values. It seems that currently, it's set to "SCIM Input Method". If I then select 'default' or 'X Input Method', apps (i.e. things like less, vi, and even the bash shell) behave as I would expect.
a) what is this SCIM input method
b) how can I make it so that it is not the default?
I've poked around various configuration files in my home directory as well as in /etc, but I can't see to find how this is set.
defining keyboard layouts in linux (ubuntu 10.04 here). there does not seem to be any easy, graphical way to define keyboard mappings (except for keyboardlayouteditor, but frankly, i do not understand the installation description.i am using an apple aluminum keyboard with a german layout, but no matter what i do the (<>) and (^°) keys are always swapped (i did manage to change the default behavior for the f1...f12 keys from multimedia back to 'ordinary', application-centric... all you have to do is add the line echo 2 > /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode to /etc/rc.local... this is so bloody obvious i am ashamed i had to search the web for this!).
adding to my distress, i find the chinese IMEs a horror (not a single one of the many i tried does anywhere come near google pinyin for windows), and have gotten neither ibus nor scime to work in a satisfactory way for me. i find linux keyboard handling a morass. i know this must be one of the hardest problems in computer science, since this subject gets so convoluted no matter whether its on windows or in-the-browser javascript. as a linguist i am well aware of the inherent complications proper text handling poses, but looking at descriptions how to configure xkb makes building interstellar spaceships look like a cakewalk.
find a place in the system where keystrokes are recorded;read out those codes (could be scan codes or character codes) using a daemon (implemented in python; i heard you have to listen to IOCTL or somesuch); when certain code combinations appear, switch them to do what you want;applications now get to see a X where formerly the got to see a U and vice versa;profit!
Is there a place, in ubuntu / linux systems that does allow reading out keyboard codes? Is there a way to block processing of such keyboard actions until an intercepting daemon has processed them? Would such an interceptor work for a broad range of use cases? like on the command line, in a gtk app, in wine, in firefox and so on? An alternative would actually be to grok keyboardlayouteditor, so if someone could post about a readable, complete installation instruction or point out installable packages, that'd be great, too.
how to change my input language (the way typing in accents affects the output character).
Currently I am on a Brazilian abnt keyboard and an English system (which is what I want), but I am unable to output accented characters - which I sometimes want, when I am not programming. I need something to switch around, but cannot find where to configure additional languages (not keyboards) neither where to switch.
I originally made this post in Linux-General, but only one person was really answering the question and now he hasn't been responding, so I've come here since Scim is also Slackware related.Simply put, I need to be able to use Scim to input the Korean language.Here's the original thread:[URL]
I am trying to figure out if there is a way to start a process, and while it is running, pass input to it as though it were a stream. Although the subject of this post mentions this question is "language-neutral", specifically, I am trying to do this in Common Lisp. Truly, I am looking for the principles behind the method of doing this, which seem to me as though they would be language neutral.
I have done Google searches, and found nothing relevant to my query. Without using sockets and IP communication, I would like to start a process (let's use the MySQL command-line client, for example) and then in my Common Lisp (CL) program, pass it input like so:
(format *mysql-client-instance* "SELECT * FROM some_table;")
Simply, how would I go about sending input to an active process as though it were a stream? My thinking is there has to be some way to do it - similar to the Expect superset of Tcl.
I'm setting up a Master and Slave OpenLDAP (ver. 2.4.25) use Replication method following {URL]. When I used slapdcat (slapdcat -l master_dump.ldif), I got a message:
root@ldap:/usr/local/openldap/sbin# ./slapcat -l master_dump.ldif /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/slapd.conf: line 89: <replogfile> keyword is obsolete (ignored) /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/slapd.conf: line 91: <replica> keyword is obsolete (ignored) bdb_db_open: warning - no DB_CONFIG file found in directory /usr/local/openldap/var/openldap-data: (2). Expect poor performance for suffix "dc=abc,dc=com". bdb_monitor_db_open: monitoring disabled; configure monitor database to enable
My Master slapd.conf is: # Require 112-bit (3DES or better) encryption for updates # Require 63-bit encryption for simple bind # security ssf=1 update_ssf=112 simple_bind=64
# Sample access control policy: # Root DSE: allow anyone to read it # Subschema (sub)entry DSE: allow anyone to read it # Other DSEs: # Allow self write access # Allow authenticated users read access # Allow anonymous users to authenticate
# Directives needed to implement policy: # access to dn.base="" by * read # access to dn.base="cn=Subschema" by * read # access to * # by self write # by users read # by anonymous auth # if no access controls are present, the default policy allows anyone and everyone to read anything but restricts updates to rootdn. (e.g., "access to * by * read") .....
My Slave slapd.conf is similar configuration to the Master Server...
I had that standard "Ubuntu Firefox Modifications" addon/extension in my browser and it turned out that one of the things it does is automatically manipulate the language settings in Firefox so that it reverts to a setting everytime firefox starts. So basically in my Ubuntu computer I am not allowed to change the preset of the language of my browser.
This is the item controlled by the "intl.accept_languages" line in about:config, which everytime it is changed (either by me or by a software) Ubuntu sneaks up and reverts the setting back, so that every time I restart/reopen Firefox I am back to square one. The thing is this wasn't the case until recently. I have no idea what happened or when or how but obviously I don't want it and I want to know how I can get back to the way it was.
I am writing an installation script that sets up ssh keys and then sets up ssh tunnels. I want the ssh connections to be setup by the install script so that the first time you make the connections you don't need to type in yes when it asks if you confirm the brand new host. How can I get around that?
I want to install Xubuntu 10.10 x64, but it does not work. While copying data the setup tells me about an Input/Output error, but i don't think there are hardware errors.
The environment:
AMD Phenom II 1055t 6x2,8 Ghz 2x 2gb ram Hitachi 1TB hard drive Two partitions: 1st for Windows 7 Ultimate (NTFS), 2nd for my Data (NTFS)
So I decreased the size of the data partition and created two new partitions beside the Win7 partition and the data partition. The first is ext4-journal (20gb) the second is Swap (4gb). I've done that all by the Xubuntu setup.
I've downloaded the image from the german mirror (TU Chemniz) and checked the integrety via SHA1. Checksum was correct. I also checked the data after burning.
I have some music in another language, but when I open the songs in Banshee, their song names just come up as weird characters (like μ).I went to [System --> Administration --> Language Support] and installed support for that language, but the songs still come up like μ. (But in Nautilus, their proper names show).
I know the solution is to change my whole system language to that language, but I don't want to do that, as I am not very fluent in it. Is there any way to enable support for that language while keeping English as the language used to display my desktop?
One computer .... three users .... three languages. How do you make that happen? User A speaks English and is happy with English. No problem. User B needs to use Chinese and would like the full system in Chinese. User C needs to use Thai and Chinese. They would prefer their menus to be in Thai and can use iBus for Chinese entry. How do you set up the system so that each user can select their system language when they login?