OpenSUSE Install :: /home Not There After 11.3 Install?

Jul 29, 2010

Installed 11.3 yesterday. Was using 11.1. Things are working fine except.... Before 11.3 install df -h looked like this:

/dev/sdb1 Ext3 /
/dev/sdb2 Ext3 /home
/dev/sdb3 Swap

After 11.3 install:

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb1 20G 3.6G 16G 20% /
devtmpfs 2.0G 248K 2.0G 1% /dev
tmpfs 2.0G 256K 2.0G 1% /dev/shm

While home still exists on /sdb2 and was backed up "just in case", it didn't get mounted post 11.3 install. I probably did something wrong but what? How do I fix this? I'd rather not re-install. I'd rather learn by my mistake(s).Also, what are devtmpfs and tmpfs? Are they necessary? I don't recall having them back in 11.1, but I could be wrong.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Install App's To Home Partition

Feb 5, 2011

When I loaded opensuse 11.3 for the first time, I used the automatic partitioner and have been loading app's onto my ~8GB boot partition, and now that it's full, I have ~15 GB free on my home partition and need to install a few more app's to get my laptop fully functional. Is there a way (other than copying the boot partition to the home partition and then repartitioning, copying again to the repartitioned drive, and then recopying again to the freed up space) to get the new app's I install to redirect to my home partition?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Create A New Home Partition, Don't Want To Preserve The Existing Home Partition?

Jan 14, 2010

Trying to clean install 11.2 dual boot with Win xp already installed. How do I create a new home partition, don't want to preserve the existing home partition from a previous attempt. DVD installation and automatic config keeps saving the thing.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Setup OPENSUSE To Find/access My Windows Home Server

Aug 9, 2010

I installed the latest version...Everything works like a charm. I have Windows Home Server 2003 running and would like to access all of my folders. How can i setup OPENSUSE to find/access my Windows Home Server 2003. Can you help me with this. Just to let you know. Am i missing something so i can access them locally.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Reinstalling OpenSUSE And Preserving /home Partition?

Sep 29, 2010

I'd like to reinstall openSUSE 11.3 on a pc and would like to preserve the /home partition. The current partiton structure is

sda1 /boot
sda2 /swap
sda3 /extended partition
sda4 /
sda5 /home

When the installer gets to the point to set up the partitions it offers something like

sda1 /
sda2 /swap
sda3 /home

I'm not sure which option to take now. I assume I choose the option to edit the partitions but I'm not clear how to preserve the /home as it's now got a different partition number or does that no matter as long as I choose not to format it? Also, to replicate the original partition structure I'd need to delete the partitions and add them in the correct order but would that destroy the /home?I'm a bit confused with how it will work.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Getting The More Space At /home?

Mar 17, 2010

so upon install of 11.2, I thought that I would try the LVM option when it asked me how I wanted to partition my HDD. I am using the entire HDD for SUSE...or so I thought. Take a look at how much space I have for my /home partition:


Now, I've added up the numbers, and they sure don't add up to 74.51 GB. Any way that I can make /home bigger? It won't let me increase it anymore beyond 7.89 GB, which is a total bummer.

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OpenSUSE Install :: /home And / Directories

Sep 14, 2010

In system info my ext4 /home directory shows total space of 51.7 gigs with 51.5 gigs available.

My ext4 / directory shows total space 19.7 gig and 7.7 gig free. Whenever I install anything it goes to the / (as guess root directory) In Dolphin it shows my /home directory but anything installed under that seems like it installs on the / directory.

If I have 51 gigs free where is it and how do I gain access?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Encrypting Home Folder ?

Dec 2, 2009

I've changed my distro from Kubuntu to Opensuse with Kde and I really like the new one.

Kde look better on opensuse as well as firefox seems to run faster. But I miss a feature I had on Kubuntu that is the encryption of my home folder (And it is essential as I want to install Opensuse on my notebook).

I would like to know if it is possible and, if it is, how to encrypt my system in order to keep all my personal data and stored passwords safe in case of someone have access to my notebook.

I liked opensuse a lot but this is the only thing that is keeping me from a complete distro change.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can Ext 3 Home Partition Mount On 11.2

Dec 28, 2009

I was looking to do a fresh install of 11.2 and use my home partition from 11.1. During the Gnome Live version I wanted to see how suse would configure my computer. It recognized everything fine, except it didn't show my current home partition which is ext 3. Because Opensuse 11.2 has switched to ext 4 as default for root and home? I was hoping to use my old home with 11.2. Is there any way to make the switch without losing my settings? During the live install the partitioner didn't use my current home partition, it was going to make a new one.

