OpenSUSE Install :: Fedora Dual Boot - Got The Dreaded "No Boot Device" Message

Aug 2, 2010

After asking on both this forum and the Fedora forum, I felt it was safe enough to install a copy of Fedora on my working-well openSUSE drive. I have a 1 TB drive, partitioned as follows:

I did an install of Fedora 13, was VERY careful to set up the installer to put it's files in the partitions I wanted, although I did let it mark the partition as active, feeling it may have to boot during the installation process.

I had grub installed in the root of the partition rather than the MBR for both systems.

When Fedora finished installing, I rebooted the system only to find that it wouldn't. I got the dreaded "No Boot Device" message.

So, I started the 5 hour process of booting with the parted magic disk, booting with a Gentoo live disk (only one around), monkeying with the install parts of the openSUSE and Fedora disks, swapping drives to Windows to download openSUSE Live CDs (yes, both) and searching the forums and various other web sites for some poor bloke who did the same stupid whatever it was I did, and finally, as I was using fdisk on the Gnome Live CD, I noticed the warning message stating that fdisk would not work on a drive that was partitioned with the GPD format.

Notice that I have 5 partitions? That is not a typo on my part, I used the GPD format when I set it up so I could do what I did without using "imitation" partitions.

When I used parted (the command line editor on the Gnome Live CD) to change the active partition, everything started working again! Well, at least I can boot the openSUSE system, the most important thing.

It is my suspicion that the Fedora install uses fdisk to do it's work, and fdisk just mucks up a GPD formatted disk. Not the information, just the part of the drive that holds the partition table. Perhaps just the flags section. I don't know enough to say with any certainty.

I didn't change the drives parameters during the installation of Fedora, so I don't know of it even offers the GPD partitioning option. If not, I can understand how this sort of thing could happen.

Still....So now all I have to do is make the grub menu, the one installed with openSUSE, boot the Fedora installation on the next partition. Seems simple enough.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot 11.2 / Doesn't Boot From Win7

Feb 14, 2010

I turn back to openSUSE and install it in my machine (win7 installed first),but i can't boot from win7. openSUSE doesn't boot from win7 (like ubuntu) and i can't see ntfs win7 partition from openSUSE. Why openSUSE is so complicated about dual booting

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Boot Into SuSE (Dual Boot With Win7)?

May 26, 2011

I'm trying to dual-boot Windows 7 with openSuSE 11.4, i was told that i should install SuSE after windows 7 as it takes care of the boot-loader and automatically detects my windows installation and not vice-versa,
But that is not true in my case.

So i had 2 hard disks one had windows 7 installed and one was empty so i decided that i should get openSuSE 11.4 on the empty hard disk and dual-boot it with windows 7 (that i already had installed). Downloaded the DVD, put it on a USB and installed SuSE on the other hard disk normally, it detected my windows installation on my main hard disk but i didn't touch that, only formatted my other hard disk to ext4

After the installation it booted automatically into SuSE, but now every time on a fresh restart the system boots automatically into windows. Methods i have already tried to resolve this and it didn't work:

1. Booted from the DVD and selected an "Upgrade" not "New Installation" so i could boot again into my SuSE installation which did work, checked my "Boot Loader" options from YaST and checked the "Boot from MBR" option instead of the "Boot from root partition" option, That Did NOT work.

2. Used the same method to Boot into SuSE with the "Upgrade" Option opened up the terminal and tried to install grub manually again using this link


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Fedora Installation :: Tried To Dual Boot - Message - Bootmgr Missing Control - Alt - Delete To Restart

Oct 1, 2009

I tried to dual boot Fedora on a vista system. Now fedora boots as primary and when i try to boot vista i get the message, bootmgr missing control, alt, delete to restart.

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General :: PC Won't Boot After New Fedora/Win XP Dual Boot Install?

