OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Hibernate Windows In 11.2

Apr 5, 2010

I can't hibernate Windows after I install OpenSUSE 11.2

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OpenSUSE Install :: No Network After Hibernate 11.2?

Jun 9, 2010

Just installed 11.2 (32bit)(again) and the same error happens as on the previous 11.2 install that the (cable)network cannot be found after a hibernate (to disk). There is no problem after a fresh start. (the DVD checksum is correct)

Some other installation hickups (just for info) Starting a direct installation from the DVD No mouse or keyboard connection (I had to reset and use the live session) from the live session install. the partitions are re-mounted by Suse during installationsetup after I unmounted them to be formatted.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Vista Doesn't Hibernate After 11.1 Install?

Dec 24, 2008

I have openSUSE in a dual-boot environment with Win Vista. Everything worked fine with 11.0, but after installation of 11.1 Vista does not hibernate. The screen gets dark, but after a while it turns on again so I can see that Vista did not hibernate, but just lock the session. In another forum I was given the tip to add makeactive to the Vista entry in menu.lst. This worked for the initial problem, but got me a new one: the computer booted straight into Vista without showing Grub, so I had to reinstall SUSE (after doing this Vista once again does not hibernate).

how to fix the hibernation problem or what changed from 11.0 to 11.1?

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Get My Laptop To Go Into Sleep Or Hibernate Mode

Aug 3, 2010

Installed openSUSE into my Thinkpad T410 and noticed that when I closed the laptop lid, the moon icon does not light up.

Reopening the lid and will see a screensaver password screen immediately.

Does this means that the laptop does not have Sleep (or is it called hibernate) mode enable? How can I enable it?

This also happens with Debian that this laptop is dual booted with.

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OpenSUSE Install :: SUSE 11.3 Only 1st Time After Boot Hibernate?

Apr 13, 2011

pm-hibernate and pm-suspend only work the first time after booting into runlevel 5. This behavior is reproducable. pm-hibernate starts out correctly but then hangs the system bevore it gets to save the image from memory to disk. The computer locks up and does not power down.

pm-suspend: on wake up there is no signal on the screen (pm-suspend called from X environment or text terminal shows same result). I spent some time reading information on s2ram s2disk and added the follwing options:

S2RAM_OPTS="-f" in
(display adapter is GForce4 nvidia with the closed source nvidia driver for accel)
splash = n in
/etc/suspend.conf - to get some more information during the suspend / hibernate.

Any ideas to get pm-hibernate / pm-suspend to work more than one time after boot??? Hibernate would be a great start for daily work and for energy saving.

horstausdemwald PS: In runlevel 3 pm-hibernate works various times from a text terminal. Under the same condition pm-suspend leads to a scrambled text terminal after resuming (some help on this: using vga=normal in Grub). The computer continues to work - though without visual aid - when the text terminal is scarambled. For example Runlevel 5 can be called blindly from the text terminal.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hibernate In Windows 7 But Not In 10.10

Feb 26, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 in my pc and for the last week I've been trying to enable hibernation in Windows 7. I have read more than 100 threads (and followed their instructions) with no result.
My configuration is:

hda: Windows 7
hdc: Ubuntu 10.10 (GRUB)

The BIOS is set to boot from hdc. When I select windows from GRUB, windows start up, but when I choose "hibernate" they just pop up the log in screen. However, when I set BIOS to boot from hda windows start (without GRUB) and DO hibernate when I choose to. BUT, when I switch on the pc (immediately after a successful windows hibernation) I get "Resuming Windows" regardless what disk I choose to boot from (using BIOS)!

I do not get the GRUB screen but I don't get the chance to launch the BBS popup either (I see the message but there is no response when I press F8 ). It seems like the system always boots from hda after a successful windows hibernation and there is nothing I can do to change this! On the other hand, Ubuntu always hibernates normally... I'm willing to post any information needed answers are not like "Repair Windows" or "Reinstall Ubuntu" because I want to solve the problem but find out its cause as well.