So I opened up the partitioner in yast to see why it didn't use my current home and it shows no mount point for my home ext 3. Would changing the mount point on my ext 3 partition to home make the 11.2 installer recognize this as my home to use? Or will I have to copy my current home. Paste it elsewhere. Delete old home. Use unallocated space as ext 4. Paste old home on new ext4 to have the 11.2 installer recognize this as my home. So, current home is ext 3. 11.2 installer wants to make a new home on ext4. How do I use my current home settings? I haven't installed yet just tried a live run.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Format The 'Home' Partition?

Mar 27, 2010

I was recently forced to do a reinstall of OpenSUSE. As part of that I backed up the folders I needed to keep. The installation however didn't format the 'Home' partition though. At first I thought it was nice, but I've run into trouble with a program I most definately need to get working. So my plan is to re-install yet again.

how to make the install format the root partition I think it is, and the 'home' partition, so I can start fresh.

To further complicate things My laptop (which this is happening on) is dual booting between OpenSUSE and Windows 7. It is VERY important that the windows partitions remain.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Backup /home (all Users)

Apr 20, 2010

I want to backup all the data in my /home folder/partition (before upgrading).

1. In How to migrate to a new openSUSE version - openSUSE it is only written how to backup *one* users data.

If you know the path to your external harddisk, just open a konsole and do:

$ su
1. cd /home
2. cp -b -vvv username_to_be_backed_up /media/<folder_of_your_external_harddisk>

How can I backup *all* users' data in one folder "home-double"?

2. Has the external disk have to have any special file system?

I have an 500 GB disk in fat with some data already on it. Can this be used? Or do I have to make an new (ext3?) partition on my external hard disk to preserve permissions? Do I have to worry about big files under FAT?

3. Should I make anything to get sure that all data is the same in "home-double" as in "/home"?

Now I am using (on my Samsung X20) openSuse 11.1 and Gnome 2.24.1 (mostly, 1 account is using KDE) and Kernel Linux "/home" is on an separated partition (as part of an extended partition). I have also 2 NTFS partitions for Windows XP (System and Data), and a FAT, a root (/) and a swarp partition.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Enter Home Directory

Jul 18, 2010

I get this error when I boot opensuse default and fail safe. It takes me to a console log in, which works. This happened after new kernel install in Linux Mint, which is unbootable atm. I can boot windows, bsd but no Linux.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Reinstall And Keep /home And Users

Sep 19, 2010

After working with a more or less stable system I decided to install 11.3 on my system. Atm I am working with a updated 10.3 (prop state is 11.2 now after kernel update) Installed is Gnome, KDE3 and KDE4 - using KDE3

Now the question can I reinstall Opensuse 11.3 to my root partition and keep /home successfully? It is on a separate partition (Doing backup atm also). I understand that I will have to set it as mountpoint during installation. When asked to create user I stopped as I am scared if I add a user with the same name as on my old install it will overwrite the current folder in mounted /home... I seriously like my old username and want to keep it - can i safely add the user during install? will my stuff be still there?

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Remount Encrypted Home

May 21, 2011

After update to 11.4, I would like to regain access to my encrypted home that I left intact. Both user.img and user.key files are there, but when I create the same user again in YaST, it does not recognize their presence and it asks again for size of the image. I am afraid it will just overwrite the old image. I do have full backup of hte data, but since its 150GB, I would rather not have to transfer it again.

How can I remount my old encrypted home?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Missing .Xauthority File In Home Dir?

Dec 20, 2009

Been trying to get nxserver running on 11.2 i386 at location A and keep getting an error on connecting from client at location B.

NX> 203 NXSSH running with pid: 6439
NX> 285 Enabling check on switch command


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OpenSUSE Install :: /Home Partition Will Not Mount During Startup

Dec 28, 2009

This is strange. I moved OS 11.1 from an old 150 GB PATA drive over to a 500 GB SATA using Parted Magic. The old and new partitions were

/dev/sda1 - 19.99 GB, mounted as / (root partition)
/dev/sda2 - 97.82 GB, mounted as /home
/dev/sdb1 - 29.52 GB, Windows XP
/dev/sda1 - 29.30 GB, mounted as /
/dev/sda2 -292.97 GB, mounted as /home
/dev/sda3 - 45.82 GB, Windows XP

I used the "Clonezilla" tool on the Parted Magic live CD to move and resize the partitions. To my delight, everything appeared to transfer just fine. I can boot into OpenSUSE 11.1 (though not into Windows, but that's not really important; I'll figure that out later), but my /home partition won't mount. I'm set to autologin, and I get the expected error: "can't access /home/stephen" (or something like that). Here's the weird thing. I can ALT-F3, get a terminal and manually "mount /dev/sda2 /home", go back to ATL-F7 and log right in, so I know the disk is fine. (I've already 'fsck'd everything, by the way, and they're clean.)