Sep 7, 2009

I have a PC with three HD's. My primary hard drive has a single partition and contains Win XP SP3. I have a second hard drive which I use to store junk (pictures, movies, etc). The third, 60GB HD, I just put into my PC and I wanted to install Fedora 11 onto it. I want to have a dual boot system with WinXP being the default boot. I downloaded the latest build of Fedora 11, created a LiveCD out of it and I tried to install the OS onto this third new hard drive. I installed the OS, I told it to use the entire third HD and to have a dual boot setup and make the WinXP OS be the default boot. The installation seemed to go without any problems. However, after restarting the PC, the PC stops booting right after the DELL screen. It gives me a cursor and that's it. It just sits there. I have tried redoing the install about 4 different times now and no matter how I change the different installation options, I get the same result. Now I can't even boot into XP even after I disconnect the third drive. I am guessing that the dual boot got screwed up; I just don't know how to fix it and more importantly, how to install Fedora, dual boot.

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Ubuntu :: Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device And Press A Key

Apr 16, 2011

Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key. I got this error after: Reducing my Windows 7 partition by about 100gb. Creating a new partition (100gb) and copying my Ubuntu partition (10gb) to the new partition. After it was copied, and pasted, the original partition was deleted. I now had two partitions a new 100gb Ubuntu partition and a 600gb (or so) Windows 7 partition.

All of this was done using a bootable USB with Ubuntu 10.10 and GParted partition editor. Now when I boot I get the "Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key." error.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot With W7 & OS 11.2?

Feb 27, 2010

I recently built a new rig and wanted to make it dual boot with W7 & OS 11.2. I installed W7 and partitioned my drive with 30 gigs I anticipated using for the 11.2 install. OpenSuse will not recognize it or allow any changes to that hard drive.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Dual Boot Vista?

Jan 12, 2010

Been trying this by the guess and error method for days.I know about the "Swerdna" post but it is way to difficult for me.I do this every other output from Microsoft, so it is very difficult to rememberwhat transpired. Bedsides it changes with each new distro.I'm tempted to use the VM program that Dedoimodo recommended but I don't knowhow it handles Email and urls. If they are permanent or not.

HD1 - Vista - sda
HD2 - Opensuse 11.2 - No boot to MBR - sdb


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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot With Windows 7?

Sep 13, 2010

i have a toshiba laptop running Windows 7 64 bit and i would like to install openSUSE 11.3 64 bit on it. I downloaded the DVD version and would like to know how i should do it.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot With The Partition?

Oct 22, 2010

how to do it with vista or XP. I want to have dual boot with the partition i already got working on SUSE, the rest I want to have ti in Windows.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot With Slackware

Oct 24, 2010

Running openSUSE 13.1, and want to dual boot with Slackware to satisfy a long-held curiosity. However, I'm not sure how to proceed with partitioning; at the moment I have about 20gb for openSUSE root, a swap partition and the rest of the 320gb disk is home. Do I just need to add a root partition for Slackware, or are things more complicated than that?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot With 11.3 And Windows 7

Dec 10, 2010

My main os, albeit only because of gaming, is windows 7, and I was looking to dual boot with 11.3. I couldn't find any documentation of this, so here it goes: Does the executable on the 11.3 disk install opensuse like wubi does ubuntu?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Failed Dual Boot Win 7 And 11.3

Dec 27, 2010

I've been googling and couldn't find solution to my problem. In the past I was able to get around dual boot with Win XP but that Win 7 seems to be more resistant to dual boot. I have a Toshiba Portege T110 that came with Win 7 home edition. I parted the hdd using gparted and put Linux on extended partition. It was OK up till then. After installing Opensuse 11.3 and installing Grub in extended partition, grub came up but when I chose windows, I got error from windows boot manager saying it couldn't find winload.exe. I tried to manipulate the grub by typing:

rootnoverify (hd0,1)
chainloader +1

That didn't work at all. So I reinstalled Win 7. After Win 7 back up, I again tried to fix grub by doing this:

find /boot/grub/menu.lst (this gives hd0,5)
root (hd0,5)

After rebooting, grub came back but when I tried to access win 7, I again got the black screen saying my winload.exe is missing. I'm reinstalling my win 7 for the 2nd time now. But I'd still like to get the dual boot with Opensuse 11.3 to work. What have I done wrong? Should I put grub in MBR or the mount point / ? or should it be left alone in extended partition? And how do I move grub to different place?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot Windows 7 And 11.4?

