OpenSUSE Install :: Chroot Permissions At Login?

Aug 11, 2011

I'm trying to get it so that for a particular user, at login, they are chrooted to a specific directory. I've set up the directory and everything such that I think it should work. I wrote a new login shell that chroots the user and set it to be the login shell for that user in yast. Everything works great, except that when the user logs in, it asks for two passwords : the user's password, and then the root password (because chrooting requires su privileges). Is there a way around this? This is what my login shell looks like:

/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/chroot /home/raid/dictation /bin/bash


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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Set Up A Chroot Environment

Aug 25, 2011

I`m running openSUSE Tumbleweed so the first question is: can i run ONLY another openSUSE OS inside the environment ? or can i run any distro i want ?

My second question is how do it set up the environment to act just like my normal OS, with both root and user rights on it? and of course can i run X ?

And finally third question: after googling a bit i did not found a tutorial for openSUSE but i have seen that is says that i have mount and/or bind certain things, how do i make the same thing under openSUSE for the respective chroot environment?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Completely Chroot Enviornoment Where Every Single Service Is In Chroot Mode (bind,mysql, Postfix)?

Jul 12, 2011

recently we decided to make our own panel (like Plesk or cPanel) but for Ubuntu and it will be licenced under GPL (like any other professional sofware).want to make a panel not only that fits our needs but also the needs of other system administrators and domain owners. We researched other panels and found out that non of them has security/look/ease of use in one package. Bad codig is another problem found in other panels.I made a short overwiev of what I think we have to have in the beginning.I Security :1. Completely chroot enviornoment where every single service is in chroot mode (bind,mysql, postfix, .... )2. Easily managed IPtables trough web-based interface. 3. Coding rules has to be strict.

II Software selection :
1. MTA - Postfix
2. POP - dovecot


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OpenSUSE Install :: Login At KDM (KDE4), The Monitor Goes Black And Returns To The Login Screen?

Nov 17, 2009

My OpenSUSE 11.2 is working fine as samba server, no problems, but I have a problem with KDM.My default init runlevel is set to 5 and every time I try to login at KDM (KDE4), the monitor goes black and returns to the login screen.If I hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 to go to console and start /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon manually, press Ctrl+Alt+F7 to return to KDM login, everything is fine.What do I have to do to fix this issue?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Login At The Main Login In Prompt After Boot - Just Returns Back ?

Jan 6, 2010

When I try and login at the main login in prompt after boot, it just returns me back to the prompt again.

If I login as root it's fine...OpenSuse: 11.3 Kde: Latest

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Login / Get To Login Screen Type In Password It Begins To Load Desktop?

Jun 18, 2010

been using 11.2 with KDE on a Sony laptop since 11.2 was released always ran perfect suddenly I can't login, I get to the login screen type in password it begins to load my desktop, then fails and dumps me back to the login screen I can login as root, all my stuff is there (under /home/me) I tried changing my password, no luck I went to run level 3 and there I can login just fine seems to be something with my KDE profile
any ideas where I might find some error messages telling me what's going on?

this seemed to happen when I was running "blender" and making the machine do some heavy number crunching, it actually locked up.

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OpenSUSE Install :: After Boot Restored Defaults In Login Screen Themes / Login Theme Not Working?

Jun 3, 2011

i am having a boot problem with opensuse.i installed a theme named suse-elegant under personal settings(configure desktop)-system administration-login screen.

i had also added vbox users(i ticked vboxusers) under yast-security and users-user and group management-edit-details to make virtual box work.

i want to check that installed theme so i restarted my laptop.after the restart opensuse taking too long time to boot

note:the login theme also not working.

after the boot i restored defaults in login screen is also not working.

i don't know which cause this problem(vboxusers or login theme).i am also seeing a root user has been added in my login area.i tried opensuse failsafe also.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Login - Gnome - Background And The Login Box In The Middle Of The Page Just Turns Whole White And Keeps Flashing

Jun 23, 2011

when I get into the login page, I can only see the background and the login box in the middle of the page just turns whole white and keeps flashing. no response for any clicks. I was force to ctrl+alt+F1 to switch to init 1 to do my work. But I still want to use my graphical desktop either KDE or Gnome is ok. I am using gnome.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Get A Login In Screen With The Option To Login As Root?