I've used Yast's partitioner about a dozen times, trying "device by ID" and other settings. I always get the same thing when I reboot. On this last reboot, when it refused to log into /home, I ALT-F3'd, logged in as root, did a "cat" on "/etc/fstab" and entered the device-by-id line exactly as I saw it there and it mounted the /home directory just fine! ALT-F7, logged into KDE. I'm typing this in KDE now. Works fine. I so rarely need to reboot this machine that I can manually mount the /home partition, if need be, but (obviously) I'd like it to be mounted automatically during the boot.

Here's my /etc/fstab:
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-Hitachi_HDP725050GLA360_GEA534RV0DJ4LA-part1 / ext3
acl,user_xattr 1 1
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-Hitachi_HDP725050GLA360_GEA534RV0DJ4LA-part2 /home ext3 acl,user_xattr user,acl,1 2
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-Hitachi_HDP725050GLA360_GEA534RV0DJ4LA-part3 /windows/C
ntfs-3g users,gid=users,fmask=133,dmask=022,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0 .....

I don't see anything obviously wrong here. The fact that I can take that second line and do a manual "mount" shows me that the device ID is at least correct. Just to be clear, here's what I entered in virtual terminal 3 as root to get my home partition to mount:
mount /dev/disk/by-id/ata-Hitachi_HDP725050GLA360_GEA534RV0DJ4LA-part2 /home
and it worked fine. Exact same line.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Create A Separate /home Partition?

Mar 3, 2010

I'm trying a fresh install of 11.2 but I couldn't figure out how to make the whole installation on the same logical extended partition.

It always wants to create a separate /home partition.

I have a second HDD with NTFS only for backup purposes, but the installer puts a grub entry for it too (windows 2). And this HDD is not even bootable. I don't have the balls to try to boot from it and see what happens. How to get rid of it?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrade Erased /home/ Directory?

May 14, 2010

I have just followed the instructions here: Upgrade/Supported - openSUSE to upgrade from version 11.1 to 11.2. When it was upgrading the system, by using: It had problems with a couple of rpms (one oppenofice extras and the other i cant remember). I went away for a moment and when i returned the computer was blocked. I whaited to no avail. I pushed the power button and turned of the PC. I started it again, and in the boot menu it still said version 11.1, but the background was not that of 11.1, but that of 11.2. I booted but did not started X windows, worse still my /home/ directory is empty!

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OpenSUSE Install :: Ubuntu Sharing /home Partition?

Jun 2, 2010

I have two partitions where I can install (e.g. versions of openSUSE). I have a Swap and a /home partition to be shared by both. Thus e.g., while still running 10.3, I could install and test 11.2. Once I switched over to 11.2, I still can use 10.3 when need arises (not done for monthes now). I have the 10.3 partition mounted, thus I can stilll see what was in /etc/.... on the 10.3 system from the 11.2 system if need arises.

I gave the file systemss on those two partitiions different labels to better keep them apart. It is in the first place up to you to design how you want to partition your disk(s) to facilitate such a feature. Has someone done a thing like this (especially sharing /home partition) with openSUSE and Ubuntu? Is there a How-To anywhere? Until now I have the /home folder of Ubuntu not on a separate partition but under the system/root partition "/" of Ubuntu.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Move /home To Another Partition With Yast?

Jul 18, 2010

Im using suse 11.1 with /home on a separate partition. To move my /home to a larger partition it looked easy to use Yast partitioner. I copied all /home/ files first to the new partition and backed-up fstab.

with Yast I unmounted /dev/sdb6 = /home and mounted it to /local
then unmounted /dev/sda4 = mynewhomepartition and mounted it to /home

checking the new fstab it looked fine but after a restart it did not work and I got an error. resetting the original fstab resetted the system as it used to be. My question is: why does it not work, are there (hidden) files with the old or other settings?.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Migrating The Encrypted Home-directory?

Oct 5, 2010

I am trying to open an encrypted home directory from opensuse 11.2 with opensuse 11.3. This means i have a user.img and a user.key So far i have done:

losetup /dev/loop3 user.img
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/loop3 home
Enter passphrase for /dev/loop3:

No key available with this passphrase. At this point it will not accept my passphrase.

A luksDump reveals:

cryptsetup luksDump /dev/loop3
LUKS header information for /dev/loop3


When i try to use the key file, i get:

cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/loop3 home --key-file home.key No key available with this passphrase.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Setting Up An Encrypted Home Directory?

Dec 12, 2010

I am having a problem setting up an encrypted home directory with openSUSE 11.3. I used Yast User and Group Management to edit an existing user to encrypt the home directory and the user.key and user.img files were created in the /home directory. I tried it out and logged in as user and created a new file. I logged out and logged in as a different user and was able to see the newly created file in the first users home directory.