Apr 6, 2011

I am trying to dual boot windows 7 and openSuse. I have shrunk my main partition and it is now unallocated. When running the DVD at the disc section I got the message Delete partition /dev/sda1 (199.00MB) This is my windows system partition (NTFS)

Delete windows partion /dev/sda2 (261.49GB) This is my main partition C: (NTFS) (Don't want to delete this Resize impossible due to inconsistent fs. Try checking fs under windows. Delete windows partition /dev/sda3 (16.31GB)This is my recovery partition.(NTFS) I also don't want to delete this. Resize impossible due to inconsistent fs. Try checking fs under windows. Delete partition /dev/sda4 (103.34MB) HP tools (FAT32) (Not sure about this, but would rather keep it.

Create swap volume /dev/sda1 (2.01GB)
Create root volume /dev/sda2 (20GB with ext4)
create volume /dev/sda3 (276.08GB for /home)

I also pressed created partition and clicked on the unallocated space but I got an error telling me that I either didn't have enough space or hadn't selected enough partitions. (The unallocated space was 20GB)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Uninstall / Remove OpenSUSE On Dual Boot System

Sep 5, 2010

I would like to remove openSUSE (11.3) from my dual boot (/Windows) system. In the old days, the install CD used to have an option for that, but now my DVD doesn't have anything, or perhaps I overlooked?

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OpenSUSE Install :: KDE Too Slow On Start Up. OpenSUSE-WindowsXP Dual Boot?

Jul 18, 2011

I have an 1TB hard drive, half of it for Windows XP SP3, another half for OpenSUSE 11.4. After installing OpenSUSE, it didn't take me much time to notice that there was something wrong with KDE: sometimes it loaded quite fast, as expected, but most of the time I'd have to wait around 1 minute in that loading screen. Then I updated the kernel, as well as KDE itself, but that didn't solve the problem.

After that I tried to start the system using Enlightnment, and it was lightning fast compared to KDE, however, I didn't quite like its interface, and for some reason GNOME refused to start. All that was too frustrating to me, so I gave up and have been using Windows for the last few weeks. Got sick of it now and here I am on OpenSUSE again. Oh, it feels sooo much better! BUT, I'm still with the same problem.

My specs are as follow:
Motherboard: Gigabyte MA78GM-S2H (with updated BIOS, version F11)
Processor: AMD Phenom X3 8450
Memory: 2GB
Videocard: Nvidia Geforce 8500GT (using NVIDIA proprietary drivers)
OpenSUSE 11.4
KDE 4.6.0
Did I forget anything important?

Ps.: I didn't have these problems with Mandriva 2010.2, which, if I'm correct, used the same KDE version.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: GRUB To Dual Boot 11.2 And Windows XP But Hangs On Boot

Apr 20, 2010

HW config is: AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Black Edition, MSI 785GTM-E45, 2X 1Gb Kingston HyperX PC2-8500. I have set up GRUB to dualboot openSUSE 11.2 and WindowsXP. Initially i had set up system with defaults: CPU@2600MHz (200X13) and therefore RAM@800MHz. Both openSUSE 11.2 and WindowsXP worked just fine. Memtest86 found no problems.

But after a while i decided to change this setup to: CPU@2500MHz (250X10) and therefore RAM@1000MHz, as it promised better overall performance. And now Windows still boots and works better then before. Memtest86 still can't find any problem. But openSUSE 11.2 hangs at boot. I've suspected cpufreq governor, but changing from Ondemand to Conservative in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq doesn't help.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Create A Dual Boot With Windows 7?

