OpenSUSE Install :: Ati Driver Crash 11.2?

Dec 2, 2009

I have tried install drivers of Ati ,9.10 and 9.11 always same result black screen, i think problem is information on installation system is on glibc 2.1 but, I have tested and glibc 2.3 and 2.2 are installed, for that the result is :

Unloading radeon module...
Unloading drm module...
[Message] Kernel Module : Trying to install a precompiled kernel module.


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Nvidia Driver Install Causes System Reboot Crash

Nov 3, 2010

This was my first experience with Ubuntu, I was told to switch the hard drives on my computer and put the Windows drive in a safe place for the install. The first time I did the install on the hard drive (which was the clean second hard drive that came with my computer), I either didn't realize I believe I didn't realize I had to click a button and thought the install had gotten stuck, and therefore cut off the install midway through. The second time around the install went without a hitch, and I was able to boot to desktop once. There, I was notified that I needed/should install NVIDIA drivers, I believe version 173 was listed as the next most recent drives (the other was "current"), I have an NVIDIA GeForce 7350LE graphics card, and after installing the drivers, I went to the restart menu as directed and clicked restart, not shut down but restart, and there were several listed errors on the text/DOS screen, shutdown errors I believe (the errors were 5 digits and were something like 56759 or something like that, I can't be certain if I'm remembering right, though, but there were two errors going over again). I then proceeded to turn off the computer manually, and upon it coming on again, instead of the normal Ubuntu flash screen before login, a more choppy Ubuntu 10.10 screen popped up and it led me to the DOS mode, where I was able to login, but it did me no good because I don't know command logic for Ubuntu. The best I did (its the best I ever do when these things happen) is get menus to pop up that are basically useless. I turned the computer off and on again three times, and tried booting directly from disk, but that failed.

I'm actually using the same computer I just reinserted the Windows drive back in after the frustrating experience. Windows has been giving me problems itself, and I really wanted to switch to Ubuntu but I need to know that this is a fluke and not the norm. I can live with this sort of thing being so uncommon I must have did something that was very strange and out of the ordinary to my computer. But if its commonplace, I want to know that too, because that's just something I can't live with.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Suse 11.4 Install App Crash Error ?

Mar 28, 2011

I am trying to install a Java based game to try it out and i keep getting a crash report can anyone assist me with getting this to work?

Code: Unexpected crash while launching login The error was: <null>

It's possible you might figure out what's wrong from the log file below.

Contents of temporary launch log:
Time is Mon Mar 28 06:40:58 EDT 2011
Running client version 2.7.5g

System information:
Executing from /home/jerry/Documents
Operating system: Linux (arch: amd64, version:
Java version: 1.6.0_20 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) <>
Jvm version: 19.0-b09 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) [OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM]
Available CPUs: 2

Main thread exiting.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 Crash As Xen-domU?

Nov 13, 2009

I've installed OpenSUSE 11.2 x64 on my Intel Core 2 Quad machine with 8GB of RAM nstallation went perfect. After the main installation, I've installed the XEN-kernel. Booting into the XEN-kernel goes fine.But, now I want to install the first domU (paravirtualized). I use the same installation disk but OpenSUSE 11.2 won't install. It crashes directly. Neither the x64 or the x86 version works.The strange thing is that I can install OpenSUSE 11.2 as "full virtualized".Also, OpenSUSE 11.1 (paravirtualized!) as a domU works perfect!!

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OpenSUSE Install :: First Crash Can't See Anything Wrong

Jun 22, 2011

The crash happened when I was reading a web page and the screen went black and the mouse pinterr dropped to the middle of the bottom of the screen and froze. I had to do a warm reboot to get going again. I'm using 11.4 with KDE.This is the section of the /var/log/messages from around the time of the crash at 16.42/16.44.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Xserver Seems To Crash Spontaneously?

Oct 12, 2010

my OpenSuse 11.3 worked absolutely perfect - till now ! It suddenly started not to load KDE, but instead prompts the login screen. When i then log in, it just crashes after a minute or so. I tried to boot in IceWm and it appeared more stable to me, but when i opened a programm like firefox or gimp, this Environment crashed too.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Plasma Crash At Startup

Oct 26, 2010

I am having plasma crashes for the past few days. I'm running KDE 4.5.2 and it was all running fine. Then the latest runs of updates happened and now I can't get a desktop. KDE runs but plasma fails to start leaving me with a black screen and a mouse pointer. This happens in both failsafe and normal, with or without a fresh .kde4 folder and consistently! Here's what the KDE bug window tells me.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Crash: Server Is Already Active For Display 0

Jan 24, 2010

I think I've totally destroyed my Suse install, but I have no idea what happened.

