OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 's Grub Eliminated Access To Mint 9?

Mar 17, 2011

When I installed 64 bit OpenSUSE Gnome 11.4 today on an ext4 primary partition (sda4) from the Install DVD, it eliminated LinuxMint 9's entry from OpenSUSE'sGrub The 64 bit LinuxMint v. 9 (Isadora) is installed on an ext4 logical partition (sda9) inside an extended partition, but it doesn't appear in OpenSUSE's Grub (and now OpenSUSE 11.4 won't connect to the Internet - although the Live CD ran yesterday without a hitch).

I'm hoping that my fellow OpenSUSE users can help me regain access to my Isadora installation and hopefully, point me to a solution for the Internet access problem.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Getting Grub To Add Mint 8 KDE CE

Apr 3, 2010

just installed OpenSUSE this weekend and I already had two different OSs on the laptop. Windows 7 and Linux Mint 8 KDE CE. Well during installation Windows was automatically added to grub but Mint wasnt. And When I go to the bootloader tab, and I add a new image it asks me the kernel image and initial RAM disk. Well This is what is in the boot folder on the Mint Partition

boot (folder only contains a jpg file)
grub (the grub installed on KDE... inactive)


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OpenSUSE Install :: Find The First Installed Mint Grub?

Apr 10, 2011

After installing opensuse grub disappeared from the Linux Mint I want to boot into Linux Mint.

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General :: Inserting Entry Of Opensuse In Grub 2 Of Mint 10?

Mar 2, 2011

i installed opensuse 11.3 on sda6 and linux mint 10 on sda8

currently the grub2 appears at start of system and there is no entry for opensuse 11.3

i didn't installed the grub bootloader at time of opensuse installation as then i would be having grub and grub2 both

please tell how to insert the entry of opensuse in grub 2 ?

i want to know which files are to be edited and what has to be inserted to accomplish this task ?

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Installation :: Grub Hanging After Fresh Install Mint Helena?

Apr 21, 2010

Bit new to linux but what i saw with gloria in my opinion was a better os than windows. Just done a fresh install with helena on my sata drive and a dual boot with xp pro which is on my on my ide drive my problem is on boot I get to grub loading then boot hangs for 5 minutes before the dual boot screen appears and when it does I can not move up or down to select any options eventually however helena does start.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Multiboot With 11.2, Mint And Windows 7

Jun 8, 2010

I am using Opensuse 11.2 for the last few days, and I absolutely love it!! I have a dual boot system at the moment, with OpenSuse 11.2 and Windows7. However, i want to make space for another Linux OS for testing purpose.

More precisely, I have 750 GB hdd space. Windows 7 in C Drive (40 gb ntfs) and OpenSuse has like 30 GB for itself. Rest of the partitions hold data. I want to use one of the empty partitions for another Linux distro. Presently for Linux Mint. This partition may be rotated with other distros later, but i intend to keep Opensuse permanently.

My Question is, if i install Mint now, will its grub configure Opensuse and Windows7 into the loader automatically or will i need to manually change something? I do not want to lose my OpenSuse installation, neither Win7.

Also, is it necessary to have a common /home partition, or can the 2 distros have their own /home partitions? I'll proceed with the install only after i get a go ahead from here (with instructions )

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing 11.4 Alongside With Mint And Windows 7?

Apr 26, 2011

i am using mint 10 and windows 7.i want to add opensuse 11.4 to there any chance to do this?i don't want to use virtual box.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Grub - No Access To F12 After W7 Install

May 21, 2010

I installed windows 7 after I installed fedora so now i can't access my fedora OS. I've tried all the guides I found on the internet but fedora 10/11 guides doesn't seem to work for 12.

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Ubuntu :: Find Out What Grub Is Used In Mint 9?

Sep 2, 2010

how do i find out what grub is used in mint 9? grub or Grub 2

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General :: Access Dd Command In System Mint 8?

Jan 24, 2010

I would like to use the dd command to make a low level copy of a hard drive. How do you access the dd command in Linux Mint? I am going to install the source and target in the computer, boot up to Linux Mint with a Bootable CD and then copy one drive to the other.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub Does Not Boot / Just Showing A Black Screen Written 'Grub'?