Dec 3, 2009

I Need instructions on how to create a dual boot with Windows 7 already installed ...

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OpenSUSE Install :: Create Partition For Dual Boot

Jan 3, 2010

I am new to linux. I tried and failed. I need some help on Creating patitions (I think it is root, swap and home).I have HP laptop with WIndows 7 installed. I have shrink the volume to allow Linux installation. I have three partitions, first one is windows boot - about 100MB. Second one is about 110GB and it has windows 7. Third one is UNALLOCATED space of 110GB that I intended for Suse.

Now I am going to install the Suse. The unallocated spaces should be "primary" or "extended"? Also, should I divided this new partition in to three partition? If does, what are sizes for each? I want to learn Linux so I will able to look for better job. This is the first time I ever look into linux and confused.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Need To Remove 11.1 Only From Dual Boot Drive

Mar 15, 2010

I have a laptop with a small (dual boot) hard drive. It is a dual boot with Windows XP and Open Suse 11.1. I want to remove Suse Linux but keep the Windows side. I need to keep that Windows drive just the way it is. I have OpenSUSE 11.2 installed in another laptop and want to keep them separate. I don't want to damage the proprietary program on the windows side. My challenge is I do not have aa Windows install CD, I do have the recovery disk that came with the Laptop, but this DOES NOT include the Proprietary program I want to keep. Is there a way to remove Linux from this dual boot drive without erasing Windows?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 10.1 To 11.2 Dual Boot Tech Assist?

Mar 25, 2010

It's time to update 10.1 in a box that dual boots (GRUB .97) with Win2003. A compete overwrite of 10.1 with 11.2 is the plan. I want to move to ext4 as well and am looking for the least painful, most productive method to achieve this. I'm done with 10.1 and enjoyed using it, but it is time to advance. Here is what I have to work with:


# df -Th
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda10 ext3 20G 7.5G 12G 41% /
udev tmpfs 1014M 192K 1013M 1% /dev


My initial experience with 10.1 installer recommendations were not favorable, probably because i'm used to windows and weak on Linux. This leads me to the query, should I: use the 11.2 install disk and trust it's (and mine) ability to tweak to my specs of overwriting 10.1? - or - gpart the appropriate partitions and the 11.2 installer fills in the blanks?

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Setup Two Drive Dual Boot With XP

Apr 3, 2010

I've been wanting to start using Linux for years now and after doing some research on which distro to use, I've decided to give it a try with openSUSE and ordered a DVD copy from Novel last night. Needless to say, I'm a newbie to Linux. I'm building a new computer with two identical hard drives and I'd like to install openSUSE and XP on them and hence make a dual boot system. This is also going to be my first time setting up a dual boot. So, while I'm waiting for the openSUSE DVD to arrive, how to actually set it all up?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Adding More OS To Dual Boot System?

Jul 9, 2010

I wish to add more OS to my dual boot system with suse (sda) and windows7 (sda). The plan is to add Linux Mint(sda), PC BSD (sda), Fedora (sdb) and Solaris (sdb). I wish to remove grub2 from mint and install grub legacy, not sure whether it will work or not. I will be reinstalling grub from suse dvd. It gives me a free hand for adding boot entries. I wish to know whether I can remove grub2 and install grub legacy. In grub2 all boot related folders are stored in more than 1 place like /boot and /etc and subfolders.

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OpenSUSE Install :: New Installation For Dual Boot Won't Start

Aug 20, 2010

I have just installed OPENSUSE 11.3 from a CD to a computer running WIN XP. The installation completed and I got to a desktop. I then shut down. When I restarted the computer with the installation CD removed from the drive, I got the message "missing operating system". I ran the installation again, and have left it running. As near as I can tell, the WIN Partition is still intact, but I'm afraid to shut it down for fear I once again will not be able to access either system.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual-boot Installation Of 11.3 With Windows 7?

