I am having an issue with KPackageKit, actually 2 issues but one makes it unusable. The major issue is that when I go to apply the updates I get the following error message (at least here are the details of the message)
I do not run my connection through a proxy and my internet works correctly. This is on a laptop I upgraded using zypper from 11.3 to 11.4 (I did the same with a desktop which does not have this issue). zypper refresh successfully refreshes the repositories, and the various Yast repo tools all work correctly. Additionally after I am shown the updates and am prompted for root pw, the packages will no longer show up for a while, each time it tries to look for updates the message comes through but they will show up after a while again. The other issue I have is that it requests my pw multiple times, this also happens on my desktop that actually will update. I get prompted twice, they are immediate and back to back. This one is a little minor annoyance but there should be no reason that it needs to make this request multiple times.
Download (curl) error for [URL]... Error code: Connection failed Error message: Failed to connect to 2a01:e0c:1:1598::1: Network is unreachable
I read somewhere that I should deactivate IPv6, which I did with no success. It seems to happen since I upgraded gnome following this link : Archive:GNOME 2.30 - openSUSE My Internet connection is of course alive and working.
Today i upgraded my system and started getting error when i update, install or remove a package. The error isn't restricted only to one repository so i thing something is wrong with my system.
I've found the following irritating problem with the default update applet in 11.4 (the one available in 'Software Management' in the KDE system settings):
Applet prompts to update the system, click Apply updates Accept licence agreement for flash player update
The applet goes back to listing the available updates - ie. it doesn't run the update The workaround is to untick the flash player update, run the other updates and then do the flash player update by itself.
So I installed this system with the net install disk. I really don't want to do that again. It said it needed one update shortly after install and I figured that a net install would pretty much be up to date and I would be fine to wait on that for a day or two. Wrong. I used bit torrent for about 20 hours and downloaded ~60 GB's to the external hard drive. After a while while clicked the little update button closed every thing else then hit apply.
Walk off, come back and the computer is completely non-responsive and the monitor is not getting a feed from the tower. Not even any num-lock blinky light action on the key board. I gave it a minute or two to show any kind of life then turned it off. It came back on well enough to get online and post this but, like the title indicates, that package manager appears to be broken in some way. In Debian based systems there is a command that clears this up. Is there an equivalent for this distro?
I attempted to finish the update but got this error: Code: installation of package failed. Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: error: package NetworkManager-glib-0.8-7.4.i586 is not installed.
Why not just disable that update and see what happens? That's what I said; heres what happens: Code: Installation of package failed. Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index .....
The above pertains to a fire fox update of some kind. I still have the install disk handy but would rather not wait the 3 hours it takes to download the packages. How I can fix this. I switched from Ubuntu to SUSE because it is supported by online learning soft ware I have access to.
The red updater icon alerted me to about a dozen patches, which started to install, then halted with an error: Download failure from download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.2/repo/non-oss. When I try to update repositories, the same error recurs for that repo and also for .../oss and download.opensuse.org/update/11.2/,
If I attempt to "register for support to get update repository," clicking on Configure Now and Next produces the same three error messages: "Failed to download", one for each repository. The screen then returns to Registration, with another error message "an error occurred while connecting to the server". Clicking on the Detail button show exactly "ERROR:"
This AMD desktop machine with this install of 11.2 has updated many times in the last few weeks. Has something changed? The update servers do respond to a ping, so they are up and apparently I have connectivity.
I'm currently running 11.3 and decided I'd try upgrading to 11.4 following the instructions here: SDB:System upgrade - openSUSEUnfortunately, my attempts are defeated at the point of trying to refresh the new repos; I get the following message (for the oss repo, in this case):
With 11.4 replaced by 11.3 in the repo url, it refreshes just fine. The only repository that works when I change 11.3 to 11.4 is the Packman repo. I'm not really sure why the connection fails for 11.4 but not 11.3!
Further info: I have an old router with no IPv6 support, but have IPv6 disabled system-wide. I can enter the url for the repositories into firefox and they come up just fine - it's only with zypper/YaST that I get the above error message.I also tried upgrading using the network CD but ran into the same sort of problem. In this case it may be because the CD installer doesn't disable IPv6. (I didn't want to download the DVD at my connection speed, and the KDE live CD is not listed as suitable for upgrade).
I have just upgraded my openSUSE installation from 11.0 to 11.1 which everything is working great. Kudos to the development team and all those involved! I really like 11.1. One problem I have encountered is I cannot get clusterssh working. It appears to install just fine but whenever I try to execute like I did in 11.0 I get the following error: Connection to server failed -- (version 11.0) No protocol specified at /usr/local/bin/cssh line 1883
I tried to find a version for 11.1, rpm version that is, but no luck. I even download the source from SourceForge and still nada, same error. Not sure what is going on and looking for some assistance cause I really need clusterssh or another means to connect to several other machines to conduct changes.
