OpenSUSE Install :: 3016 Encryption Error For Drive Partitioning

Aug 8, 2010

Trying to encrypt my partitions for swap, root and /home directories. However, when I go to partitioner and select the drives as sdb1, sbd2 or sbd3 and click on the encryption. It errors with a -3016 error. Can't find anything in the release notes or the security documentation that would lead me to why this screen is popping.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Partitioning And Mounting A VFAT USB Drive?

Jan 21, 2010

I am having trouble getting my portable hard drive to mount after partitioning it for VFAT. I originally had it partitioned as NTFS but I realized that my Xbox 360 will only mount VFAT filesystems. I believe that I partitioned it correctly with yast. However I am still having trouble mounting it. Below is the output of fdisk, mount and dmesg.

# fdisk - l
Disk /dev/sdc: 320.0 GB, 320072933376 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x1e371e37


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OpenSUSE Install :: Partitioning On MyDigitalSSD Drive Was Not Readable?

May 15, 2011

Has anyone tried installing on an mSata drive? I tried installing OpenSuse and received the message that the partitioning on my MyDigitalSSD drive was not readable.

Id like to know if its just my generic MyDigitalSSD drive that doesnt work, or all mSata drives.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Yast Partitioning Error - 4017

Feb 26, 2010

Trying to install OpenSUSE on an HP ML115 with an SmartArray E200 controller. Get to the partitioning screen, select LVM and carry on, when "preparing disks" I get error -4017

"Failure occurred during the following operation: Creating volume group system from /dev/cciss/c0d0p2"

Google the error and found a similar fault which was fixed back in OpenSUSE 10.2!

The only one I have involves partitioning the disk with Ubuntu and then installing OpenSUSE on top of that!

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OpenSUSE Install :: Partitioning External Drive - Screen Was Just Blank Black With The Flashing White Line

Jan 11, 2011

this is my first time doing a custom partition, I tried to do it with only the assistance of reading as I go, but I don't believe I found enough information last night. What I am trying to do, is put openSUSE on 200gb out of 500gb space on my external hard drive, as well as on 50gb space out of 110gb on my internal hard drive. The remaining 60gb space on my internal drive is going to be for microsoft windows. The remaining 300gb space on my external drive will be storage space. It seems like what I want to do is achievable

What I want is to have my main openSUSE on the external drive (primary partition I think?), with the GRUB loader so that when the external drive is not plugged in, my little brother can use windows on my internal hard drive. I tried this last night, and when installation had finished, I rebooted my computer and the screen was just blank black with the flashing white line as if waiting for me to type, although it would not allow me to type when I tried. It would be great if someone could tell me the order in which to partition, including the terms primary partition, extended partition, and logical partition, as needed.. I don't want to permanently muck up this machine.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Error When Converting HOME Directory To Encryption?

Jun 19, 2011

Using SUSE 11, I'm trying to change my existing login user id HOME directory to use encryption. I use YAST to do this, just by clicking the ENCRYPTION box inside the USER AND GROUP MANAGER tool.I receive this error message -- "Not enough disk space left to copy existing data".Which file system do I need to add space to?Here are the filesystem existing sizes --

Filesystem: / Size: 6g Used: 3g
Filesystem: /home Size: 1.8g Used: 65m

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partitioning - Triple Boot With Full Disk Encryption ?

Mar 28, 2011

To structure the layout of my partitions. I'm installing Windows 7, Backtrack 4 R2 and Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop on my laptop. I've got a 500 GB HDD named sda.

I've already installed Windows 7. It's my opinion that it's easiest to begin with Windows.

The partitions look like this right now:

The Windows installation is unencrypted and I want it to stay that way. It's only there in case my laptop gets stolen, I've installed various nasty things there.

The Backtrack 4 installation will also be given 100 GB space, I want it to be encrypted. The Ubuntu installation should get the rest of all the remaining space and preferably be encrypted but it's not 100% necessary.