Dec 8, 2009

I want, when I boot up, to load and log-in automatically a default user. I get a login in screen with the option to login as root, I do not want this. How do disable the option to login to X as root and just load as me/default user?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Login - Just Cycles Back To The Login Screen ?

Jan 4, 2010

Every account every option I try. when I login, it just cycles back to the login screen. I have attempted to do a repair install, but to no avail. it happens when I try to boot normally or if I boot into failsafe.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Crash Back To Login Screen After Login?

Feb 3, 2010

The graphical login screen is loaded just fine. Though very shortly after (a moment after the loading screen could be seen) it crashes back to the graphical login. And that happens no matter what wm I'm trying - gnome, kde3, kde4, e16, e17, even twm.

It happened after the logout after a zypper up yesterday morning. Looking through the list of what packages were upgraded (two machines, both last zypper up'ed last Sunday, checked on the second one after the problem with the first one), the only packages which might be responsible are kwin or qt4.

The graphics card seems to be fine (NVidia 9600), as it happens whether or not I use nv or the propietary driver. Also tried reinstalling it from the repo as well as using the binary blob from NVidia. Has been tested on Windows and games are running fine there, so it shouldn't be the card.

What is strange, is that when calling upon sax2 -r from runlevel three, the initial screen loads nicely, but sax2 crashes back to the cli once one presses 'Change Configuration'. No error messages are being printed.

Any pointers on how I can narrow down the cause (and get it fixed)?

OpenSuSE 11.2 + KDE 4 factory & enlightenment & qt 4.6 repos
X.Org 7.4-35.3
Kwin 4.3.98-406.6
libqt4 4.6.1+4.6.20100202-1.1


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OpenSUSE Install :: Anyway To Set Remote Login As Default Login Method

Jun 2, 2010

i'm using OpenSuSE 11.2 and was wondering if there is anyway to set remote login as the default login method.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Window Named Login Keyring Appears Asks Root Password Everytime When Login

Jun 13, 2011

when i login to openSUSE a window named login keyring appears and it asks me root password. it happens everytime when i login. how to fix this problem?

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OpenSUSE Install :: /tmp Permissions Failures In 11.3

Jul 20, 2010

At first log-in as user all was fine yesterday. Today I must have rebooted for the first time because it was all different. I tried to log-in to KDE this morning and it failed with some weird error messages that don't repeat here. It seems it all boils down to the fact that the /tmp folder has the wrong permissions. Whatever I try it always has the permission 755.

It is an encrypted /tmp permission mounted in fstab like this:

/dev/mapper/cr_sda2 /tmp ext4 acl,user_xattr,nofail 0 0

I can login as root in failsafe and look at the tmp folder:

ls -h |grep tmp
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4.0K Jul 20 12:26 tmp

So the wrong permissions. How to solve this?

I tried to go into rescue mode and change the permissions of the folder, but nothing helps. In rescue mode it is like it is in my OS 11.2 on another computer:

drwxrwxrwt 6 root root 4.0K Jul 20 12:26 tmp

A temporal work around is to change de permission as root and then I can login, but how to get the permissions right at boot up? What is wrong?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Gaining Permissions For Windows?

Nov 21, 2009

How to gain the necessary permission to transfer files from my opensuse drive to my Windows drive. I can access the windows drive and call up files from it, but I cannot save file to it. I have looked at the permissions on the Windows folder but one is not able to change them. I have just changed from Mint linux and one could do this with no problems,

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OpenSUSE Install :: /dev/null Changing Permissions At 2:20 AM

Jan 19, 2011

At 2:20AM /dev/null's permissions are changing to a restrictive setting that allows root access but not normal user access.

I am not seeing anything obvious in cron or /etc/permissions* or /etc/udev. And

# udevadm info --path=/dev/null
device path not found

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OpenSUSE Install :: Change Folder / File Permissions?