I'm extremely new to SuSE Linux. I wanted to move away from Windows and so I decided to reload my Desktop with SuSE linux.I have had no trouble until now. I'm trying to connect to my work VPN connection. From my laptop (which unfortunately is Vista) I'm able to connect without any issues. However, when I tried out the KVPN application on my SuSE linux, it just doesn't work. I get the error: Authentification has failed. As a side note, when I type ping google, the packets are received 100% but when I ping my company address, no packets are received. Hope this info is useful.
(I'm probably going to have my forum account revoked due to excessive usage ) I'm setting a VPN connection on openSUSE 11.2. Using the networking icon on the tray I add a PPTP connection, set it up but I receive a message 'VPN connection failed'. Googling it up I tried changing a setting called 'refuse-eap' to 'yes' but it doesn't seem to work. Here's the result from the log file:
Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: installing package xen-4.0.0_21091_06-0.1.1.x86_64 needs 27MB on the /boot filesystemI seem not to be able to change the size of the /boot, but 11.2 loads okay but not 11.3There only 19MB left from 66 and I can't make it bigger, I hope there is someone thathas seen this. I would like to see some of the update with XEN.
I had this issue with Fedora Core 13, so I switched my laptop back to OpenSuse and continued to have the problem. I can do a host lookup for software.opensuse.com and I get a correct response ... Code: linux-edxs:/etc # host software.opensuse.org software.opensuse.org has address linux-edxs:/etc # host download.opensuse.org download.opensuse.org has address
Firefox works. Thunderbird finds my mail servers just fine. SSH works. But then when I try to do anything involving software updates or installation, I get ... Code: linux-edxs:/etc # zypper update Retrieving repository 'Updates for openSUSE 11.3 11.3-1.82' metadata [] Download (curl) error for '[URL]': Error code: Connection failed Error message: Couldn't resolve host 'download.opensuse.org'
I've seen others here post queries about this, and I'll tell you what it was in my case: our DSL modem's DHCP server returns its own IPV4 address as the DNS server. When I looked at /etc/resolve.conf, I saw "nameserver:" on the last line -- the IPV4 address of our DSL modem. I manually inserted "nameserver" lines for our ISP's two actual DNS servers, and everything magically started working. Why this should confuse some software under Linux, but not other software, is a mystery. It also seems to be Gnome-specific (I didn't have this problem with OpenSuse 11.3 and KDE 4).
Ask if they're using Gnome, and ask them to check resolve.conf. A lot of DSL modems and home/small office routers return their own IP address (i.e., the same as the gateway address) for the DNS server on a DHCP query. The solution is to manually edit resolve.conf and put in your ISP's DNS server addresses manually. Incidentally, just my opinion, but Network Manager needs to make this an option. Under Windows, for example, you can select "automatically assign DNS" or you can enter them manually, even if you're using DHCP. It'd be nice if Network Manager permitted that.
I am from India, and I tried to update my Ubuntu system today. Code: $sudo apt-get update The update failed because the connection to the India mirror timed out: Code: [URL] Could not connect to in.archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (110: Connection timed out) I tried the update a few times, with the same result every time.
I had firestarter running at this time, and noticed that I would get new security events every time I tried an update. I checked the events list, and it turned out that the machine at the ip address (the in.archive.ubuntu.com machine, to go by the above error message) had been trying to make connections to seemingly random ports on the machine every time I tried the update: see the attached screenshot. I then changed my repositories to the Main Server using Synaptic, and tried the update again (from the command-line). This time it worked without a hitch, and firestarter did not report any unwanted incoming connection. why is the India mirror trying to open connections that the Main server apparently does not need in order for me to do the update? Should I (we) be concerned?
I've posted this question already on opensuse@opensuse.org, however perhapsthat is not the right mailing list, while this forum is dedicated to such questions.And there seems to be much more activity on this forum then on the general mailinglist ---- and I hope to get some answer sooner than later (don't know how to proceed).I ran an update from 11.3 to 11.4, using the 11.4 64-bitDVD, and additionally Internet sources.When it then came to reboot, I got a screen
doing fast reboot FATAL: Module thermal not found. FATAL: Module processor not found.
I am using OpenSuSE11.1 very frequently I need to install and update the software and packages.but I am getting this error: Download failed:File '/repodata/repomd.xml' not found on medium URL...
I ran 11.1 security update today, now the system will not recognize most of my hardware, will not enter X,, how can I recover or revert back? I have hardwired and cannot get the network card to work,,,errors at boot indicate a problem with modules....this all occurred after rebooting from today's update??