Feb 26, 2010

I've been running openSuse 11.2 for a while on my notebook.Today I turned it off at work and came home. When I tried to turn it on, it boots, shows a black screen written 'GRUB' and then NOTHING. It doesn't complete the boot process.

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General :: Ubuntu Mint Grub Picks Up Os That Are Gone?

Jun 6, 2011

Well this might not be a newbie question, but I will park it here for now. Mint, a flavor of Ubuntu, boots up and picks up old OSes that are long gone. How can I stop or modify this?I have searched, and nothing seems to address this.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Commands Make System Boot To Grub Shell Instead Of Grub Menu?

Apr 17, 2010

I started another thread about this to get help booting into openSUSE after Fedora rewrote my bootloader and deleted all other entries. I managed to fix it but I never did find out why the following commands caused my system to boot to the grub shell instead of the grub menu.

root (hd0,3)
setup (hd0)

Can anyone explain to me why these commands caused my system to boot directly to a grub shell? It's as if there were no /boot/grub/menu.lst files for it to use, but after I got everything back to normal, the files were still there.

If it helps, this is how the drive was setup before and now, except Fedora was on /dev/sda4 and has since been deleted.

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 1 262 2104483+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda2 263 13316 104856255 83 Linux
/dev/sda3 * 13317 14621 10482412+ 83 Linux

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OpenSUSE Install :: Not Mess Up GRUB And Still Add Windows 98 To GRUB Menu?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a used PC that came pre-installed with suse 11.2.Unfortunately, I do not have the install disk to use in case of whatever.I already know that when configuring a dual boot with Windows and Linux, it is recommended to install Windows first.I do not have that luxury now as 11.2 is installed and GRUB is the boot loader.Question is, if I boot the Windows 98 install disk on boot, how to not mess up GRUB and still add Windows 98 to GRUB menu?

One hard drive only here. 98gb free.It seems that W98 install will overwrite GRUB in this situation - causing problems. Maybe not, I don't really know for sure.I just need to install windows 98 on the same hard drive and if possible, have suse and w98 visible on boot in GRUB.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Remove The 11.2 Grub And Make The 11.1 Grub Master Again?

Jun 7, 2010

I have installed 11.2 next to my 11.1 version I have a few big problems with 11.2 and I like to completely remove it. there are 2 grub's active now. I want to remove the 11.2 grub and make the 11.1 grub master again, but I do not know where to change this, the MBR points to the 11.2 grub and changing menu.lst probably does not have any effect.

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General :: Pendrive System Mint - Access My Files?

Mar 18, 2011

I am running the latest version of linux mint from my 16GB flash drive. Is there any way for me to access the other files I have saved on the flash drive? I have tried to searching through folders myself but haven't had any luck.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How I Could Re-access Or Re-install Original Grub

Oct 27, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu for a couple years, and have really enjoyed the experience. Recently though, I also felt like installing Arch Linux onto my laptop which already had a Vista/Ubuntu 10.04 partition. In doing so, I lost access to the Ubuntu partition on my hard drive. The Arch linux grub had replaced the Ubuntu grub.

So the main question is, does anyone know how I could re-access or re-install the original Ubuntu grub? If not, then can someone help me with adding a boot option in Arch's Grub? I've already tried some things, though obviously, none have worked so far.

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General :: Put Windows Xp In The GRUB Boot Command For Mint?

Apr 3, 2010

I have Microsoft Windows Xp installed on my Primary Drive C: and I had a Mint boot disc that I would pop in and load from. Well I got tired of this disc and installed a new hard drive in my computer so I could use Mint as a secondary OS. Everything went good in the install, and I put Mint on the second drive. But when I boot my computer the GRUB menu only shows Linux Helena Mint 8 to load from and no Xp. Xp is still currently installed on the computer in the Primary drive, but how do I inlcude it in the GRUB boot menu or boot it at all?

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General :: Can't Log In To Desktop - Root Can't Access My Files Mint 9 XFCE?

Mar 9, 2011

A couple weeks after I installed the xfce desktop version of Linux Mint, I became unable to log in to my own desktop. I enter my password, but the screen fades to black and then fades back in to the login screen.

I am able to log in using the recovery mode terminal and everything works as expected. I can log in to the Mint desktop as root, but the superuser can't view my files. Instead, there are only a .desktop file and a README telling me that my files have been unmounted (they're not on their own partition) and they give me instructions on how to remount them.