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General :: Windows - Hibernate: Restart Instead Of Shutting Down

Jul 24, 2011

I dual boot Ubuntu and Windows and sometimes I just want to switch between the partitions without loosing the state of the OS I was currently working with. Currently to do that I just hibernate that OS and, when the computer turns off, I restart it and select the correct partition.

I do not really want to have to press the on button again every time I want to switch between partitions. I figure that there must be a way to make the hibernate action restart instead of shutting down.

How do I make the hibernate action restart instead of shutting down on:

Windows, or Ubuntu

P.S. It is more important to me that I can do this in Ubuntu than Windows (because of the way I use the partitions) therefore if one answer says the Ubuntu way and the other says the Windows way then I will mark the Ubuntu one as the answer and give the Windows one an upvote and a big thankyou.

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Ubuntu :: Pulling Out Of Hibernate Boots Into Windows

Aug 4, 2010

I've recently swapped from Windows 7 to Ubuntu Lucid Lynx and I haven't looked back - except for the fact that moving from Photoshop to GIMP is difficult. I digress.

Suspend works nicely (what a blessing ) but Hibernate doesn't.

Ubuntu 10.04 is installed on a 500GB Seagate External hard drive plugged into a USB port on my motherboard. My BIOS is set to boot off of it automatically (boot order). Windows 7 is installed on my 160GB () internal drive.

The problem is not when I put it into Hibernate, it's when I pull it out of hibernate. When I do my computer tries to unhibernate into Windows!

My hardware ($300 laptop from Walmart haha) - click here for more info on HP's site if you want

Model: Compaq Presario CQ60-419-wm
Video Card: Nvidia GeForce 8200M G
Processor: AMD Sempron () 2.1 GhZ
OS it was shipped with: Vista Basic ()

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Ubuntu :: Hibernate For A Brief Trip To Windows And Return?

Nov 22, 2010

First of all, I searched the forums but I couldn't find anything- I don't want to be the poster who posts something that's been solved 14 times already Anyway, primary question first and then "why" below- I was wondering if there was a quick way to hibernate Ubuntu to Swap -> boot to Windows 7 and work -> Hibernate Windows 7 -> boot to Ubuntu and work, repeat until Windows glitches

I have, new Acer Aspire:
i3 370M
640GB HDD as follows, from inside to outside:
X GB 3 Primary Windows partitions, 125 GB unnallocated, 50GB /home, 6 GB .boot, 4 GB SWAP

Ok, why would I want to do that? I ask because while Ubuntu boots fast at just under 1 minute at the end of my hard drive (90Mbps, I had it install from "end" when I partitioned the boot file), Windows boots slowly at about 2.5 minutes on the inside of my drive (23sh Mbps). To be able to switch between them would be useful for iTunes, ProEngineer, Matlab, and other stuff that is Windows based. Windows boots much faster from hibernation. I love Ubuntu, the speed and simplicity and the actual FRIENDLY atmosphere (what a concept WINDOWS) But I find myself needing to do some quick editing in Windows, then I can go back to my business on Ubuntu. Is there some kind of selective boot managing like GRUB that I can bring up after telling one to hibernate? Because once on SWAP, it should hold relatively indefinitely until I return, right??

Any ideas??? It sounds like some clever Terminal coding could manage the Linux side of the booting, but Windows might have to be tricked into a selective boot..

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Ubuntu :: No Bios Or Boot Selections After Windows Hibernate?