Sep 29, 2010

Yesterday (Sept. 28) I managed to install openSuSE 11.3 on my Toshiba Satellite Pro C650 laptop, side-by-side with Windows 7 which was pre-installed. In brief I'd like to report the problems I had encountered up to yesterday.

1. Upon inserting the DVD and after the start of the installation the system would take me to non-GUI (Text) Mode and would finally respond with the message: "No repository found."

2. After that I tried to install openSuSE 11.2 and 11.1. There, although the installation went through smoothly, I had to deal with a new problem; when I selected to boot Windows 7 from the grub menu the system responded with the message:

rootnoverify (hd0,1)
chainload +1
BOOTMGR is missing

Upon booting the computer from the DVD with the Linux OS and before I hit ENTER I changed the Kernel by hitting F5 (or whatever key corresponds to Kernel at the bottom of screen) to "Failsafe mode". That did the job. The installation started and ended smoothly. Oh! one other thing I did is to edit the preselected disk partition and delete the swap partition since the disk has to have four and not five partitions.After that, I became root and edited "/boot/grub/menu.lst" file to correct the "(hd0,1)" for the Windows 1 to "(hd0,0)" since it is the first OS.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot Installation With Windows 7?

Nov 5, 2010

I am very much excited to try out openSUSE 11.3.. But i am very much afraid of losing my data in windows partitions without knowing the exact procedure to install are my existing partition list... Please have a look at it and suggest me..

c : 40 GB
d: 120 GB
e: 140 GB
f: 140 GB

and i have some free space of 28 GB.It is unallocated.I want to install openSUSE into this free space.Now please tell me whether i can proceed with the default disk configurations given at the install time or do i have to modify and adjust the partitions or do i have to create partitions for the available free space.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Create A Dual-boot With Windows 7?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm doing some research for a friend who wants to dual boot Windows 7 with a Linux Distro that has Perl inbuilt & also supports .MP3 and other popular codecs "out of the box"

From my limited research, OpenSUSE seems to fit the bill (as does Mandriva Powerpack).

Also, how easy is it to create a dual-boot with Windows 7 with this distro?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Another Dual-boot \ Drives 1 And 2 Are Striped Together?

Feb 16, 2011

I have 3 separate hard drives. Drives 1 and 2 are striped together and I have openSUSE 11.3 installed. On the third disk I have WindowsXP-64 Professional. I installed SUSE first with the third disk unplugged. I then installed WinXP with the two SUSE disks unplugged. My fdisk -l is:

Disk /dev/sdb: 750.2 GB, 750156374016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 91201 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00000000

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot Breaks Wireless?

Mar 16, 2011

I'm a regular OpenSuse user, but recently I had to download Windows7 on my computer for work. Everything was fine for a while, but now when I switch to windows, the wireless doesn't work sometimes (sometimes it works just fine). When this happens wireless is broken on the Linux side as well. The only way I know to fix it is to hard wire the laptop when booted into windows, and then everything is back to normal. It's really starting to tick me off and I have no idea what may be causing it. I didn't even know the two partitions can effect each other.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot On A Mac - Can't Load The System

Mar 20, 2011

I'm trying to install OpenSUSE 11.4 (64bit with the server options included) on my Mac (Core 2 Duo 2.0 Ghz with 2 GB memory). So I have sda2 the OSX, sda1 swap, sda3 is the bootcamp (windows), sda4 (ext4) and sda5(ext5). I installed rEFIt 0.14 first, then I reboot with DVD on. The installation setup resized the Windows partition from Bootcamp, and create 3 other partitions (the sda1,4 and 5). At the installation I choos MBR enable and "/" as home enable.

At the end of the installation I have the error about MBR, that can't mount, or create the mount point? I'll double check the exact message. Anyway, when I try to load OpenSUSE, is not working: can not load the system. I tried to find on the installation menu a repair (I thought that I can find an utility to fix the MBR). I don't want to choose other distribution, because I used SuSE before, and I really like it, and of course this way I can learn more about troubleshooting a Linux installation on different environment

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