So I follow the instructions. Running the .desktop through the browser GUI quickly opens and closes a terminal, doing nothing. Running ecryptfs-mount-private, as the README recommends, reports:

ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly
And that's where I'm stuck.

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Fedora Installation :: Access Mint's Home Folder And Files But Since Username?

Feb 9, 2010

I installed Fedora 12 a couple of days ago. This is my secondary operating system. The main one is Mint 8 and in order to have the same documents in both OSs I have a separate /home partition, but for some reason I don't see any of my Documents. In the installation I told fedora that I already had a /home partition and to use it. Also if I mount Mint's disk, while I can browse the folders, I can't see any document .

Finally I can access my Mint's home folder and files but since my username in fedora has a capital A it created another home folder. How can I change my home folder path so it point to the other home folder?

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General :: Grub Mod Files Show As Music File Type For Mint 8 Gnome

Jan 1, 2010

In the /boot/grub/ all the grub mod files show as music file type for Linux Mint 8. So is it really needed to correct this, and how to change this file type from some music application to the grub module file type association?

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General :: Mint 8: Regular User Can't Access Ext3 Partition On Mounted MicroSD Card?

Feb 19, 2010

I have an HP laptop with a recently installed copy of Mint 8 KDE Community Edition. I created the initial admin user account ("joseph") when I installed.

I had an existing home directory under a different name from another installation, so I added a user with that name ("joe") and imported a copy of the original home directory. The user "joe" didn't have the same admin privileges as the initial "joseph" account, so I added "joe" to the sudoers file and the same groups as the initial admin user.

Everything works perfectly under this arrangement, for the most part. Now here's the problem:

I have a T-Mobile G1 phone that uses Android. I've rooted and ROM-modded the G1, and have the microSD card in the phone set up with two partitions. The vfat partition stores all the photos, music and other stuff the phone needs. The ROM mod allows me to store apps on the SD card, so that second partition uses ext3 for its file system.

When I'm logged in as the admin "joseph" account and I insert the SD card in the laptop's card slot (or plug the phone into the USB port), the SD card can be mounted, and I have full access to both card partitions. I can see all folders. I do this to backup the contents of the card to an external drive (especially the apps in the ext3 partition, since that's been trashed on me once before on the phone).

However, when I log in as "joe", I cannot view the contents of the ext3 partition at all. I can see the vfat drive fine, and the ext3 partition mounts, but with user/group "joseph/joseph." When I open Dolphin to view the mounted ext3 partition, I get the error "could not enter folder /media/disk-1" at the bottom of the view window in Dolphin.

Here are the relative entries returned when I run "mount" to view the mounted drives:

/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /media/disk type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal,uid=1001,utf8,shortname=mixed,flush)
/dev/mmcblk0p2 on /media/disk-1 type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal)

Note that the uid listed on the vfat mount is 1001, which is the gid for the "joe" account.

I know there must be a configuration setting somewhere that will allow the ext3 partition to automount under the "joe" user account. I suppose that using the admin account to change the permissions would be the easy way to do this, but there must be something that would do it automagically. I've ripped through all the config files I can find, but can't seem to find anything that would help.

All I'm looking for here is enough access to be able to copy the directories on that mount to my external drive.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Setup OPENSUSE To Find/access My Windows Home Server

Aug 9, 2010

I installed the latest version...Everything works like a charm. I have Windows Home Server 2003 running and would like to access all of my folders. How can i setup OPENSUSE to find/access my Windows Home Server 2003. Can you help me with this. Just to let you know. Am i missing something so i can access them locally.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Configure OpenSuse 11.1 Purely For Remote VNC Access?

Feb 8, 2009

I have an old PC on which I want to install openSuse 11.1. After install the PC will sit as a box minus any screen or keyboard. I aim to access it using VNC from another VISTA laptop. How should I configure the linux box to support this scenario? In otherwords I want to be able to switch on a Linux box that has no keyboard or screen, and then connect to it from a remote laptop using VNC?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Clean Install 11.4 Dual Boot System Grub Error?