How I should partition this? There's a limit on 4 primary partitions? How do I circumvent this? There should be one dedicated GRUB partition which will point to each of the installations own boot loaders?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Partitioning Hard Drive To Dual Boot Windows 7 ?

Mar 1, 2010

partitioning my hard drive to dual boot windows 7 and open suse

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General :: Partitioning - Install Mint 11 To Small Partition On Large USB Drive

May 12, 2011

I want to install Linux Mint 11 (just came out) to a USB drive. My USB drive is 34 gb. So I want to put a 1-2 gb partition on it and install mint just to that. Is that possible? I am a noob so I want to use [URL] but the screenshots don't show an option for a partition or state any extra steps that might be involved in doing this (there's a tutorial for doing this for one of the Ubuntus using fdisk, but I don't have any linux installs right now).

I've seen several tools for partitioning.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Partitioning 2 HD

Jan 30, 2010

partitioning of 2 HD (1 40GB SSD HD & 1 TB ordinary HD) in OpenSUSE 11.2. how to partioning both harddrives for best performance (no other OS).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Partitioning & Booting - (grub Won't Install On The Pci Express Card As It Is A Raid0 Array)

Jun 11, 2011

I am currently running all my applications off a HD as I was unable to install the grub bootloader on my ocz pci express card (grub won't install on the pci express card as it is a raid0 array). I would like to use the HD for backup only and run everything off the ocz card - with the exception of booting (which is unfortunate but I didn't manage to make the pci express card boot). How is it possible to tell suse during the installation to create the /boot on the HD and the rest on the pci express card and also to allocate the remainder of the HD as empty storage area??

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OpenSUSE Install :: Partitioning Of A (new) Windows 7 HD?

Sep 22, 2010

Just acquired a new laptop, Gateway NV, i5-430, 4GB, 500GB HD, Intel GMA, and, of course, Windows 7. I wish to install openSUSE (as I have on my other laptops and boxes, with Windows/XP and (sigh..) one Vista). No problems with partitoning any of them, but I have not partitioned a Windows 7 HD.I do wish to keep Windows 7, but SUSE has become my primary OS. So the question is: do I use Windows 7 utilities to "shrink" its main partition and then install 11.3 ? Alternatively, I can use the 11.3 install DVD to do the "shrink". I have already run the install up to, but NOT INCLUDING the actual partitioning.Windows has commandeered the first three (3) primary partitions, so SUSE goes to an extended partition. Windows looks something like:

1: 12GB (Recovery Partition)2: 102 MB (System Reserved)3. 453GB Windows 7 primary partitionThe 11.3 install proposes reducing #3 (above) to 163GB and allocating the remaining to SUSE (swap, /, and /home). I will probably tinker with the sizes (I really do not need a 280BG /home), and I want some space for an alternate distro.Any and all advice on the partitioning choice(s) will be appreciated. I did also attempt "GParted" from the Ubuntu liveCD, but the only way to boot that liveCD was to use "-xforcevesa" and I was not completely confident of that!(Note: already created the "factory recovery" DVDs and the apps/drivers DVD. I may dry run them before I do the actual partitioning. There is no data or software on it.)

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 - Create LVM With Encryption

Apr 22, 2010

I'm trying to install OpenSuse 11.2. During installation there's a problem. It offers to create an LVM with encryption. That's fine. The problem is: it only uses 15GB of my 250GB hard drive. When I try to alter the partitions, I can't. When I try to remove the partitions and create new partitions myself it seems OK but a few minutes later the installation quits with 0333. I googled on resizing the LVM, but it brought me nowhere. There seems to be no working manual on how to do that. How do I install my system without having over 90% of my disk unused?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Mounting Drive Bad Superblock Error

Jun 15, 2010

I have a x64 OpenSUSE server with two hard drivers installed. The first one is used for the / and /home partitions and the other is for backups. Ironically enough it is the backup hard drive I am having trouble with. I was having trouble writting to the drive and unmounted it to preform a fchsk, however now when ever I try to mount it I get the following error:


how I can repair the drive and retrive data?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Partitioning Not Detected By Installer?