Apr 12, 2010

I had a dual boot umbutu 9.04 & xp Toshiba laptop satellite A15-S1292, (old bad battery). I use it mostly in linux but had been working in Windows, it may have hibernated and the next boot may have been to Linux. Now it boots straight into Ubuntu login screen that looks like it is may be returning from hibernate (don't use it normally). On boot don't see the normal BIOS announcement or screen allowing the selection of boot device. Doesn't boot Live CD from CD Rom or Suber Grub CD. When I examined the Windows mount receive warning that it could not be mounted as it was hibernated. I followed the suggested mount -t -ntfs -3g -o remove_hyberfile /dev/sda1 and can now access the windows partition. Boots still return to the same linux login screen. Don't seem to be able to boot from anything else.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Turn Wifi On After Windows Hibernate

Sep 1, 2011

I own an Acer Aspire 5552g. I have installed 2 systems on it: Windows 7 and ubuntu 10.10. Everything works fine except wifi. There is a lot of threads connected to this topic, but none has solved my problem yet. The problem occurs when I hibernate Windows and then load ubuntu - I get unable to turn wifi on. As rfkill says - it is hard blocked. It wouldn't be a problem if i had a hard switch for wifi. but I only have fn+F3 for that, which somehow fails to work in my situation.


igor@igor-Aspire-5552G:~$ rfkill list
1: phy1: Wireless LAN
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: yes

If I reboot Windows and then start ubuntu - everything's fine and working. fn+F3 turns wifi on and off as expected. I will provide some more info: when wifi's working:


igor@igor-Aspire-5552G:/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill1$ cat state

1 when it doesn't:


igor@igor-Aspire-5552G:/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill1$ cat state

2 some additional info:


igor@igor-Aspire-5552G:/$ lspci -nn
//left only network-connected info
02:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM57780 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe [14e4:1692] (rev 01)
08:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9287 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) [168c:002e] (rev 01)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Multiboot Opensuse And Windows 7 With Windows Bootloader?

Jun 8, 2011

I installed opensuse in my laptop in which I already installed opensuse.Now the grub shows first, on boot up. I want to set windows bootloader in front. In order to do that, I did the following,

1. unmount all devices "umount /windows/*"
2. my hard disk partition:- see the link cfdisk /dev/sda | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
3. mount the C drive (where win 7 is installed)
"ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 /mnt/windows -o force "
4. dd if=/dev/sda8 of=/mnt/windows/suse.bin bs=512 count=1
5. kwrite /mnt/windows/boot.ini and write the following,

[boot loader]
default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)c: suse.bin
[operating systems]
c: suse.bin="openSUSE"

6. change the boot to sda3 using "sudo /sbin/cfdisk /dev/sda"

Problem is,

now windows bootloader shows when boot up, showing two options,

windows option works normally; but openSUSE option doesn't work.

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General :: Can Hibernate / Reboot Instead Of Hibernate / Poweroff?

Apr 10, 2010

I'm using pm-hibernate, and would like to reboot the machine after it's done hibernating, rather than having the machine turn off.Is there a way to do this with pm-hibernate, or any other Linux hibernate thing?

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Hibernate With 11.2

Apr 5, 2010

I've just installed OpenSUSE 11.2 instead of 11.1 and installed a new kernel 2.6.33. And now I have a problem. When I try Shutdown -> Hibernate under simple user my screen becomes black and nothing happens. Then I move my mouse or press an key and I see my desktop and a window that asks me to enter my root password. I thought there is some problem with permissions so I logged in as a root and tried to hibernate but everything went the same way except there was no window to enter root pass. I checked my kernel config and hibernate is on there.

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OpenSUSE :: Cannot Hibernate - No Errors Given ?

Oct 15, 2010

Running 11.3, kde4 unstable, hibernation worked til the 5th of this month, the system is updated as of today

Hibernate option exists in kmenu but nothing happens

If I look at /var/log/pm-suspend.log it is dated 10 days ago and the hibernation was a success

If I run /usr/lib/pm-utils/bin/pm-action nothing happens nor gets displayed

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OpenSUSE Network :: No Internet After Resume From Hibernate Or Suspend?