Apr 27, 2011

I did a fresh install of SuSE 11.4 (WIN7 TOO) and changed my Larger HD1 to the first HD. I was installing and got this error first: the boot loader is installed on a partition that does not lie entirely below 128GB The system might not boot if BIOS supports only lba24 (result is error during install grub mbr) status loc dev/sdb6

I continued with the install and then got:

Yast2 error occured
while installing GRUB ver 0.97 (640k lower/3072k upper memory)
[minimal bash-like lineediting is supported? for the first word, TAB lists possible command completition anywhere else TAB lists possible completion of a device/filename]
grub setup --stage2=/boot/grub/stage2 --force4-lba (hd0,5) (hd0,5)
Error 25
disk read error
grub> quit

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install GRUB On USB-drive - Umount /media/disk-1?

Mar 29, 2010

I need to install GRUB on my USB-drive. I've gone through variety of manuals and articles but I have strange errors during install.

1) Insert USB in my laptop.
2) My OpenSUSE automatically mount an USB-drive, so I unmount it

Code: umount /media/disk-1

3) Format USB-drive into ext3


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OpenSUSE Install :: Vista / Opensuse Dual-booting With GRUB

Jan 22, 2011

I installed Opensuse 11.3 on a separate partition to vista on my Acer 5115. It runs fine but the GRUB boot loader failed to show the Vista OS. I tried to add it by editing menu.As far as I can see (and I don't have much experience with these things) the Vista OS is there, on sda5, but doesn't boot correctly because the winload.exe is in the wrong directory. Why the sdax numbers are all rearranged is a mystery too, but I have reinstalled vista several times so that could be why.I don't have a vista recovery cd (wasn't given one), is there any way to fix this within opensuse (which works fine)?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Partitioning & Booting - (grub Won't Install On The Pci Express Card As It Is A Raid0 Array)

Jun 11, 2011

I am currently running all my applications off a HD as I was unable to install the grub bootloader on my ocz pci express card (grub won't install on the pci express card as it is a raid0 array). I would like to use the HD for backup only and run everything off the ocz card - with the exception of booting (which is unfortunate but I didn't manage to make the pci express card boot). How is it possible to tell suse during the installation to create the /boot on the HD and the rest on the pci express card and also to allocate the remainder of the HD as empty storage area??

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub Cannot Install Boot Loader On HP ProBook With 500 GB HD

Aug 20, 2011

I got an HP ProBook 4520s that comes with 500 GB with Windows 7.

It comes with 4 partitions: SYSTEM, the main Windows partition, HP Recovery and HT Tools.

I tried to have OpenSuse installation to resize the Windows larger partition but it said that it couldn't with this message:

"The partition on disk /dev/sda is not readable by the partitioning tool parted, which is used to change the partition table.

You can use the partitions on disk /dev/sda as they are. You can format them and assign mount points to them, but you cannot add, edit, resize, or remove partitions from that disk with this tool."

So I resized the Windows partition from Windows 7 and added 3 partitions on the empty space for Linux: /, swap and /home. Still OpenSuSE installation has shown this warning message:

"The bootloader is installed on a partition that does not lie entirely below 128 GB. The system might not boot if BIOS support only lba24 (result is error 18 during grub MBR)."

I configured OpenSuSE installation to install on those partitions but Grub could not install the boot loader with this message: "grub> setup --stage=/boot/grub/stage2 --force-lba (hd0,2) (hd0,2)

Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition grub> quit"

I already tried this in OpenSuSE 11.4 but I suspected it needed newer parted and grub versions, so I also tried OpenSuSE 12.1 milestone 3 with the same results.

The installation finishes but no Grub boot menu appears, it goes to Windows as if no Linux was installed, although the installed version is there in the 3 partitions that were created on Windows, I just cannot make them boot.

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OpenSUSE Install :: GRUB Trouble OpenSUSE Will Not Boot

May 20, 2011

I am having problems Loading OpenSUSE 11.04_amd64 after Installation. I Dual Boot with Windows (on dev/sda) and Linux (on dev/sdb). I have been using Ubuntu_amd64 for a while and had decided to give other Linux distros a try. I tried Debian but I ended up downloading and installing a bare-bone version and I couldn't go anywhere with it as, I am a Linux noob.

I have now downloaded and tried to install OpenSUSE 11.04. Installation was smooth but OpenSUSE will not boot. I get a black screen which says Grub Error and something like 'file not found'.

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