Jul 4, 2010

I have 2 physical 500 GB Sata drives/stripes that appear as 1000 GB C: drive under WinXP. I have partitioned that drive into 750 GB Windows native C: and an empty 250 GB partition F:
When running the installer for OpenSuse 11.2 only the physical drives appear in the list of available hard drives 2x 500 GB (= sda and sdb), rather then the partitions of 750 and 250 GB (would expect sda1 and sda2). Is it possible to install Opensuse on the 250 GB partition (F: under windows) without destroying the WinXP installation and data on the C: partition?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Using Non-LUKS Loopback Encryption In 11.3?

Aug 5, 2010

I've got some old drives using pre-LUKS loopback encryption, and I'm having problems mounting them on OpenSUSE 11.3. What I expected to work, based on past experiences with other distributions, is something along the lines of:

mount -t ext3 /dev/sdc11 tmp -o loop=/dev/loop1,encryption=AES256. When I try this I'm asked for the password, but then get the message "ioctl: LOOP_SET_STATUS: Invalid argument". Anyone have a clue what could be going wrong, or how I can best access these drives from OpenSUSE?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Error Message Trying To Run Live KDE On A USB Thumb Drive?

Sep 14, 2010

been a fan of openSUSE for years now and peridocially go back and forth between Suse and Windows. However, I'm still an enthusiastic amateur when it comes to this stuff. Well, I bought a netbook (Acer Aspire ONE) several months back and loved Win 7 (a first for me). However, like all Windows, they all go down the crapper. So I'm wanting to completely wipe out Windows and go all Suse on my netbook.So I downloaded KDE Live and "burned" it on my USB. BTW, the image writer that are in the directions only writes, .raw files not .iso. I had to use a third party software.I then went into my BIOS and put the USB drive first on the booting list, and then restarted. Right off the bat I get the error message.Could not find kernel image: gfxbootAll I want to do is install openSUSE on my netbook

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OpenSUSE Install :: Ext4 - Mounting Point When Partitioning?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a very simple question I am creating a new partition for storing files, installers, documents, etc, I am going to make it ext4, now my question is, do I have to specify a mounting point?? I would not like to do that, but if I do not specify a mounting point, will I be able to access that partition? So in what cases you specify mounting point and when you do not specify mounting point?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 On An Existing Partitioning Scheme With Encrypted LVM

Apr 5, 2011

I have a Ubuntu server with encrypted LVM2 (logical volumes - /, /var,/tmp,/home etc.). I need to migrate this to an OpenSUSE 11.2 server (cannot use a later version due to the availability of a binary-only module - that is just the way it is). When I fire up the installer, I cannot seem to find an option to mount the encrypted disk (/dev/sda) which has the LVM2 structure. I do not want to lose /home (logical LVM2 volume), so a clean blank slate install is not an option.

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Hanging For A Few Seconds Every 20 Min With Hd Encryption?

Nov 21, 2010

i have hd encryption activated on my swap and home disks. now every 20 min or so (not really periodic but definetly reproduceable) my system hangs completely for about 4 - 10 sec while the hd led is on. i have a dual core cpu which makes this even more odd. could this be a side effect of hd encryption especially on the swap partition?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Authorization Entry - Error No Space Left On Drive

Oct 13, 2010

We had a perfectly working SUSE OES netware server for some months, and wanted to create a new image backup. Using Acronis Backup and Recovery Advanced Server Software. This worked a treat on our SBS 2008 Server. We went to run it for Novell OES and a system lock up occurred and services such as Iprint then disabled. A server restart recovered the server after a few attempts. We then learnt that the server could not write files to an NTFS formatted USB drive. This was the ideal destination to test the backup. However we could not even write a simple file to the drive without an error message about permissions.