I was running Yast's "Create a backup" utility and my screen totally went black and kicked me to the login screen. I was unable to log in, except to a terminal.

So, then I tried to restart X (by typing startx) and I get "Fatal server error: Server is already active for display 0"

I've tried running the repair utility, and it doesn't work. Through a number of commands, I was able to start up a second X session, but that wasn't really much help.

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Crash Smart Related?

Nov 21, 2010

My system just crashed and I had to reboot. The only interesting message I have found in the logs before the crash was :

2010-11-22 07:49:22 linux-lx7s smartd[2259] Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART Prefailure Attribute: 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate changed from 114 to 115
2010-11-22 07:49:22 linux-lx7s smartd[2259] Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART Usage Attribute: 190 Airflow_Temperature_Cel changed from 61 to 60
2010-11-22 07:49:22 linux-lx7s smartd[2259] Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART Usage Attribute: 194 Temperature_Celsius changed from 39 to 40


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OpenSUSE Install :: Crash During Update - RPM Failed Error

Jan 1, 2011

So I installed this system with the net install disk. I really don't want to do that again. It said it needed one update shortly after install and I figured that a net install would pretty much be up to date and I would be fine to wait on that for a day or two. Wrong. I used bit torrent for about 20 hours and downloaded ~60 GB's to the external hard drive. After a while while clicked the little update button closed every thing else then hit apply.

Walk off, come back and the computer is completely non-responsive and the monitor is not getting a feed from the tower. Not even any num-lock blinky light action on the key board. I gave it a minute or two to show any kind of life then turned it off. It came back on well enough to get online and post this but, like the title indicates, that package manager appears to be broken in some way. In Debian based systems there is a command that clears this up. Is there an equivalent for this distro?

I attempted to finish the update but got this error:
installation of package failed.
Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: error: package NetworkManager-glib-0.8-7.4.i586 is not installed.

Why not just disable that update and see what happens? That's what I said; heres what happens:
Installation of package failed.
Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found
error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index
error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found
error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index .....

The above pertains to a fire fox update of some kind. I still have the install disk handy but would rather not wait the 3 hours it takes to download the packages. How I can fix this. I switched from Ubuntu to SUSE because it is supported by online learning soft ware I have access to.

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OpenSUSE Install :: VMware User Crash On Every Boot Up

Jun 28, 2011

Bug-buddy tells me vmware-user crash on every-time I boot up. I don't know what to do about this just pop-up without i changed anything on my machine. I saved a "crash report" on the desktop but couldn't understand what was the "problem" when I read it.
Opensuse 11.3 gnome.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Klasma-desktop Crash After Upgrade KDE To 4.7?

Aug 7, 2011

After upgrade KDE to 4.7, I restarted system, when login, the klasma-desktop always crash. can't start.See, below picture: got below info:

Application: Plasma Desktop Shell (kdeinit4), signal: Segmentation fault
[KCrash Handler]


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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Crash Can't Start - Computer Doesn't Accept Password

Oct 7, 2010

My wifes computor crashed during an update with a message to fill in a report. It would not respond to any key presses. The computor has been running 11.3 since it was realeased without problems other than jerky video. The computor will not boot it asks for the password but does not accept it, Although I can see the Home folder it does not mount. I have tried testdisk but although it sees the partions it cannot acess them.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: ATI Install Hardway \ Kinda Make Keyboard Crash At Times?

Jan 30, 2010

I like to download the source. I never had like the 1 click install. It no fun. It take out all the fun to install. I know that nVidia is way better for linux. But having a integrated nvidia 6100. Kinda make my keyboard crash at times. I ask my friend parent. And they said they give me there for FREE. So here I am with a Radeon X700 PRO (RV410) (PCIE). I have a x32 bit computer ^.^ and 11.2. But I'm having trouble finding good info on install the driver. So I can used it to play games and such. So I'm asking is, to hit me up with everything I'm going to need to install this right.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Use Yast Package Manager Because It Seems To Crash During Repositories Refresh

Jan 12, 2010

I am meeting some problems on my opensuse 11.2 system in the last week, I see an higher load on CPU and the system seems to swap a lot of time. Checking on dmesg I found that at boot time I have a lot of errors: I paste a little part of the full log at the end of this post

If I am not wrong I have found and installed an official opensuse 11.2 kernel update through zypper some days ago Moreover, actually I am not able to use yast package manager because it seems to crash during repositories refresh (or just after it)


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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Teamviewer ATI Driver Crash?