Mar 13, 2011

The good news: 11.4 seems to have much better support for my radeon graphics driver which makes many of my workarounds for 11.3 unnecessary

The bad news: whereas previously for 11.2, 11.3 using traditional ifup meant that I could easily restore internet (either wlan0 or eth0) with ifdown/ifup now this seems to have no effect. I haven't investigated further yet since without internet on hibernate or suspend 11.4 is not my grub of choice at the moment

There seem to be quite a few glitches with the 'stable' release of 11.4 but this seems to be the main problem for me. (Minimizing the beta 4 Firefox windows closing them is another...)

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Setup OPENSUSE To Find/access My Windows Home Server

Aug 9, 2010

I installed the latest version...Everything works like a charm. I have Windows Home Server 2003 running and would like to access all of my folders. How can i setup OPENSUSE to find/access my Windows Home Server 2003. Can you help me with this. Just to let you know. Am i missing something so i can access them locally.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unplug Windows Hard Drive While OpenSUSE Installs?

Jun 14, 2010

I want to dual boot openSUSE 11.2 and Windows 7. I already have Windows 7 installed but I have encountered multiple issues in the past with trying to make dual boots. Usually when I install Linux, GRUB decides it wants to go into world domination mode, and "breaks" my Windows installation. I have reason to believe this is because the distros I use come with legacy GRUB, (v0.97) and for some odd reason it lacks commands such as "update-grub" etc. This means I cannot add Windows 7 to the boot menu without going into extreme complications, which have NEVER, I repeat NEVER succeeded. When I boot the Windows drive directly, I get some error about GRUB not finding the device, and it puts me into a grub rescue command line. Now I am no expert in this field at all, but wouldn't that mean that GRUB wrote itself to the MBR of...oh I don't know, ALL of my hard drives? I really want to install openSUSE 11.2, but from bad experience I am really put off as I know that it ships with legacy GRUB v0.97.I am also running Fedora 13 at the moment, I have quite an experimental dual boot running..been trying to get GRUB 2 for hours now, it is definitely there but no commands work, "upgrade-grub-from-legacy" and "update-grub" return with command not found. I've heard this is just a bug but can anybody confirm that there will definitely be a way for me to "fix" my windows installation after it gets "broken" by GRUB?Second idea, unplug my windows hard drive while openSUSE installs?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Option (Installation Regarding To Opensuse And Windows Server 2008?

Mar 20, 2011

right now, my machine runs ubuntu 10.10 due to work issue, i need to use windows server 2008 R2 (its a windows exclusive company) but i never used any of the active directory or anything from the windows server (only experience with windows is visual studio and those GAMES!), so i figure i need to practice a bit on my own b4 starting the job and just at the same time I found out as a univ student i get it for free! And plus, I am finding opensuse a better option for me than ubuntu So im wondering what i should do regarding these 2 systems here s some option

1). Install openSuse 11.4, and install VirtualBox and use windows server 2008 R2 on vbox
2). Install windows server 2008 R2 and then install openSuse alongside with it
3). Install windows server 2008 R2 and install openSuse in virtualBox

I have been using linux as my primary OS for more than a year now and I rlly need it for both school and my own entertainment. So wondering which option would best work out for me

wat are your opinions? PS: my machine is about 2 years ago a Dell laptop, with core 2 duo p8700 (2.53ghz) 4GB ram, and nvidia gfx, which even tho is still fast, but isnt rlly that snappy when it comes to virtualization even running xp in a virtual machine is quite laggy at times :S

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OpenSUSE Install :: 80 Is Too Small To Dual Boot OpenSuse And Windows 7?

Jan 19, 2010

ere's my issue I've got an 80GB SATA drive and a 320GB IDE drive, I've already installed Windows 7 on the SATA drive. 80 is too small (in my opinion) to dual boot openSuse and Windows 7. Can someone explain me how to use a partition from the 320 IDE to install openSuse, and how to setup grub so I wouldn't have any problems booting to Windows?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install Rdesktop To Connect Windows System?