I figured I did something wrong so I went back to Yast and deleted the user. I deleted the /home/user directory using file manager su mode. I tried again to create a new user with an encrypted home directory using Yast and now when Yast tries to write the changes I get an error: "pam_mount is already setup for user. Use --replace to replace the
existing entry." I do not know how to proceed from here except to try with a different user name as I do not understand what the error message means and what command to use --replace with.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrading To 11.3 Keeping /home Partition?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm upgrading to 11.3 (from 11.2) and will be keeping my current home partition. Will this keep my browser favorites? Also, I read somewhere that in order for things to work properly after upgrading (without reformatting my /home partition) that I would have to keep the same username AND user UID...? Is that true? How do I make sure I have the same UID if so...?

I purposely set up a seperate home partition so that when I changed distro's or upgraded I would still have my files, and some settings intact. (I switched distros a lot when I first started using Linux.) I set up a "bin" folder (in home folder) that had a couple of programs I had downloaded to keep from having to set up and configure everything all over again every time I felt like changing distro's as well.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Home Directory Is Running Out Space

Mar 19, 2011

My machine telling me that my home directory is running out space,It is said 95% in usage.Try to delete the big unwanted files in users (just two user in my machine),df ing, but the home usage status keep on 95%.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How Does Encrypted Home Folder Work

Apr 11, 2011

I'm guessing that a file is created as a loopback device and encrypted (using LUKS?)

What is the mechanism used at user login to decrypt and mount the encrypted $HOME and to re-encrypt it at logout?

I confess an ulterior motive here - SWMBO has recently got her hands on an Acer Aspire one running Linpus Lite and there's absolutely no security on it

Personally I'd dump Linpus and put on openSUSE but it's her box and she likes the simple interface that Acer have supplied so maybe I can set up the encrypted $HOME as YaST does for openSUSE if I can find out what to do.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Boot Into Removed Home Partition

Apr 30, 2011

I mistakenly removed my /home of openSUSE while trying to install another distro. My root pertition is OK. openSUSE is shown in grub. but i cannot boot into it as there is no /home is there any way to fix this without removing my openSUSE?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Encrypted Home Partition Automount?

Jul 24, 2011

First off I'm new to the openSUSE community and would just like to say So, to the issue at hand. I recently switched to openSUSE 11.4 from Debian. I noticed the setup didn't have an option encrypt the home folder like it does in Debian, so not being aware of any other way to encrypt it, I created a new partition, backed up my current home directory, created a new partition and mounted it as home before copying in the contents of the backup to the encrypted home partition I created. Now of course it is askingme to put the crypto password in at each boot, which isn't ideal because it's a family machine and no-one would remember the password but me. Is there any way of being able to automount the encrypted partition without having to put the key in every time? Or better yet an encrypted home folder that doesn't require the key to be put in on each login (as in Debian) without even using a dedicated partition.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Couldn't Update ICEauthority/home/name/ICEaithority

Dec 10, 2009

After installing madwifi, I get this error message at login

couldn't update ICEauthority/home/name/ICEaithority.

Now I don't have to login i.e. enter my password. It just goes to a black screen and I get this error, which I close out and than I am logged into my desktop which seems to be fine.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Mount - Run Cron To Backup Home Folder?

Jan 4, 2010

I installed a second HD, and formatted it to ext4. I gave it the "/backup" label. I am trying to figure out how to mount it so that I can run cron to backup my home folder onto it once a week. This is what the fstab looks like now


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OpenSUSE Install :: Splinting A Home Directory Three Ways For Two Distros?

Jan 6, 2010

I want to do something that would make my life easier. Problem:

1. I use OpenSUSE as my main OS for over 2 years now. BUT I like playing with a flavor of the month OS.

2. Virtual OS installs are not my cup of tea. a) You don't get a "true" feeling for the OS without it being installed on metal. b) I have a OLD cpu and virtual anything is painfully slow.

Solution: Split the /home directory into three partitions.

1. Shared /home partition holding all visible data files

2. OpenSUSE /home partition having all the hidden .files and .directories for its configuration.

3. Flavor of the month OS /home partition having all the hidden .files and .directories for its configuration.

I can therefore install another OS or Distro and just format and install to 2 partitions. I still have all my documents and files in a separate shared partition.

1. I understand why they made the configuration files in /home for multiple users, but when someone wants to keep trying out different things it causes problems. 2. I don't want to place my files on my NAS. I have the same issue. My config files are saved in the NAS/home/and I can't share it without headaches. Doesn't solve my issue. 3. A symbolic link (soft) won't work since it will not update itself if files are moved.
4. Drop Box won't solve my issue and just take up space. 5. Syncing the /home/ folders between the two would take double the space. Just an issue with videos music and pictures. 6. If I make any changes won't this causes issues with the operating system and applications placing .config and defaults to the wrong place?

Solution I can't figure out how to process:

1. Save my .config files on a separate partition.

2. Making a link for each folder from the SUSE or Flavor of the month's /home folder to the storage /home folder located on a separate partition.

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