Sep 2, 2010

Problem: Whenever I try to use teamviewer it simply crashes. Weather I am trying to teamview someone or trying to get teamviewed, it crashes. I believe it is because of the ATI driver I installed. Before I had installed my ATI driver it wasnt crashing, ran perfectly fine. After installing though teamviewer would always crash. The same thing happened to my friend, and he has a completely different ATI card. Specs:

AMD Athlon 7550 x2 @ 2.6 Ghz
ATI Radeon HD 2600xt (my friend has a 4850)


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Debian Installation :: 'driver' Pcspkr Already Registered Then CRASH?

Jul 5, 2011

I have a squeeze net install cd I downloaded and have used to install on two computers. Now I try to install on a third computer, install seems to go well, but when I try to run it, I get the message about 'driver' pcspkr already registered. Then CRASH. So, I wiped the HD and tried again; same result.

I figured the cd might have been corrupted so downloaded and burned another. This time I downloaded from a different mirror. Same result. I don't know what this pcspkr is all about; I don't even own any pc speakers. The computer on which this happens runs Lenny on another HD.

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Fedora :: X-Windows Crash After Update (Using Nouveau Driver)

Feb 9, 2010

After updating X-Windows (via yum auto-update) I'm having a serious X-Windows problems when using the nouveau video driver. I had to switch over to the vesa driver to be able to start X-Windows. Below you find the Xorg.log file:

X.Org X Server (1.7.5 RC 2)
Release Date: 2010-02-05
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: x86-06 2.6.18-164.6.1.el5
Current Operating System: Linux localhost.localdomain #1 SMP Fri Jan 29 14:37:28 UTC 2010 i686
Kernel command line: ro root=/dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root LANG=en_US.UTF-8 SYSFONT=latarcyrheb-sun16 KEYBOARDTYPE=pc KEYTABLE=be-latin1 rhgb quiet rdblacklist=nouveau vmalloc=512MB .....

Fatal server error:
Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting
Please consult the Fedora Project support at [URL] for help. Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional information.
(II) NOUVEAU(0): NVLeaveVT is called.

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Ubuntu :: Crash After Installing Visual Effects Driver

Jan 7, 2010

I just downloaded and installed the latest version of Ubuntu on my laptop. After installing the drivers for the visual effects I restarted the computer, and now after the all black screen with the little white Ubuntu symbol in the middle the screen goes blank, lots of horizontal lines appear and it contrasts out to a completely blank, white, useless screen. Any suggestions? EDIT: laptop is a Toshiba 5105, bumped up to 1.2gb of RAM

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OpenSUSE Install :: Stable - Install Nvidia - Driver 260.xx.xx In Opensuse 11.3?

Jan 19, 2011

i know if u search a solution in forums u get so much confused information. i hope this little manual will help all with the nvidia driver problem! u dont need to edit or create a xorg.conf or something to run the driver correct and u need no blacklistedit too! if u did the standard opensuse 11.3 install its only about 2 kernel packages and the disabling of the x11noveau driver.

1. after standard installing opensuse 11.3 update and install the opensuse softwareupdates

2. install with the yast software re/installer:

(from Desktop or from the terminal. the terminal text command is: yast2)


u dont need to change the menu.lst after all, only u get many problems. run the midnight commander and delete the nomodeset word and the noveau driver would be normally still active after reboot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Xorg-driver-fglrx Causes Jaunty To Crash

Feb 20, 2010

i was recently trying to run some opengl apps on ubuntu, and installed new drivers for intel. The problem is that now, every time it reaches login screen it crashes. I'd like to remove it, but i can't. Recovery console asks for root password. Is there a way to do it from a livecd?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Broadcom STA Wireless Driver Causes System Crash

Jul 1, 2011

sent the following email to Broadcom [URL]. I'll post an update if I receive a response. The current Linux STA 802.11 driver causes my system to crash.I've verified this under Ubuntu 11.04 and Linux Mint 11(an ubuntu derivative). Oddly enough, everything worked find under Ubuntu 10.10. My chipset is the 4321, my CPU is an AMD Phenom II 920, and the motherboard is an ASUS M3A78-EM. I tried the STA driver that ships with Ubuntu as well as compiling the one at [URL], including the patch for kernel versions > 2.6.37.

I am confident that the linux driver is the problem. If I connect my machine to my router using an ethernet cable, everything works fine. Also, the wifi adapter works fine under Windows. The symptoms are that the wifi adapter appears to connect to my network correctly and works fine for short transfers. But when I try a larger transfer, such as a speed test or streaming an mp3, one of three things happens after about 5 to 10 seconds:

1) The screen remains in graphics mode but locks up, including the mouse pointer. No keyboard input has any effect.

2) The screen goes into text mode and repeats the following over and over: [435.610002] ehci_hcd 0000:00:13.2CI-DMA:Out of IOMMU space for 18 bytes.