Sep 22, 2010

I'm newbie to opensuse. I want to install rdesktop to connect windows system from opensuse linux system. I have downloaded rdesktop rpm from net and installed with YAST. Error occured, the error states that "rdesktop cannot be install due to missing dependency". Now what to do to install rdesktop.? Is there any way other than rdesktop to connect windows system from opensuse?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Revert To Windows Bootloader To Install Win7 SP1?

Feb 25, 2011

Currently I am running a dual boot with Windows 7 and openSUSE 11.3. Windows has two partitions, one for the system partition and another for the OS. I have 3 Linux partitions (swap, root, and home). Obviously I am running GRUB to boot, but this seems to be impacting my ability to install Windows 7 SP1. I would like to revert back to the Windows boot loader, install the Service Pack, and then revert back to GRUB. How do I do this?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Windows And OpenSuse 11.4 Dual Boot?

Apr 24, 2011

I have installed openSuse 11.4 and works perfectly. The main problem is, I have another system on my HD, Windows XP, and unable to boot to my XP system. If I choose Windows on Grub menu, its just show me the same text as in the menu.lst at Windows' section. I am able to boot in Windows, by adding 'makeactive' but then, I unable to see the grub menu. And to boot to oS again, I must insert DVD installer and made an update. How tiring.


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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Partition My HDD To Install OpenSUSE + Windows 7

Jun 3, 2011

I am almost newbie at Linux OS, but I want to install openSUSE. Unfortunately I have some programs which probably will not work on Linux, so I want to have a Windows 7, just in case. I will partition my 250 GB HDD as follows:

1. openSUSE partition/s (... GB)
2. Windows 7 system partition (100 MB)
3. Windows 7 partition (30 GB)
4. My files' partition (the rest unallocated space) - I wish both OS's to read this partition, that's why it will be NTFS.

I would like to know how many and how big the openSUSE partition/s should be. Could it be installed on one partition, or it requires separate swap, root, etc. ones?Does those NTFS partitions slow down openSUSE?

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OpenSUSE Install :: XP Windows Install And Will Loss GRUB?

Mar 10, 2010

I virus got my XP installation this morning. I have to install it. When I install windows it will write over the GRUB and I will no longer be able to re-boot my openSusie OS. My question is After XP is installed is there a way to re-install GRUB without having to re-install openSusie 11.2?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install Suse 11 - Without Distrubing Windows 7

Oct 23, 2010

I have installed windows 7 in my laptop. i have only c drive with a memory space of 284mb. now i like to install suse 11 in c drive itself without distrubing windows 7. after installing i should be able to go for either windows 7 or suse 11 easily. i must have the both. I had partitioned windows 7 in fat. i had not use ntfs.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Wifi Card Can't Connect On Network After System Hibernate?

Sep 15, 2011

wifi card:atheros ar5007egOS: openSUSE11.4My laptop can't connect on network after system hibernate. It has been asking me for enter the wifi password. But when I input the wifi password it still can't connect on network. I have to reboot it.

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General :: "hibernate A Process" Under Windows?

May 25, 2011

Just like e.g. people can press Ctrl+P when running a VirtualBox guest, it can pause the guest, after pressing again Ctrl+P it will continue right there where it was stopped. Are there any command line commands on Windows/Linux where I can do the same with a process? (the process is e.g.: Firefox, etc.)

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Ubuntu :: Suspend Or Hibernate / Computer Refuses To Go Into Hibernate Or Suspend?

Mar 16, 2010

Just got Ubuntu 9.10 and I'm liking it a lot, but my computer refuses to go into hibernate or suspend. I have a Dell M1530 but I don't really think it's a dell hardware issue because it's not just when I close the screen, it's also when I click suspend or hibernate from the menu.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Remove Old Windows And Install New One?

Mar 3, 2010

i have both windows and linux on my laptop (for ease of use for some programs). suddenly i can't log in with windows (it crashes)could you help me to remove the old windows and install new one?

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