We then learnt that Linux needs a package called NTFS-3G to enable NTFS writing permissions. This did fix the writing issues. We attempted to run another back up which again failed, bringing down the server. We again attempted to reboot the server this time we fail to get to the graphical user login. At the suse Linux Enterprise boot screen we select "boot from hard disc". Which fails immediately with "GDM could not write a new authorisation entry to disk...Error no space left on drive". When the boot eventually continues, a number of things fail with the same message about "No space left on device".

The next message starts "Could not start the X server due to some internal error."

Further to the above, starting "recovery" instead, the checks of partition fail and it seems obvious that the partition definitions have become corrupted. In the expert partion manager the lines for partitions seem correct except that there are no entries for 'mount point' and 'mount by' columns. Trying to edit these lines does not appear to allow entries for mount point or mount by - they are disabled. It seems likely the server is not mounting some partitions at boot which is why the kernel thinks the server is full. Is there some simple way we can use say fdisk to repair the partition definition without loosing anything of the server OS and data ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: GRUB Error 17 When Extra Hard Drive Not Attached

May 9, 2011

I recently installed openSUSE 11.4 on another hard disk of my 11.3 machine. I have another drive in my computer that is used solely for extra storage. Before installing 11.4 I could boot my computer with or without the drive installed, but now if I try to boot without it I get Error 17 from GRUB. I don't understand this as there is nothing on that drive that should be needed by boot and I can find nothing in the GRUB configuration that references the drive.I am getting ready to clear the whole system for a fresh install anyways, but it would be nice to know for future knowledge what is causing it.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Incompatibility For Disk Encryption Among Distros / Versions

Feb 8, 2010

any incompatibility for an encrypted disk (i.e. impossibility of reading the file system) among different versions of the same distro or among different Linux distros.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub Error 18 - Unknown File System - Running From External Hard Drive

Jan 11, 2011

It started when I wanted to dual boot Windows 7 and Opensuse off of my netbook (No DVD/CD drive) I tried install suse from an external hard drive and I botched it. I ended up erasing EVERYTHING off of my internal netbook hard drive. Windows and all.

Well, I had a couple of other computers so I studied up and eventually successfully installed OpenSUSE 11.2 on my external hard drive (11.3 being the one that I accidentally erased everything with, so kinda scared of it) and now I want to install openSUSE 11.2 on my internal netbook hard drive.

I can not use disks

I can not use a flash drive (For some reason, even if I make it bootable, it will not load up, this could be because it's actually a 8GB microSD card that is placed in a USB card reader.)

I can not use an external hard drive because that's what I'm running suse off of.

I've tried reading up on how to install suse on another drive off of the hard drive and I've gotten as far as whenever I boot up the netbook with the suse external hard drive connected it will ask to boot into OpenSUSE, the Fail Safe, or to install OpenSuse. When I select to install it it gives me the Error 18 Unknown File system.

I've tried formatting the internal hard drive twice. One as NTFS and again as EXT4. Neither seems to effect it other than when it's ext4 I can open it and it contains a Lost and Found folder.

When I interrupt the boot sequence by pressing c and going to the terminal and I use the root (hd +TAB command it tells me I have a hd0 and a hd1. The hd1 only has 1 partition which is ext4, which I'm assuming hd1 is the internal hard drive (I'm not sure how to check) and the hd0 is the external hard drive, which has three partitions. One with an unknown file system and two with ext4. When I try to enter the set up from the terminal it gives me the same error for any thing I put it (e.g. root (hd0,0) gives the same error as root (hd0,1), or root (hd0,2) and root (hd1,0)

Something like it cannot locate these two files I'm assuming it needs to boot. If anyone finds this relevant I'll retry it and post the files its missing.