3) The screen goes into text mode and prints what appear to be CPU register contents. I took a picture of this with my phone if it will help, but obviously the text is kind of hard to make out.

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Elementary Clutter Flow - ATI Official Driver Crash

May 8, 2011

i successfully installed the nautilus elementary on ubuntu 11.04 and the clutter flow as well and it was working as charm, but when i installed the ATI official driver, it starts to crash ( i mean clutter flow ), i uploaded a screen-shot of what it turns to.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Nvidia Geforce 8200 Driver Install Error - Version.h Not Found

Jan 11, 2011

After a disk crash I reinstalled openSuSE 11.2 and as always downloaded the latest Nvidia driver for my geforce 8200 graphics.

Unlike all previous cases, this time the driver does not install. The contents of /var/log/nvidia-installer.log are below. The error refers to being unable to to locate version.h


Using: nvidia-installer ncurses user interface


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OpenSUSE Install :: Easy Install Of ATI Proprietary Driver In Console

Mar 12, 2011

For those who need or want to install the latest ATI proprietary driver (Catalyst 11.2) right after a fresh 11.4 install - and might not look for solutions in the development subforum.In order to compile the module, I installed the kernel sources and the pattern devel_basis. I normally use most packages in this pattern, so I install it by default from other scripts. While running atiupgrade on a fresh install, I was surprised by the number of packages getting installed with that pattern.Please report if it doesn't work. (like aticonfig initial failed to add a fglrx section for some reason).Take a look at the atiupgrade thread in the development forum: Upgrading ATI driver with atiupgrade.

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CentOS 5 :: NIC Driver Will Basically Crash/restart Causing No Connectivity For A Period Of Time?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm using centos 5, kernel 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5I have occasional server network problems (the NIC driver will basically crash/restart causing no connectivity for a period of time) due to the marvell sky2 NIC driver being a problem, as discussed here: This essentially means the server is unreliable when under any kind of reasonable load, to put it mildly.Worse still, the driver problem has not been resolved in 2.6.18.x - but it seems to have been resolved in the latest Linux kernels.I really don't want to compile the kernel from source, etc, but it looks like I may have no choice.Is there a repo which has a pre-compiled 2.6.20+ or 2.6.30+ kernel which I can use,

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Boot Fail After Install ATI Driver 10.8?

Sep 4, 2010

So ... right now I'm having an issue after I installed ATI Catalyst 10.8 for my GPU HD 5770.Every time I try to boot, it sends me to init3 (I mean text screen). But when I check and try to switch to init5, it tells me that I'm on init5 already.And I'm still stuck on the text screen. However, safemode is still working (yeah I'm on it right now - -").

I installed ATI driver by using this instuction --- openSUSE Lizards � ATI HD57xxx fglrx drivers under 11.3

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Crash When Wont To Start System On Runlevel 5?

Aug 30, 2010

I use release 11.2 and this one works very well. I try new release 11.3 and my system crash when I wont to start system on runlevel 5. There is Sempron 2 GHz CPU and nvidia fx550 graphics card. Keyboard PS2 does not responds but mouse on USB work well. When I start "safe" boot option system work well. What I can to do ? What I must change

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OpenSUSE Install :: Crash Back To Login Screen After Login?

Feb 3, 2010

The graphical login screen is loaded just fine. Though very shortly after (a moment after the loading screen could be seen) it crashes back to the graphical login. And that happens no matter what wm I'm trying - gnome, kde3, kde4, e16, e17, even twm.

It happened after the logout after a zypper up yesterday morning. Looking through the list of what packages were upgraded (two machines, both last zypper up'ed last Sunday, checked on the second one after the problem with the first one), the only packages which might be responsible are kwin or qt4.

The graphics card seems to be fine (NVidia 9600), as it happens whether or not I use nv or the propietary driver. Also tried reinstalling it from the repo as well as using the binary blob from NVidia. Has been tested on Windows and games are running fine there, so it shouldn't be the card.

What is strange, is that when calling upon sax2 -r from runlevel three, the initial screen loads nicely, but sax2 crashes back to the cli once one presses 'Change Configuration'. No error messages are being printed.

Any pointers on how I can narrow down the cause (and get it fixed)?

OpenSuSE 11.2 + KDE 4 factory & enlightenment & qt 4.6 repos
X.Org 7.4-35.3
Kwin 4.3.98-406.6
libqt4 4.6.1+4.6.20100202-1.1


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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Install Xgi/sis Graphics Driver?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a qzd netbook with opensuse 11.2 running but I cannot get the graphics working. I have tried "startx" and get the following:

xauth: creating new authority file /root/.serverauth.4650
X.Org X Server 1.6.5
Release Date: 2009-10-11
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: openSUSE SUSE LINUX


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