Jul 28, 2011

I've migrated to Suse from Mandriva. I installed all my backup folders/files to my "home" folder but they have come up locked. I remember in Mandriva to change the permissions I pressed Alt F2 and then entered a command. How do I do it in Suse?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Ext4 Pen-drive Formatting / Permissions?

Sep 2, 2011

Tired of fat32 fragility, I reformatted a 4GB pen-drive as ext4 using Yast's partitioner. I chose format as ext4 and checked fstab options "can be mounted by user", "no access time" and "ordered journaling". I thought that these fstab options would be ineffective since a removable device won't be added to fstab. when I insert the pen-drive it auto-mounts and the folder /media/EMTEC is created (EMTEC is the volume name). The relevant mount entries are:


:~> cat /etc/fstab | grep sde
:~> cat /etc/mtab | grep sde
/dev/sde1 /media/EMTEC ext4 rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0

There's no fstab entry, as it should be, and there is a mtab entry corresponding to the pen-drive, /sde1. However the /media/EMTEC as created (by udev, I suppose) is owned by root, I can't write to it. But if I change (as root) the /etc/EMTEC folder permissions so it belongs to the regular user, i can (obviously) write to it *and* it stays so *between* remounts. Haven't tried a reboot yet. What I'm not sure is if ordered journaling is OK for a pen-drive - or any kind of journaling, for that matter. Or will this significantly decrease flash memory life? Also, the fstab options set in Yast appear to be remembered by whatever creates mtab, as well as /media/EMTEC permissions. Is that so? Where are these settings kept? How does this work?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Permissions For Shared Directory - R / W For All Users

Sep 12, 2011

I would like to have a directory
Where all human users have r/w permission for all files and sub-directories under this path. Can I achieve this buy just setting the permissions correctly or do I need to do something else?

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General :: Apt-get Install Error In CHROOT

Apr 12, 2011

I have installed chroot in Ubuntu 10.4. and we have a server as repository from which I can get stuff into chroot, I did the following steps:

1. apt-get update ok
2. apt-get dist-upgrade ok
3. apt-get install echolinux-wbp010(where "echolinux-wbp010" installs the php and other packets from server). In this command I receive the following error:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:

echolinux-wbp010 : Depends: config-system but it is not going to be installed
Depends: echogwtplayer but it is not going to be installed
Depends: echonf-pro but it is not going to be installed
Depends: xserver-xorg-input-kbd but it is not going to be installed
Depends: xserver-xorg-input-mouse but it is not going to be installed
Depends: xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-190 but it is not installable

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OpenSUSE Install :: New Partition On External Drive - Permissions: Root Drwxr-xr-x?

Apr 21, 2010

I tried two times to make an new partition (after the FAT partition on it) on my external hard drive with YaST>Partitioner.Fist I had tried ext3 now I have ext2 on it.Both times the partition (or the corresponding folder in /media) was only writeable to the superuser/root but not to a normal user (readable to the normal user). Root is the owner.The FAT-Partition on the same external drive is owned by the normal user who was logged in as I plugged the USB-cable in.I can unmount both partitions als normal user in natilus.1. Can I start nautilus as root to change the permissions?2. What have I done wrong? Should I use an SuSE Live-CD or an CD with an special partitioning-program instead?ng X20) openSuse 11.1 and Gnome 2.24.1 (mostly, 1 account is using KDE) and Kernel Linux "/home" is on an separated partition (as part of an extended partition). I have also 2 NTFS partitions for Windows XP (System and Data), and a FAT, a root (/) and a swarp partition.

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Debian :: Can't Change Permissions For The HDD Without Login On Root And Root Login Are Not Allowed?

Jun 16, 2010

How to enable Root login...i cant copy or move something on the HDD...I have administrator rights and password for root but i cant change permissions for the HDD without login on root and root login are not allowed .

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OpenSUSE Install :: Copy A File Into Root Folder - Setting The Access Permissions?

Jun 23, 2010

I want to copy a file into my Root folder but I cant.what should I do?

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Ubuntu :: Have To Install All Libs Required For PCSX2 Within Chroot Itself?