I've been searching for awhile and can't find any threads that can solve my problem. From other threads, however, I have noticed that I should probably include my menu.lst, listed below


I have also ran the boot info script and received the RESULTS.txt file it generates. Listed below


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Security :: Acceptable Kerberos Encryption - Error "ktutil: AES256/SHA1*: Encryption Type AES256/SHA1* Not Supported"

Dec 23, 2010

I am building an active directory and using BIND9 as my DNS. To allow for secure dynamic updates from the domain, I am enabling GSS-TSIG as detailed here and here. Unfortunately, some of the commands and configurations used here seem to be depreciated, at least in the newer versions that I'm using. My issue is one of keytab encryption. I generated a keytab using ktpass.exe on the Windows Server 2008 domain controller. I have tried DES/MD5, AES128/SHA1 and AES256/SHA1, each have been turned down by ktutil on the kerberos server (FreeBSD). Each time, it outputs the following error: ktutil: AES256/SHA1*: encryption type AES256/SHA1* not supported *Respective to encryption used.

I cannot find a list of suitable encryption schemes that ktutil will accept. The FreeBSD handbook details a means of producing a keytab file, but I'm not sure how to configure the Domain Controller to use the keytab.

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Fedora :: Partitioning Hard Drive With F14 Utility

Jun 28, 2011

I have installed Fedora 14 along with Libre Office along with some other applications so I am learning slowly, re-learning really. However I am having a difficult time understanding partitioning. I would like to make another partition for Windoze. I also cannot get a USB mouse to work. I have run some commands to gather disk info I will refrain from list it here as it is a lot of data. At least until asked to do so. What I have run so far is fdisk -l, df, blkid, & cat fstab.

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Ubuntu :: Partitioning The System Drive For The Backend?

Apr 27, 2010

Here is my learning curve or what I would like to try. 1. Install Ubuntu on computer with following hardware:ASUS M3A7-EM AM2+ CPU, looking for a 45w one 780G/SB700, if the onboard video gives me grief I will install a nVidia 2gb DDR2 RAM 320gb or 500gb system drive, nothing smaller in the cupboard.

2. I want to install Mybuntu backend on this computer as part of a media sharing system. I have several PVR cards and it will be trial and error to see what works. I have a 1.5tb drive for media storage.

3.I have several old laptops to experiment with as frontends, I also want to install Mythbuntu and Kubuntu on one these to compare KDE and Gnome. At least two of the laptops have wireless so it will be easy to network.


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Partitioning External Hard Drive?

Oct 15, 2010

i have a 1 TB external hard drive and i have created 4 partitions as 3 of 300 GB , and one of 100 GB and i have format it as FAT but it is not showing 4th partitionand when i use fdisk -l it shows it as linux partitions and they are mounting in linux onlywhen i use the drive in windows , disk is not able to mount

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General :: Hard Drive Partitioning Vs Performance

Mar 3, 2011

if I make more partitions rather than creating single one, will I get more data access performance? E.g Instead of keeping 1,5TB partition, create 5x300MB and keep different data in different partitions? Logically hard drive will spend less time on finding data in smaller partition then in bigger one, right? Is there any statistics for performance vs size?

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General :: Formatting And Partitioning A Hard Drive For 10.10 As The Only OS

Jan 22, 2011

I have only known about Linux software for the past couple of weeks. I want to install Ubuntu 10.10 on an older desktop I have so I can become more familiar with it. I am average in knowladge about Windows OS and MS-DOS. I tried to install Ubuntu and I get an error message about the harddrive. The CD I am booting with will load on my other PC with Windows XP on it. I have only let it run on it long enough to verify that it is bootable.

I have made a floppy boot disc following the instructions on another Linux site about Ubuntu. I have also tried to boot my alternate PC with the floppy and it boots up. The harddrive on my working PC is a Maxtor 40gb formatted with NTFS file system. The harddrive in the older desktop is a Western Digital 80GB WD800LB-55DNA0.It worked fine with Windows XP on it. I also made a Western Digital DATA Lifeguard for DOS floppy and it boots with it.

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