Since Livna went down, I've been having having problems with KPackagekit. I disabled the Libna repo by setting enabled=0 in /etc/yum.repos.d/livna.repo, and have been able to update with Yum.KPackageKit fails on me now with the message "Failed to initialize backend. This may occur if other packaging tools are used simultaneously."Then it fails to finish, which causes me to reboot before I can use Yum successfully.Under Settings, I see no indication that it knows where the repositories are, and no way to add repos.
I got an error while working with NetworkManager in new RHEL6/ Fedora14. I have a ZTE AC 2726 3G wireless modem. i had tried to connect it via NetworkManager . It only requires username and password to connect but the thing is that after putting all the credentials i had checked the option" available to all the user "and while i was trying to save the profile it shows the following error saving connection failed 0 can't write connection type 'cdma'I had google so many times around this error but no better solution is there .
When I try to run the Online Updates to the system through Yast I get the following errors for each package:
[QUOTE] Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: warning: /var/cache/zypp/packages/Packman Repository/Multimedia/i586/libaudcore1-2.4.4-1.pm.1.1.i586.rpm: Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 9a795806: NOKEY error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found [Code]...
I have error in KPackageKit when i try to install anything or check for updates:
Failed to initialize packaging backend. This may occur if other packaging tools are being used simultaneously.
Details: There are unfinished transactions remaining. Please run yum-complete-transaction as root.
I don't know anything about other packaging tools - I think I don't using any. Yum works fine in terminal. Reinstall PackageKit and KPackageKit files doesn't helped me. I also try to rebuilt rpm db:
rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db* rpm -vv --rebuilddb yum clean all
I'm running OpenSuse 11.1 (this may be the thing that causes me to finally update ) with KDE 4.4 (specifically, 4.4.4 release 5). Recently (maybe the past month or so... give or take a week or two or so... first time I really remember it happening is when I realized they changed the repository for KDE 4.4 from factory to stable and switched them) >90% of the things I try to install via YAST fails with the following error... this example is me trying to upgrade avidemux from the Packman repository.
Code: Error: RPM failed: warning: /var/cache/zypp/packages/Packman_Repository/x86_64/avidemux-2.5.3-4.pm.5.1.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 9a795806 error: %post(avidemux-2.5.3-4.pm.5.1.x86_64) scriptlet failed, signal 11 Oddly enough, the main avidemux package threw the error, but the avidemux-qt4 package didn't. I've tried doing
I have a problem updating packages when using the kpackagekit systray notifier, it fails with the error "failed to obtain authentication".I've looked around and can't find any log output of this.If i start kpackagekit from the menu it all works fine, but not this way.This is with kubuntu 10.10, upgraded from 10.04, it did actually work before.
When the RPM runs it come up with this error. How do I install the required dependencies? I have added more repositories, but still there are a few dependencies missing. Is there a zypper/sudo -get or something available? Opensuse 11.1 Gnome
getting that message repeated few times after trying to update opensuse 11.4 kde "(<unknown>:8952): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_notebook_get_tab_label: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (child)' failed" I changed the windows decoration from oxygen to laptop and back to oxygen and since then I am getting that message
I am trying to update my server, but it won't do it. It tries to connect, but says "Waiting for headers". If i try to install other packages it says "Connection failed". Apparently it has Internet connection since my server shares Internet connection with other machines.
I am using Ubuntu Server 10.10 64bit. While executing apt-get update i am getting error Connection failed. I have checked other post also some where i found to change the country name 'us' to other present in repository url inside /etc/apt/sources.list file. I tryied with country 'de' and 'in' but then also got the same error. I am getting following error
I just installed opensuse 11.4 64 bit. Compiz and everything was working fine on my ati card (mobility 2600) with the default radeon drivers. I added the gnome 3 stable repo, updated fine. But when I rebooted I get booted into the fallback with no 3d effects and it says "gnome 3 failed to load" What gives? The drivers were working fine with full acceleration. I know gnome 3 works on this card, I tested it on the fedora live cd just fine.
I am a total newbie to Linux (I've only been using Ubuntu for a couple of months) and decided to buy openSUSE and give it a try. So I inserted the disk into my computer and accept the terms of service and stuff and then it said that it failed to excecute bcdedit.exe. I'm trying to install openSUSE by Windows 7 by the way. I've searched the forum and found a tutoiral, but it was for Windows XP which is totally different to Windows 7 and not even the application names are the same in the CP.
I am trying to setup multipath with failover policy on openSuSE 11. I have two qla2xxx HBA's installed and they appear to be working. Here is the output of "multipath -l" command
While testing, I pulled one of the two connection to SAN, and the connection failed over to second HBA connection to SAN. When I plug the cable back in, it does not fall back to original connection... It stays in failed state. Also, I noticed that failed disk (sdd disk) comes back as (sdg disk), which is probably why connection does not fall back to original HBA. But, when I run "/sbin/service multipathd restart" sdg disk shows as as enabled in multipath -l...