Nov 6, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 64bit and I have succesfully installed 10.10 32bit as a chroot using URL...I'm able to go into the chroot shell and it works perfectlyI want to run PCSX2. I have it downloaded in my personal Downloads folder but how to I access it from a chroot? also will I have to install all the libs required for PCSX2 within the chroot itself?

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OpenSUSE Network :: OpenSSH Chroot Only Supports Internal-sftp?

Nov 16, 2009

Had my chroot jail all set up and working nicely in OpenSUSE 11.1, upgraded to OpenSUSE 11.2 and had to set:

Subsystem sftp internal-sftp
(which was:
Subsystem sftp /usr/lib64/ssh/sftp-server)
ForceCommand internal-sftp


Of which with-pam is mandatory. I used prefix to put the binaries in a place that would not conflict with the standard distribution, this meant I also needed to change /etc/init.d/sshd so that it referenced the newly compiled version of sshd, and copy /etc/ssh/sshd_config to /opt/etc/sshd_config.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Login Screen Keeps Bouncing Back To Login Screen

Sep 17, 2010

I have installed VirtualBox and setup a Windows Vista host, initially with a .vdi of 10gb. That filled up quickly, so I added another 20gb secondary partition, after first trying to allocate a .vdi to a SCSI controller. Configured the drive in Windows (Computer Management), and all seemed ok. I shutdown VB, and rebooted my Linux host (openSuse 11.3). Now I keep bouncing back to the login screen, and can't login to Linux KDE, but can login to a console.I do have the following info:

/dev/dis/by-id/ata-ST9250410ASG_5VG0B5VS-part5 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/dis/by-id/ata-ST9250410ASG_5VG0B5VS-part6 / ext4 acl,user_xattr 1 1


I did see a message before, that I don't see anymore, that said it could not start NFS services due to missing entry in fstab. Another I'm seeing now is it couldn't start the avahi-daemon, no space left on device. This is odd, since I have a 200GB drive, with half of it left, only max 30GB set to VB. Here's my df -k output:

/dev/sda6 Use% is 100%
devtmpfs Use% is 1%
tmpfs Use% is 1%
/dev/sda7 Use% is 46%

So root "/" is mounted on /dev/sda6, which looks like it could be a problem, but why would this suddenly be a problem after working with VirtualBox? Could this be a matter of just freeing up space on /dev/sda6? Like the /tmp folder that's under "/"?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Change Resolution Screen In LOGIN KDM Opensuse 11.3 Kde 4.6?

Feb 24, 2011

installation opensuse 11.3 and kde 4.4 after update to kde 4.6, work fine, but problem is login screen is low like 640x350...? i wanted to change from lowtion to high 1024x768?when i start opensuse and begin to login was low resolution and log in my user and it's low resolutiona dn i change screen from setting system (kde) after change high display is works fine and rebbot same low resolution for LOGIN MANAGER how i can change it??

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OpenSUSE Install :: Mouse Bottons Does Not Work During Install Or First Login?

Dec 20, 2009

Just installed 11.2 on my Thinkpad T61 and during install the mouse pointer (synaptics) works fine but not the mouse buttons. After the install on every first login the pointer works but not the buttons. If I restart the gui and try to login into gnome again then all works agin. But it always fails on the first login and gnome sessions

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OpenSUSE Install :: Check For 3D Drivers On Login Or Install On Startup?

Aug 16, 2011

when i login, Ubuntu asks to install 3D Drivers for my grapics card. Can i make a script in openSUSE to do this as well? Or even better, check for drivers on startup and then install the drivers for the graphics card on boot.

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OpenSUSE :: Vsftpd Chroot - Cannot Upload - 550 Permission Denied Critical File Transfer Error

May 15, 2010

I have a problem with uploading any file to my Suse 11.1 with vsftpd. The active (not commented out) settings in my /etc/vsftpd.conf are:


And I added umask 022 to the user login script problem I have: I login with user and password that exists as a local user on my suse machine. I can read and download from my homedirectory, but I cannot upload with filezilla. Then I get the error: 550 permission denied critical file transfer error

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